Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 70 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

“Oh, that’s fine.”


I raised the corners of my lips at the questioning voice.

“It seems like our guild members are with them.”

Ji Han-gyeol did not add any other words to my words. He seemed to know who the ‘guild member’ I was talking about was.

So no more words came between us.

The conversation was over, and I was thinking of calling the kids and going back, but Ji Han-gyeol called me.

“… Do Haun-san, there is one thing I want to ask you.”


“Is the guild that you are the guild leader ‘return’ correct?”


Acting like you know about our guild? Or do you just know about ‘returnees’?

But Ji Han-gyeol asked me with a questionable face if it wasn’t like that.

“Is it true that you are the ‘guild leader’?”

“Didn’t you hear the kids call?”

"I heard… However… … .”

He clearly knew about the guild where the returnees had gathered. It seems that there was also a ‘return’ in the past world. So I smiled and asked.

“I also have a question for you, Ji Han-gyeol.”

“Yes, feel free to ask.”

“Who was the guild leader of the return in the previous world?”

Ji Han-gyeol licked her lips at my question.

"that's… … .”


But the words did not carry on. Suddenly, the front door moved, and then a commotion began.

“Is the door locked?”

“Are you locked up? Oh, Ifrit! No way! It must have been open!”

I stood up at the sound of Ha-Ha-Soo Kang and Ha-Soo Kang. This is because I thought of locking the door by operating all the locking devices.

"Wait a moment! open... … !”

“Wait a minute!!”


The front door slammed into the wall with an explosion.

“… … .”


If I took one wrong step, I would have been slammed into the wall along with the door.

Moorim, who blew up the door, found me and asked with a bright face.

“Gil-chan, are you inside? But why are you doing this?”

Kang Ha-soo and Hae-roon looked into each other's eyes and took a step back. Umahoon also followed the two of them and took a step back.

Dobby, the owner of the house, forced his lips to move as if the world had collapsed.

"this… This body's home... … .”

I turned his head away from Dobby and rolled up her sleeves.

"The best! you come!!”

"I do not like it! No!”

I'll have to fix that damn guild member's fist habit today.


Damn Moorim's baby, the flying squirrel was flying like a flying squirrel, so I couldn't catch it in the end.

“Are you going to let me go back? It was too late.”

It was Jungnyeongsa who caught Moorim, who was running away from my hands.

“Okay, Gilma. I think the story is over, let's just go back, shall we?"

The harmful judge, who restored the broken door to its original state, put his arm on my shoulder, which was not able to catch Moorim. I cut off the arm and said.

“Ji Hangyeol, get my number from Dobi and leave a message.”

“Aren’t you going with Hangyeol?”

“Let him talk more with Dobby.”

Just looking at the cancer, it seemed that Ji Han-gyeol was planning to spend the day at Dobi's house.

“Gloria, the subway and the bus are all cut off at this time.”

“CEO Kang, you can get a car and ride it.”

“I’m sorry, guild chief. I have a story to share only with Mahun-kun.”

So, the spiritsman smiled saying that he couldn't take me to the hero's shop.

“Go back to the Xuan Nom Portal.”

"OMG! The sound of the judge opening the portal... Billion!”

He pierced the master's side as fast as a bee and said:

“Then, just take Moorim-nim home.”

“Can’t we go with that Gil-chan?”

"No. What time is it now, let's go home."


What is this 'heung'? I pinched Moorim's cheek as much as I could and sent it to the spirit priest.

At midnight, we parted ways.

As always, the wizard's portal was connected to an alleyway inside the street where the hero's shop was located. After yawning once, I was about to take a step, but a message came from a priest who was running on the road by now.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Guild Master.(Read more @

|Pr New Killer (Guild Leader)| : Huh?

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Didn't you make a covenant with the best master of Moorim?

|Pr New Killer (Guild Leader)| : o

Come to think of it, I didn't make a covenant with Moorim, who was so bright and bright. Looking at what he's doing now, it seems he doesn't really need to make a covenant.

However, the Spirit Master sent me an irritated message as to whether he thought otherwise.

|Pr. Spirit Temple| : Then, please make a covenant with the best master of Moorim by keeping your mouth shut.

“… … .”

Our Moorim doesn't talk a lot.

“Gilma? Why do you have that face?”

I think it's less than the judge next to me. I said with a smirk.

“To the spiritsman, Moorim seems to be more important than you.”


The harmful judge doesn't understand what I'm saying and tilts his head. I said with a wide smile.

“It’s a compliment, it’s a compliment.”

“I have to feel good.”

“You like it.”

After answering bluntly, I moved to the hero's shop. However, it was strange where the hero's shop was, where the light should be brightly lit.

