Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1022 The Messiah is born, a glorious and endless battle

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Master Gaye is also running away!"

Others exclaimed as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Master Jiaye lived for more than two thousand years, and he was more than capable of calculating, but his sharpness had been lost.

When Jiang Tian broke out the whirling sacred tree and destroyed St. Paul's holy sword, he had already started to escape.


The shouts of killing shook the sky, and the three giants, Ye Tianren, Situ Xiao, the guardians on the left and right, Huo Qingtian, as well as many disciples such as Tang Linglong, all launched a counterattack.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

Originally, in this battle, thousands of people surrounded and killed Jiang Tian, ​​but unexpectedly, Jiang Tian counterattacked and killed him!

"You alone dare to provoke my master?"

Huo Qingtian was so angry that he pierced through with a spear, flying a holy king, and stabbed him until he vomited blood and begged for mercy.

"Today, no one can escape, everyone will die!"

Situ Xiao's eyes were cold, and he used the Five Elements Heaven-Seizing Magic Sword to attack the enemy group.

The Five Elements Heaven-Seizing Magic Sword comes from the Nine Swords Immortal and is an orthodox Immortal swordsmanship. He has practiced it to great perfection.

When used at this time, the sword energy suddenly fills the sky, and the sword light soars into the sky. When the sword is struck, blood bursts out, and a strong man falls.

"Jiang Taichu, that's enough!"

At this moment, a majestic shout came from the holy tomb of the Holy See.

"Do you really want to destroy my orthodoxy and challenge the true God?"

The voice was filled with anger and was very old, but it was as shocking as Huang Zhong Da Lu.

But he didn't take action.

Instead, a young man wearing a white robe and exuding immeasurable holy light, carrying a cross, rose from the holy tomb of the Holy See and faced Jiang Tian.

"You dare to set foot in the Holy See, where the true God lives. Do you think my Messiah is a false god?"

Behind him, two wings of holy light, about ten meters long, suddenly stretched out. They were bright and crystal clear, as if they had substance.

This young man descended into the world like a true god, surrounded by holy light, pure and flawless, and appeared extremely holy and vast.

That holy light and power is countless times more powerful than St. Paul's.

Even Master Gaye was dwarfed by him. He bowed deeply, his eyes were fearful, and he did not dare to make any mistakes.

He has been reincarnated ten times. Although he has secret techniques, both his spirit and his Brahma power will be lost to a certain extent. How can he be like this person who keeps improving day by day and becomes stronger and stronger in his holy skills and power!

"This is... an archangel?"

The winner's ancestor's face became extremely solemn, his royal energy exploded, and he was on full alert, reminding Jiang Tian to deal with it carefully.

Legend has it that in the Middle Ages, or even earlier, there were angels walking on earth in the West.

Before, everyone thought it was a myth and legend of the Holy See. But when they saw it today, they knew it was all true.


Ye Tianren Situ Xiao, as well as many Tianqing disciples, all exclaimed with guarded eyes.

The wings on the back of this archangel seemed to be real, the light was blazing and dazzling, as if it could tear the sky apart and sweep across the heavens.

"I am the son of the true God, Saint Ellen, the younger brother of Saint Adam, the ancestor of mankind. I am also known as the Son, the Savior, and the Messiah. I have one-half of the blood of the Holy Clan of Light!"

This angelic strong man seemed to be reciting an ancient sonnet when he spoke, with a full tone and majestic eyes.

"I, the contemporary god of law, will judge you and use endless light to burn your sins! Purify your demonic heart!"

"It turns out that he is the Messiah! Not the Archangel! He, he is not dead yet!"

The winner's ancestor's eyes widened and he exclaimed with a bitter taste in his mouth.

"He is the Messiah! The founder of the Holy See!"

Ye Tianren and other Tianqing Sect disciples' expressions became more solemn than ever before, as if facing a formidable enemy, they sweated for Jiang Tian.

This is a descendant of a true god, not a mortal. He was born before the founding of the Holy See in the 4th century BC. He has a lifespan of 2,400 years. He is a supreme old monster. No matter how strong Jiang Tian is, can he resist it?

Even though they originally had great confidence in Jiang Tian, ​​facing the arrival of the son of the true god and the supreme old monster who had lived for more than two thousand years, they were still a little nervous and extremely uneasy.

"Jiang Taichu, why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy? This is the descendant of the true God, the Messiah!"

