Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1021 The whirling sacred tree breaks out, killing the enemy to despair

"Back off!"

"Children, run!"

St. Paul and Master Gaye, who rushed close to Jiang Tian, ​​screamed as if they saw demons.

Most of the others sensed the danger, but did not have time to retreat because the flying sword was too fast and had already exploded!

At this moment, thousands of flying swords swept across the sky, crashing on the shore like a tidal wave, pushing in all directions, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten lands like a hurricane, destroying everything!

Thousands of flying swords are like torrents of steel, like the ocean of sword energy and sword intent, surging forward and destroying everything!

Bang bang bang!

There was a rain of blood and flesh in the sky. Countless limbs and broken arms fell from the sky, almost filling the entire Colosseum.


Countless screams rang out on the ground, one after another, and one by one the royal family and nobles fell, pierced by flying swords.

This is a blood-stained scene, extremely tragic!

As soon as Jiang Tian took action, there was blood for ten miles, tens of thousands of corpses were lying on the ground, and the Holy See, the royal family, and the Brahmans were all severely damaged!

Throughout the northern city of Rome, for several miles around, corpses and blood almost filled the streets and submerged every ancient building!

These include three powerful Brahmins at the level of earthly immortals, six leaders of the hidden royal family at the level of holy kings, and eight cardinals from the Holy See!

In this outbreak, Jiang Tian killed at least five thousand people! They all sealed their throats with one sword and died on the spot!

The person who was lucky enough to escape death was so frightened that he fell to the ground like a dead dog, trembling, and was scared to death!

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"

Pope St. Louis crawled back to the golden flying boat and glanced around.

"Jiang Taichu, you, you are tantamount to destroying the orthodoxy of our Holy See!"

Seeing that there was not much left in the Holy See's army, he couldn't help but tremble all over, with tears rolling down his face, shouting at the heavens and the earth.

"He, his strength is so powerful!"

Kaslo IV fell into the pile of corpses, his body covered in blood, his armor broken, revealing his white sternum, and he screamed like a mourning heir.

His royal family, consisting of thousands of people, was almost wiped out, with only three melons and two dates left, and they could never regain their original glory and glory!

Previously, many royal families felt that Jiang Tian was arrogant, ignorant, arrogant, and ferocious, causing troubles and bloodshed frequently!

But at this time, they felt that Jiang Tian was too powerful, too kind, and too low-key!

With this kind of strength, if you want to sweep away the Holy See, Brahmans and the hidden royal family, it can only be done with one wave!

"You two were able to dodge my flying sword, that's pretty good!"

Jiang Tian smiled.

St. Paul and Master Gaye were indeed not dead yet. They escaped most of the sword light and stood suspended three kilometers away from Jiang Tian.

"Okay, how scary it is!"

But at this time, the two of them also had expressions of horror and horror on their faces, their whole bodies were trembling like chaff, and they were staring at Jiang Tian as if they were seeing a ghost.

"Jiang Taichu, where does your orthodoxy come from? It's even stronger than Kunlun!"

Master Jiaye has been reincarnated for ten lives, with a combined life span of two thousand years, and has mastered all the methods of all the Taoist traditions in the earth!

He had just used a dozen of the most powerful magical powers to crush Jiang Tian!

And he was sure that they all hit Jiang Tian, ​​but he didn't even knock off a hair on Jiang Tian!

"Even the previous headmasters of the Kunlun Sect may not have such a strong cultivation level!"

St. Paul, the last saint of the Holy See, also felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. His face was extremely solemn and extremely frightened, and his eyes shot out cold light:

"Now I finally believe that you are definitely not a human race in this world, you are an alien from the earth!"

"Damn old man, you talk too much!"

"Let's fight, why bother talking nonsense?"

Jiang Tian chuckled, and the second round of flying sword attacks suddenly broke out.

"You guys stand back!"

Master Jiaye shouted angrily.

Then he flashed quickly in the rain of flying sword light and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

At this time, he had no choice. Jiang Tian's ferocious flames were surging and he was so ruthless that he wanted to destroy his family, his religion, his army, his country, all the gods and Buddhas in the sky, and everything else!

If he loses this battle, Brahman will be destroyed!

