Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 999 The powerful hidden royal family of China, ridiculed

The seal spells of Elder Big Ear protector are combined with the worshiped idols, borrowing the power of believers' faith, and are as powerful as mountains.

The two punches and one tail of the golden-scaled snake god just now almost broke all his internal organs, broke at least three ribs, and shattered the shoulder blades. He grimaced in pain.

"Old Wolf, go on!"

Shen Mange flicked his finger, and a healing and analgesic elixir was shot.

"Thank you, Miss Mange!"

The Moon Worshiping Wolf King opened his mouth wide and swallowed the elixir into his belly.

Huang Ling'er's spirit wood wedges were like rain, and he shot a Crusader general into a sieve and nailed him to the ground. Then he turned around and waved the Tianyuan wooden stick towards the Wolf King, creating a new world.

The majestic vitality emerged from the top of the Tianyuan wooden stick, turned into a green branch, and entered the Moon Worshiping Wolf King's wound.

In just three breaths, the Moon Worshiping Wolf King's wounds healed quickly.


A cross of holy light fell from the sky, thirty meters long, and with a clang, it pressed the Moon Worshiping Wolf King to the ground.

An abbot of the monastery came to him. He was half a saint king. He held a scroll of ancient scriptures in his left hand and made the sign of the cross on his chest.

As he drew down his right hand, crosses of holy light flew out from his chest, blazing and dazzling, with phantoms of angels flying around them.

The Cross of Holy Light weighed heavily over the mountains and pressed the Moon Worshiping Wolf King to the ground. His bones and tendons were broken, and blood spurted from his mouth.

"A four-legged, hairy beast who was once killed by our Holy See, stripped of his armor and secluded from the world, now dares to jump out and provoke? What did Jiang Taichu give you, so that you sacrifice your life for him like this?"

The abbot suppressed the Wolf King, looked sternly, and sneered.

"Why did our Tianqing Sect provoke you, and the Holy See also wanted to kill us? Then St. Paul committed heinous crimes and wiped out countless families. How can you say you love the world and love others as yourself?"

Tang Linglong shouted violently, her jade hands flew up and she flicked her fingers.

Flying swords shot out of the air, densely packed like thunder and lightning, and passed through the monastery's cave.

"Shield of Holy Light, block me! How can the Chinese Flying Sword hurt me?"

The abbot's right hand bluffed, and dazzling holy light erupted from his palm, forming a shield of light, intended to block the flying sword.

There was a tinkling sound, and the fire was splashing in all directions, like a rainstorm hitting a plantain tree as tightly as possible.

The abbot was beaten so hard that he kept retreating, his body was shaking wildly, he almost fell, and the corners of his mouth were stained with blood.

Suddenly, a spear shot across the air, piercing through the sun and moon, piercing the air with a diagonal stab, directly piercing the chest of the abbot.

It was Huo Qingtian's condensed vision of the general who took action, directly shooting the abbess to death.

"Huo Qingtian, I will judge you according to the fate of the gods. Go to hell!"

"Slay the demons! Kill these godless Chinese demons! Let them enter purgatory!"

There was a crash!

Under the Holy See, the abbots of several top monasteries have saintly cultivation levels, far exceeding the realm of gods.

Their eyes were about to burst, each holding a cross lightsaber, walking through the air, and surrounded Huo Qingtian.

What they performed was the holy art of the Holy See, the Cross Light Sword Art.

In an instant, the sword light shot into the sky, the holy light was dazzling, extremely sharp and powerful, and it was worthy of being the number one swordsman in the Holy See.

Huo Qingtian was beaten until his vision shattered, and he retreated repeatedly, his chest stained with blood.

"Sister Ling'er, lend me some fire!"

Shen Mange walked through the air, flying hundreds of meters into the air like a swallow flying across the water. She let out a sweet cry and slammed down with both hands.

Immediately, a box of true essence ovens with a radius of about ten meters fell from the sky and directly enveloped the three abbots of the monastery.

This True Essence Furnace came from Jiang Tian's teachings and was truly an evolution of the Great Sun Furnace in the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique.

Shen Mange is only at the late stage of Qi training, and it can be condensed into something, but if he wants to have great power, it will be difficult and he needs to borrow external force.


Huang Ling'er has been cultivating crazily in seclusion these days, but now he has completed the foundation building. His Kryong Shen Xiu Gong is almost complete and has become a mainstay!

She gave a sweet shout and waved Tianyuan's small wooden stick.

The aura of spiritual wood as thick as an arm turned into towering trees, logs and branches and flew into the furnace.

"Damn, that bad old man is still alive. He must be hundreds of years old, right? I'll use you to make a furnace of peerless elixirs!"

