Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1029: The criminal pursuit order breaks out, and everyone is targeted

At this moment, Jiang Tian's power and terror turned into an indelible impression, deeply engraved in this woman's heart.

These god knights and angels are all pure saints of light, and they are the true gods in the eyes of the people on earth.

But at this moment, in front of Jiang Tian, ​​he was like an ant, being crushed and killed ruthlessly and easily. There was no one who could defeat him!


Suddenly, a whirling branch came through the air like a green snake.

Saint Joan of Arc was as frightened as if she was waking up from a nightmare, and she slashed wildly with the bright sword in her hand.

But the long sword that had been blessed by the church elders was immediately shattered by the branches, and the branches were about to pierce his chest in the blink of an eye!

"Jiang Taichu, I'm from the lower realm! Don't kill me!"

Saint Joan of Arc's beautiful face turned pale, and in desperation, she screamed and begged.

In the earth world, Saint Joan of Arc once served the Holy See for more than ten years. She was devout and fanatical, hoping to ascend to the kingdom of heaven.

After her soul ascended to heaven and was reshaped into a physical body and resurrected, Saint Joan of Arc was even ashamed to mention her identity in the lower world.

But at this moment, he didn't expect that his humble background would become a life-saving talisman and be called out.

"Huh? Your body has been partially reshaped, but you do have the blood of humans on Earth! Okay, I'll let you lead the way and I won't kill you!"

Jiang Tian laughed and swept away with his sword.

The Gengjin True Essence turned into a thousand-meter-long thin line, and the golden light flashed, extremely dazzling!

There is nothing between heaven and earth but one knife!


Immediately, the remaining dozen strong men were all killed by Jiang Tian with one strike, and their corpses fell like rain.

Seeing this scene, the leader of the divine knights guarding the gate of space lay on the ground, stunned with shock, his soul was all gone, and he was trembling.

He never expected that there would be such a powerful being in the lower realm, killing dozens of angels and divine knights in the blink of an eye, just like a demon.

Although these angels are just angels with two wings and are of a lower level, they are still angels.

These god knights, even more so when it comes to killing mortals, can kill thousands of people on their own!

"Jiang Taichu, don't kill me. I will help you. Please beg for mercy before the Holy Emperor and spare your life!"

"You are very powerful. You even have a chance to serve as the pope of the earth world...but you need my peace."

The leader activated the secret technique, and the damaged area on his chest was filled with holy light, flesh and blood grew, and it quickly recovered. He kicked his legs on the ground and retreated, begging Jiang Tian for mercy.

"I don't need him to forgive me, because I want to kill him too!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and ruthless, and his expression showed no trace of emotion as he slowly approached.

"If you dare to kill me... this sinful fatwa will break out immediately. You will be hunted down by the powerful men in the entire kingdom of heaven. You will have no way to hide and you will definitely die!"

Sensing Jiang Tiansenhan's murderous intention, the leader took out a token, pointed at Jiang Tian, ​​and shouted hysterically.

"Bad Order of Sin!"

Seeing this, Saint Joan of Arc also let out an exclamation, with a look of fear on her face, as if she had seen an evil ghost.

This token is the famous "Sinful Hunting Order" in the heavenly world. It comes from the hands of the ancient true gods. It contains vast holy light and divine power. The means of making it have long been cut off. In the heavenly world, there are only dozens of them. Characters in a certain dimension cannot hold it.

In fact, this leader's status and cultivation level are not high, but he guarded a dangerous position and shouldered important responsibilities, so he was given one by the Holy Ancestor.

The cost of activating this token is also extremely heavy, and it requires half of the body's blood essence to be activated.

And once anyone kills a powerful person who is wanted by the fatwa, he will be blessed by the ancient true god, and will completely possess the divine power and holy light contained in the token, and even the entire cultivation level of the wanted person!

Once anyone who executes this fatwa fails the mission and is killed, the blood essence, holy light and mana in his body will also be absorbed by the fatwa, which will make the fatwa contain more divine power and holy light. For latecomers, it will form a more fatal temptation!

It is precisely because of the special nature of the crime warrant that once anyone is wanted by it, he will become the enemy of the entire heavenly world and be targeted by the public.

Even if you have great abilities, you can't live more than a few days.

After this leader obtained this token, he has always regarded it as a treasure, refining it every day, and regarded it as his biggest trump card.

At this moment of life and death, he took it out and threatened Jiang Tian.

