Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1011 Jiang Tian goes all the way to the west, pushing across the west

In the long history, the religious power and the imperial power had cooperation, struggle, and even more struggle.

The royal family needs the "divine right of kings" to prove the legitimacy of the imperial power and paralyze the people. This is the cooperation of both parties.

However, the religious power gradually expanded, and most of the land was in the hands of churches and monasteries. They also enjoyed the privileges of tax exemption and exemption from corvee, just like a country within a country, which aroused extreme dissatisfaction from the royal family.

The royal family and nobles once launched an "iconoclastic" movement, attacking the pope and the Holy See, killing popes and cardinals.

The Pope was also dissatisfied with the offense and contempt of secular imperial power, excommunicated the royal family, and launched a holy war...

War between religious power and imperial power broke out dozens of times in Europe in the Middle Ages. It was protracted and resulted in countless casualties. It was the most important part of European history.

It can be said that the dual struggle between imperial power and religious power became one of the main contradictions in Europe. It was not until the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism that the two were swept into the dust of history.

After the rise of capitalism, the pope and the reclusive royal family of Europe did not interfere with each other.

Now, the Pope actually wants to unite with the hidden royal family of Europe. This is simply crazy and he will do anything!

When the news spread outside, the entire world of powerful people, and even the intelligence agencies of major countries, were shocked.

"The Tianqing Sect actually made a desperate comeback?"

"The Crusaders, the six major monasteries and the Brahmin Legion, what a brilliant lineup this is, enough to go down in history, but it was actually destroyed by Jiang Taichu's regiment!"

Many people can't believe it, as if they heard it as a myth.

Previously, everyone believed that Jiang Tian and Tianqing Sect would definitely lose. After all, what is the comparison in strength!

Now, they have defeated the Crusaders and the six powerful monasteries, which is really shocking!

"Could it be that Jiang Taichu and Tianqing Sect will really win this time?"

Some powerful people and forces are no longer so sure and are wavering.

"If they win, Qingzong will be the number one sect in the world that day, even Kunlun can suppress it!"

Many people were frightened, paying close attention, and turned their attention to the Holy See and Brahmins, unable to calm down.

This dispute has such a far-reaching impact that it will rewrite history and shake the entire world!

"Not necessarily! The Holy See and the Brahmins have gathered more forces and are going out to destroy Jiang Taichu!"

"The Holy See and the Brahmans are orthodox for thousands of years. They have been glorious for one era. How can they be so easy to bully!"

Someone released the news and it was conclusive.

It is claimed that Jiang Taichu's move will only usher in a more cruel counterattack!

Originally, St. Paul and Master Gaye may have only acted as a deterrent and did not necessarily have to actually take action.

But Jiang Tian has killed so many people, and the conflict is irreconcilable. These two living stone-level experts must take action personally!

Jiang Taichu's strength is still not comparable to that of the Vatican Brahmins, and he lists the glorious achievements of Saint Paul and Master Gaye!

But things developed more intensely than everyone expected, and earth-shattering news came one after another!


In France, by the Seine River, in a majestic palace filled with the atmosphere of time.

An old man wearing a bright crown and splendid robes stood up, looking down at the world like a lion, and said in a cold voice:

"The Bourbon royal family, for the sake of the safety of mankind, declares war with the Tianqing Sect from now on!"

The Bourbon Dynasty began to rule France in 1589 AD and lasted for three hundred years.

They have gone through many twists and turns. During the French Revolution, they were overthrown. After the Battle of Waterloo, they were restored for a period of time, but they were overthrown again in the "July Revolution".

This royal family has huge power, profound foundation and far-reaching influence.

Even the Spanish royal family and the Grand Duke of Luxembourg are its branches and descendants.

Many people believe that the Bourbon dynasty has long since collapsed.

But no, they just lay dormant.

Henry VIII, the current leader of the Bourbon Dynasty, turned out to be a veritable holy king with a lifespan of three hundred years! Back then, he was able to compete with the Holy See and start a struggle between imperial power and religious power!

"Jiang Taichu once repeatedly harmed the secular world in Europe and caused a bloody storm. Today's capitalist kingdom is incompetent. Naturally, I, the descendant of the royal family, must get rid of him and protect Europe!"

Later, in Portugal, the royal family, Castro III, also became murderous and declared war with the Tianqing Sect.

