Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1028: First arrived in the heavenly world and went on a killing spree

Only the space passage is left, still filled with holy light, colorful, and the real fire of the sun is intertwined from time to time.

At this time, in the heavenly world, around the space gate dozens of kilometers away from the church.

The many angels and divine knights guarding this place carefully felt the fluctuations of the space portal with suspicious expressions on their faces.

"That must be Jiang Taichu, right? Disappeared?"

An angel with a handsome face couldn't sense Jiang Tian's presence and said in confusion.

This is a real angel, with two wings on his back, crystal clear as jade, exuding pure and flawless holy light, and his strength is comparable to that of Saint Adam.

But there are dozens of such angels here, slowly vibrating their wings and soaring in the sky, which is extremely sacred.

In addition, there are hundreds of divine knights, riding unicorns and wearing golden armor. They are extremely powerful, and each one's strength is comparable to that of a strong foundation builder.

They are the guardians of the Space Gate. They sensed that there was a heretic invasion here, and speculated that it was probably Jiang Tian, ​​and they planned to kill him directly.

"This is the only space portal from earth to heaven. He can only enter from here!"

Saint Joan of Arc, the information officer of the church, was also here, with a stern look on her face and a very uneasy look on her face:

"I checked the prayers from the lower world these days. Jiang Taichu is very powerful. We must guard against it!"

The leader of the divine knight, with arrogant eyes, sneered and said with disdain:

"They are just ants in the lower realm. How can they have the ability to travel through the space channels at will? There is the true fire of the sun and the supreme holy light! I'm afraid they have been burned to ashes!"

Everyone thinks so too.

Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven, except for the Holy Clan of Light and the devout believers who have been led, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary humans to travel through it, and they will have been burned to death long ago.

"What a false alarm!"

"It's a bit ridiculous that we attach so much importance to an ant from the lower realm!"

"It's just that he has wiped out the Holy See and lost all his followers. If he wants to expand again, he has to show his strength and waste a lot of effort!"

"I'm afraid that the Holy Ancestor will order many tribesmen to descend to the realm once and kill all his followers along the way!"

Just when everyone was losing interest and planning to go back home.

The door to space suddenly shattered and opened, and a golden light suddenly shot out.


The gate of time and space collapsed and dispersed after a burst of ripples.

Jiang Tian's body was revealed, and many Gengjin particles converged into his Dantian.

At this time, Jiang Tian's hair was all burned off, his head was bare, his clothes were ragged, his body was covered with burns, there were dense blisters, and billowing black smoke.

There was even a scar running diagonally from his left shoulder to his right rib, almost cutting him into two pieces.

That is a ray of holy light that stretches a thousand meters, enough to kill the powerful Jin Dan!

If he hadn't cultivated three kinds of divine bodies and had the same magical power, he would have died a long time ago.

However, Huang Ling'er was not hurt at all. Seeing this, she couldn't help but be moved to tears.

And Jiang Tian also sighed in his heart, and touched her head with regretful eyes. This girl was so infatuated that she followed her, not afraid of life and death threats at all! If something goes wrong, how can one survive?

As soon as they saw Jiang Tian and the others appeared, many angels and divine knights suddenly changed their expressions and surrounded Jiang Tian and the others.

"Haha, are you Jiang Taichu?"

The two-winged angel looked at Jiang Tian curiously, with contempt and disgust in his eyes:

"The breath is so dirty, exuding the stench of mortal world, and it is so ugly, rough, and dark-skinned, like a beast!"

Jiang Tian ignored this angel, and didn't even take the many divine knights to heart. Instead, he glanced around and let out an intoxicated sigh:

"What a rich spiritual energy! No less than the Heavenly Star Realm! There should be a lot of resources for me to snatch and use! Especially this kind of light..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the second slightly smaller sun in the sky, and smiled:

"Sure enough, there is an artificial sun. Is it made by the Holy Clan of Light? Their forging strength shouldn't be so sophisticated!"

Ignored by Jiang Tian, ​​the two-winged angel suddenly frowned and shouted:

"You are Jiang Taichu! It was you who destroyed the Holy See! You have offended the true God and your sin is unforgivable. Kneel down and surrender immediately!"

Jiang Tian stared at him.

The Holy Clan of Light, unlike ordinary people, has formed a halo of holy light at the foundation level. One halo represents the first level of foundation building, and nine haloes represent the ninth level of foundation building.

When the halo is completely solidified and light crystals are formed, it means that the elixir formation is successful.

This winged angel has a ring of holy light growing in his dantian, and its strength is equivalent to the first level of foundation building. But he is still a body of flesh and blood, but he can control the light by practicing holy skills.

As for those divine knights, their cultivation is obviously stronger, and they have basically reached the middle or late stage of foundation building.

"No matter what, let's kill!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly in his heart, and without saying a word, his true energy exploded and started killing directly.

