Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1017 What is a devil, what is evil!

Many people find it hard to believe that the gods of the West have ever been to the East?

When Hou Yi shot the sun, weren't he the nine ancient Chinese demons such as Yuqi, Chisel, Jiuying, Dafeng, Fengxi and Xiushe?

In fact, Jiang Tian was looking through many ancient books such as "Huainanzi" to study the legend of Hou Yi shooting the sun during the Emperor Yao's period.

"Yao then ordered Yi to cut his teeth in the fields of Chouhua, kill nine infants on the ferocious water, and send the strong wind to the swamp of Qingqiu. He shot them upward for ten days, then went down to kill the dogfish, cut off the snakes and cultivated them in the cave, and captured Feng. Living in the mulberry forest."

Later, Dayi unified the various tribes and states in the east and formed a powerful country.

Because this country is composed of many tribes that worship the sun, it is called the "Ten-Sun Kingdom" in the "Book of Mountains and Seas".

At that time, Jiang Tian suspected that nine of the ten suns that appeared at that time were extremely powerful light saints, or were suns created by them.

But he had never seen the real Light Saint Clan, so he didn’t take it to heart!

Now, he is ninety percent convinced of his inference.

And Hou Yi, according to historical records, was the leader of a poor tribe.

After researching and reading many historical materials, Jiang Tian believed that the Youqiong clan was a misunderstanding or misinformation of the "Youqiong clan". Hou Yi's tribe should have had an artificial sky at that time.

But as for why and how it disappeared, the information was limited and Jiang Tian couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Jiang Tian made many inferences. Every time he said a word, St. Louis's face became colder!

"Jiang Taichu, you devil!"

By the time Jiang Tian finished speaking, the Pope's face was filled with frost, his eyes were endlessly cold, and he was filled with murderous intent.

"You are called the light, but you are actually the biggest demon! The imbalance that causes the light! This is the first time I have heard that you are gods!"

Jiang Tian's final word is like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, which enlightens people. It is like a bell in Hong Kong, which shocks people's hearts and makes many people truly awaken!

"What? Is what Jiang Taichu said true? Is the Holy See really from an outside world, from the depths of the universe, from a non-human race?"

Several giants of the hidden royal family all looked surprised. It was obviously the first time they had heard of this strange story!

However, if you think about it carefully, Jiang Tian's words seem to make sense!

The scriptures of the Holy See have clearly recorded that God came from outside the sky and created human beings. He also sent a great flood to punish human sins, and selected a thousand sinless people to board Noah's Ark.

In the Holy See's scriptures, the true God they believed in once punished the Pharaoh in Egypt and sent ten plagues including blood plagues, locust plagues, etc.

Moreover, during the struggle for religious and imperial power, the powerful of the Holy See created "celestial" disasters more than once, including ten days of continuous weather, heavy snowstorms, floods, etc., which lasted for a long time and could destroy a country.

Killing human beings on such a large scale, so bloody and cruel, without any bottom line, in order to deter heretics and safeguard faith!

It can be called worse than a beast! This is definitely not something a kind god or human being can do!

"You are blaspheming the true God again! Our God loves the world!"

The pope looked furious and roared loudly.

The world only knows that they are the spokespersons of God, but they don’t know the existence of the Holy Clan of Light! I don’t know that the so-called god is a strong man from the Guangming Saint Clan!

The Saints of Light are a mysterious race in the starry sky, hundreds of millions of light years away from the earth!

Although St. Louis knew about the existence of the Holy Clan of Light, and he himself had one-eighth of the bloodline, he only had a partial understanding of their origins.

He didn't expect Jiang Tian to understand so clearly!

If this spreads out, the followers of the Holy See will definitely disappear completely!

The heavenly dimension world will be furious!

So, at this moment, he decided——

Jiang Tian must kill him and cannot stay even for a day!

"It doesn't matter whether the Holy See is a human race or a true god. But at least they are kind, but you, Jiang Taichu, are the supreme devil!"


A vast golden light filled the air, covering several kilometers in radius, and the ethereal Buddhist chanting chanted.

Surrounded by many Brahmin protectors and ascetic sūtras, Master Kaye also arrived!

He was dressed in linen, with bare feet and no gold or silver on his body, making him look extremely simple.

This is the style of a Brahmin, which emphasizes pure practice and asceticism, and cuts off worldly pleasures in order to stabilize the Taoist mind!

He is rumored to be over 2,000 years old.

But from the outside, he looks like a young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, rosy complexion, firm skin, long breath, and strong spirit.

"That's nonsense. How can my master be a devil?"

Tang Linglong's face turned red with anger.

"Master Jiang once killed the Prison Suppressing Demon Lord Nie Mingyuan. I want to know where Nie Mingyuan's soul-devouring consciousness went?"

Master Gaye asked with piercing eyes.

"In my head!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and did not deny it.

"You are one with the devil, and you kill without restraint. If you are not a devil, what are you?"

Master Gaye asked.

Behind him, three hundred ascetic monks followed.

Each one has profound magical power, has a lifespan of two to three hundred years, has chicken skin and a crane head, and looks extremely old.

But only Master Kaye appeared to be in his thirties, with a rosy complexion and a strong body.

"Isn't he over two thousand years old? Why does he look so young?"

Tang Linglong and others looked surprised.

"Pedantry! With your wisdom, but you say such superficial things, you are pretending to be crazy!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were as bright as fire and he sneered:

"Regardless of magic, martial arts, magic, demons, and cultivation, they are all just ways to strengthen one's own cultivation!"

