Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1010: Shocked at the Gate of Heaven, the Western Hidden Royal Family

Wait for Jiang Tian to disappear for a long time.

There was still deathly silence on Qingsong Peak, and everyone was stunned there, as if in a dream.

"Master Jiang actually wants to defeat the Vatican and the Brahmins alone. This is so shocking!"

"No, the Vatican is as powerful as rain, and they are also full of tricks. We still have to keep up, and we cannot let Master Jiang go into danger alone!"

Everyone looked at each other, turned into streams of light, and rushed to follow.

Basically, except for those who were seriously injured and unable to move, the Tianqing Sect, the Chinese Dragon Group and the Hidden Royal Family all went.

They walked for a while.

"Collect corpses! Collect corpses and eat them!"

The big black dog transformed by the old dragon ran down from Zhangzi Peak and rushed into the Calabash Valley.

This guy is extremely wretched.

Although his cultivation was strong, he was timid and did not dare to challenge the strong men of the Holy See. He had been huddled in the headquarters. Now that the war was over, he came out to clean the battlefield and pick up corpses to eat.

However, when he arrived at Calabash Valley, there was not even a drop of residue left.

"Kui Lian is such a trap! He was killed so hard that not even ashes were left. I'm so hungry!"

The big black dog looked up to the sky and howled, then walked through the air and flew towards the west:

"You must follow the master's footsteps this time, otherwise, you won't even be able to pick up a hot body!"

When Jiang Tian headed for the Vatican.

"China is out of control!"


In the Holy See of Vatican, in the Holy Tomb with lush vegetation and overflowing with aura, holy light suddenly burst out, forming a set of large golden characters.

The words are sonorous and condensed, with a metallic texture and weighing more than ten thousand. They illuminate the entire Vatican City and shake the whole world like thunder!

This is an oracle!

"How could this happen! Go and find out quickly, what happened to the six major monasteries and the Crusaders?"

Pope St. Louis, who was originally confident of winning, suddenly felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, his face was shocked and panicked!

This is the oracle, the consciousness of the true God and heroic spirit.

The army of the Eastern Expedition, the six major monasteries and the Crusaders were all the elites of the Holy See!

A monastery has several saints sitting there, which is comparable to a large sect in China.

The Crusaders had even more brilliant achievements. They once swept across the entire European continent, and even many orthodox traditions in Central Asia were brutally swept away, wiped out and suppressed to death.

These two forces have entered China and can be said to be undefeated.

Even before, there was a heroic spirit clone of the true god who was summoned by Saint Roland, walked out of the holy tomb, and rushed to the east to join the war.

True God’s heroic spirit!

He is even able to raise his hand to kill the Earthly Immortal. He is so powerful that even if nuclear weapons are introduced, they may not be able to harm him.

Pope St. Louis, as well as all the senior officials of the Holy See, originally had 100% confidence in this battle.

In their opinion, Jiang Taichu and Tianqing Sect were too young and too weak!

He was also completely isolated, so how could he be the opponent of the Crusaders!

But I didn't expect that this result would occur.

Then, big news broke.

Everyone was in a state of despair, with chills and sweating all over their bodies, as if they were in a nightmare.

"The Crusaders were completely annihilated, the six major monasteries were annihilated, and the Brahmin believer army was annihilated!"

Like a nuclear weapon, it shook the entire Holy See, sweeping across nine heavens and ten lands, and the entire earth trembled!

Three "entire annihilations" were like a heavy hammer!

It hit their hearts so hard that their hearts almost exploded, their foreheads buzzed, and they were dizzy!

"This is impossible!"

A privy bishop looked pale and trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice:

"This is already the end of the Dharma era. How could such a demon appear? Jiang Taichu ultimately belongs to the Taoist sect. He does not believe in God, does not know how to accept faith, and does not know the holy arts. How could he be so powerful!"

"It must be a conspiracy. It is impossible for Jiang Taichu to cultivate to the level that can challenge the true gods and heroic spirits!"

Another cardinal said in disbelief.

"Perhaps the Kunlun Sect and Hongmeng took action! Especially the Kunlun Sect, the ancestral court of the Chinese Taoist Sect, may have some ancient formations left, and used the killing formation to massacre the Crusaders and the six major monasteries!"

There is a 200-year-old old monk, wearing an old monk's robe, who is well-informed and has a bright eye. He speculates like this.

Hongmeng is very mysterious. According to legend, it is composed of powerful people who have reached the top of the Celestial Immortal in the past dynasties of China and were punished by the Immortal Prisoner Formation. They are like immortal gods. They are the most mysterious trump card in the Chinese cultivation world.

And the towering Kunlun, born in the pre-Qin Dynasty, is known as the ancestral court of Taoism, the first sacred mountain, the mountain of ten thousand ancestors, the hometown of ten thousand gods. The Taoism has a long history and a profound foundation. It dominates many sects and is even more magical!

