"You asked for this!"

Soul Dao will roar at Zhang Ziling, violent power pours over Zhang Ziling, and the power of endless Dao law envelops Zhang Ziling.

Zhang Ziling crushed the Royal Soul Orb, which was equivalent to crushing the will of the Soul Dao Law. Just now Zhang Ziling's hand directly caused the Soul Dao Will to be severely injured.

How could Soul Dao Will not be angry after suffering a heavy blow from Zhang Ziling?


Before the attack of Soul Dao Will hit Zhang Ziling, fiery black flames suddenly ignited around Zhang Ziling, and the power of the Soul Dao Will was burned by those black flames.

"Impossible! Although you control the laws of the magic path, you don't have the origin of the magic path at all, how can you resist my attack?" Soul Dao Will couldn't believe what he saw, and roared directly at Zhang Ziling.

Hearing the words of Soul Dao Will, Zhang Ziling's mouth twitched slightly, and the power of the surrounding Soul Dao Law instantly dissipated.

Looking at the faint face of Soul Dao Will, Zhang Ziling chuckled, "Is the origin of the Dao? I have this kind of thing!"

The voice fell, and four crystal clear crystals suddenly appeared around Zhang Ziling, each of which was surging with endless power.

The origin of the evil spirit road, the origin of the spirit road, the origin of the Gu Dao, the origin of the tyrant road...

In every crystal, there is a force that is not lost to the will of the soul.

"No, it's impossible... You, why do you have so many Dao origins? What's wrong with this absolutely!" Soul Dao Will doesn't believe that Zhang Ziling alone has so many Dao origins, and his voice is a little trembling.

"Don't believe it?" Zhang Ziling raised his eyebrows slightly, and then a trace of joke flashed in his eyes, "Come here and solve it."

"Yes, Lord Devil Emperor!"

Three ethereal voices suddenly sounded in this space, the will of the evil spirit, the will of the spirit, and the will of the Gu Dao appeared at the same time, forming a triangle to surround the will of the soul.

"You, why are you obedient to humble humans?" Soul Dao Will felt three huge pressures at the same time, and his voice became angry. "It is not easy for us to derive spiritual wisdom. It should be at ease in the world, why should you Be willing to fall?"

The Soul Dao Will roared and questioned the evil spirit Dao Will.

"Sorrowful Soul Dao, in vain you are ranked in the top 100, and you can't even see the facts before you. Is the greatness of Lord Devil Emperor you short-sighted and understand?" The evil spirit Dao Will mocks the Soul Dao Will. .

"It's worthy of the last trail, I don't want to take refuge in a mortal, and I am proud of it! I am going to obliterate your mind today and let you know what the power of the upper law is!" Hearing the will of the evil spirit, the voice of the will Suddenly, it was full of disdain.

"The last trail?" After hearing the ridicule of Soul Dao, the evil spirit Dao was not annoyed, but also laughed, "It seems that you, a fool, don't understand the gap between us."

"Spirit Dao Gu Dao, you two stand behind, let me teach this soul Dao with a low-level path today, what is respect!"

"Only you? Hahaha! I might still have some trouble if the three of you get on together, but you're a mere trivial... Um!"

Before the laughter of Soul Dao Will was over, there was a muffled noise in the space, and the sound of Soul Dao Will stopped abruptly.

Ling Dao Will and Gu Dao Will stood behind with a smile, watching the Evil Ghost Dao Will easily teach the soul Dao, with unspeakable emotion in their hearts.

They have all experienced the destruction of the power of the Great Emperor, and naturally know how terrifying Zhang Ziling's power is.

The Evil Dao Will is the first to follow Zhang Ziling, and has the most power of the Great Emperor. Although Evil Dao is only three thousand low-level paths, its power is much stronger than Spirit Dao and Gu Dao. Soul Dao Will does not have Zhang Ziling. With the blessing of the emperor's power, it is impossible to be the opponent of the will of the evil spirits.

Listening to the screams of the will of the soul, Zhang Ziling did not show any expressions, just chuckled, and then walked towards the origin of the soul.

Under the entanglement of the will of the evil spirit, there is no room for Zhang Ziling to control Zhang Ziling, and he can only watch Zhang Ziling continue to approach the origin of his great dao.

"Why, how could it be so strong?" The Soul Dao screamed unwillingly, and didn't believe that even the Evil Ghost Dao could suppress it in all directions.

But the fact is like this, no matter how the soul will struggle, it is still crushed to death by the evil spirits will.

Louise, who was not far away, looked at the sky blankly, her eyes gleaming with surprise.

As a person who evolved from the tyrant's law, Louise can naturally see the will of those great laws. Now that spirit will be like a weak high school student who has been bullied. There is no resistance at all in front of a few bullies. force.

There was a little red glow in Louise's clear eyes, and the power of the avenue that pervaded her constantly activated the power in her body.

However, Zhang Ziling had no time to control Louise at this time, he went straight to the source of the soul road, and reached out to hold the crystal of endless power.

As soon as Zhang Ziling grasped the origin of the soul, he felt endless soul power pouring into his mind.

Zhang Ziling's weak soul absorbed the soul power like the ocean like a swallow.

At this moment, the Evil Ghost Dao Will who was educating the Soul Dao Will stopped, and everyone in this space felt an incomparably mysterious aura radiating from Zhang Ziling.

That is... the breath of the emperor.

Zhang Ziling was suspended in the air, his blond and blue eyes disappeared, and he turned back to long black hair and dark pupils.

Zhang Ziling opened his arms, his long hair fluttered slightly, and there was a terrifying demonic qi around him.

As Zhang Ziling's spirit recovers, Zhang Ziling has become more adept at controlling the power in his body...

The endless soul power was absorbed by Zhang Ziling, and Zhang Ziling's weak soul was increasing at an incredible speed, and there was no sign of stopping at all!

The ink-colored robe was attached to Zhang Ziling's body, and the prohibition Zhang Ziling set for himself in the underworld gradually unraveled, and the pale red light lingered around him, echoing the spirit power around him.

Even Soul Dao Will has been dumbfounded, and never expected Zhang Ziling to possess such power.

This supreme aura, I am afraid that even the Dao of Heaven cannot catch up!

"This, this... What is this..." Soul Dao Will can't even care about the origin of his Dao Dao, and is completely shocked by the power displayed by Zhang Ziling.

"I'm actually... against such a terrifying person?"

Soul Dao Will looked at Zhang Ziling, with endless fear in his heart, and the power of the surrounding Dao Dao trembled because of Zhang Ziling's breath.

"Who is he... on earth?"

Zhang Ziling slowly fell to the ground, his long black hair fluttering down his shoulders, and his dark pupils were as deep as the starry sky.

Zhang Ziling received the origin of the soul dao into his body, and the soul power permeating around instantly disappeared.

Feeling the majestic power in his body, Zhang Ziling took a deep breath, then raised his eyes to look at the will of the soul of the sky, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.


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