Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1027 The world of heaven is shaken, and the devil Jiang Taichu attacks

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

At this time, it is located in the celestial dimensional world at the edge of the solar system.

The land is vast, with tall mountains rising and falling like giant dragons.

The mountains are surrounded by rays of holy light, and angels soar in the sky, singing ethereal hymns.

Here, exotic flowers and grasses are everywhere, the orchids are fragrant, and pure-blooded unicorns appear in the jungle.

Here is a piece of pure ancient fragments, hidden by the predecessors and sages in a dimensional world that uses supreme holy magic. The area is smaller than the stars, but it is also thousands of miles in radius.

The atmosphere here is very peaceful. There are even elves, giants, and ancient mammoths, flying dragons, pterosaurs, griffons, stegosaurs, and rocs that have long since disappeared from the earth. The primitive and wild atmosphere is so strong that it rushes towards you. .

Here, the holy light shines brightly, and in the sky, there is a sun that is completely different from the earth world, filled with brilliant and pure light, which is several times purer and dazzling than the sun light in the earth world.

The center of the endless vast continent.

There are ten huge mountains, each about 10,000 meters long, and the mountains have a very strange shape, like a circle of rings, gradually getting higher and higher towards the center. At first glance, it looks like a huge pagoda.

The highest point is already 100,000 meters high compared to the ground, almost touching the sky.

On every mountain, there are many huge cities, made of glazed jade and condensed exotic gold, exuding bright light. The foundations, domes, and pillars all come from ancient times and have a history of tens of thousands of years. It exudes the atmosphere of vicissitudes of time.

Among the ten holy mountains, the core and the highest mountain peak is as tall and straight as a sword, with a powerful momentum. Looking down at the world, it has a sacred aura that transcends the world.

This place is called Shengzu Mountain.

There is a continuous temple floating on it out of thin air, which is even brighter and brighter, spurting out holy light, imposing and magnificent.

This is the Temple of Light!

No matter how time passes and history changes, this place will remain eternal, unshakable, magical and powerful.

Below the Guangming Temple is a huge square with an area of ​​ten kilometers in radius.

All around, there are statues of bright gods, each one hundreds of meters high, holding a cross lightsaber in both hands, overlooking the mountains and the earth.

In the center of the square, there stands a huge cross that looks like a gorgeous watch, thousands of meters high.

At this time, surrounded by several information officers, a graceful and slender woman wearing silver armor stood on the head of a huge unicorn more than ten meters long, looking at the many faith messages on the cross.

She has high breasts, a slender waist, blue eyes, and a flawless face. She looks like she is only twenty-eight years old.

But the vicissitudes of life revealed in her eyes showed that she might be hundreds of years old.

"Number of fanatical believers, 101342, 90483, 80401..."

"The number of devout believers is rapidly decreasing!"

"The number of superficial believers is almost zero!"

“The Messiah becomes a pagan!”

"Saint Adam, the Bringer of Light, is dead!"

"The power of faith has dropped sharply, warning: it may be annihilated by natural disasters, so you need to be vigilant!"

"The gate of heaven has been invaded, and a strong person suspected of being a non-light saint has entered. Bloodline analysis, gold element constitution, wood element constitution, abnormal water constitution...cannot all be analyzed!"

Looking at the many messages, Saint Jeanne d'Arc, the information officer of the temple, looked extremely solemn, as if seeing a demon invading, and cold sweat slowly broke out from her forehead.

Believing in the true God of the Holy See, it is not a legend that the soul ascends to heaven after death. In fact, Saint Joan of Arc came to the heavenly world from the earth world.

Previously, she was a French fanatical believer of the Holy See. 600 years ago, she participated in the Anglo-French war and was captured and killed. Later, she was canonized as a saint in the Vatican. Her soul was led to the Kingdom of Heaven and was revived by the vast divine power. Condensed a physical body, and served as the information officer of the Kingdom of Heaven, monitoring the lower world, and serving the Temple of the Kingdom of Heaven throughout his life.

The bright saints in heaven rely on the consumption of faith power to condense into divine power and form supreme power.

Divine power is a vast and great force that can shape the physical body, repair broken spaces, create angels, open the door to heaven, and bless believers.

It is innumerable, and if it has enough divine power, it is said that it can even create a world!

And believers can be said to be the source and foundation of the power of faith!

The disappearance of believers is tantamount to announcing that the energy that runs the heavenly world has completely disappeared. From now on, everything will be empty. Not only will everyone's divine power disappear, but even the space crystals of this dimensional world will collapse!


Saint Joan of Arc's hair stood on end, her heart felt cold, and even her round and slender legs were trembling slightly.