“Aren’t you really supposed to report it?”

“The boss already reported it.”

“Then why aren’t you here? Neither the police nor the hunters have to come!”

People were huddled in front of the store.

Me and the judge stopped walking and looked into each other's eyes.

|Pr. 9 Circle Archmage | : The teacher quickly changed Gilma's face.

|Pr. Shinsala (guild leader)| : Thank you.

We slowly moved the pace we had stopped. I don't know what happened to the hero's shop, but anyway, the hero's shop was my home.

"Wait. I will pass.”

I squeezed through the crowd and finally arrived in front of the hero's shop. The situation of the store seen through the glass door looked serious at first glance.

I don't think a thief would make such a mess. No, if there was a thief in the store in the first place, the hero would beat him with all his might.

I carefully opened the door to the store.

- Mamma!!


He froze at the invisible breath passing by. I opened my lips blankly as I watched a few strands of hair fall down.



People watching from outside began to run away in unison.

I straightened my messy hair and looked at the scene in front of me.

- Mamma! Mammaa!!

Harim, who had grown a bit, was trampling the Archduke who had fallen to the floor.

“What, what? Gilma, are you okay?”

I am OK. But the Grand Duke doesn't look good.

“Jew! I'm out of my mind!!"

And the warrior didn't look so good either. The Archduke, who had been lying on the floor, struggled to get up at the hero's voice.

At the same time, Harim, who was trampling on the archduke, tumbled down.

- Mamma!

The Grand Duke opens his eyes and reaches out to Harim.

"That… darling... … !”

- Mamma!!

“Ah! Oh wait!! Liam!!”

Harim bit her hand.

“Duke Yuda, take that damn dragon cub and go outside.”

“How do you take me out! What if I go out and shoot a breath?!”

“You mean it’s okay to make my shop like this!!”

The archduke cries at the screaming voice and hugs Harim.

I wondered what the hell was going on this night.

At that time, the judge who was restoring the broken hero's shop shook his hand.

- Mamma?

A red magic circle spread across Harim's neck. The Archduke held Harim and looked around and asked.

“What is it? Judge! What kind of magic did you cast on Lim?”

“Just in case you didn’t know, Rim just put some barriers around him. Isn’t it difficult to blow your breath like before?”

- Mamma! Mamma!!

Harim dangling tears from his eyes, lifted his front paw and started scratching his head. Seeing this, the Archduke exclaimed in a desperate voice.

"I'll take care of Rim-i, so let me do some magic! Your child is frustrated!”

Even in the voice of the Archduke's mourning, the master shrugged his shoulders. I lightly slapped the judge's shoulder and said,

“Don’t be like that, let go of the magic.”

At that moment, the magician unleashed the magic on Harim's neck. He pouted his lips as if he didn't like it.

“Baby, are you okay?”

“Dae-Gong Yu, stop talking about that damn ‘you’ and calm down Harim!”

“You keep trying to calm me down! Boss, you idiot!”

“What did you say?”

“Dear, what are you so upset about?”

Harim didn't say a word, but her tears were dripping from her eyes. She's not even crying out loud, but she looks very sad.

I glanced at Harim and spread out her arms.



“… … ?”

I think one consonant is missing from Mamma, but I must be mistaken

Harim, who was in the arms of the Archduke, flapped her wings and flew towards her.

“Dear! How can you refuse my arms and go to the author’s arms!!”

Are you over there, Ju-Gong? Saying that makes me feel like a strange person.

Harim, who is in my arms, rubs her face and sheds her tears. I asked the Archduke while stroking Harim's round head.

“Why the hell is Rim doing this?”

Puberty didn't come. At my words, the Archduke sat down on the floor and said in a tired voice.

“Neither do I. They gave me meat because I was hungry, and even gave me food because I was bored... … .”

“He made a very messed up shop.”

The warrior straightened up the chair that had been lying down and sat down. The magi lightly tapped the cracked wall and said.

“Are you sure the wizard is restoring the messed up shop?”

“Thank you very much.”

"It was nothing."

In this situation, the warrior and the judge are fighting useless nerves. I put my hand on Harim's side and listened.

“Lim, why the hell are you doing this? What are you so upset about?”

- Mamma! Mamma!

“He wants to fly.”

“You’re still flying well.”

- Mamma!!

“Gilma-sama, you’re an idiot.”


No, this kid?

As she frowns, Harim is again brimming with tears. The Archduke took a small breath at the sight and approached me.



I wrinkled my eyes slightly as I watched the Archduke taking Harim away from me and hugging him.

“You, aren’t you timing it right?”

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