Return to the Earth as a Bully

Chapter 997: Out of control will of the soul

"This, this is..."

Father Xiao En stared at the magic sword in Zhang Ziling's hand, and there was infinite fear in his heart for some reason.

He had such a premonition in his heart that if the sword in Zhang Ziling's hand was cut at him... he would definitely die!

"Why, why is this? It must be an illusion, right! It must be an illusion!" A trace of panic flashed uncontrollably in Father Xiao En's eyes, and he quickly found reasons to comfort him and stabilize his mind.

Father Xiao En forced himself to ignore Zhang Ziling's momentum at the moment, and wanted to mobilize the endless soul power in his body to completely destroy Zhang Ziling.

However, because of the inexplicable fear in Father Sean's heart, he has no way to control the power in his body. The occurrence of this situation makes Father Sean even more panicked.

Zhang Ziling looked at Father Xiao En now, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, a red light flashed in his eyes.

Zhang Ziling had already radiated the power of his great emperor and the aura of Demon Dao just now. These two auras, no matter which they are, are the existence of the law of crushing the soul.

The Law of Soul Dao is only the upper rule that ranks 97 among the Three Thousand Avenues. Compared with the highest rule of Demon Dao, which ranks in the top ten, there is a gap like a gap.

Just the breath of the Law of the Demon Dao exuded by Zhang Ziling could make the Soul Dao tremble.

And the power of the emperor is also the power that a monk can cultivate to the highest level. It has long surpassed the general law of the Dao, and can be comparable to the power of the Dao of Heaven, and naturally it can also crush the law of the Soul Dao.

The two powers went up, and the two-pronged approach, the will of the soul began to tremble. As the boarder of the will of the soul, how could Father Xiaoen not be afraid?

Now Father Xiao En looked at Zhang Ziling, completely out of instinctive fear, like encountering a natural enemy, there was no resistance at all.

Zhang Ziling is already at the top of the food chain. There is nothing in this world that Zhang Ziling cannot hunt.

Without continuing to tease Father Sean's interest, Zhang Ziling carried the sword and walked towards Father Sean step by step.

"Don't, don't come over! You can't kill me!" When Father Xiao En saw Zhang Ziling approaching him, he could no longer contain the fear in his heart, and he drew back in a panic, and at the same time attacked Zhang Ziling in a disorderly manner.

The endless soul power poured on Zhang Ziling, but was absorbed by Zhang Ziling when he came into contact with Zhang Ziling.

"Perfect tonic." Zhang Ziling looked at Father Xiao En with a chuckle, with an intoxicated look on his face.

Zhang Ziling could feel the recovery of his soul injury.

Father Xiao En was so messy that the soul power had no attack power at all. This not only could not pose a threat to Zhang Ziling, but also allowed Zhang Ziling to absorb the pure soul power and restore his soul.

"Don't, don't come here!" Father Xiao En saw that his attack had no effect on Zhang Ziling, he became more and more afraid, and he fell to the ground in a panic.

The Yuhunzhu fell off Father Xiao En's forehead at this moment, fell to the ground and rolled to Zhang Ziling's feet.

Father Sean's breath dropped sharply, and the spirit power surrounding him suddenly vanished.

"Power? Where is my power?" Father Sean could clearly feel that the power in his body was quickly dissipating. The feeling of full power was originally Father Sean's last reliance. Now the last barrier has collapsed, Sean. With nothing, the priest fell directly into the abyss of despair, and the whole person became mad.

"Lord! Why did you abandon me!!!"

Zhang Ziling didn't care about Father Xiao En, who had become crazy, but picked up the Yuhunzhu.

As soon as the Yuhunzhu started, Zhang Ziling felt endless spirit power and law aura from it.

These spirit powers were basically the source of the earth's spirit power, and they were all the purest powers that Zhang Ziling could absorb without hesitation.

Of course, Zhang Ziling would not be satisfied with these soul powers. When the rootless water is finally used up, as long as the source of the soul road is found, Zhang Ziling can fully recover the soul.

When Zhang Ziling searched inside the Yuhunzhu, he quickly received the sound of seeking peace from the will of the soul.

"Human, if you let me go, I will give you all these powers. I know that your soul is injured. These soul powers can alleviate your symptoms and restore your strength!" The voice of the will of the soul sounded in Zhang Ziling's ears. .

Hearing the words of Soul Dao Will, Zhang Ziling's eyes flashed a little bit of fun, "It's almost the same for you to deceive ordinary people, although there are many powers here, but what I want... is far more than that."

"Human, don't be too greedy! If things are done absolutely, it will be bad for everyone!" Seeing Zhang Ziling rejected its proposal, Soul Dao Will began to threaten again. "As long as I dissolve my will and let the Royal Soul Orb be annihilated, I can travel between the world and the earth again, and you will get nothing!"

"Oh?" Hearing the words of Soul Dao Will, Zhang Ziling smiled playfully, "Not to mention whether you can escape from my palm now, even if you can escape, the origin of your Dao... Huh?"

"You!" Soul Dao Will obviously didn't expect Zhang Ziling to even know the origin of its Dao, and his tone was frightened, "Don't force me!"

"up to you."

"You are just a trivial saint. I am the upper rule of Rank 97 on Three Thousand Avenue. If I fight against you by damaging the origin of Avenue, no one knows who will die!"

"Do you really want to get this kind of lose-lose result?"

Soul Dao Will obviously didn't think that Zhang Ziling was the kind of person who didn't eat hard and soft, and his tone was a little helpless.

However, if the Soul Dao Will sees its own Dao origin handed over, the Soul Dao Will says nothing.

Have you ever seen someone take the initiative to give their heart to others?

"Perhaps the power I showed was too weak, which caused you to misunderstand something." Zhang Ziling's five fingers pressed slightly, and directly crushed the Royal Soul Orb. The endless soul power suddenly lost control and raged around.

Father Sean, who had fallen into madness, felt the spirit power of the riots around him, his face suddenly appeared overwhelmed, and he breathed, desperately absorbing the spirit power out of control.

"Lord! I know you didn't abandon me!" Father Sean cried loudly, gulping the spirit power around him, and his body's breath soared again.

And Louise was protected by the power of the tyrant's road, completely isolated from the spirit power of the outside world.

"Looking for death." Zhang Ziling glanced indifferently at Father Xiao En, who was bulging, and the magic sword in his other hand turned into a devilish energy and dissipated.

Absorbing these uncontrollable spirit powers with the body of a mortal, the final result is only to explode and die.


Within a moment, Father Xiao En could no longer withstand the majestic strength of his body, and he exploded directly into blood mist, and everything in his body was shattered by the storm of spirit power.


Suddenly, an angry roar sounded in the base. In front of Zhang Ziling, a faint face appeared in the violent soul power storm. Under that face, there was a crystal clear energy crystal, surrounded by endless waves. The power of the avenue.

That is...

"Soul Dao origin." Zhang Ziling looked at the crystal, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

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