Shen Mange swore, sneered, and activated his skills and his true energy.


The breath of the spirit wood exploded automatically in the cauldron, turning into flames that soared into the sky.

The three abbots of the monastery screamed and rolled on the ground, struggling, and were turned into ashes in an instant.


Suddenly, a crusader leader rushed over and swung a giant hammer, sending Shen Mange flying dozens of meters away.

"Kill this witch!"

Several Brahmin monks immediately surrounded Shen Mange, using various secret techniques to attack in turn.

Ten kilometers away from the battlefield, on a peak called "Qingsong Peak" near Zhangzi Peak.

A strong Chinese man with a stern bearing stood on the mountain.

Some of them looked down at the battlefield in Lancang River through the screens of the battlefield command system, and some directly looked down at the battlefield in Lancang River.

These people, including men and women, old and young, numbered in the hundreds, and Jin Zixuan and Wu Yaoniang were among them.

But the strength of these two people is not the strongest.

The most imposing person was a young man wearing bronze armor and holding a halberd.

This man is tall, with a standard Chinese character face, a wide forehead and cheeks, high cheekbones, a thick chin, and usually two figure-eight-shaped beards on his upper lip. His facial features are rough, and his hands and feet are thick, just like the Qin Dynasty terracotta warriors who walked out of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

This man was only in his twenties and motionless.

But his eyes were arrogant and stern, and that kind of violent momentum that was as towering as a mountain, sweeping across the world, and no one else but me, made everyone else bow their heads.

Astonishingly, he was a strong man from the royal family whose cultivation had reached the level of Earth Immortal.

"Master Ying, Jiang Taichu has already said that there is no need for our hidden royal family to interfere, so why should we meddle in others' affairs?"

Jin Zixuan looked at the fierce man in bronze armor with fear, waved his folding fan and said with a smile.

This person is the descendant of Queen Qin, the leader of the younger generation, the number one winner, Young Master Ying Su!

Not only is he powerful in cultivation and extremely talented, he is also the leader of the Chinese Hidden Royal Family Alliance.

He also held a high position and was very loyal to his words. Speaking of Jin Zixuan, even his father, Jin Luanxiong, the head of the Jin family, would treat him with respect when he saw him!

"Is Jiang Taichu too crazy? Why is he so ignorant?"

Ying Su raised his thick eyebrows, suppressing his anger, and spoke with spring thunder.

Each word roared like artillery fire, shaking the surrounding trees like a hurricane and making a rustling sound.

His eyes were cold and electric, his temperament was wild, like a peerless warrior, he shouted angrily:

"Nowadays, apart from the Holy See and the Brahmins taking action, our hidden royal family in China has no reason to stand by and watch! Should we allow them to destroy this mountain and river homeland?"

He turned his head, glanced at Jin Zixuan blankly, and asked:

"What's the matter? Is Jiang Taichu still afraid that our hidden royal family will rob him of his benefits? I am the winner, and my purpose is to protect China, okay? Have you made this clear?"

Being swept away by his cold-dagger gaze, Jin Zixuan only felt chilled all over, but he still insisted:

"Of course I made it clear! We took action solely for the sake of the common people and for the overall safety of China!"

He looked like a bachelor and said:

"But Jiang Taichu is too arrogant. He has such confidence! In short, our Jin family and Li family are going to stand by and watch!"

At this time, Nalan Li and others also fanned the flames and accused Jiang Tian of his atrocities with blood and tears.

Naturally, they would not say anything about Jin Zixuan's coveting of Sodoni.

In their mouths, Jiang Tian became a arrogant and ignorant maniac.

"Young Master Yingsu, if I look at you, Jiang Taichu doesn't take you seriously at all. He wants to take this opportunity to show off his strength and overpower our hidden royal family. He even wants to trample us under his feet!"

Nalan Qinghe came close to Ying Su, smiling like a flower. Wu Nong spoke softly, but he was murderous and heart-wrenching, and his words were vicious.

"Bitch, get out of here, the hidden royal family is discussing when will it be your turn to intervene!"

Wu Yao Niang shouted the girl back, then waved her sharp swords, eager to try, and said with a smile:

"Ying Su, let me see, let's ignore Jiang Taichu's opinion. The enemy is right in front of us anyway, so we can let him go! Just start killing!"

"Wu Yao Niang, why are you so mean? Jiang Taichu is so crazy, let's see how long he can be crazy!"

In the crowd, a young man wearing a monk's robe spoke arrogantly, seemingly dissatisfied with Jiang Tian.

"Look, our three thousand troops completely defeated the Tianqing Sect until they were unable to fight back!"

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