Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1005 The winner comes, the ancestor, the confidence of the hidden royal family

Suddenly, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone looked shocked.

Ying Su declared war between the royal family and the Tianqing Sect. This is no small matter!

Because after all, he is the leader of the alliance and can represent the entire hidden royal family.

The hidden royal family is not just here, there are still some strong men and seniors who have not yet come out.

Once the two sides go to war, the entire China will be turned upside down, and even the world will be in chaos!

"Jiang Taichu, Ying Su, why don't you both give in?"

A solemn look appeared on Wu Yaoniang's face. She was in a dilemma. She stopped Ying Su and tried to persuade her:

"Isn't this a pleasure for relatives and enemies? Besides, can you withstand Jiang Tian's Kui Lian magic weapon?"

As for Zhu Xiaochen, Li Guangzhe and others, their whole bodies were tense, ready to fight Jiang Tian at any time.

Jin Zixuan, Nalan Li and others rolled their eyes and felt secretly in their hearts.

Good, good!

The fight is finally about to begin, at least I have a chance to escape! Maybe Jiang Taichu would even die a violent death!

"Go away! The hidden royal family cannot be insulted! Jiang Taichu, I want to see how strong you are today!"

Ying Su roared angrily, pushed Wu Yaoniang away, and stabbed Jiang Tian with his halberd across the sky!

"You are too far behind! You, a hidden royal family, cannot be humiliated? I will humiliate you!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were contemptuous, and he flicked his finger and struck the halberd with his fingerlight.

Suddenly, the halberd exploded and shattered into pieces. Ying Su flew dozens of meters away, blood spurting from his mouth, and his armor shattered.

Everyone was deeply shocked again.

Jiang Tian was so powerful that he could overwhelm Ying Su with one finger and even shatter the winner's ancestral magic weapon with one blow.

"You are so powerful!"

Ying Su couldn't believe it, his eyes were shocked.

But he immediately ran towards Jiang Tiansha with an angry roar: "But, I don't accept it! I will kill you!"

"Ying Su, stop it!"

At this time, a majestic shout came.

A black light burst through the sky like a comet, spanning a distance of more than ten kilometers in the blink of an eye, and landed on Zhangzi Peak not far away.

This man burst out with a force of energy that spanned a distance of several thousand meters and pressed down on Ying Su's chest, subduing him.

Only then did everyone see clearly that this was an old man wearing a black robe and holding a cane.

This old man has chicken skin and a crane head, his teeth have fallen out, his mouth is shriveled, his waist is stooped, and he is leaning on a dragon-headed crutch. He looks very old.

"It can't be him!"

Everyone suddenly thought of someone, their scalps felt numb and their hearts almost exploded.

"It's the winner, ancestor!"

Even Ye Tianren's face tightened as he walked out of Calabash Valley, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

The Ancestor of the Winner, the oldest being in the Winner generation, has an unknown longevity, a living stone-level figure, and his strength is unfathomable.

Many heads of hidden royal families must obey his orders and dare not disobey him in the slightest!

At the beginning, when Ye Tianren was in Hongmeng, several ancestors in Hongmeng looked at him with admiration and treated him with caution.

You must know that the ancestors in Hongmeng are all powerful Heavenly Immortals, even surpassing Heavenly Immortals!

Even the leader of the Kunlun Sect during the Republic of China was polite and did not dare to offend him easily when he mentioned the winner ancestor.

Ye Tianren even visited Winner in Tongguan and received advice from him several times. The ancestor of Winner is so strong and profound that he cannot be underestimated. He can be regarded as Ye Tianren's senior!

Whoosh whoosh!

Two more figures emptied their breath, flew through the air, and landed on Zhangzi Peak, standing behind the winner ancestor.

One of them was an old man wearing a bright yellow robe with a big braid hanging down his head.

Behind him, there was also a beautiful girl with an uneasy expression on her face.

Surprisingly, it was Jin Yalan, a descendant of the Aixinjueluo family whom Jiang Tian had met before in Tongtian Valley.

And that old man is none other than the old head of the Jin family, Jin Zixuan’s father, Jin Luanxiong!

He has a stern demeanor, his eyes are like lightning, and his aura is as deep as the sea. He is clearly a powerful Earth Immortal.

Then, in the sky, the royal energy surged, the auspicious light burst out, and the golden aura filled the air. One after another, strong men crossed the sky and came through the sky.

Almost all the heads of several major royal families in China, including Zhu Guanlan, the head of the Zhu family, and Li Fanyu of the Li family, were present.

Nalan Bo is also among them.

There were even a few family heads from the older generation, ancestor-level figures who came out to join the battle. They were all powerful and respected people, and their cultivation levels were almost at the Earth Immortal level.

Juniors like Ying Su can't compare with them. Several of these strong men can even overpower Ye Tianren in terms of seniority and strength.

"This is Jiang Taichu, so young!"

At this time, they looked at Jiang Tian with complicated expressions, including suspicion, confusion, shock, fear, hostility, and inquiry... more or less.

"It seems that Jin Zixuan and Ying Su have already started a quarrel with Jiang Taichu!"

