Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1016: The Secret of the Ancients, Hou Yi Shooting the Sun and the Saints of Light

"Back then, he accompanied the Eight-Nation Allied Forces to invade China and defeated the Qing Dynasty Normal School Qilong with one sword!"

The light in Situ Xiao's eyes flickered, and the look on his face became a little more solemn, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

Qing Dynasty's National Normal University Qi Long's initial cultivation level was comparable to that of Situ Xiao, or even slightly better.

Based on this calculation, Edward VI's cultivation level was even higher than that of Situ Xiao, who had not yet become a disciple of Jiang Tian.

"Haha, Jiang Taichu, you are really crazy!"

Edward VI hunched over and coughed, but his eyes were murderous and cold, he smiled ferociously, and said disdainfully:

"Chinese magic techniques are simply vulnerable! We are not afraid of even the Kunlun Sect, the ancestral court of the Dao Sect, let alone you, a mere child with a yellow mouth!"

Although he is very old, he is like an experienced old wolf, still boiling with murderous intent and able to choose people to devour:

"Don't think that just because you can defeat several major powers in the world, you will be considered the best in the world! Compared with us hidden living fossils, you are still far, far behind!"

"Half-step Saint?"

Jiang Tian's expression did not change, and he snorted coldly:

"Haha, it's equivalent to a half-step immortal. In my eyes, it's just an ant that can be easily crushed!"

"Jiang Taichu, you are so ignorant! European civilization is extremely brilliant and the royal family is majestic. You must not provoke it!"

Then, boom!

The void trembled, and under the leadership of Kaslo III, six more holy kings came one after another!

Seven saint kings, one half-step saint, a total of eight giants led the eight hidden royal families in Europe, and a total of five to six thousand powerful royal families occupied strategic positions, forming a fan shape, surrounding Jiang Tian and the others.

"Jiang Taichu, give in!"

"We know that you were seriously injured in the battle with Ye Tianren, and you are no match for him!"

They laughed maliciously.

Some breaths are as cold as the Alps, some are as hot as flames, some royal breaths are surging, and some are as calm as Mont Blanc crushing the earth.

"You want to take advantage of others' danger?"

Jiang Tian suddenly understood at this moment and asked with a half-smile.

No wonder the hidden royal family who had been dormant and kept aloof from the incident suddenly appeared.

That day at the King's Villa in the East China Sea, after Jiang Tian defeated Ye Tianren, he forcibly used the sword technique to reverse time and space to rescue Ye Tianren. He spent a lot of energy, blood and essence, and his hair grew gray and his aura was weak.

In the eyes of the hidden royal family in the West, this has damaged their longevity. Without twenty or thirty years of hard work, they cannot return to their peak state!

Ordinarily, it would be a good idea for them to think so.

But they didn't know that Jiang Tian had already achieved a complete Gengjin divine body at that time and had many elixir-level elixirs. In fact, he completely recovered in just a few days.

Jiang Tian's visit to the small world of Tianxing was extremely secretive. In their view, Jiang Tian was practicing hard in seclusion and healing his wounds.

"You Jiang Taichu are not simple, we have to be like this!"

Edward VI sneered secretly:

"But we are here for the fate of mankind. We want to capture you and send you to the immortals and gods in the dimensional world. For the well-being of all mankind, we have to do this!"

"Based on you, it's too far!"

Jiang Tian smiled disdainfully and snorted:

"I heard that the Holy See and the Brahmins also want to kill me. Why don't you come out together! I'm too lazy to go to the door to call for battle. Come out together and let me kill them together!"

"Haha, I've heard for a long time that Master Jiang is always heroic and generous, and he swallows mountains and rivers with great arrogance. When I see him today, his reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

A stream of holy and blazing light shone through the sky, eclipsing even the scorching sun in the sky.

When people looked up, including many holy kings from hidden royal families, they were blinded for a moment.

I saw golden flying boats flying across the sky, a hundred meters long, flying out from the depths of St. Peter's Basilica.

The golden flying boat is engraved with crosses, crucifixion pictures and many biblical stories, exudes holy white light, and is also equipped with cannons and many pavilions.

"This is the Holy See's divine boat! Legend has it that in the Middle Ages, when they visited the world, they would ride on this divine boat. It could cross continents and cross oceans. I didn't expect it to actually exist!"

Many powerful Europeans present exclaimed and couldn't believe it.

After all, aircraft were invented in modern times.

Many people originally thought that these histories and legends that existed in the Holy See's scriptures were just a matter of the Holy See's self-improvement, which was not credible.

When I saw him today, I realized that the rumors were true.

