Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 983: The mystery of Yuhunzhu

Underground base of the main building, area A.

Zhang Ziling casually threw a breathless guard on the ground, and asked Chen San behind him faintly: "What are you doing with me?"

"Brother Zhang, this base is extremely dangerous. It is safer for two people to move." Chen San quickly said to Zhang Ziling, following in Zhang Ziling's footsteps.

In the process of rushing all the way from the control room to Area A, Chen San had already deeply understood Zhang Ziling's strength.

In Chen San's opinion, Zhang Ziling is definitely stronger than him! And too much stronger, definitely has the strength of an S-rank bounty hunter.

Therefore, Chen San felt that it was safer to stay by Zhang Ziling in such a crisis-ridden environment.

There is another reason why Chen San followed Zhang Ziling. When Chen San stayed beside Zhang Ziling, his palpitations would become weaker. Although Chen San didn’t know why, he just stayed. It must be right by Zhang Ziling's side.

"No matter, if you want to follow me, you have to show your due value." Zhang Ziling glanced at the guards rushing forward, and asked Chen San faintly: "What is the Royal Soul Orb you are looking for? ?"

"Brother Zhang, didn't you also come for the Royal Soul Orb? Why did you ask about this?" Chen San asked with some doubts without understanding Zhang Ziling's question.

"Let you just say it, don't dawdle." Zhang Ziling waved his hand, and the group of guards in front burst into blood fog.

Seeing the guards who exploded into blood mist without any warning, Chen Sandun felt his scalp numb, and he stammered in reply: "I don't know what exactly this Royal Soul Orb does. I just know that it is. A blood-red bead, surrounded by strange spirit power."

"You don't know its function, why would you take such a big risk to find it?" Zhang Ziling walked forward, stepping on the blood, and asked Chen San who was behind him.

Chen San's answer aroused Zhang Ziling's interest.

"Someone in the black market bought the Yuhunzhu at a high price, and only gave the appearance description of the Yuhunzhu without any explanation of its function." Chen San replied honestly.

"Meaning that you have never heard the name of Yuhunzhu before?" Zhang Ziling frowned slightly and asked again.

"Well, I just thought that the Royal Soul Orb was a joke, and I didn't intend to care about it."

"But when I was doing a mission in the Middle East, a trustworthy friend of mine told me that there were Royal Soul Orbs in this school, and the bidder was willing to buy it at double the black market price, so I gave up the Middle East. The task of rushing over." Chen San smiled and shook his head, "If I knew that even S-rank bounty hunters would have to be cautious about this trip, and there would still be life-threatening tasks, no matter how great the benefits were, I would not come over. "

"Your friend..." After hearing Chen San's words, Zhang Ziling lowered his head and thought, "Then why did you come here with a smile? Seeing you, you two should have no mutual friends..."

"Brother Zhang, don't you know, my friend works in a bounty guild. He has first-hand information and is responsible for receiving release tasks."

"I learned the news in advance through a relationship. After that, my friend will post this task in the bounty guild, and any bounty hunter can take it. But why not laugh at why if you know it, it should be the same as mine. The method, like his kind of S-rank bounty hunter, if there is no one in the bounty guild, it would be strange."

Chen San explained to Zhang Ziling that although Chen San wondered why Zhang Ziling, who was a bounty hunter, didn’t know the unspoken rules of this bounty hunter guild, now that he followed others, Chen San could only tell Zhang Ziling what he knew. .

Otherwise, if he has no use value, Chen San himself can't find any reason to let Zhang Ziling take him.

After hearing Chen San's explanation, Zhang Ziling also learned a little about the Bounty Guild. At the same time, Zhang Ziling also became curious about the identity of the person who wanted to acquire the so-called Royal Soul Orb.

However, Zhang Ziling still has too little information to extract much useful information, so he can only put this matter down temporarily.

"Brother Zhang, where are we going?" Chen San saw that Zhang Ziling seemed to know the destination, so he couldn't help but asked curiously.

Zhang Ziling's powerful strength gave him a sense of security and the mood to observe the surroundings.

The passages in Area A are intricate and complicated. Chen San has followed Zhang Ziling to walk more than a dozen corners in a row. Even Chen San is still a little confused about where he is now.

"Don't you want to get the Royal Soul Orb?" Zhang Ziling just faintly replied, and then changed direction from a cross, "Go find the Royal Soul Orb."

When Zhang Ziling left the control room, a magic seed had been planted on the officer's body, and now everything about the position of the officer was in Zhang Ziling's grasp.

And that person didn't disappoint Zhang Ziling, he really went to Area A, and he has now reached the depths of Area A.

Although Chen San doesn't understand Zhang Ziling's words in the clouds, Chen San also knows that it is impossible for him to get the Royal Soul Orb now. Only by following Zhang Ziling, he might be able to get out of here alive, so Chen San stopped asking questions. , And honestly followed Zhang Ziling.

"Father Sean, several invaders have broken into the base. For your safety, let's leave here first." The man who was planted by Zhang Ziling had already appeared behind Father Sean and said respectfully. .

"Why, several intruders have not been resolved yet?" Father Sean looked at the struggling little girl in the glass and asked faintly.

"Those invaders are very powerful, and we have nothing to do for the time being," the man said cautiously behind Father Xiao En, "and...they are here for the Royal Soul Orb."

Hearing these words from the officer, Father Sean's eyes suddenly changed. He turned to look at the officer and asked, "Are you sure?"

"An intruder told me personally." The officer wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, "He was as fast as a ghost, and easily destroyed our superalloy wall, and he is still killing our guards. "

Father Sean squinted his eyes to look at the officer, his eyes flashed with gloom, "You mean...the few people who broke into our base and wanted to get the soul orbs, not only have not been dealt with, but they are still constantly Massacre our garrison members, right?"

Father Sean’s voice was cold, like a cold October wind.

"Yes, yes..." The officer lowered his head and said nervously, "But I swear to the Lord that these intruders will be dealt with soon!"

"I hope the Lord bless you." Father Sean turned around and looked at the little girl in the glass and said faintly: "I will give you ten minutes to deal with those invaders. If it becomes annoying after ten minutes If the alarm is still noisy, I don't mind letting you go back into the arms of the Lord."

Hearing Father Sean's words, the officer's body trembled slightly, and then he answered with a bitter face, "Yes."

And at this moment, inside the glass, the little girl trapped in the chain suddenly became violent and frantically pulled the chain that locked her.

At the same time, the roar of countless children was heard outside the door.

Those experimental products, it seems that for some reason...

Woke up.

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