Returners Guild Must Grow Properly

Chapter 71 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Timing, in other words, training. The duke avoids my gaze and smiles vaguely. I frowned at him angrily.


“I’m still doing it to some extent!”

“Then why is the kid like this? Why are you running like this?”

“Because I am raising them with love!”

stellar... … .

I was speechless at the shrill voice.


“Dae-Gong Yu, I think I’ve said it before, but Harim is not human.”

“Not that kind of love!”

Judaism, this damn bastard is proud of what he's done. Then he asked while holding Harim in a flash.

“Dear, what are you so upset about?”

- Mamma! Mamma!!


Harim once again bit the Archduke's hand and came down. At the same time, a light strong enough to blind his two eyes came out from Harim. I hurriedly raised my hand and covered my eyes.

“My Eyes!!”

“Jewish Duke!!”

“Why are you doing this to me!!”

Behind the judge's voice, the warrior's irritable voice and the archduke's voice full of injustice were heard. After some light had passed, I carefully lowered the hand that was covering my eyes.

“… … ?”

What he saw in front of him was a young boy about four or five years old with black hair growing to the top of his shoulder. A child with red eyes that were vertically ripped.

A child, dressed as if he had run away from a bath, exclaimed vigorously.

“I want to go to Rimi Bar! Get out and go!”

A heavy silence descended on the shop filled with commotion.

None of us thought to open our mouths. No, I couldn't.

Only the red-eyed child opened his mouth with vigor.

“Rimi! bae... … !”

Without realizing it, I took off the coat I was wearing and put it on the child. But this damn hatchling won't stand still.

“Sir! Cool this!!”

"Ah… no. You can’t hate it.”

He grabbed Harim, who was about to take it off, saying it was frustrating. Looking at what he was doing, it was clear that Harim was. But she did something strange.

The only sound you could say was 'Mamma', right? But if you polymorph into a human like this out of nowhere... … .

“Gilma-sama, I think our Lim is a genius.”


Why are you struggling with emotion?

The Archduke was covering his mouth with both hands. There was no intention of resolving this situation.

I grabbed Harim's cheek and looked around.


Nothing strange was seen.

I don't know when the heck I learned to speak and I didn't know I was going to be a polymorph. Moreover, when the dragon polymorphed, it appeared fixed in the form of an adult. At least, Gloria's dragons did.

“I’m sorry! Rimi, drink this!”

“Uh, huh? that, so... … .”

The Archduke, who was overcome with emotion, spoke with a bewildered face. She seemed to be contemplating on how to call Rim-i.

“Duke, you shouldn’t say ‘you’. you."

“Duke Yu, put away the ‘you’ sound.”

“Grand Duke, ‘you’ is not allowed.”

At the words of the warriors and the judges, including myself, the Judas shed tears. This is all for you, Grand Duke.

“I’m sorry! Rimi Bake!!”

"That… So.”

The Archduke looked out in the dark outside, then bent his knees and said:

“Rim! Look outside now, it's all dark, isn't it? no, i can't get out It's very dangerous out there."


After birth, how many months? It's been a little over a month... … .

Anyway, Hatchling, who was over a month old, was very stubborn.

“Momma will protect you!”

"Mom? Rim doesn’t have a mother?”

Harim opens her eyes and looks at the Judean ball. It was a pretty shocked face.

Duke, you crazy bastard. How do you say that to a child? It should be there without it!

"no! Rimi's mom here!”

“That, right? Who the hell are you?”

Gong Yoo smiled awkwardly and looked at Harim. Harim blinks his eyes, and raises his plump fingers.

“Mommy, damn it.”

Harim's finger was pointing straight at me.

"I… … ?”

When asked while tilting her head blankly, Harim smiled broadly and nodded her head.


No, wait. Why am I your mother?

She was bewildered by the sound of her mother who was not even in her arms, but Harim said with tears in her eyes.(Read more @

“Mommy! Rimi Bake! Go to the bar and sipper!!”

“… … .”

damn it, it's cute

* * *

In the end, I was defeated by Harim. Not only me, but also the Archduke, the Master, and the Hero were defeated by Rim-i.

"What's going on in the middle of the night because of that little boy?"

The hero who sent the police back to the store frowned in annoyance. Either way, Harim, who was dressed in a warrior's T-shirt, just smiled.

“Can you raise them at the store, hero?”

“Why are you asking me that? Harim’s father is that guy.”

At my question, the hero pointed to the archduke who was walking hand in hand with Harim. The Archduke was also smiling like Harim.

The warrior clicked his tongue briefly.

“Would it be that good?”

“Hero, can the judge make a prophecy?”


There was no judge to hear that. The magician raised the corners of his mouth and opened his mouth, saying it was a prophecy.

“I bet the wizard’s wrist that the store will be full of baby toys sooner or later!”

“It’s noisy.”