Bang! A sound.

The Gengjin Qi soldiers condensed, and he slashed towards the angel like a knife cutting off water.

"Jiang Taichu, this is the Kingdom of Heaven, and you still dare to be so presumptuous!"

This angel's eyes are about to burst, his wings are waving, and the pieces of crystal sparkle, filled with vast holy light, protecting the whole body.


Condensed with the supreme holy light, the very solid and tough wings are enough to withstand artillery fire and missile volleys.

But at this time, Jiang Tian's sword was not blocked for a second, and the pieces shattered like glass.

Then the Gengjin sword rushed forward and cut the angel in half.

The blood spurted out and the holy light was annihilated. The angel died unexpectedly in the blink of an eye, and his soul was destroyed.

"What? He can even kill the soul?"

Many angels screamed and couldn't believe it, and even the powerful divine knights were moved.

They live in heaven, absorbing the power of faith through the faith channel every day, and condensing their souls. Even if their physical bodies are destroyed, their souls can last for hundreds of years, and can be condensed into physical bodies again through the blessing of divine power.

But at this time, they were actually killed by Jiang Tian.

"This beast is powerful and should not be underestimated. Let's kill him together!"

The leading divine knight had a solemn expression on his face, murderous intent rising into the sky, and said in a cold voice.

He was riding on a unicorn that was more than three meters tall. He took the lead and was as strong as a mountain. He broke through mountains and rivers and ran towards Jiang Tiansha.

The unicorn has wings more than ten meters long and a spiral horn on its forehead. The lightning flashes on it and the holy light fills the air, giving people a feeling of power, nobility, pride and holiness.

In response, Jiang Tian just punched out and shot up into the sky.


Yubai's fist hit the unicorn's head, causing the unicorn's head to explode.

The fist continued to rise, like a cannonball flying across the sky, hitting the god knight's chest.

Immediately, his armor shattered, a large bloody hole opened in his chest, and both the man and the unicorn flew dozens of meters away. He was rolling on the ground and struggling, but he couldn't get up.

At this time, the strength Jiang Tian displayed was heart-stopping!

I'm afraid it can suppress any strong person on earth!

However, both angels and divine knights are extremely proud beings.

They will definitely not sit back and watch a mere mortal go on a killing spree in the Kingdom of Heaven and do whatever they want.

Jiang Tian's counterattack aroused their endless anger!

"kill him!"

"Sinful blasphemer, I will tear you into pieces and throw you into the fire of hell!"

"We are the servants of the gods, why don't you surrender?"

At this time, many divine knights and angels suddenly boiled with murderous intent, drank violently, and started fighting together.

The Angel of Death recited a spell silently, bewitching people's hearts like a hymn, and wanted to imprison Jiang Tian's spirit; the Angel of Anger, with a ferocious face, spewed out dozens of meters of anger, wanting to burn Jiang Tian to ashes; the Angel of Strength, with his surging blood and tyrannical body, Like a cannonball flying across the sky, it hit Jiang Tian.

Many divine knights are also of extraordinary strength, and any one of them can overwhelm the Holy Knights.


Their fighting spirit was boiling, and they frequently made killing moves. Some of them slashed down with their long swords, like waterfalls falling from the Milky Way; some of their spears flew across the sky, crushing the mountains and the earth, and penetrated towards Jiang Tian; some of their shields pressed down violently, like a waterfall. It could smash down like ten thousand mountains, and it could crush a powerful heavenly being to death!

"blasphemer? You underestimate me too much. I am here to kill gods!"

Jiang Tian laughed and stamped his right foot on the ground.

The earth trembled, Gengjin Divine Body erupted, Gengjin True Essence spurted down, turned into a shield, and enveloped the whole body.

All attacks were like a fly shaking a tree, Jiang Tian could not be shaken at all.

Another stomp on the ground.

The whirling sacred tree erupted, with thousands of branches, tearing the sky apart, and strangled a powerful man from heaven into a rain of flesh!

Puff puff!

Blood light burst out, and waves of blood rose into the sky!

The branches of the whirling sacred tree pierced through the holy light, shattered weapons, entangled shields, and pierced the chests of many angels and divine knights. In an instant, a total of twenty strong men died.

Stomp your feet again.


A green dragon about three hundred meters long spit out black water and danced wildly in the air, spitting out black water and spreading its teeth and claws.


The mountains and rivers trembled, and around Jiang Tian, ​​the earth sunk into a deep pit hundreds of meters in diameter.

Wherever the Xuanshui Qinglong passed, the void shattered and the mountains and rivers shook, making all the strong men cry like ghosts and howls, as if they were going to destroy the world.

He slapped it with his paw, and a huge pit appeared on the ground. More than ten god knights and the unicorns on their crotches were smashed into powder.

Saint Joan of Arc watched this scene dumbfounded. Although she had been prepared in her heart, it also caused a storm.

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