The leader of the royal family is actually a holy king, equivalent to the strength of the Eastern Earth Immortal!

"Is the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets so corrupt and weak now? It was oppressed by a Chinese and a group of African black ghosts! Back then, they could only be our black slaves!"

In England, in an ancient and vicissitudes of manor, thousands of golden lights suddenly bloomed and majestic music sounded.

An old man wearing a golden crown and holding a scepter walked out slowly, looking at the tribesmen who were worshiping him.

"The Hanover family can't even protect Buckingham Palace. It's time for us, the Tudor royal family, to take action and let the world see the true strength of the British Empire!"

He was extremely old, with white hair on his head, a stooped waist, and a slight tremor.

But his blood and anger were surging like a bullfight, and his pair of deep blue eyes burst out with a magical light.

Edward VI, the last remaining emperor of the Tudor dynasty, ruled Britain for hundreds of years.

He turned out to be a half-step saint who was already six hundred years old. He was once the Lord of the Ocean and once led powerful ships and cannons to sweep across Europe!

He even promoted religious reform and expelled the Vatican. He was a figure who could dialogue with St. Paul!

One after another, hidden royal families appeared out of nowhere, and a dozen holy kings appeared together, shocking everyone!

Many people did not expect that in this era of law-ending, especially after Jiang Tian swept the Dark Parliament last time.

There are still so many hidden royal families in Europe! There are so many holy kings!

But when I think about it carefully, I don’t think it’s weird.

During the long Middle Ages, the royal family, which represents the imperial power, the Holy See, which controls the religious power, and the Dark Parliament, which represents the illegal power of the people, have been ebbing and flowing, fighting, cooperating or killing each other, creating a magnificent and ups and downs of the world. European history.

It was not until the rise of modern technology and capitalism that the three of them sadly withdrew from the stage of history and disappeared from everyone's sight.

But even the weakest remaining descendants of the Dark Council can remain dormant until modern society, let alone the stronger Vatican and the hidden royal family?

Regarding this dispute, although many major powers in the world are paying close attention to it, their attitudes are very ambiguous and they rarely speak publicly.

The European countries already know how terrifying Kuilian is, and they dare not send troops to support the Holy See and the hidden royal family. Otherwise, before the Tianqing Sect is eliminated, they themselves will destroy the country first.

The United States has basically stayed out of this dispute.

Now that the Blue Storm Bottle, Cosmic Shield, and even the Super Brain clan have all been wiped out, they have no qualifications to participate.

EU President Jung said in private.

I hope many powerful people and forces will remain rational and restrained!

Even if war is necessary, secular order must not be disturbed. On the contrary, this is tantamount to appeasing the traitor and being happy to see it succeed.

In fact, the emotions of many major countries in the world are very complicated, and many politicians also have different positions, and they got into a lot of quarrels during the meeting.

Some heads of state and politicians hope that both sides will go to war and fight to the death, with both sides suffering losses.

Because whether it is the Tianqing Sect, the Holy See, or the Brahmins, they all exist beyond secular political power. If they are allowed to develop, they will cause the subversion of the existing social order.

Some people think that the Tianqing Sect, the Holy See and the Brahmins are all the strongest human beings, and it is regrettable to kill each other, especially when the small world may invade, and they need to preserve their strength.


The last holy saint of the Holy See, St. Paul, emerged from the Holy Tomb and issued an ultimatum in the Vatican.

Starting today, the Holy See and the European hidden royal family will hunt down Jiang Taichu and the Tianqing Sect members around the world!

At the same time, the Brahmin Master Gaye also walked out of the ancient dojo and publicly announced that he would personally lead the Brahmin strongmen to wage war against Jiang Tian and the Tianqing Sect to kill demons!

In response to this, the spokesperson of Tianqing Sect immediately made an announcement.

The Holy See, Brahmins, and any other forces, please immediately stop harassing and infringing on Huaxia and Tianqing Sect!

Jiang Taichu has led the Tianqing Sect all the way west to discuss the global peace plan with the Holy See.

If the other party wants to start a war, there will be no need for peace negotiations, and it will directly destroy the hidden royal family and the two great dynasties of Europe!

When the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

Jiang Taichu has gone deep alone and taken the initiative to kill the Holy See? This is too crazy!

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