Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1006: He once went to the Star Realm and scared the hidden royal family to death

"Old Patriarch Jin! Hurry up and kill Jiang Taichu. Jiang Taichu just wanted to kill Jin Zixuan!"

"He just wanted to kill Ying Su, how could Winner sit idly by? Ancestor Winner, do it!"

Nalan Li, Nalan Tu and others, like loyal dogs seeing their master, jumped up to meet them, adding fuel to the fire and shouting at Jin Luanxiong and the winner ancestor.

Jiang Tian just said with a half-smile: "Why are you so confident that the winner ancestor is here to deal with me?"

"How can you be so sure that I didn't take over the Tianxing Dimension World?"

"Let me see, maybe they came here to recognize their master, they are just my dogs!"

In fact, when he saw Jin Yalan appear, Jiang Tian guessed that the hidden royal family must have analyzed that he had been to the Star Realm and came here to apologize and recognize his master.

"Jiang Taichu, you are so presumptuous!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Guangzhe, Zhu Xiaochen, Jin Zixuan and others couldn't sit still and shouted and cursed one after another.

Even Wu Yaoniang shook her head helplessly, held her forehead and sighed.

Jiang Taichu, why are you so crazy, why are you so ignorant of current affairs!

Don't you see clearly what's happening now?

Even the winner’s ancestor is here!

Seeing that Jiang Tian had become the target of many strong men in the hidden royal family, Nalan Qinghe instantly became more confident and became arrogant and domineering to the extreme. Nalan Bo could not stop her no matter what.

She shook off Nalanbo's pull, stepped forward, pointed at Jiang Tian's nose and shouted mockingly:

"Jiang Taichu, how dare you intend to kill Jin Zixuan and Ying Su, and challenge the authority of the entire hidden royal family. You are so bold!"

"Now, you, Jiang Taichu, are the enemy of the entire hidden royal family of China. You are causing harm to the world and everyone will be punished!"

"No matter how powerful you Jiang Taichu is, are you a match for the winner ancestor? Are you a match for all the powerful men from the Hidden Royal Family and the Dragon-Guarding Clan?"

"If you have the guts, then let's start a war!"

This woman is really murderous and heart-wrenching.

Originally, Jiang Tian only wanted to kill Jin Zixuan, who was trying to compete for the Sodoni Dojo, and he also had a reason to teach Ying Su a lesson.

But as soon as the matter came to her mouth, Jiang Tian became the kind of villain who kills without blinking an eye!

Seeing this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, and sneered: "Oh, I have already given you the last chance. I didn't expect... It's good like this. No one will say that I, Jiang Taichu, am ungrateful in the future!"

Jiang Tian values ​​​​love and righteousness. In the fairy world, he once received a bowl of white porridge from someone and helped that family become the emperor of a secular country and enjoy three thousand years of splendor and glory!

When he returned this time, he was extremely kind and righteous to the Nalan family!

At the last moment, he still gave the Nalan family a chance!

"Jiang Taichu, the hidden royal family is out in force, why don't you surrender? Give up the Sodoni Dojo and spare your life!"

"Otherwise, when the ancestors of the dimensional world come in the future, killing you will be as easy as killing a chicken!"

"Yes, Jiang Taichu, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You killed an important person in the Tianxing Realm. Your crime was unforgivable and you must die. But if you hand over the dojo, we can still help you make peace!"

Zhu Xiaochen, Li Guangzhe and other younger generation royal descendants, some threatened, some followed the instructions, and some looked at Jiang Tian with ridicule.

"Who else? Who else wants to occupy my dojo! Let's stand up together!"

Jiang Tian was calm and calm, speaking calmly and authentically.

"Jiang Taichu, I'm not convinced either! Let Sodoni out!"

At this time, another strong man from the royal family stood up.

"Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Do you think you are our opponent?"

A head of the Dragon Guard family also stood up, looked at Jiang Tian with stern eyes, and spoke provocatively.

Finally, there was no one on Qingsong Peak except Wu Yaoniang.

Almost all members of the royal family and the Dragon Guard family announced their break with Jiang Taichu!

"You all shut up!"

Seeing this scene, Nalan Bo was so anxious that the veins on his forehead jumped, and he said loudly: "Ancestor Winner and the others came here to ask to see Jiang Tian, ​​and they didn't show any hostility at all!"

At this time, he was very anxious.

Originally, he came here to make peace.

But these people from the hidden royal family were too arrogant. Before he could speak, they fired at Jiang Tian and started quarreling with each other.

"Nalanbo, what do you mean?"

After hearing this, everyone was stunned and a little unable to recover.

"All royal leaders, come here quickly! I can't hold it back any longer!"

Nalanbo stamped his feet anxiously, suddenly shook his head, sighed, and shouted loudly.

