Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 997 The Battle of Lancang River, my fate is up to me.

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

Ye Tianren was leading the Tianqing Sect and Dragon Group heroes to inspect the Lancang River area and said with a smile:

"What kind of faith worships their Taoism, and they will receive blessings in the future. After death, the soul enters the Kingdom of Heaven and the Western Land. Over the past thousands of years, have you ever seen a soul ascend to the Kingdom of Heaven and the Western Land?"

"The theory of the afterlife is illusory. It is even more cowardly to pin happiness on the grace of gods and Buddhas! You still have to fight for happiness by yourself! You still have to grab resources by yourself!"

"The small world of Tianxing wants to plunder the earth world, how can you think that the kingdom of heaven and the west earth will be soft-hearted?"

"I once followed my master to the Star World. The sky was full of gods and Buddhas, but I still beat them to death! My mentor is now the Lord of the Stars, and his resources are endless. He has broken through several levels!"

Huo Qingtian, Zhao Yuankun, Wei Feilong, Ye Zhantian and others were all in high spirits.

Cao Jianjia even cheered, her beautiful eyes shining brightly, and said: "Did Master Jiang Xian really do it? That's amazing!"

"My teacher said that the earth is the homeland of many dimensional worlds, and those so-called immortals have the same ancestors as us!"

Ye Tianren smiled proudly and said angrily:

"They took away the spiritual energy from the ancient earth. It's fine if they don't return it, but they absolutely have no right to interfere with the earth world!"

"Humph, those Brahmins and the Holy See consider themselves noble, not involved in childbirth, and aloof. But in history, when gods and Buddhas brought disasters, how did they ever stop them?"

Ye Tianren's face was full of sarcasm, and he sneered:

"They think that it is reasonable for humans on earth to be killed and starve to death. Because humans are guilty. They will always just kneel down and kowtow, burn incense, worship, repent and praise!"

"But why are human beings guilty? Aren't the Western Lands and the Kingdom of Heaven greedy? Are the Holy See and the Brahmins clean? In order to maintain religious rights and plunder profits, they kill people like hemp!"

Just as he was talking, suddenly.

In the dense forest, an old man wearing red clothes walked out, with a high nose and deep eyes, a head full of silver hair, and a slightly bald head.

He was filled with holy light, holding a scepter in his hand, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty the God of Heaven is right, but if the gods bring disasters, like the prehistoric floods, or the locust plague in Egypt, can you withstand it?"

"The Pope's favorite, the First Privy Councilor of the Vatican, Saint Laurent!"

Behind Ye Tianren, many strong men exclaimed.

"Why resist?"

Ye Tianren was full of fighting spirit, flicked his sleeves, and coldly snorted:

"Whoever brings disaster to us, then kill him! If the Kingdom of Heaven brings disaster, kill the Kingdom of Heaven; if the Western Land brings disaster, then the Western Land will be shattered! Aren't they gods and Buddhas? Just destroy them!"

Saint Laurent smiled without saying a word, his eyes mocking, as if Ye Tianren was unfathomably stupid.

Behind him, another linen tutuo came slowly.

This old man has chicken skin and a crane head. His body is thin and old. He is covered in linen clothes like a sheet, exposing his ribs like knives. He looks like Mahatma Gandhi and smiles: "Junior Brother Tianren, have you eaten?"

"The personal disciple of Master Gaye, the little master of suffering."

someone exclaimed.

"Why did he call Senior Tianren Junior Brother?"

Sasaki Haisa looked puzzled.

"My father once practiced in Brahmin! According to my father, this man is already four hundred years old!"

Ye Zhantian explained, staring at the suffering little master with burning eyes.

In Brahman, there is a theory of reincarnation of living gods.

Master Kaye is the reincarnated living god, supreme, equivalent to the patriarch.

But on weekdays, Little Master Suffering is the prime minister of the entire sect, which is equivalent to the current sect leader and headmaster!

"Senior Brother Kuanji, old arms and legs, are you here to join us?"

Ye Tianren smiled.

"There is a demon in China that must be eliminated! If the old man does not succeed, he will not retreat!"

The little master of suffering put his hands together and said with a smile:

"Junior Brother Tianren, you should eat more, because you will have no chance to eat in the future!"

"In the early years of the Republic of China, when I saw the raging war and felt pain in my heart, I went to Brahmin to learn Dharma and find the way to great freedom and liberation. We held candlelight talks at night and confirmed each other. It was a bit of a brother-in-law friendship. You go away, I I won’t kill you!”

Ye Tianren smiled boldly, his eyes as sharp as a knife and said:

"However, after you go back, you should also remember to eat and eat more food from the world."

"Don't forget, what you are seeking is fate in the human world. The food you eat is also food grown on the earth! Eat more, taste more fireworks in the world, and don't let yourself live too high or too far away!"

"Going far is to avoid vulgarity!"

Misery smiled proudly:

"We believe in God and practice asceticism to stay away from the distractions of the world. If we are contaminated, it will be difficult to escape!"

