Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1019: Defeat Gaye with one punch and challenge two old monsters alone

"It seems that we can only wait for the Brahmins and the Holy See to take action together and pick up some leftovers!"

Kaslo III lowered his head slightly to hide the fear in his pupils. Although he was unwilling to do so, he had to accept this reality.

He made a prompt decision and led his tribe to withdraw from the camp, occupying the surrounding huge buildings and watching from a distance.

Fear is contagious.

The leaders of several other famous royal families were trembling with fear. They followed suit and withdrew from the battlefield, watching from the sidelines.

"The Holy See and the Brahmins have a longer history and deeper foundation than many hidden royal families in Europe! Jiang Taichu will not win this time!"

A great magician from the royal family wearing a black robe lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Jiang Taichu, you kill people and exterminate clans at every turn. You can destroy thousands of people with one palm. Aren't you a demon?"

Sure enough, there was a bang!

Stars were moving in the sky, day turned into night, and a funnel-shaped vortex appeared in the sky, with a radius of several kilometers. The stars inside flickered and shone brightly, as if they were connected to another world.

It was Master Gaye who took action!

"Today, I, Gaye, will slay demons!"

Jia Ye raised his eyebrows and turned into a bright beam of light that shot toward Jiang Tian in the sky.

"Annihilating the sun and creating stars, this is the power of Brahma! The magical power of the East!"

Many European royal families exclaimed, their faces solemn.

"The supreme Master Gaye finally takes action! This animal will die today!"

"Hmph, no matter how strong Jiang Taichu is, he can't compare with our ancestor. He can't even sustain a single move!"

"Kill this devil and exalt the supreme power of my Brahman!"

Many Brahmin believers bowed in obeisance, prayed with devout expressions on their faces, or cheered and waved flags for Master Gaye.

Brahman worships Brahma. Brahman is creation, the ontology and truth of the universe. The goal of practice is that Brahman and I are one, and Brahman and I are one, and we can obtain great freedom and supernatural powers!

Different paths lead to the same destination!

The Dao method of Brahman and Chinese magic is Natural Qimen Dunjia, which uses the spiritual energy and power emanating from the outside to strengthen itself. The essence is similar.

At this time, Jia Ye gave an order, like speaking the truth and following the rules, changing the rules of an area!

He brazenly drained out all the aura and even sunlight between heaven and earth and turned it into his own energy, endless Brahma power, to kill Jiang Tian.

Wherever Master Gaye's beam of light passed, it was like a blazing sun rising across the sky, and an aura of supreme light emitted, forming a violent pressure.

Everyone present was scattered like straw, and people fell on their backs for a while!

"This is the pressure of the gods!"

"It's terrible!"

Even the royal family members at the Saint King level were suffocated by it, all moved, and stumbled back.

"Master Gaye is so strong! He is worthy of being the strongest Brahman a thousand years ago!"

Everyone felt very hot, their skin was about to crack, their hair was withered, and the blood in their bodies seemed to be drying up!

"The level of heavenly immortal seems to be even higher than that of Senior Brother Ye Tianren!"

Even Huo Qingtian, Zhao Yuankun, and Wei Feilong, the three giants, couldn't bear it. Their faces were pale and their bodies were shaky.

"Master, be careful with this person!"

Although Situ Xiao could withstand the violent pressure, he was still uncomfortable and couldn't help but worry about Jiang Tian.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he crossed several kilometers, arrived in front of Jiang Tian, ​​and punched him.

I saw a layer of bright golden light emerging from his fierce fist.

This golden light is purely a divine pattern composed of many small Brahma powers. It generates light and comes from the supreme secret method of Brahman.

"How dare you still want to challenge me! You are too weak!"

In response, Jiang Tian just smiled coldly and punched him.

Suddenly, the void shattered, the sun and moon lost their light, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. Everything around them seemed to be crushed under this punch.

This fist can shake a huge city and destroy a great mountain!

This fist has no name.

It was purely Jiang Tian, ​​pushing with the power of his physical body and exerting the power of his divine body with a punch.

From the side, you can see that Jiang Tian's spine arched like a big dragon, and his whole body turned into a divine crossbow with an angry chord ready to shoot.

And that delicate white fist is the spear that penetrates everything.


When Jiang Tian punched out, everyone felt that the world was shaking. The entire city of Rome seemed to have disappeared, and all they could see was the punch that shook the mountains.

They even have the illusion that they have been knocked out of the whole world and have lost contact with their surroundings!

This punch is enough to kill the Immortal, no less powerful than Jiang Tiandang who defeated Li Longyuan.

"not good!"

