Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1018: Destroying the Western Hidden Royal Family, the West trembles

"If you don't come together, you will regret it!"

Jiang Tian sneered and waved.


A sonorous sound of gold and iron sounded.

A Gengjin Qi soldier, about several hundred meters long, cut through the sky like a knife cutting through water.


Edward VI suddenly felt warning signs in his heart. He exclaimed and raised his scepter to block.


At the same time, behind him, the nine royal generals looked stern, jumped into the air, and took a few steps forward!

Everyone erected a tall golden shield, which was like an iron barrel barrier to firmly protect Edward VI.

They are all of noble birth, belonging to the royal family and nobility, with pure blood, very strong strength, unparalleled strength, and each has his own strengths.

These golden shields and the armor they wear are all made by famous alchemist masters, and are added with meteorite iron, which makes them of extraordinary quality!

There are many lines and symbols engraved on it, which contains powerful magic power and can withstand artillery fire and is not afraid of missile volleys.

But all attacks and defenses were useless under Jiang Tian's finger.


Like thunder exploding, the energy of the scepter exploded in an instant, forming a fist cloud ring with ripples, and spread in all directions.

The cloud ring rippled and rolled out several kilometers in an instant, causing many royal family members to fall on their backs, scream in agony, and retreat step by step!


Sparks flew everywhere, a sound like a bell sounded, the golden light flashed, and the golden shields in the hands of the great alchemist were chopped open as if they were made of tofu!

Puff puff!

Bloody light burst out, dyeing the sky red!

Countless shield fragments flew in all directions, faster than shrapnel, and immediately pierced the armor of the three royal generals.

They looked up to the sky and screamed, unable to stand and about to fall from the sky.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of a sharp instrument cutting through the flesh was heard, and waves of blood surged like a tide!

Several generals were cut in half by Jiang Tian's Gengjin Qi soldiers, and before they had time to say a word, their bodies exploded uncontrollably, turning into crystal flesh and blood.

"No! His cultivation is so powerful!"

Edward VI was furious, but it was too late.

The Gengjin Qi soldiers swept across at an incredible angle, slicing through his protective energy shield like tofu, slicing through his layers of medieval armor, cutting off his scepter, and finally slashed through his chest.


Blood splashed, the body and organs fell to the ground, causing a cloud of blood to dance!

Edward's face was full of shock before he died.

It seemed that he couldn't believe that Jiang Tian was so powerful, and that he, an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years, ended his life like this.

Dead silence!

The whole place suddenly became dead silent!

Everyone's faces showed fear and disbelief, looking at Jiang Tian as if they were seeing a devil.

Kill half a step of the saint with one finger!

In the blink of an eye, kill a hidden royal family and nine saint-level royal generals!

Originally, they thought that Jiang Tian was seriously injured and came here to pick up weak persimmons!

But he didn't expect that Jiang Tian's combat power at this time was probably ten times more powerful than when he fought against Ye Tianren at the King's Villas in Linzhou!

At this time, everyone felt like they were in a zoo, their faces changed wildly, and they were all frightened.

Before, they thought Jiang Tian was too arrogant and arrogant when he asked them to come together. But now it seems that Jiang Tian is not arrogant at all!

He does have this kind of strength!

Several other royal leaders had frightened expressions on their faces, cold sweat broke out, and they subconsciously took a few steps back.

Among the many royal families, Edward VI is the strongest, and the others are only at the Holy King level!


Five to six thousand European royal troops retreated hundreds of meters away like an ebbing tide.

Everyone's soul was gone, they all looked frightened, and even trembled.

"I have long said that Jiang Taichu is invincible and should not be provoked! But you didn't listen!"

"That's right! When the Blood Clan set up a one-day prison circle on Sword Tomb Island, they didn't even kill him. As a result, the Dark Council and the secular families in Europe were annihilated."

Many members of the royal family and nobles complained softly, feeling horrified and wanting to retreat, wanting to turn around and run away.

"Everyone, why don't you come together?"

Jiang Tian's expression was calm, even a bit joking.

But in fact, in Jiang Tian's eyes, the so-called half-step saint is only comparable to the strength of the third level of foundation building.

To Jiang Tian, ​​killing a half-step saint was as easy as killing a chicken, without any challenge.

All the hidden royal families in Europe and thousands of people present did not dare to speak.