St. Paul huddled behind the Messiah, as if he had a backer, became bolder, showed off his power, and seemed to be resurrected immediately with full blood.

"The Messiah has been born! He has appeared!"

In addition, many clergy and believers, headed by the current Pope St. Louis, knelt on the ground and prayed excitedly and devoutly.

"Oh my God, I actually saw the Messiah! I have been blessed beyond measure!"

"Messiah, your faithful believers, worship you!"

Many believers burst into tears, choked with sobs, convulsed with excitement, and even fainted.

"We have met the Lord of the Holy See, the Messiah!"

Even Master Gaye and many powerful Brahmins looked with fear and reverence in their eyes. They bowed deeply to the Messiah to show their highest respect.

As the founder of the Holy See, the Messiah is no longer a clergyman, but the son of the true God, a god worshiped by 1.3 billion believers!

What he used was no longer a holy technique, but a miracle!

In the teachings of the Holy See, the true God who is the unity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is worshiped.

As the Holy Son, the Messiah is also regarded as the true God, or in other words, he is regarded as the spokesperson and avatar of the true God in the mortal world.

At the last supper, he drank from the cup of wine. When he suffered and was killed, the cross that shed the holy blood and the spear of Longinus stained with the holy blood were regarded as holy objects. They have powerful magic power and can crush anyone. A strong foundation builder!

When he founded the Holy See, he had performed many miracles and was able to sweep across an area and shock the Pharaoh of Egypt. This was something that no mortal could oppose.

According to the records of the Holy See, the Messiah was resurrected and ascended to heaven three days after his crucifixion.

But in fact, he just slept in the Holy Tomb and lived until now!

And for thousands of years, he has continued to absorb the power of faith, and his strength has become unknown!

Facing the Messiah, Jiang Tian looked calm and calm, his eyes were contemptuous, and he said disdainfully:

"Son of the true God? I am the true God, so why didn't I know that I had a useless son like you! You are not my son, you are a bastard!"

"You are here to enforce the law on my behalf and to judge me. Dare I ask, are you mentally ill?"



"Messiah, kill him!"

St. Paul and others were so angry that they almost went crazy.

Master Jiaye also shook his head and smiled bitterly, thinking that the Messiah has come out, but you are still mouthing arrogant words without knowing whether to live or die!

This person is truly a demonic being, fearless and fearless, not afraid of gods or Buddhas.

"It's useless even if angels or true gods come out! You can't escape!"

Seeing Jia Ye and St. Paul show off their power, Jiang Tiansheng was as relaxed as strolling in the courtyard, letting out a chuckle, and the power of the whirling green wood divine body burst out instantly.

Many green branches danced in the air like tentacles, winding rapidly, hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, faster than ten times the sound barrier, heading towards the Messiah, Master Gaye and Saint Paul!

"Jiang Taichu, in the name of God, I will burn your fallen soul and repent!"

Messiah took action with a cold expression, flapped his wings, and streaks of holy light shot out like arrows, sweeping across the sky.

Suddenly, the air became extremely hot, the sky collapsed, the temple collapsed, and the entire Colosseum was shattered in half with rocks flying everywhere.

The holy light filled the air, was vast, surged like a tide, illuminated the land for ten miles, and was full of divine aura.

Countless believers prostrated themselves, shouted for the Messiah, made the sign of the cross on their chests, and worshiped him devoutly.

The power of faith is really terrifying. Even if some believers and clergy are burned to ashes by the holy light, they still make the sign of the cross devoutly and recite the Holy See's classics as if they are unaware of it.

Jiang Tian was swallowed up by the surge of holy light, and together with the branches of the whirling sacred tree, he disappeared from everyone's sight.

These holy lights are extremely hot, like the sun across the sky!

A single attack can crush the gods, and its scale can melt a cruiser into molten steel.

"Jiang Taichu must be dead!"

Many people speculate this.

"It's weird if you don't die!"

Some fanatical believers of the Holy See shouted loudly.

"Is that all? Messiah, you are not qualified to let me use my full strength yet! Let the true god with vertical pupils come out!"

Suddenly, with a low shout, Jiang Tian stepped out of the torrent of holy light!

Carrying the whirling sacred tree on his back, he was like a giant from ancient times, approaching the Messiah who looked ashen-faced with every step and every step and every movement.

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