Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 984: Are your people here?

"Brother Zhang, we seem to be in trouble." Standing in the corridor, Chen San said to Zhang Ziling a little nervously, listening to the loud slamming doors from the rooms on both sides, "The people in these rooms seem to be the ones we were monitoring just now. The children seen in the picture."

"Well, it is indeed them." Zhang Ziling walked to an iron door, and through the fence on the door saw a boy tearing the metal chain in the room, constantly hitting the iron door with his head.

Every time the boy hits, a lot of metal sparks are generated.

"Is this kid's head made of iron?" Chen San asked in disbelief as he saw the picture in the room.

"I'm afraid it's not just made of iron." Zhang Ziling chuckled, "You bang this door with all your strength."

"Me?" Chen San was taken aback when he heard Zhang Ziling's words, "What if I break the door and hurt the child inside?"

"It's okay." Zhang Ziling chuckled, "Remember to use all your strength."

Seeing that Zhang Ziling was so determined, Chen San also temporarily took back the doubts in his heart, looked at the door in front, and slowly accumulated his spiritual power in his right fist.

"Break it for me!!!"

Chen San slammed a punch, and the violent spiritual power burst out, causing the entire corridor to tremble violently. The children in each room reacted more violently and roared.


Chen San hit the iron gate with one fist, and the aftermath of the violent shock spread to the surroundings.

"It hurts!"

The metal door was unscathed, but Chen San clasped his fist and cried out.

"Now do you know how the strength of that child's body is?" Zhang Ziling asked with a chuckle, looking at Chen San's painful and distorted expression.

"Know, I know." Chen San slowed down, looking at the children in the room who became more violent in disbelief, "What kind of existence are they?"

"It's time to ask the Holy See." Zhang Ziling shook his head and swiped directly at the iron gate. The black devilish energy blade opened the iron gate easily, and cut the chain that had locked the little boy. .

Chen San stared blankly at the iron gate that was cut open like tofu, and his brain instantly crashed.

"You're kidding, right?" Now Chen San's mouth was about to lay an egg. Although Chen San didn't use his full strength when bombarding the door just now, he also used 70% to 80% of his strength. Everyone knows how strong this seemingly ordinary iron gate is.


Is it such a strong iron gate that was easily opened by Zhang Ziling?

How sharp is that air blade?


Just when Chen San was stunned, the child in the room lost control of the chain because he was no longer bound by the chain, and immediately rushed towards Zhang Ziling.

"Brother Zhang..."

Chen San watched the child rush towards Zhang Ziling, and he panicked. Before he could remind Zhang Ziling, he saw Zhang Ziling directly put his arm around the child and hugged the child in his arms.

"Wow!" The child opened his mouth and bit at Zhang Ziling's shoulder, but Chen San only heard the sound of metal collision. The child didn't even leave a tooth mark on Zhang Ziling's shoulder.

"This..." Chen San stared blankly again, and once again refreshed his understanding of Zhang Ziling's strength.

"Don't make trouble." Zhang Ziling looked at the child struggling in his arms, with a flash of red light in his eyes. After seeing Zhang Ziling's star-like eyes, the child gradually calmed down and waited obediently. In Zhang Ziling's arms, no longer struggling.

Seeing that the child was quiet, Zhang Ziling also smiled slightly and put him on the ground.

For the first time, Chen San saw the cowardice in the child's eyes, and was so shocked that he couldn't even speak. He couldn't imagine that the child was just like a crazy beast just now.

The boy who became quiet looked at the surrounding metal walls, the cowardly color in his eyes became more and more intense, and he started to grab the corner of Zhang Ziling's clothes and hid behind Zhang Ziling.

"over there!"

At this moment, a large number of guards rushed over from both sides of the corridor because they heard the sound of Chen San bombing the door just now, blocking Zhang Ziling and Chen San in the corridor.

Looking at the muzzle of the black hole, Chen San's heart was tight, and he quickly mobilized the spiritual power in his body to prepare for the challenge.

In this narrow corridor, the murderous intent in the eyes of the guards, coupled with the roar from the children in the two rooms, made the environment depressing and tense.

Originally, with Chen San’s current strength, ordinary guns could no longer cause any damage to him, but the weapons used by the garrison in this main building seemed to be not ordinary bullets. Chen San tried to block bullets with his bare hands before, but After the bullet easily destroyed Chen San's body protection spiritual power, Chen San was shocked and never dared to look down upon those who knew.

Now that a large number of guards appeared around, Chen San would not naively think that they were holding toy guns.

"Invaders, I found you."

Suddenly a cold snort came, and the guards blocking the corridor quickly stepped aside, allowing the officer who had met with Zhang Ziling and them in the control room to step out of the guards.

The officer's name was Smith, the former head of a certain European mercenary regiment, and later joined the Holy See to serve the Holy See.

Smith looked at Zhang Ziling and Chen San coldly and glanced at the child behind Zhang Ziling again, his eyes changed slightly.

"You deliberately caused the riots of these experimental products?" Smith asked, looking at Zhang Ziling.

"So what, what about it?" Zhang Ziling rubbed the head of the child who was holding the corner of his clothes, and looked at Smith with a chuckle.

Just now Zhang Ziling asked Chen San to bombard the iron gate with all his strength. Testing the iron gate's strength was one aspect, and it was another purpose of Zhang Ziling to attract these guards.

Zhang Ziling is going to rescue all these children, and the weapons in the guards' hands seem to be able to cause harm to these detained children.

In order to let these children go out safely, Zhang Ziling naturally had to gather all the guards in this base, and then...

Kill them together.

Of course, Smith didn't know that the guards they brought had been put on the death list by Zhang Ziling, and he looked at Zhang Ziling coldly, thinking that he was in control of Zhang Ziling's lives.

In Smith's eyes, their guards are equipped with weapons developed by the Holy See to deal with practitioners.

In this narrow corridor, as long as all the guards fire at the same time, even the bishop will have a lot of trouble, let alone these small invaders.

Thinking of this, Smith's eyes on Zhang Ziling became more and more contemptuous.

"It's this juncture, do you still have to be stiff?"

Seeing Smith's contemptuous eyes, Zhang Ziling didn't care much, just a slight tick at the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently: "This respected sir, can you tell me that your guards are all here?"

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