"Jin Yalan pays homage to Master Jiang! Please punish Master Jiang!"

Hearing this, Jin Yalan was the first to fly over and walked closer. Her eyes were frightened, she was trembling with fear and fell to her knees.

Strong men such as Jin Luanxiong and Winner Ancestor also flew over one after another.

Originally, she had surrendered to Jiang Tian, ​​but she did not make this clear to the Jin family.

Because she also knows that the Aixinjueluo family is extremely arrogant and ambitious!

If she said so, the Aixinjueluo family would probably immediately become enemies of Jiang Taichu and the Tianqing Sect and directly declare war!

In that case, the Aixinjueluo family will face disaster.

Moreover, the imperial family is ruthless and cold!

If her words offend the higher-ups, she may even be executed!

Therefore, after Jin Yalan came back from Tongtian Valley, she chose to retreat, improve her cultivation, and gain the right to speak in the family!

In her opinion, Tianxing Little World is too powerful!

After Jiang Tian enters, it will probably take several years or even decades before he can hope to defeat Tianxing World.

It is even possible that Jiang Tian died directly!

If Jiang Tian dies, then her attitude will change accordingly and she will no longer stand by Jiang Tian.

Therefore, for Jin Yalan, her best choice is to conceal everything, make it up, dare not tell the truth, and wait for things to become clearer!

However, when she came out of seclusion, she immediately heard the news of Jiang Taichu's return!

Jin Yalan was almost scared to death!

Jiang Taichu actually came back alive. Could it be that he defeated the Tianxing Dimension World!

This is incredible.

She immediately met with her old boss Jin Luanxiong, and Jin Luanxiong actually said that Jin Zixuan wanted to force Jiang Tian to hand over Sodoni!

Jin Yalan was so frightened that her heart almost burst. Jin Zixuan was really seeking death to a new level!

After Jin Luanxiong heard what Jin Yalan said, he also realized the seriousness of the matter!

If Jiang Tianzhen really defeats the Tianxing Dimension World, then Jiang Taichu's strength will have to be re-evaluated!

It is very likely that the entire hidden royal family is no match. Once they offend him, they will face disaster!

Therefore, Jin Luanxiong immediately contacted the winner's ancestor and united with the elders of the royal families to go to Lancang River to look for Jiang Tian and prevent the situation from deteriorating!

At this time, I saw the tense situation between the two sides, and I saw Jin Zixuan being beaten by Jiang Tian with scars all over his body.

Jin Yalan and Jin Luanxiong regretted not falling. They felt regretful and rushed quickly. After all, they were a step too late!

How could Nalan Qinghe know this? He went to pull Jin Yalan away and shouted desperately: "Yalan, you are crazy, why do you have to kneel down to him as a common man?"

"He is just a commoner, so what's the big deal? Now the winner's ancestor, Jin's patriarch, and many royal leaders are here! Isn't killing him as easy as killing a chicken?"

"Nalan Qinghe, I beg you, shut up!" Jin Yalan wanted to sew up her broken mouth.

But Nalan Qinghe was so proud that he didn't listen at all, and roared at Jiang Tian: "Jiang Tian, ​​to tell you the truth, the Jin family has been trying to kill you for more than a day or two. This time they are all out! Just wait for me. Die!"

"Bitch, shut up!"

Jin Luanxiong was so angry that he was trembling all over. He was so angry that he roared like thunder. He stepped forward and slapped Nalan Qinghe on the head.

Jiang Taichu is a being who can crush Tianxing Small World! Aren’t you pushing our Jin family into a pit of fire?

Do you still think there are not enough dead people in our Jin family? You want to completely wipe out our Jin family, right?


Nalan Qinghe was only in the state of cultivation, so he couldn't bear it. He flew out with a swish, his head was broken and bleeding, and he fell to the ground on his back.

"Old master, why is this? Why do you want to beat my beloved daughter! We are loyal to the Nalan family..."

Nalan Li was stunned, with tears in his eyes, and almost went crazy. He beat his chest and danced like a mad tiger.


Jin Luanxiong slapped Nalan Li on the face again, causing his nose to bleed wildly and he flew several meters away like a rag doll.

"Why did I hit you!"

Jin Luanxiong kicked him in the chest, breaking several of his ribs, and shouted angrily:

"Master Jiang is not even afraid of the Tianxing World. He went to the Tianxing Realm and returned safely. But you are fanning the flames and encouraging Jin Zixuan and Master Jiang to become enemies. What are your intentions!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

"What? He has been to the Star Realm? Has he come back?"

When everyone heard this, they felt as if they had been struck by lightning, with faces full of disbelief.

"Master Jin, what did you say? He, he, he..."

Ying Su was shocked and dumbfounded, staring at Jiang Tian with dumbfounded eyes, as if he had just met Jiang Tian.

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