Seeing this punch, Master Jiaye showed a look of deep fear, his face changed wildly, his feet stepped on the air continuously, and he wanted to retreat!

He has been reincarnated ten times and has been tempered for two thousand years, but he has lost his vigor and fighting spirit, and his temperament is too conservative and stable!

Of course, his conservatism and stability are not unreasonable!

However, his retreat speed was still too slow compared to Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian punched his fist!

His physical body has been carefully selected, and is very magical and powerful. It also carries the merits and virtues of his ten lives, the blessing of the faith of tens of millions of believers, and the nourishment and tempering of countless beliefs. It is a nearly immortal golden body!

With his powerful physical body, he can easily kill the Earth Immortal with one punch and sweep across the entire earth without using telekinesis!

But, under Jiang Tian’s punch!

The Brahma power pattern on Master Gaye's fist suddenly shattered, scattering like brilliant glass.

Then, under his horrified gaze, his fist suddenly burst open, with golden blood bursting out in all directions, and then each phalanx exploded like firecrackers, and spread towards his arm.

Master Jiaye felt as if a high-speed train was approaching and hit his fist. It was transmitted to the whole body, and the force was overwhelming and heavier than a million pounds!


Master Jiaye was like a cannonball, flying backwards and exploding faster than it came!

He crossed several kilometers of sky, broke several Roman columns surrounded by four people, and crashed into the Imperial Senate, shaking the ground.

No one can see it.

But at this moment, Master Gaye's face looked absolutely horrified!

At this time, all the muscles in his right hand collapsed, and the meridians and muscle fibers were in a mess like red threads, revealing the white broken bones, and the blood flowed, which was shocking.

"This kid is so strong..."

Even though the power of the fist had disappeared, Master Gaye still felt that his internal organs were trembling crazily and his meridians were also trembling. It seemed that there were still tens of thousands of steel knives stirring in his body. His throat felt sweet and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"With only physical strength, he actually blasted through my Brahmin's divine pattern and exploded my fist!"

Master Jiaye looked like he was facing a formidable enemy, his face was extremely solemn, his eyes shot out a cold light that seemed to have substance, and he quickly used secret techniques to repair his fists.

"Could it be that he really is an extraterrestrial civilization, a reincarnated old devil, or an alien visitor like in the legend!"

An unprecedented sense of crisis arose in his heart. The Brahma energy spurted out, his blood surged, his skin meridians grew, and his broken fist was repaired in the blink of an eye. However, he still looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief, with a shocked expression on his face.

At this time, it can be seen that Jiang Tian's clothes are fluttering without any damage, the surrounding scenery is not damaged at all, and several disciples are not affected at all.

This shows that Jiang Tian did not use all his strength in that punch just now, it was extremely easy!

What if he uses all his strength!

Moreover, he retreated early, removing nearly half of Jiang Tian's strength! What if I didn’t retreat?

What will happen to me!

Master Jiaye felt hairy in his heart!

He is thinking of quitting!

Otherwise, leave!

Anyway, I can be reincarnated. Endless reincarnations. If I boil Jiang Taichu to death, won’t I still be the boss?

"Why is this Jiang Taichu so powerful! Is he still human?"

"It's terrible!"

"Master Jiaye, he is half a teacher of Sakyamuni. This supreme old monster who has lived for two thousand years, has such profound magical power, was knocked away by Jiang Taichu with one punch!"

Everyone was stunned and shocked beyond measure!

Such an ending is so unexpected!

Everyone couldn't believe it, as if they were in a dream, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time!

In their opinion, no matter how strong Jiang Tian is, he is still a junior, and he has only been practicing since his mother's womb for less than thirty years!

How could someone have a lifespan of two thousand years, be undefeated in ten thousand battles, master all kinds of Dharma, have rich experience, and be as powerful as Master Jiaye in the cultivation textbook!

"Based on your humble deeds like that of Jia Ye, you still want to kill me? You're too far gone, go back to the Ganges River!"

Jiang Tian retracted his fists, put his hands behind his back, walked on the air as if walking on flat ground, and flew towards the northern city of Rome calmly.

He looked in the direction of Gaye with full of sarcasm and sneered.

Facing an army of tens of thousands of powerful men and facing huge pressure, Jiang Tian was as calm and calm as the breeze blowing on his face, and asked with a slight smile.

"Didn't that bad old man St. Paul, the last saint of the Holy See, fake a corpse? Wasn't he born? Let's go together, where did he die!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent!

The entire city of Rome, the entire Vatican, this area was so silent that you could hear a pin drop!

Everyone was so shocked by Jiang Tian's overwhelming arrogance and supreme domineering power that their jaws all fell to the ground and shattered into pieces!

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