But Kunlun and Hongmeng have been unable to escape for hundreds of years, so the Holy See dares to be arrogant.

Is he born now?

"That's not the case! The situation is worse than we expected!"

However, there was a Crusader leader who was sitting in the Holy See and had not gone on an expedition, and immediately provided the picture captured by the battlefield information system.

Nowadays, the Crusaders also combine sacred arts with modern technology, equipped with battlefield command systems, information systems, and satellite connections.

Therefore, the people behind the Holy See can still grasp the actual situation on the battlefield.

The picture is very clear.

At the beginning, the two sides fought fiercely.

Gradually, the Crusaders, the six major monasteries, and the Brahmin believer army gained the upper hand and were in a crushing situation, chasing the Tianqing Sect and the Chinese Dragon Group and fleeing like bereaved dogs!

He even chased them into a gourd-shaped valley, which was like catching a turtle in a jar and guaranteeing victory!

But at the last moment, Kuilian erupted, the Sky-Splitting Hammer cannon was fired, and the thunder was blazing, a dazzling white!

Then, the picture disappeared and darkness fell.

"I will fuck your mother!"

A Privy Councilor was so angry that he trembled all over and almost vomited blood. He cursed regardless of his appearance:

"Jiang Taichu is so cunning, he actually used hot weapons! Despicable and shameless! Shameless!"

"It's so shameless! It's so cruel! It's a trick!" Many people were yelling.

"This is not a thermal weapon, this is a magic weapon!"

The leader of the Red Cross said with a trembling voice: "It looks like a smaller version of Kui Lian!"

"Kwai Lian! Small version!"

After hearing this, everyone's eyes darkened and they almost fainted: "They have developed a smaller version of Kuilian!"

This thing claims to surpass nuclear weapons, kill gods and Buddhas all over the sky, and exterminate all living things. It once scared the leaders of the world's major powers to tremble!

The Pentagon and the Kremlin are vying for purchases, launching a Kwai Lotus Competition, and obediently giving money to Sodoni!

The Holy See and the Brahmans seem to be showing off their power and are determined to win, but in fact they are strong on the outside but weak on the inside!

Because Saudoni has Kwai Lotus!

They didn't dare to get close to Sodoni at all, for fear of being annihilated by a single shot!

The reason why the Holy See and the Brahmins started the battlefield in China instead of going to Sodoni is that they were afraid of Kuilian!

They wanted to use Jiang Tian's hometown plot and patriotism to attract them to China, and then destroy them!

After all, China's Kuilian has just been put into trial operation, and the Lancang River is not a no-man's land, so it is difficult to release it!

But now, you have actually developed a small and medium-sized Kuilian, which can be pulled around by a truck, and it can even be installed on a helicopter. How dare you let people live!

"How are the Crusaders doing now? How are the six monasteries doing?"

Pope St. Louis had a bad premonition. He was trembling all over and his voice was trembling.

"No one survived! The entire army was wiped out! We went to the battlefield to conduct reconnaissance..."

The leader of the Crusaders, with a trembling voice, showed another photo and video taken from the battlefield.

The battlefield was in a mess, like the scene after a volcanic eruption.

The Calabash Valley was melted!

Even those armors, helmets and shields made of hundreds of refined steel melted.

Only some semi-melted fragments can still be seen, showing that this was once a battlefield!

All the powerful Brahmins of the Holy See have no bones left and have completely disappeared from this world.

"The Crusaders, the six major monasteries...thousands of strong men!"

Those privy bishops and cardinals who had wanted to kill Jiang Tian were so distressed and in tears when they saw this.

"Wow wow wow wow! I can't bear it! The losses are too heavy! How could this happen! God! What a God!"

"Jiang Taichu is so despicable! How could he use such a powerful magic weapon!"

Some people even vomited blood. I don't know whether it was because they were distressed or because they were so angry that they vomited blood.

The six major monasteries where masters gather together are the support of the Holy See, just like the Dragon Group is to China!

For example, if the Holy See is a country, then the Crusaders are their army, the minions of tigers and wolves, fighting in all directions and plundering the world. They are a source of financial revenue, which is ten times more important than the tribunal that only targets and suppresses heretics. hundred times!

Now, Jiang Tian's several shots were equivalent to smashing the tiger's teeth and breaking off its claws!

There are many bishops who even regret it.

If I had known earlier, I would have just peacefully dominated the West, instead of going to Middle-earth to kill the devil!

It makes you lose your troops and your generals, and you are in such a miserable state!

"If you want to march eastward, continue the eastward march!"

Pope St. Louis was also shocked and stunned, but after a while, he regained his composure and issued an order:

"This is an unbearable loss for the Holy See! We must take revenge! Cut Jiang Taichu into pieces!"

"This time, we not only have to unite with the Brahmins and go out in force, but we also have to use the power of the hidden royal families of Europe!"

"The hidden royal family? Do you want to encourage them too?"

Next to him, many cardinals, paladins, and monks were stunned and couldn't believe it.

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