"This is trouble! Jiang Taichu has probably defeated the Tianxing Realm. How can my little Jin family be able to offend me with such strength!"

On the Zhangzi Peak, Jin Luan's ambition was confused, his eyes were panicked, and he was trembling. He looked at Nalanbo, cupped his hands and fists, and said sincerely:

"Brother Nalan, please go and meet Jiang Taichu first and declare that we are not here to target him and that we have no hostility at all!"

"Gentlemen, please be patient and don't rush over there to avoid being misunderstood by Jiang Taichu. Otherwise, we will all be in trouble!"

"Well, Nalanbo, go ahead! If a fight breaks out, it will be a real disaster!"

Many seniors of the hidden royal family had fearful eyes and urged uneasily.

If it is as everyone speculates, who is Jiang Taichu's opponent if we look at China and even the world? I'm afraid even the winner ancestor will have a hard time!

Only the winner's ancestor's eyes were shining brightly, flickering on and off, his face was gloomy, and he was silent. He didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't stop him.


Seeing that the winner's ancestor did not stop him, Nalanbo responded with a solemn expression, then stepped into the air and flew towards Qingsong Peak where Jiang Tian and the others were.

On Qingsong Peak, when Wu Yaoniang saw the seniors from the royal family arriving one after another, her heart suddenly tightened, she frowned and said softly: "Are they here to deal with Jiang Taichu? It's over now!"

"Hmph, even a living fossil-level senior like Ancestor Winner is here. Let me see how stubborn you can be, Jiang Taichu!"

"This time, the hidden royal family is out in force! Jiang Taichu, I don't believe you can still be tough!"

"If you dare to attack Ying Su, you will be in big trouble! I'm afraid you will be crushed into scum!"

But Zhu Xiaochen, Li Guangzhe, Jin Zixuan and others suddenly became bolder and more confident, and smiled gloomily, as if Jiang Tian was already a dead man.

That's right, Jiang Tian's Kuilian is very powerful. They were all jealous just now and didn't dare to provoke Jiang Tian.

But now even the winner ancestor is here, everything is different, and the hidden royal family’s chances of winning have greatly increased!

These people are all scheming people. Although they are full of hostility towards Jiang Tian, ​​they hold back and just despise Jiang Tian in their hearts.

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you know the strength of the Hidden Royal Family now? Who gave you the confidence and courage to dare to challenge the Hidden Royal Family!"

But Nalan Qinghe, who had just turned pale with fright, was no longer so restrained. He instantly resurrected with full blood, jumped out, and said mockingly.

Jiang Tian was too lazy to pay attention to her and shook his head disdainfully.

"Aren't you ready to surrender now? Aren't you going to repent? You just wanted to kill Jin Zixuan and Ying Su!"

Nalan Qinghe mocked without knowing whether to live or die.

"Qinghe, please stop saying a few words!"

Nalan Bo quickly flew over, eager to dissuade him.

Then he looked at Jiang Tian with an apologetic look, bowed deeply and said: "Jiang Tian, ​​I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it's my fault in teaching my son! The ancestor of the winner wants to meet you, but I don't know..."

He didn't expect that the relationship between Jiang Tian and his family would be like this.

"Everyone of the Nalan family, on the night of the banquet, I once said that I have been to the Heavenly Star Realm, killed hundreds of immortals with my sword, and became the Lord of the Heavenly Stars. I will grant you ten lives of glory, take you to the dimensional world, and become an immortal. Become a god!"

Jiang Tian glanced at Nalan Qinghe and said calmly:

"If you apologize to me now and keep that secret, I will give you another chance for the sake of the old man! What I said back then still stands!"

"Haha, you are so stubborn when you are about to die! Jiang Taichu, in terms of cultivation strength, you may not be the best in the world, but in terms of bragging, you are definitely the best in history. I am convinced..."

Nalan Li couldn't hold back his crazy smile, and he laughed like a pig.

In fact, many people laughed sarcastically at this time.

Jiang Taichu, are you crazy?

You have been to the Star Realm, killed hundreds of immortals, and become the Lord of the Stars. How is this possible?

This is like a basketball fan who can't even make a three-step layup saying that he beat Kobe Jordan in basketball last night!

The most ridiculous thing in the world!

"Jiang Taichu, are you kidding me? You said you've been to Tianxing Small World, and you got some bullshit Human Emperor's token!"

Nalan Qinghe moved lightly, approached Jiang Tian, ​​sneered proudly, and said with full of sarcasm:

"I tell you, the Jin family and the royal Li family are both agents of the small world of Tianxing. As a descendant of the Guardian Dragon lineage, I will also meet the immortals of the Tianxing world in the future, and even receive their favor! From now on, we will accept The Lan family is beyond your reach!"

She was so proud that she looked down at Jiang Tian like an ant and tried her best to ridicule:

"Before, you were disrespectful and disrespectful, repeatedly offended the Nalan family, even got into fights, and humiliated you in every possible way! Now you want us to keep your secrets, just dream! We will tell the world about it right away! Now, the powerful hidden royal family has gathered here I'm here to deal with you. Do you regret it? Are you scared? Don't tremble!"

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