"It's like a knife. In the hands of a chef, it can cook, but in the hands of a murderer, it can kill people and steal goods!"

"Same as skills, energy and weapons, there is no distinction between good and evil! It all depends on who holds it!"

"With a sharp weapon, you can kill with intent, but you can also hoe the strong and support the weak, punish the evil and promote the good, and relieve the people!"

"Even if you kill someone, you can't judge it as evil! Killing evil people is good and can help justice. Killing good people and bullying the weak is evil!"

"What a sharp-tongued Jiang Taichu! A devil is a devil. No matter how you quibble, you are still a devil!"

Master Jia Ye sneered, and instead of arguing with Jiang Tian, ​​he directly took off his hat.

"Am I the devil? Let me tell you, you are the devil among devils!"

Jiang Tian looked at him with a half-smile, and his sharp gaze seemed to penetrate his soul.

Master Jiaye's face turned stern, his pupils shrank, and he frowned: "You said I am a demon among demons, why is that?"

"You have lived for two thousand years, but you have taken your body ten times. This is your eleventh life!"

Jiang Tian said sarcastically:

"You crush people's souls and take away their bodies. You are more cruel than killing people. This is not a demon. What is a demon?"

Wait until Jiang Tian finishes speaking!

"What a shame! What about seizing someone's body and killing someone? That's all nonsense!"

"This is the magic of reincarnation! He is the incarnation of Brahma and has infinite magical powers! How can you understand this?"

Behind him, many Poro disciples shouted angrily, turning into billowing sound waves and attacking Jiang Tian!

"Haha, Jiang Taichu, you are talking nonsense and slandering me, a Brahmin. Today, I will kill you!"

However, Master Jia Ye's face was filled with coldness, and the crazy murderous intent in his eyes was faintly flashing.

It's exactly what Jiang Tian said!

Gaye indeed relied on seizing the body to extend his life!

The so-called nirvana and rebirth of Brahman, the so-called reincarnation of gods, is just that he looks for believers with suitable physiques to crush their souls and occupy the physical body as the carrier of his own rebirth!

Therefore, even if he takes away a three-year-old child, he will still be able to recite tens of thousands of words of sutras, and will be familiar with the history of past lives and the teachings of Brahmins!

This makes believers think it is a miracle and worship it even more!

In the teachings of Brahman, this evil act of seizing a body is beautified into reincarnation, full of sacred colors!

"Talk about good and evil, right and wrong! If you can't argue, it won't be solved by fighting in the end!"

Jiang Tian chuckled and said mockingly:

"In that case, let's fight!"

"Haha, Jiang Taichu killed members of the British royal family and destroyed Buckingham Palace. I, the British royal family, will be the first to not let him go!"

Edward VI of the British royal family smiled strangely, took a step forward, and shouted loudly:

"The Holy See and Brahmins, please step back!"

In fact, these words are completely unreasonable!

In Britain, there are also several hidden royal families that do not belong to one body and even have hatred towards each other.

When Jiang Tian massacred the members of the Dark Parliament, Prince Charles, who was killed in Buckingham Palace, belonged to the Hanoverian royal family, the last royal family in Britain, and could not compete with the Edward family.

However, Edward VI believed that Jiang Tian had not recovered yet, so he was a soft persimmon!

He was afraid that the Holy See might come out on top, so he made strong arguments and rushed to fight Jiang Tian.

"That's right! Jiang Taichu's head belongs to our European hidden royal family. No one can snatch it away!"

Other royal leaders also shouted angrily, with great fighting spirit.

"Edward VI, everyone, please!"

Pope St. Louis and Master Gaye looked at each other and did not stop or fight.

Jiang Tian shook his head in disappointment and said: "Edward VI, if you can't do it, you'd better come together!"

"I, the emperor alone, am enough to kill you!"

Edward VI was furious.

As a royal family with noble blood, their pride is innate!

What's more, he is still a half-step saint who has been undefeated in all battles!

What does it mean for you, Jiang Tian, ​​to defeat Ye Tianren?

In his eyes, Ye Tianren is just a little baby who has just learned to walk!

If the spiritual energy hadn't been exhausted and the royal family had secluded themselves from the world in order to preserve their strength, where would it be Ye Tianren's turn to show off his power?

Moreover, Ye Tianren has just been promoted and was defeated by you before his strength was stable. How can the strength of a true half-step saint be unimaginable!

With contempt in his eyes, he calmly controlled the mighty lion on his crotch and approached Jiang Tian.

Suddenly, he raised his scepter and smashed it down on Jiang Tiandou's head.


The scepter flew across the sky, blooming with bright and blazing light, containing endless mana and energy.

The sky was torn apart by the terrifying energy, and then the light exploded and struck towards Jiang Tian.

Starting from under his feet, the ground cracked, and a crack more than three meters deep spread toward where Jiang Tian was. It instantly opened a kilometer long, like a grand canyon.

"The royal family indeed has a profound heritage! Edward VI is indeed a half-step saint. Even after so long, he still cannot be underestimated!"

Many people present were amazed.

The energy contained in this scepter is enough to collapse a tall building and destroy a cruiser.

Even the current Pope St. Louis was moved and amazed by it, and Master Gaye also nodded slightly with approval in his eyes.

After all, this Edward VI was the one who could fight against St. Paul, the last saint of the Holy See!

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