"Haha, I never thought about letting Tian Guo go, and I was afraid that your pursuit would fail!"

Of course Jiang Tian recognized this kind of magic weapon, so he didn't bother to listen to the introduction between him and Saint Joan of Arc. His eyes flashed with cold light, and the corner of his mouth drew a hint of sarcasm, and he snorted:


Suddenly, Soul Swallowing erupted!

The leader groaned, blood shot out from his seven orifices like arrows, his pupils were dilated, his body was stiff, and his soul was swallowed up and destroyed.

But at the moment of his death.

The token in his hand exploded silently, and a vast bloody light burst out from his body and the token together, forming an ancient Hebrew word for "devil" in the air!

This word "Devil" is bright red in color and very solid, as if it were made of blood. It has a radius of more than ten meters. It is shining with red clouds and suspended thousands of meters above Jiang Tian's head. It is extremely dazzling and conspicuous.

Jiang Tian raised his head and glanced at the big red characters, but there was no trace of emotion on his face.

He pondered for a while, sacrificed several dragon tendons about several hundred meters long from the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd, and cast a secret method.

This dragon tendon was obtained by Jiang Tian at Yujing Peak in the Tianxing Realm, and after several sacrifices, it was able to move at will.

Following Jiang Tian's thoughts, the dragon tendon suddenly split into several strands, as if it were alive, twisting like a spiritual snake, wrapping and binding the corpses.

"Lead the way! To the church!"

Then, Jiang Tian held Huang Ling'er's waist, mounted a relatively strong-looking unicorn, jumped into the air, raised his hand and pointed at Saint Joan of Arc, and said in a cold voice.

Saint Joan of Arc had no choice but to lead Jiang Tian.

The woman prayed secretly in her heart that it would be best to attract more strong men to kill Jiang Tian so that she could get out of trouble.

Jiang Tian took hundreds of corpses with him and rushed towards the temple in a swaggering manner.

Such a big fanfare can be said to be the first to win. Wherever it passes, wind and thunder burst, the ground shakes and the mountains shake, and the momentum is terrifying.

The huge "Demon" character was dripping with blood, filled with blood light, and bloomed into a red cloud thousands of meters long.

Even if they are dozens of kilometers apart, they are clearly visible.

When the powerful man from the Kingdom of Heaven below saw this word, he was like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves, and could no longer calm down.

"This is a sinful fatwa! Released by the Holy Church. Whoever kills him will be blessed by the Holy Church! The benefits are endless!"

"Devil! It's the devil from the lower world who has come to kill us!"

Many powerful beings, not only the bright saints in the kingdom of heaven, but also some ancient monsters, have greedy light in their eyes, ready to move and gear up.

Just killing Jiang Tian would outweigh the benefits of serving the temple for hundreds of years.

But then.

They saw the dozens of corpses spread out like cloaks behind Jiang Tian, ​​and couldn't help but gasp.

"These are the angels and divine knights guarding the gate of space, and they were killed by him alone!"

"This boy is very powerful, but we can't take advantage of him! We'd better wait and see first!"

Many strong men looked at him with fear and gave up the idea of ​​intercepting Jiang Tian. They were deeply shocked and frightened by Jiang Tian.

But this news has been delivered to the entire heavenly world like an earth-shattering news!

The earth's demon Jiang Taichu attacks, and a criminal pursuit order is launched.

This means that whoever can kill Jiang Tian will be able to obtain the blessings of the ancient gods, gain endless benefits, and at least increase their cultivation by several levels!

It is an irresistible temptation for both the Bright Saint Clan, the Saint Clan's attendants, and even the large monster beasts left over from the barbaric period.

Jiang Tian is very familiar with the Guangming Saint Clan.

From a cosmic perspective, the Holy Clan of Light is still a human race, but they have special physiques and magical powers.

Terms such as saint, holy king, and holy lord are only defined by the Holy See on earth.

After all, such a title can deceive people and make it look stylish and sacred, but it is actually the cultivation of the early stage of foundation building.

Here, the general classification of cultivation is still followed, including physical training, Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, etc.

Of course, their physiques are special, and what they cultivate is not true energy, but the power of holy light.

The sign of foundation building is the formation of a halo within the air sea. The more halos, the higher the level.

The golden elixir is not like an ordinary golden elixir, but a "light crystal" containing holy light.

Under the guidance of Saint Joan of Arc.

Jiang Tian rushed all the way to the temple, but at the same time, his spiritual consciousness was also scanning this strange and magical dimensional world.

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