Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2429: Next move

Long Xing squinted his eyes and glanced at the note Zhang Ziling had given him, his brows were slightly frowned, which was rather tricky.

The list given by Zhang Ziling included the entire city on the border of the Western District, among which was either the city owner or the key members of the city. If he catches all of them, he will definitely set off a storm in Tianxu Prefecture!

"Emperor... all of these must be killed?" Long Xing looked at Zhang Ziling with an incredible expression, and asked in a low voice.

There are a lot of Chaos Gods here, so many deaths all at once, what consequences will it cause, Long Xing can't imagine.

"Don't worry, you will take this by then." Zhang Ziling's palm surging in the breath of chaos, quickly condensed into a pair of dark gloves, and threw it to Longxing.

Long Xing took the glove and looked at Zhang Ziling with a look of doubt: "Is this the emperor?"

"Many of the objects you want to use are Chaos Gods, and they have a godhead more or less. You can use this glove to take their godhead and save it. You can ensure that you will not let the godhead be killed while killing them. broken."

"What the realm of the gods monitors is only the godhead of each chaos god, as long as the godhead is not broken, the realm of the gods will not be invisible."

Zhang Ziling chuckled: "This most difficult thing has been solved for you. Should you be able to handle the remaining chores?"

There are many cities on the border of the Western District, and there are not one or two deals with Taiming. It would take a lot of time for Zhang Ziling to deal with it himself.

This kind of thing is right for Longxing to do.

Long Xing stared at the glove in his hand, his breathing gradually became rapid.

It can be the gloves of the godhead who wantonly seize, it is a supreme treasure no matter how you look at it!

Excitedly putting on the gloves, Long Xing instantly felt a cold irritation to his skin, and then an inexplicable force poured in from his palm, constantly nourishing his whole body.

I don't know if this is an illusion, Long Xing feels that he is a little stronger.

Long Xing looked at Zhang Ziling with an incredible expression: "Emperor, this..."

Zhang Ziling said: "This glove contains my power. It can save your life at a critical moment, but there is only one chance. You should cherish it."

Long Xing immediately knelt to Zhang Ziling and said respectfully: "The subordinates will definitely live up to the emperor's expectations and complete the task successfully!"

When the voice fell, Long Xing dissipated into a wisp of smoke to prepare for the assassination.

Seeing Long Xing left, Zhang Ziling didn't take this matter to heart anymore. He sat back at his desk and re-read the classics in the study.

Long Xing itself hides a certain power, coupled with the fact that he has gained the Frost God Rank, and now his strength is no longer comparable to that of ordinary Chaos Gods. It is not difficult to assassinate some important officials in the small border towns.

The study was quiet, only the sound of Zhang Ziling turning the pages of the book.

"Sure enough, I still care about the Youyuan Mountain Stream."

Zhang Ziling closed the last book and sighed softly.

Tai Ming just said he wanted Zhang Ziling to go to Youyuan Mountain to take a look. He didn't say anything else. Zhang Ziling didn't need to go to Youyuan Mountain to take a look.

However, Zhang Ziling was really curious about the Demon God, and if he wanted to know the specific situation of the Demon God, he might only have to go to Youyuan Mountain Stream.

"I can't go... I'll just follow that guy's way."

Zhang Ziling shook his head and threw out his thoughts.

Youyuan Mountain Stream is one of the rare dangerous places in Tianxu Prefecture, where several supreme gods have been buried, and there are natural restrictions there, which can suppress people's cultivation base and corrode blood.

That kind of place is a treasure place that naturally makes traps. No matter how you look at it, there are great dangers!

Moreover, Zhang Ziling's next plan is to go to the central place of Tianxu State, cannibalize the important cities of Tianxu State, and finally control Tianxu State in his palm.

Later, Zhang Ziling used this as a springboard to tear open a hole in the Chaos Protoss to find out the location of Jiuyou Shenyuan.

After taking control of Yi Te City, Zhang Ziling also went to the library in Yi Te City to search for it, but did not find information about the Nine Nether Divine Abyss.

In Yaoguang City, when Zhang Ziling revised the memories of everyone, he also found that no one knew where the Nine Nether Divine Abyss was.

Now Taiyin didn't know where he was being held. After entering the Chaos Continent, Nai Qing couldn't contact him for a while. Zhang Ziling could only attack Taixu if he wanted to find Nine Nether Divine Abyss.

As the supreme **** of Tianxu State, Taixu will definitely come if something goes wrong in Tianxu State.

To this end, Zhang Ziling made a series of plans, and the Youyuan Mountain Stream was obviously not included in Zhang Ziling's plan.

In case there is something dangerous in the Youyuan Mountain Stream, Zhang Ziling will be dragged down, and Zhang Ziling's next plan will fail.

"That's all, let's start by solving the problems in Yaoguang City and Haji Village."

Zhang Ziling stretched his waist and completely set aside the matter of going to Youyuan Mountain Stream.


Three thousand universes, earth!

In an elegant cafe in Nanzhou City, Xie Wushuang dressed in casual clothes is sitting by the window, quietly admiring the busy scenery outside the window.

He was the only customer in the store. The waitresses kept their eyes on Xie Wushuang's side face from time to time, but after staring for a while, they turned their eyes away with flushed faces, and so on.

"Guest, your coffee is cold, do you need to change a cup?"

A pretty waitress plucked up the courage to walk to Xie Wushuang, blushing and asked.

Xie Wushuang's appearance is extremely handsome, coupled with his outstanding temperament, his charm is not something ordinary girls can resist.

Even passers-by passing by outside the window had to stop and look back after inadvertently glancing at Xie Wushuang.

Xie Wushuang's appearance remained in their minds for a long time.

Seeing someone talking, Xie Wushuang also squinted at the waitress: "Thank you."

Seeing Xie Wushuang's smile, the waitress's heart beat faster and she almost fainted.

"Okay, okay, I'll change it for you right away!"

The waitress hurriedly took the cold cup of coffee from the table and left excitedly. Then she was surrounded by other girls, and a group of people chatted and discussed.

Glancing at those people, Xie Wushuang returned his eyes to the window, his eyes gradually becoming indifferent.

On the street outside the window, there was a gap in the space unknowingly, and black fog permeated from it.

Xie Wushuang tapped the table with his fingertips, and the cracked space on the road healed instantly, and the black mist disappeared.

"Master, the ancestor demon **** of the Chaos Demon Race has gone to the Chaos Continent, and the target is the Demon Emperor."

At this time, Xie Wushang's voice was transmitted to Xie Wushuang's ears, causing the corners of Xie Wushuang's mouth to slightly arouse.

Xie Wushuang said to himself: "Ancestral Demon God...I remember the current Ancestral Demon God is called Xuyang, right?"

"He has a half-step Tianxu Emperor, and there is a broken chaos seed in his body."

Xie Wushang asked, "Master, what should we do next?"

Xie Wushuang closed his eyes slightly, tapping on the table with his index finger, as if thinking.

He faintly said: "With the strength of the Devil Emperor, there is no need to worry about the lack of emptiness. The Chaos Protoss has a few old guys a bit threatening, but it's not tricky."

"After Taiqing was rescued, the Chaos Continent collapsed's time for the evil clan's little guys to be born again."

"Let them make trouble in the big world first."

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