"Jiang Taichu, do you really choose to be an enemy of our hidden royal family?"

In the end, Henry VIII took a few steps forward and sighed, as if he had no choice but to say:

"You killed the immortals in the dimensional world, so we can only capture you to appease their anger!"

He has a hidden agenda, and he even persuades and threatens:

"We still have eight holy kings and six thousand royal troops! I advise you, for the sake of the safety of mankind, you'd better just surrender!"

"As long as you stay put, we will not touch your family and friends again, otherwise..."


Jiang Tian suddenly turned cold and snorted coldly.

To Jiang Tian, ​​the hidden royal family are nothing more than ants that he can kill with just a raise of his hand.

Nowadays, Jiang Tian has reached the completion of Gengjin Divine Physique, and has opened the Purple Lightning Eyes, and transformed into the Qinglong Xuanshui Divine Physique and the Whirling Green Wood Divine Physique. Looking around the world, who can be his opponent?

Especially this Henry VIII, who recklessly threatened his family and relatives, was even more unforgivable!

You know, in this life, Jiang Tian came with guilt and wanted to make up for all his regrets. The most important thing was family ties and family.

Henry VIII didn't even realize that his words touched Jiang Tian's nerves and that there was only one way to die.

Without saying a word, Jiang Tian raised his jade-white right hand gently, swatting it down like a fly.


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the first giant palm, hundreds of meters long, was like being made of gold, exuding a bright metallic luster, densely covered with Dao lines, and flashing runes, like the Buddha pressing down on the Five Finger Mountain, falling from the sky!

Suppress the camp of Henry VIII and the Bourbon royal family.


Henry VIII was furious. Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian killed him without saying a word.


He roared and advanced instead of retreating!

The pegasus under his crotch suddenly turned into a stream of light, and he instantly broke the sound barrier and headed towards Jiang Tian.

At the same time, seven or eight powerful men from the Bourbon royal family all mobilized their Pegasus, taking the lead, and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

They all have good cultivation and strong bodies. The Pegasus is also a different species, with the blood of a unicorn, and its speed is unparalleled.

They want to use their troops quickly and unexpectedly to win, encircle Jiang Tian, ​​and kill him in one fell swoop!

Afterwards, thousands of strong men from the Bourbon royal family followed closely, swarming up and killing sounds rose into the sky.

But as soon as they rushed a hundred meters away, they found that their speed suddenly slowed down as if they were stuck in invisible glue. In the blink of an eye, they were unable to move, no matter how hard they struggled.

"What's going on? I can't move!"

"Oh my God!"

Henry VIII and the powerful men of the Bourbon royal family looked up at the giant palm that was getting closer and closer, with desperate eyes, screaming and crying, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

boom! A loud sound!

In their desperate and helpless wails, the giant golden palms covered them like a million-ton mountain.

Henry VIII and several powerful men at the level of saints and gods.

It was crushed to pieces in an instant, and the energy contained in the body exploded uncontrollably.

boom! There was a loud bang, the ground shook violently, dust flew up, and huge rocks flew into the sky!

The entire Colosseum in ancient Rome seemed like a huge earthquake had erupted.

When the smoke dissipated and the giant palm disappeared, most of the huge Colosseum collapsed, countless granites turned into powder, and a huge palm-shaped pit appeared on the hard marble ground, which was a thousand meters long.

In the huge pit, corpses were piled up, blood flowed into rivers, and armor and weapons were broken into scrap metal.

Including Henry VIII, there were thousands of Bourbon royals, no one was spared, and they all died!

In the Middle Ages, the Bourbon royal family, which had a glorious history of hundreds of years, completely disappeared from this world!

Everyone was stunned!

With just one palm, he killed a holy king, seven or eight saints from the Bourbon royal family, and thousands of powerful men in the divine realm and transformation realm!

This is too terrifying, completely beyond people’s imagination.

What's even scarier!

The moment Jiang Tian's giant golden palm covered him, thousands of people were unable to move and had no chance to escape!

What a magical method this is!

How terrible!

"This, this...he is so powerful!"

The faces of several other royal family leaders changed drastically, their eyes were horrified, and they spoke with trembling hands.

They originally wanted to rely on their numbers to crush Jiang Tian, ​​but now it seems that it is useless!

In front of Jiang Tian, ​​no matter how many people there are, they are still ants and cannon fodder!

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