Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1000 The true God’s heroic spirit has arrived, and the Holy See is very powerful

This person is only twenty-seven or twenty-seven years old, with a raised forehead, a face covered with spots, a sparse beard, bright eyes, thick and thick eyebrows, and eyebrows and eyes hanging upward, a large nose, and upturned nostrils. His ears are very long, hanging almost to his shoulders, his mouth is big and wide, and his chin is much more protruding than his forehead.

His appearance makes people feel towering, majestic, fierce, cold, mean and ungrateful.

This person is a descendant of the Zhu family of the Daimyo royal family, Zhu Xiaochen.

After the fall of the Ming Dynasty, generations of descendants of the Zhu family had to go to Huangjue Temple as lay disciples.

In fact, Huangjue Temple is not the legendary small temple at all, but a hidden sect, where Zhu Yuanzhang also became a monk.

He acts in a low-key manner, but is powerful and passes on his legacy from generation to generation.

Zhu Xiaochen has now reached the realm of human immortal. His momentum is only inferior to that of Ying Su, overwhelming Jin Zixuan and Wu Yaoniang.

If he were born to show his strength and could compete with the Patriarch, he would surely shock the world.

"Zhu Xiaochen, what do you mean by Jiang Taichu's sarcastic remarks!"

Wu Yaoniang looked angry and asked:

"What if the Chinese Dragon Group and the Tianqing Sect cannot support it? At that time, the Holy See or the Brahmins will become the first lineage, and let us Chinese people believe in them?"

"But Jiang Taichu has already offended people in the Tianxing Realm! Do you think he has any chance of survival? Sooner or later he will die!"

A trace of fear flashed across the face of Li Guangzhe, the crown prince of the Li family, and he said in a cold voice:

"And our ancestors were all helped by the dimensional world and were their agents! We should go to war against Jiang Taichu!"

"Stop making any noise!"

Ying Su was annoyed when he heard this. He waved his hand and shouted angrily:

"Take a look first. If Ye Tianren and the others can hold on, then let's not meddle in other people's business! Let's go home and eat mutton steamed buns! Damn it, we've been fighting for days and nights, and we're starving to death!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone did not dare to say a word and looked at the battlefield quietly.

The battle situation has become even more tragic! The Tianqing Sect and the Chinese Dragon Group were surrounded by many enemies and became even more passive!

Along the Lancang River, a war broke out, and the strong men on both sides fell like rain!

The bishops, abbots, and Crusaders generals of the Holy See all walked through the air, brandishing weapons, breathing in holy light, and occupied Huo Qingtian, Wei Feilong, Zhao Yuankun, Huang Ling'er, Tang Linglong, Shen Mange, and others.

The Brahmin priests, protectors, elders, and ascetic monks, who manifested magical powers, fought with the dragon group and the strong men of the Chinese martial arts alliance.

They were outnumbered, and three thousand people surrounded the Chinese warriors with less than a hundred people. They gradually gained the upper hand, but they bypassed Ye Tianren.

Ye Tianren looked sideways.

I saw Saint Laurent and the Little Master Suffering, one holding a scepter and a cross, the other holding a Zen staff, holding an alms bowl in his hand, approaching.

"Your Excellency Tianren, if you persist in your obsession, we will only be offended!"

The little Master of Suffering glared like a diamond and shouted coldly.

He no longer calls him junior brother, indicating that he has broken off the friendship that he had in the past when discussing Taoism and proving it, and is going on a killing spree.

"Sword of God, kill me!"

Ye Tianren shouted loudly, and the tiger's body trembled.

Suddenly, the sword energy soared thousands of meters into the sky, and within a radius of ten miles, the sun and moon were dim, the wind and clouds changed color, and there was lightning and thunder.

The broken iron sword behind him screamed in lamentation, jumped out of its sheath, and turned into a bright blue light about a hundred meters long, spanning a distance of a thousand meters, like a blue rainbow penetrating the sun, and slashed towards the two of them.

St. Laurent stepped on the holy light and flew into the air. He waved the cross in his hand and knocked back the flying sword with a clang. He said in a cold voice:

"Your Majesty the Celestial Being, you are indeed amazingly talented and beautiful. He is almost like an immortal in ancient Chinese legends! What a pity, the road to the starry sky is cut off, and you are not a hidden royal family, so you have no chance to visit your fairy ruins! Therefore, you will spend your whole life You can’t become a real heaven or immortal! It’s better to believe in our Holy See and still have a chance to ascend to the kingdom of heaven!”

"You're dreaming!"

Ye Tianren exploded with another sword, beating Saint Roland back again and again.

"You are so stubborn!"

"I am old and incompetent. I have practiced thirteen chapters of the holy art of the Holy See, but I have only mastered half of the last one! Now, I will use this remaining piece of holy art to teach you the Chinese swordsmanship!"