At the hero's annoyed voice, the wizard giggled and laughed. I said squeezing my eyes shut.

“Sir, be careful. Because the hero might hire you as a babysitter.”

“Hey, I absolutely hate it.”

“If you hire me, the Archduke will hire you. Why do you say I will hire you, guild leader?”

I shrugged at the warrior's question.

“Your Majesty, you don’t have any money.”


The warrior nodded his head. While we were having such a nutritious conversation, the Grand Duke was holding Harim in a flash.

“I think Hajun hyung played Gilma like that.”


When me and Doha-in were barely learning Hangeul, his older brother was in middle school.

It wouldn't have been easy to take care of us on behalf of our parents who couldn't see his face... … .

“Your brother has been through a lot.”

My brother laughed no matter what I and Doha-in did. Even if you drink Coke and spill it on the floor, even if you set it up to cook and burn a frying pan.

When I think about it now, it seems that our Hajun oppa has really suffered a lot.

“And you are still struggling. Because of a runaway adult.”

"shut up."

I frowned and walked a little faster.


“… So I am your mother.”

Harim, held by the Archduke, stretches out her arm toward me. As I opened my eyes, I let out a small breath.

That damn hatchling uses cuteness as a weapon. In the end, I hugged Harim from the Archduke.

“Yeah, call me whatever you like.”


Harim came down from my arms after arriving at the park. Then he started running hard with his short legs.

“Rim! You can't go in there!!"

The Archduke hurriedly grabs Harim, who is about to run in, ignoring the sign saying “Do not enter.”

Harim struggled with his hand holding him and said that he hated his father. I sat on the bench and watched it. Indeed, it was a peaceful sight.


“If you want to run around, run around with Lim.”

“No, over there? What the hell do you think of a judge?”

"with water."

The magistrate licked his lips sullenly. But for a moment, he smiled and opened his mouth.

“Gilma, can I ask you something?”


“What kind of conversation did you have with Mr. Free Dobby and Mr. Returner to make your face look so tired?”

I wasn't going to make tea, but I guess I was tired. I rubbed my face once and said.

“It’s because of Harim, it’s because of them… … .”

I stopped talking and stared blankly at the judge.

“How do you know that Ji Han-gyeol is a regressor?”

The harmful judge raised an eyebrow and said.

“Gilma-sama, what do you really think of the Master?”

The judge brought his playful face closer to me and smiled.

“Am I an archmage for nothing?”

He could see a red magic circle drawn in his dark brown eyes. I frowned slightly and pulled back. The hand that covered the eyes of the judge was a bonus.

“Gilma, do you have anything to hide from me? Come on?"

The judge put my hand down like that and giggled. I was disgusted with the crooked eyes and turned my head away. But I had no choice but to turn my head back to the hand that was pulling me.

"What… … .”

I couldn't keep up with my leaning body.

I stared blankly at the thighs that were firmly supporting my head.

I was about to get up again with the grinning face on my savagely grinning face, but the harmful bastard covered my eyes with his hands.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

“Are you telling me to keep my eyes closed for a second? It looks like Harim is going to play like that until she falls asleep, but are you sleeping comfortably, Gilma?”

I said sullenly at the warmth that covered my eyes.

“Give me the pillow.”

“The thing that is offering Gilma-sama’s head isn’t a pillow, what is it?”

Without a word, I mercilessly pinched Hae-Hae-Won's knee.

“Ah, evil!”

There will be bruises for sure tomorrow.

* * *

I wondered what to do when I tried to get up again, but I guess I was tired.

‘Well, it seems like he just left the house and slept all the time… … .'

Hae-roon turned her head away from me and tapped Dohaun's, who was asleep, with his fingertips on the head.

“Are you trying to wake up a sleeping child, harmful?”


If you wake up, the other knee will be pinched.

Hae-roon gave Kang In-han a painted smile and looked down at Do Ha-un again. What did he talk about with those humans? Either way, it doesn't look like we had a good conversation.

‘Shall we see or not?’

Hae-roon began to ponder whether or not to peek into Doha-woon's memory. If I try to spy, the chain that bound him in the first place may block me.

But that didn't mean he couldn't see it.


how will we do it.

Hae-won frowned slightly. It was inconvenient to think like this.

You should only give other people the attention they need. He thought so and he came back to life.


Hae-roon stopped playing with Doha-woon's hair. Kang In-han frowned and opened her mouth.

“Don’t even think about doing anything stupid.”

Hae-roon smiled and took his hand.

“Brave, you are 100 wise.”

It wasn't a nice compliment to hear.

* * *

"brother! no! I don't think he's that bastard!!"

Hearing Do Ha-in's words coming in with the door slammed open, Do Ha-jun stopped the glass he was about to tilt in mid-air and asked.

“… who is not.”

“Who is it! Mahan, that sassy bastard!! Far from helping us, you're messing up all the data you've gathered!!"

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