Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 2430: Different plans

Chaos Continent, Tianxu State, Yaoguang City.

Zhang Ziling, as usual, travels between Yaoguang City and Haji Village.

Soon after Taiming was an agent of the Chaos Demon Clan reported, Tianxu Prefecture sent a half-step high-level Chaos God to investigate.

And because Zhang Ziling modified the memory of the whole city, and Zhang Ziling himself took the place of Yaoguang City, things have also developed in the direction Zhang Ziling had expected, without causing any disturbances.

Taiming, Moss and the people close to Taiming were all mentioned by the Chaos God to the state government for interrogation, but the state government did not have the right personnel to succeed the city lord of Yaoguang, so Taya naturally became the agent. City Lord Yaoguang.

At this point, the border of the Western District has completely become Zhang Ziling's pocket, secretly breaking away from the control of Tianxu Prefecture and becoming Zhang Ziling's eyes.

While Zhang Ziling helped Taya seize power in Yaoguang City, Long Xing also handled the characters on the list with extremely high efficiency.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen gods were collected, and the lord of the major cities on the western border were all replaced by members of the Bright Light Knights.

At the same time, Ye Jie and Yous, also under Qing'er's teaching, have made rapid progress in their cultivation.

Zhang Ziling set up a giant magic circle within a hundred li of Haji Village, which blocked the connection between Haji Village and the outside world, and at the same time made the time flow of Haji Village ten thousand times faster!

Zhang Ziling only stayed in Yaoguang City for more than a month, and Haji Village had passed nearly a thousand years. Ye Jie and Yous grew up, and their cultivation bases also depended on self-cultivation to reach the realm of Taoism.

The villagers in Haji Village have changed for more than ten generations, and they have become a paradise.

As for the children taken by Uncle Tai Hong, only Ye Jie and Yous remained.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiaoqing, the girl who Zhang Ziling rescued in Yit City before, actually has a talent for cultivation. She spent nearly a thousand years in cultivation to the emperor level. Although it is not as good as Ye Jie and Yousi, she only needs to dial once through Zhang Ziling to cultivate to the extreme. , There is also a chance to hit the highest.

For Qing'er, who possesses Taoism cultivation base, a thousand years is no more than a blink of an eye.

However, during her teaching of the three children, she also developed feelings with them, and she also gained a lot of attainments in the way of being a teacher.

Zhang Ziling even began to consider abducting Qing'er to the Great Wasteland to teach Lin Qingshan.

In addition to the practice in Haji Village, Tai Hongbo's research has also made tremendous progress.

Zhang Ziling relied on Uncle Taihong's research on runes, and his understanding of rune manipulation has also deepened a level, and his strength has increased a lot.

With the speed of Uncle Tai Hong's research, Zhang Ziling believed that before he completely tore his face with the Chaos Protoss, he could truly match the Emperor Ling Jue.

During Zhang Ziling's handling of affairs in Yaoguang City, his curiosity about Youyuan Mountain Stream continued to deepen.

Tai Ming just said a few words, but Zhang Ziling and the unknown demon **** became very interested.

The time of January was no more than a snap for the monks, but it made Zhang Ziling's curiosity about Youyuan Mountain Stream fermented to an extremely deep level.

"No... it's just a Youyuan Mountain Stream. After taking control of Tianxu Prefecture, there is time to explore. Don't mess around here."

In the study of the City Lord's Mansion, Zhang Ziling rubbed his temples, pressing the matter of Youyuan Mountain Stream to the bottom of his heart.

Through the Yaoguang City, Zhang Ziling has already made contact with the big cities in the middle of Tianxu Prefecture. As long as you proceed step by step, it is only a matter of time to control those big cities.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, a knock on the door sounded.


Zhang Ziling put away the documents on Youyuan Mountain Stream on the table, said.

"Emperor, the result of Taiming's review by the state government has come out."

Taya, dressed in a white robe, walked in and reported to Zhang Zilinghui.

Since Taya took off her armor and became the acting city lord, her whole person instantly became calmer, and even the heroic aura on her face became stable.

Zhang Ziling didn't care much about Taiming's results, and asked casually: "How did they deal with it?"

Taya reported: "Tai Ming, Moss abolished the cultivation base and exiled Youyuan Mountain Stream, while the others exiled the Southern Wilderness, withdrawn their blood, and demoted them to the people."

Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and looked at Taya: "Exiled Youyuan Mountain Stream? That place is not where your Supreme God is buried. What does it mean to exile the two of them?"

Taya also shook her head in confusion, and said: "I am also very confused about this state capital's decision. There has never been such a precedent before."

"Generally, people who betrayed the Chaos Protoss were either put to death or relegated to civilians. There has never been an example of exile to Youyuan Mountain Stream."

"It's like... Seeing that the emperor didn't go to Youyuan Mountain Stream, he deliberately did this to lead the emperor to pass."

Zhang Ziling tapped his index finger on the desk, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Do you know who made this decision?"

Taya shook her head and said, "The prefecture is very strict, I can't detect it."

The person who exiled Taiming to Youyuan Mountain Stream must have something to do with the demon **** of the Chaos Demon Race!

And that person must also know the situation in Yaoguang City.

There has always been a force field built by the Breath of Chaos around Zhang Ziling, and other people cannot use any means to detect Zhang Ziling's location.

Even in the long river of time, Zhang Ziling wiped away his traces with the breath of chaos. Even the supreme immortal who mastered the avenue of time and space would never be able to deduce the location of Zhang Ziling by spying on the timeline of the past, present and future. !

But the demon **** can know what happened in Yaoguang City...

To exile Taiming to Youyuan Mountain Stream, he almost stood in front of Zhang Ziling, pulling Zhang Ziling's ears and saying, I want him to go to Youyuan Mountain Stream!

"This person... is really funny, not like Xie Wushuang's style."

Zhang Ziling chuckled, becoming more interested in this matter.

Based on Zhang Ziling's understanding of Xie Wushuang, Xie Wushuang would definitely not make such a plan.

Even if Xie Wushuang wanted Zhang Ziling to do something, Xie Wushuang would only mix up what Zhang Ziling had to do with the goal he wanted to achieve, so as to induce Zhang Ziling to do it.

As long as Zhang Ziling accomplishes his goal, Xie Wushuang's goal will be achieved by the way.

Whether it is to retrieve Ziyou, rebuild the magic palace, destroy the ultimate, or go to the big world to find parents...

Zhang Ziling knew that it was Xie Wushuang's game, but he had to do those things.

This is the subtlety of Xie Wushuang's layout, planning for the past and present, turning his own plan into a positive plan before Zhang Ziling, and letting Zhang Ziling choose.

In fact, Zhang Ziling wanted to break the evil matchless game, it was very simple.

As long as you give up Ziyou, destroy the devil's palace, allow the ultimate suppression of the Heavenly Profound Order to command the Three Thousand Universes, give up your parents... or even self-destruct the life of your cultivation, you can destroy Xie Wushuang's conspiracy!

However, Zhang Ziling couldn't do any of these things.

Compared to Xie Wushuang's plan, the Demon God's request to let him go to Youyuan Mountain Stream... but it was extremely simple and rude.

There is no interest to drive, just put the matter in front of Zhang Ziling and tell Zhang Ziling to go.

It was this simple approach that successfully aroused Zhang Ziling's curiosity.

That Demon God seemed to know Zhang Ziling better than Zhang Ziling himself!

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