St. Roland waved his cross, and the power of the holy light surged, turning into a cross lightsaber and killing Ye Tianren.

The alms bowl flew up in the hand of the Little Master Suffering, and when it was lowered, a piece of golden light spurted out. In the golden light, there were gods all over the sky.

At the top are Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. Below are various gods, all condensed with Brahma power, shining brightly and majestic.

The young master of Misery sneered and said: "Master Jiaye once taught me the three-phase magical skill, and now it is a great success. I am here today to learn the divine sword of Your Majesty the Celestial being. Let's see if you can kill like a god!"

The Little Master of Suffering and the First Privy Councilor St. Laurent were both dazzling figures in the Middle Ages. They were leaders, only one step away from the saints and immortals.

If it weren't for the dimensional world behind them that ordered them to monitor the earth world, they might have ascended to immortality and become gods.

Although Ye Tianren was a latecomer, he had an excellent opportunity and was well versed in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. He once traveled the world for the Kunlun Sect, and visited the Brahmins, the Holy See and the Buddhist Sect to learn Taoism. He once founded the Yanhuang Iron Brigade and fought on the battlefield. He also entered Hongmeng and realized the sword technique of defeating gods, which finally had to be enlightened by Jiang Tian.

At this time, he and he are masters of martial arts, magic, and cultivation, and their cultivation reaches the heavens and the earth. He is definitely one of the most powerful people on this planet in this era!

When these three people fought, the sky was darkened, the void shattered, and rocks flew and shattered the mountains.

The green sword light stretched across the land for ten miles, the holy light filled the mountains, and the Brahma power seemed to blast through the nine heavens and ten lands.

Previously, with the strength of Saint Laurent and Little Master Misery, even just one person, it was completely overwhelming to deal with Ye Tianren, let alone joining forces.

But at this time, the two of them joined forces and couldn't take advantage at all.


The sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the sun shone on a thousand waves of the East China Sea. The sword light overlapped one after another, like a raging wave sweeping across a hundred meters. It crushed Brahma, Lord Shiva and Vishnu to pieces, blasting through the golden light and hitting them. Suffering on the little master.


Saint Laurent waved his scepter, condensing many shields to resist. At the same time, the holy light filled the soles of his feet, and he retreated several hundred meters away in a flash.

The suffering little master spurted blood from his mouth, his clothes were torn, and he flew backwards. His face was full of shock and he couldn't believe it:

"Ye Tianren, you have only been in seclusion for twenty years, how did you become so powerful? Have you reached the level of an immortal?"

"The strength is too terrifying!"

Saint Laurent also looked fearful, as if he was meeting Ye Tianren for the first time.

More than 20 years ago, before Ye Tianren went into seclusion, he visited the Holy See to exchange holy arts and Taoism. The person in charge of the reception was Saint Laurent.

At that time, Saint Roland thought that he had the power to suppress Ye Tianren, but at this moment, he had no confidence at all.

"My rapid improvement this time is not because of retreat, but because of Master's guidance!"

"You two, give up your weapons and surrender. You are no match for Tianqing Sect and the heroes of China!"

Ye Tianren is holding a broken iron sword, his eyebrows are straight and his eyes are straight. He has a stern demeanor of one man being in charge and not being able to get away from ten thousand people.

"Saint Roland, I'll leave it to you to kill Ye Tianren!"

The little master of suffering sneered, turned around and attacked the other Chinese heroes.

Suddenly, the pressure on the Chinese heroes who were already trapped in the enemy group and struggling to support them doubled!

"God loves the world. Today I summon the heroic spirit of the true God, and ask Saint Adam, the son of the true God, to come to my body and glorify my life!"

St. Laurent's face was stern. He held the cross that had turned into a cross lightsaber and prayed devoutly.

Suddenly, the holy light filled the air, and the wonderful rhythm of the sword light was holy and brilliant, as if it did not belong to this world at all.

He raised his eyebrows and shouted:

"Despicable blasphemer, you kneel at the feet of God and repent!"

Suddenly, from the depths of the sky, a vast, sacred, and powerful aura turned into a pillar of holy light that penetrated the sky and the earth, penetrated through the clouds and split the sky, and enveloped Saint Laurent.

Saint Laurent has undergone strange changes!

Horrible changes!

"Fuck his grandma, he's asking God!"

On Qingsong Peak.

Ying Su stared at Saint Laurent with eyes as cold as lightning. Suddenly his body shook and he shouted as if he was having a quarrel.

"Invite God? God's fighting technique? Is there really a god in the Western Holy See?"

"Hiss! It really does!"

Everyone stared at it, their faces suddenly looked horrified and shocked, and they all took a breath of air.

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