But Jiang Tian dismissed it.

He has seen too many warships in the universe to count.

The defense and attack power of these golden flying boats are so poor that they are vulnerable to a single blow. Even Fang Jingqiang's bronze warship is inferior.

"The Holy See...they are also here to pinch the weak persimmons!"

"Humph, they are just a bunch of hypocrites!"

Therefore, the Middle Ages had a feud with the Holy See. When the eight royal giants saw this, their expressions were complicated, with a bit of contempt, resentment and fear.

"At this time, our common enemy is the Eastern Demon Jiang Taichu. We should put aside our past grudges and work together!"

Edward VI spoke to console him and took the lead in bowing to the golden flying boat.

"That's right!"

Several other royal giants also bowed their heads to show their respect and cooperation.

A golden spaceship hovers in the sky.

The one at the front is in a golden flying boat.

Privy bishops and cardinals appeared one after another, emitting bright holy light. They were all powerful men at the level of the Holy King.

"The nine privy bishops and red archbishops at the Holy King level, the Holy See has also spent a lot of money this time!"

"It seems that they are determined to win this time! We may not be able to come out on top and kill Jiang Taichu first!"

At this time, seeing such a formation, many hidden royal families in Europe were shocked and changed their expressions.

After many privy bishops and cardinals appeared, they did not immediately fight against Jiang Tian. Instead, they bowed deeply, as if waiting for someone to arrive.

Finally, with the help of a privy bishop.

An old man wearing a gilt-trimmed robe, a black cross hanging from his chest, holding a gemstone scepter that exuded bright light, and a golden crown on his head, slowly walked out of the golden flying boat.


“Oh my God, I finally met the Pope!”

Immediately, hundreds of thousands of clergy and believers at the scene knelt down one after another, with tears in their eyes, enthusiastic and pious, and wanted to kiss his toes to show their respect.

Although the Pope is very old, his tall body is as majestic as a mountain, his waist is straight, his silver hair is crystal clear, his face is like a knife and axe, and his eyes are as wise and deep as the stars.

Coupled with the fact that his whole body was filled with holy light, he was filled with a powerful, proud, holy, and cold aura, making him as inviolable as a true god looking down on the world.

That kind of huge aura cultivated by living in a high position for a long time makes no one dare to underestimate him!

Because he is the current pope of the Holy See, St. Louis, the controller of the Holy See, with overwhelming power and more than one billion followers!

"Jiang Taichu, we, the Holy See, are going to kill you because you declared yourself to be a god, and you misinterpreted our Holy See scriptures and distorted the meaning of the word 'Taichu'!"

When the Pope spoke, his voice was as loud as a bell, shocking the hearts of the people.

There was a supreme majesty that was clearly conveyed to the ears of everyone present.

"But you know, there is only one God in the world! That is the true God that our Holy See believes in!"

"You are confusing right and wrong, you are confusing the world, and you are blaspheming the true God!"

His eyes emitted a substantial amount of holy light, which was blazing, and he said in a cold voice:

"So, we, the Holy See, must kill you, trace your origins to the original, and purify the world's beliefs that have been contaminated by you!"

"what's your name?"

Jiang Tian flicked his sleeves and asked tepidly.

"Old man, the current pope of the Vatican, St. Louis!"

The Pope responded calmly.

"There is the word 'holy' in your name. In fact, when I look at the history of the Holy See, every pope, leader of the Crusaders, and chief adjudicator of the Holy See has this word!"

Jiang Tian said calmly: "But there is no family in the West with this surname!"

"This means that you come from the Holy Clan of Light deep in the universe!"

"You can deceive these foolish men and women, but you can't deceive me. You are just born to be able to control light, good at accepting faith, and have strong recovery ability. You are not true gods!"

"Moreover, in the universe, the human race and the light saint race are originally life-or-death enemies!"

"God said that there must be light, so there is light. In fact, these lights are not created by you on your own initiative. They are carried by plundering the light of other human races and even the energy of plundering stars!"

Jiang Tian's face was full of ridicule, and he said calmly:

"And you are meant to feed on light. If things go on like this, it will inevitably lead to the loss and exhaustion of light, bring endless darkness, and plunge countless human beings into coldness, hunger, and death."

"Or you condensed the holy light and created the sun to absorb the light, but it caused extreme drought, scorched the forest, cracked the earth, and caused famine."

"When Hou Yi shot the sun, he must have shot you or those idiots you believe in!"

As soon as Jiang Tian said these words, he brazenly revealed an eternal secret. The whole place was shocked again, and everyone was dumbfounded.

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