Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 998 Ten miles of bloody battle to eliminate demons and protect the way

The holy light of the powerful Vatican filled the air, and the Brahman power of the Brahmans boiled, condensing sacred lines behind them, swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

The Holy See and the Brahman tradition are ancient, even older than the Kunlun Sect, and the Tianqing Sect is too young.

The Holy See is monotheistic and only believes in gods.

Brahmanism is a polytheistic belief, worshiping various natural gods, but with a monotheistic color.

In the teachings, many natural gods obey the mysterious power of "Brahman" and obey the will of "Brahman".

"God's blessing! Come!"

The strong men of the Holy See looked pious and made the sign of the cross on their chests, and the holy light suddenly filled the air.

The holy light condenses to form the holy objects of various gods, such as the Holy Grail, the Holy Spear, the Holy Crown of Thorns, the Cross, the Holy Light Shield and the Long Sword.

But Brahman is different.

Many powerful men recited mantras quickly, and the Brahma power condensed into the gods recorded in the Brahman Sutra.

Some have human heads and snake bodies, some have bull heads and horse faces, some have three heads and six arms, some have elephant trunks and human faces, some have monstera sticks, and various images of natural gods they believe in.

The people in the Chinese cultivation world have a different scene.

They all condensed Qi into weapons, condensed Qi into shapes, and relied entirely on their own cultivation. Or rely on weapons to condense Qi soldiers as an effect gain.

Zhao Yuankun shouted angrily and stamped his foot suddenly.

A pair of air fists condensed in front of him, and if there was substance, another spiritual energy condensed into a shield.

Huo Qingtian is in charge of the Heavenly Army and the Tiance Camp.

His god-killing spear shook!

Click, click, click, the thick real energy rolled and rubbed, forming a golden warrior, with a horse on his crotch, a tiger talisman and a military seal on his waist, a shield and a spear in his hand, his eyes blazing with anger, and his face was also Huo Qingtian's face.

Shen Mange was in charge of alchemy, his face was slightly stern, and Yubai's right hand trembled.

The vision of a golden cauldron composed of true energy, as big as a millstone, floated in front of him, but it was as heavy as a mountain.

Master Hongye is in charge of the weapon refining hall, and his true energy spurts out, forming a black giant hammer with flames lingering on it!

As the law enforcement elder, Sasaki Haisa is in charge of the sect's punishment and merit evaluation. This female sword swept across her body, her breath gushed out, and what she transformed into was not a god, but a scale and a ruler.


Wolf King Alexander roared angrily.

Suddenly, his body grew taller, his hair exploded, and a full moon formed in front of him. The light of the moon filled the air, and a wild wolf more than ten meters high howled at the moon.

Huang Ling'er, who had just come out of seclusion, said nothing, raised her beautiful eyebrows, turned her delicate body, and waved the Tianyuan wooden stick again and again.

Suddenly, the colorful essence around him spurted out and kept changing, with colorful flowers blooming and green branches swaying around him.

Tang Linglong made a finger gesture with both hands, gave a sweet shout, and exploded with sword energy.

Clang, Clang, Clang!

Hundreds of flying swords floated around him, like a group of silver fish.

This is the culmination of their cultivation achievements over the past few years since the establishment of Tianqing Sect.

They can almost condense air shapes, and the vision has spirituality, almost a second soul!

From here we can see the difference between the Tianqing Sect, the Holy See, and the Brahmins.

The Holy See and Brahmins believe in gods, and what condenses behind them are the shadows of gods or things used by gods.

Everyone in the Tianqing Sect turned their special physiques, specialties, or professions into miraculous weapons!

They each have their own duties and strengths! Apply what you have learned and combine knowledge with action!

Don’t seek gods and Buddhas, but seek others. There has never been any savior, nor do you rely on gods or emperors!

"What kind of orthodoxy is this from Tianqing Sect?"

A Brahmin elder with lop-shouldered ears shouted angrily:

"What a mess they are practicing! Even beasts like the wolf tribe are accepted as their subordinates. They have really fallen into the devil's way! They are all a group of evil heretics who disrespect the gods!"

"My master once said that the demon race may not be evil, and the human race may not be good. All words and deeds are judged by their actions! If you are of one mind with me, you will become my kind!"

Ye Tianren smiled and said:

"Wolf King Alexander serves humanity and guards Sodoni. Why don't we embrace everything?"

"We don't respect the gods? In fact, why should we fear the gods? We all have our own abilities. Relying on gods and Buddhas is the heretic!"

"We don't worship gods. All things can be used. Mortals who engage in their own professions and do their best will become gods! This is the purpose of our Tianqing Sect!"

"Haha, according to you, if we practice over and over again, we will not be as good as ordinary people, but we will have to work for ordinary people!"

St. Laurent's eyes were stern and he snorted coldly.

"That's right! My mentor once said that the great road is nothing more than the daily use of the common people!"

Ye Tianren was calm and said with a smile:

"There is nothing noble about a cultivator. The way of a saint is only to be known and practiced by everyone. Otherwise, even if it is a wonderful knowledge from heaven, it is just a paragraph, empty talk on paper!"

"The way of heaven is to make up for the excess damage! The strong should fight to protect the weak! The blood of the strong should also be shed for the weak!"

"Everyone, this is the great love in the world. It's not as hypocritical as you are trying to scare the people by using gods to bring disasters!"