"Back when you were enlightened in Brahman, I told you that if you want to be quiet and become a god, you must detach yourself from things, ignore worldly affairs, and annihilate your body and mind!"

"Can you become true gods?"

Ye Tianren sneered.

The little master of suffering hesitated.

Saint Laurent smiled and said: "It's not bad for us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and the Western Land! If we don't believe in God, the gods will bring disasters!"

"Your Excellency Tianren and your master Jiang Taichu, shouldn't you think of the common people in the world? Do you know how many lost civilizations in history were destroyed by the hands of the gods of heaven?"

"Some legends are just your bluff!"

Ye Tianren smiled coldly.

"There is a scroll here called the 'Ancient Catastrophe Scroll'. It was unearthed in Europe and was 30,000 years old. It records the disasters coming to the Kingdom of Heaven."

Saint Laurent handed over an ancient Hebrew parchment and said.

"Father (elder brother and protector Zuo), be careful of fraud!"

Ye Zhantian and others reminded.

"It doesn't matter!"

Ye Tianren took the scroll and read it page by page.

He lived in the Liulichang area of ​​Yanjing in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty, and worked as an administrator in the library of Yanjing University.

He once interacted with archeology and Chinese studies masters such as Li Ji, Chen Yinke, and Wu Mi. Under their influence, he learned both Chinese and Western knowledge. Oracle, Sanskrit, Hebrew... he can recognize all kinds of ancient characters, no less than a great Confucian of the generation and a great master of the Republic of China.

Ye Tianren slowly read through it. Next to him, Saint Laurent and the Little Master Suffering did not rush.

Saint Laurent even explained tepidly:

"Atlantis, Lemuria in the Pacific tropics, ancient Egypt and other civilizations were all destroyed by the Kingdom of Heaven and the Western Land because they did not believe in gods! Your Excellency, if you care about the common people in the world, you should know what to do Have you decided?"

"How to make a decision? According to your ideas, it's not just about kneeling down and surrendering!"

Ye Tianren returned the scroll, sneered disdainfully, then sighed and said leisurely:

"I experienced the severe drought in the Central Plains in 1942. Millions of people left their homes to flee famine and exchange their children for food. At that time, some missionaries persuaded people to believe in the Holy See. Countless hungry people knelt down and prayed, asking the gods to send food and rain. However, It didn’t rain, and there was no food. In the end, the hungry people all starved to death, and all ten houses in the Central Plains were empty!”

"From that time on, I knew that people cannot rely on God, but must rely on themselves to strive for happiness!"

"Nowadays, China does not believe in the Holy See or Brahmins, but everyone has clothes to wear, food to eat, meat, planes, and aircraft carriers. Even if there are natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and snow disasters, we are united as one. To overcome the difficulties together, it is impossible to die..."

"Two fellow Taoists, we Chinese people do not believe in God, we only believe in ourselves! We believe in our own hands. We believe that hard work can bring about a bumper harvest. In the face of invasion, we believe that as long as we dare to show our swords, we can definitely win peace! We I believe even more that my fate is determined by me, not by God, nor by heaven!”

"Your Excellency Tianren, think twice, and let Master Jiang Taichu think twice!"

Privy Councilor Saint Laurent bowed.

"If my master were alerted and took action, your Holy See would have been trampled to death!"

Ye Tianren smiled.

"Devil, this is the devil!"

The little master of suffering shouted angrily.

"If you want to believe, you can."

Ye Tianren shouted coldly:

"Go back to your Ganges and Vatican faiths. Why did you come to China? Are you forcing us to follow suit? What's the point!"

"We came to China to preach and to slay demons!"

The little master of suffering said with a solemn expression.

Saint Laurent nodded in agreement and said slowly: "You have fallen too deep into the devil's path and need to be purified by faith!"

"What is the devil? Where is the devil?"

Ye Tianren mocked.

"Jiang Taichu is a demon, and so are you! If you don't believe in God, you are a demon! If you don't have faith, you are a demon!"

The little master of suffering said with cold eyes: "Today, we are going to eliminate demons and protect the way, and kill you!"

Everyone looked around.

I saw monastery abbots, ascetic monks, crusaders, missionaries, ascetic monks, and even some strong men from the dark world, crossing the sky and coming from all directions.

There were as many as three thousand people, densely packed, covering the sky and the sun, and surrounded Ye Tianren and others in the center.

"You talk about not being contaminated by the secular world. In the end, it's not about fighting. You should have said it earlier!"

Ye Tianren's murderous aura suddenly rose into the sky, and he snorted coldly:

"I thought you were going to follow the rules of the world and fight alone. I didn't expect you to also engage in battlefield conspiracy! There are quite a few people here!"

St. Roland shook his head and said: "Haha, I have no choice but to forgive you, Your Excellency Tianren! Little Master Suffering, all of you comrades, please send Your Excellency Tianren and the Tianqing Sect to heaven together!"

"Haha, you think having more people can scare us. If you want to fight, then fight!"

Ye Tianren snorted coldly.

Suddenly, a ten-mile radius was filled with a sense of solemnity, as if the air had frozen.

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