Bang bang bang!

This person is physically powerful and has profound magical power, far surpassing Ye Tianren!

He flashed and waved his fist, using his powerful Brahma power to blast away the flying sword and move towards Jiang Tian.


After looking at the corpses of many powerful members of the Holy See, St. Paul was so red-eyed that he roared and took action desperately.

His face was stern, and he crossed his fingers with his hands, and a blazing and flashing cross lightsaber condensed in his hands.

His movement speed was so fast that when he walked through the air, he actually formed an overlapping shadow, dodging many flying swords and heading towards Jiang Tian.

"You two are still too young! There is still a huge gap in strength!"

Jiang Tian sneered and pushed out with a flat palm.

Jiang Tian's palm was so casual that it looked like it was struck by an old man practicing Tai Chi in the park.

However, Jiang Tian's whole body exuded endless bright green light, and his whole body was crystal clear, like sapphire.

What's even more terrifying is that a towering tree hundreds of feet tall grew up behind Jiang Tian.

The big tree is like a canopy, extremely vast, leaving large tracts of black shadow on the earth, like a tree of chaos that can hold up the universe!

Between the branches and leaves, there seemed to be stars flickering, filled with a chaotic atmosphere of the beginning of the world. The crystal-clear branches like jasper penetrated into the void, and the end could not be seen at a glance.

"Is this the Golden Body Dharma? It's actually a tree..."

Many people were stunned when they saw this, and their eyes were surprised. After all, it is extremely rare for trees to be the symbol of Dharma.

"Huh? This, the Whirling Sacred Tree?"

Master Gaye's eyes were filled with fear, as if he were seeing a demon, and his heart felt cold.

He had lived for two thousand years and his energy had been greatly polished. At this moment, he wanted to turn around and run away.

In Brahmin and Buddhist legends, the whirling tree is juxtaposed with the bodhi tree, representing wisdom and power, and infinite magical powers.

"Master Jiaye, kill him quickly! You must not let him use this magical power!"

St. Paul's eyes were anxious and he suddenly accelerated!

He has already felt the terrifying power of Jiang Tianpo's Qingmu Divine Body.

Those hanging green auras look green and cute, but in fact they are so dangerous that they seem to be able to crush a god-level person to death.

St. Paul instantly broke the sound barrier five times, and his body turned into a holy light that penetrated the heaven and earth. He came to the sky above Jiang Tian almost in the blink of an eye, and the huge cross lightsaber slashed down wildly.


The holy light is extremely strong and sharp, the sun is extremely fierce, and it is blazing and dazzling!

It seemed that there was nothing between heaven and earth, everything was annihilated, leaving only an arc of light that was about a hundred feet long and extremely sharp.

"This sword can cut off a medium-sized aircraft carrier!"

"You have the magical power of wood. You have more than enough vitality, but you are extremely weak. You don't have enough attacks, and you don't have the sharpness to kill. How can you resist?"

After cutting off the sword, although Saint Paul was extremely tired, he was also full of confidence, with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

However, before his smile fully bloomed, it completely froze on his face and he could no longer smile.

I saw only a green branch, about the thickness of my thumb, which was inconspicuous compared to the whirling green wood!

This branch was swung out at will, bang! There was a crisp sound, and the lightsaber arc belt was swept to pieces.


St. Paul was struck back by the Holy Light. His body was shaken and blood spurted from his mouth. He suddenly screamed like an old dog that had been slapped with a stick. He stepped on the Holy Light and retreated sharply. His eyes were full of fear. color.

Jiang Tian's power exceeded his imagination!

The whirling sacred tree has billions of branches, and any one of them can defeat his full blow, and even cause his body to be seriously injured!

"He must be a god from the extraterrestrial space. He is more powerful than the Holy Clan of Light! He is not even afraid of the Holy Light! If thousands of branches pierce through it together, who can resist it?"

The more St. Paul thought about it, the more frightened he became. The holy light under his feet shot out like fire like a rocket, leaving afterimages in the air and fleeing in the direction of St. Peter's Basilica.

"St. Paul was repulsed by Jiang Taichu?"

The rest of the people watching the battle were stunned. Even Carlos IV had a dull look on his face and couldn't believe it.

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