"Have you been moved by the purpose of our Tianqing Sect? Why don't some of you abandon the secrets and join the light and join our Tianqing Sect?"

"Haha, Ye Tianren, you don't respect God, and you still want to become a god. You are too deep into the devil's path!"

Saint Laurent smiled.

An unknown Crusader general or an ascetic Tutu among the crowd snorted: "Kill!"

As soon as these words were spoken, true energy exploded, holy light filled the air, energy surged, murderous intent surged into the sky, the howling cold wind suddenly became biting, and the battle was imminent.


Loud shouts were heard, and thunder shook the sky. The sound shook for ten kilometers, and the battle broke out instantly.

In an instant, violent air waves washed away, razing the jungle to the ground.

The big tree surrounded by one person suddenly turned into powder, and the huge boulders like millstones rolled against the ground.

This battle far surpassed the original battle between the Tianqing Sect and the Dark Council.

Although there are many powerful people in the Dark Council, compared with the two great traditions of the Holy See and Brahman, they are still much smaller. There are many powerful people at the Holy King level here.

After nearly a year of recuperation and recuperation, the Tianqing Sect's strength is no longer what it used to be, and everyone has achieved something.

As they fought, blood spattered on the spot, and the strong fell one after another.

The Brahmin guardian elder with drooping ears and shoulders immediately approached the Moon Worshiping Wolf King.

The collision between the two immortal-level experts caused sparks to fly everywhere, causing the mountains and rivers to shatter, and the sun and moon to lose their light.

The ascetic Tutuo with drooping ears and shoulders is 300 years old. He has profound teachings and is proficient in spells. He believes in and is responsible for worshiping, worshiping, and communicating with the bloodthirsty golden-scaled snake god, and practices the mysterious method of the snake god.

The Moon Worshiping Wolf King once led the Russian Winter Soldiers and was a close friend of the Russian Emperor. He fought on the battlefields all his life, was a ruthless soldier, and experienced hundreds of battles, destroying tribes, armies, religions, and countries. He went through life and death.

Over the years, under the careful guidance of Jiang Tian and his wife, he has now directly crossed over to the divine realm and reached the level of human immortal, and has become the mainstay of Tianqing Sect.

As soon as the Moon Worshiping Wolf King's moon turbine collided with the snake god Xuanfa Fu, the moonlight burst out, shining brightly, forming a sharp moon-shaped turbine, surrounded by swords and spears.

These visions are like reality, but they are all transformed by Alexander's natal essence.

A god with a human head and a snake body and four arms was entrenched on a sea of ​​blood and bones. His golden scales shone brightly and he was more than ten meters high.

The statue of the golden-scaled snake god was preceded by the long-eared Brahmin guardian elder. Compared with the majestic snake god, he seemed much smaller.

The sea of ​​blood with floating corpses was broken by a violent figure six meters tall.

The demonic aura fills the sky, and the demonic wind bursts out. It is the Moon Worshiping Wolf King who rides on the phantom of the wolf to kill like crazy.

"I don't believe in God. I don't worship the moon. I am the Wolf God. I am God. Come and die!"

Alexander grinned, his face ferocious, violent, cold, and bloodthirsty. He held a moon turbine and continuously blasted out moon weapons, cutting through everything.

The vision of the blue wolf howling at the moon seemed to have substance, with its feet stepping on the moonlight, and its green eyes bursting with cold light.

"Hmph, you're a hairy beast, a demon heretic, and you dare to call yourself a god, and you dare to blaspheme the messenger of the gods!"

The long-eared protector elder sneered, made the Thousand Lotus Seal with both hands, chanted a loud mantra in his mouth, and used two seals to hit the Moon Worshiping Wolf King.

Suddenly, the tall golden-scaled snake god twisted his waist and punched the Moon Worshiping Wolf King with two consecutive punches. His long tail swiped like a missile flying across the sky. It was so powerful that it was so devastating that it could shatter a battleship.

Unexpectedly, the Moon Worshiping Wolf King did not hide, but let two fists hit his head and shoulders, and was swept away by his tail more than ten meters away.

But as soon as he twisted his waist, he stabilized his figure. He exerted huge force under his feet, causing the rocks to shatter and sparks to burst out.

Then without stopping, he approached the long-eared elder, raised his arms, and the moon turbine light flew out with great force.

The light of the moon turns into swords, spears, shields, swords and hammers!

Slash with sword, pick with spear, strike with shield, sweep with sword, and strike with hammer!

A moonlight sword cut off the hands of the long-eared guardian elder, the spear pierced his abdomen, the shield smashed his head, the sword light wiped open his throat, and the giant hammer smashed his back.

Beside them, the green wolf vision and the golden-scaled snake god were fighting together. The sea of ​​​​blood surged, bones flew everywhere, the moonlight gushed out, and the thunder boomed.

"You didn't hide?"

The long-eared guardian elder was lifted up in the air by the Moon Worshiping Wolf King's spear like a bloody gourd. His head exploded for a long time, and he asked with blood spurting from his mouth.

In mid-air, another huge shield slammed down, smashing him into pieces of bone and flesh.

"Idiot! When you kill an enemy on the battlefield, victory or defeat is only a matter of one or two moves. Why hide? The battlefield is about killing skills. If I compete with you about spells and secrets, wouldn't I use my shortcomings to attack your strengths?"

The Moon Worshiping Wolf King laughed wildly, but he vomited blood.

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