“Even in the dark ages when the gods fell, even when religious power and imperial power were at loggerheads, and even when the United States put pressure on the Holy See in the 1960s, believers have never been as aggressive as they are today. Too low! Even the Messiah rebelled!"

"Yes! This, this is too scary! Our orthodoxy in the lower world is almost completely destroyed! Could it be that the demon has invaded the earth world?"

Many other information officers also looked frightened and their hands trembled slightly, as if facing a formidable enemy.

An information officer said with a trembling voice:

"I heard from the powerful people in the Angel Ministry that the Pope of the Holy See prayed a day ago, and there were even large-scale and large-scale fanatical believers praying. There were hundreds of thousands of people, and many archangels and divine knights sensed it! "

Praying means that believers pray to gods and ask for help. The gods can choose to help them or ignore them.

But generally speaking, the superior gods rarely help the prayers of individual believers unless they have a whim.

Of course, if the Pope or hundreds of thousands of believers pray together, it is impossible for the gods to ignore it.

Because only when the gods respond and show miracles can they gain more believers and absorb more power of faith.

"What are you praying for? Is there really a demon? Has the Angel Ministry arrived?"

another information officer asked.

"Yes, they said that a demon god appeared in the east of the earth, and his name is Jiang Taichu."

The previous information officer said:

"It is said that seven or eight archangel consciousnesses came at that time, but they were all beaten to death by Jiang Taichu! Jiang Taichu even beat to death the messenger of the gods, Saint Adam."

"A demon appears in Middle-earth? Jiang Taichu? This is an earth-shattering event. I want to go to the temple immediately, meet with the Holy Emperor, and report the matter! You guys will continue to monitor!"

Saint Joan of Arc urged the unicorn, and the latter spurted out holy light from its feet, rose into the air, and hurried away.

"Are we going to alert the Holy Emperor?"

The other information officers looked at each other, knowing that a terrible storm was about to break out.

"The messenger Saint Adam and many of his descendants fell on the earth, and Messiah rebelled!"

"The devil Jiang Taichu is coming!"

An hour later, the news swept through the entire heaven, and the entire dimensional world was shaken by it.

Boom! Boom!

In the space passage between the heavenly world and the earthly world.

A ball of magical light, twisted and unstable, sometimes turned into a crossflow of black water, sometimes like a winding branch, sometimes filled with golden light, and suddenly turned into thunder and lightning, tightly wrapping and surrounding Huang Ling'er... He shuttled quickly, heaving left and right, struggling to move forward. OK.

"Alas! The time and space channel of the Guangming Saint Clan is built with the supreme holy light based on the characteristics of the Guangming Saint Clan. It can only convey the light physique or the pure soul of a believer, but for me, it is very torturous, like purgatory!"

Jiang Tian was deforming and flying in the space passage while gritting his teeth and thinking:

"Fortunately, I have already cultivated three kinds of divine bodies and the Purple Lightning Eyes Technique. Especially the immortal golden body, which can appear in a granular state and support one or two. If it were a mortal, it would have been wiped out in ashes!"

"Of course, this is also because the world of heaven is relatively close to the earth, and the space crystal is weak. If it is a self-contained big world, if you don't reach the level of spiritual transformation, you can't even think about traveling through it!"

At this time, Jiang Tian felt very uncomfortable.

Streams of bright holy light shot out like arrows, like steel needles, sharp arrows, and divine weapons, pure and flawless, but tens of thousands of degrees high and extremely sharp.

There were even flames like the true fire of the sun that spewed out erratically, piercing and cracking his skin, leaving scars, and scorching his hair.

Jiang Tian felt as if he was in an earth-fire purgatory.

There was smoke coming from his throat, his internal organs seemed to be stirred by steel knives, and the blood all over his body seemed to be drying up.

But Jiang Tian had no intention of retreating.

When he killed Saint Adam, he had already used Soul Swallowing to search his memory and knew that there were at least three seeds of spiritual energy recovery in the heavenly world.

These are the life-saving "big medicines" for Qing'er and her foodie daughter!

Jiang Tian must get it!

Moreover, although the heavenly world belongs to the Western dimensional world, like the previous celestial world, they all try to get involved in the earthly world.

If Jiang Tian doesn't deal with them, he won't be able to set foot in the Immortal Ruins and leave the earth with confidence.

"Moreover, it is said that there is an artificial sun here, which may be able to help me refine the fire-type divine body. This time, I must take a risk!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were calm, but extremely determined.

Suddenly his true energy burst out and he shouted loudly: "Broken!"


Just listen to the Gengjin Divine Body erupting in the space passage, turning into a bright golden light that penetrates the world, wrapping the sleeping Huang Linger, and shoots towards the end of the passage quickly, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

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