Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1030 Entering hell and defeating the Hell Winged Dragon King with a wave of his sleeves

At this time, Jiang Tian discovered that there were many human corpses on Manggu Mountain. They were covered with white flowers and could not be seen at a glance. They were densely packed, thousands of them, piled up like a mountain!

These are the bones of the human race on earth. Some of them have been broken and yellowed for a long time. If monsters stepped on them, they would crack and explode and emit smoke and dust. However, some of them are still fresh and dripping with blood.

On some trees, there are still many half-eaten humans hanging like dried meat. They are all mortal bodies and come from the earth.

They stared at the sky feebly, motionless, with only one eye occasionally twitching, proving that they were still alive.

In addition, there are some people who are imprisoned in cages and fed on insect leaves, because these insect leaves contain spiritual energy, which makes them fat and white, and looks delicious.

Seeing this, Jiang Tian frowned, and Huang Ling'er hesitated to speak, wanting to persuade Jiang Tian to rescue these people.

He looked towards the temple, a cold smile appeared on Jiang Tian's lips, and he thought to himself:

"Sure enough! There are three spiritual energy recovery seeds here! Moreover, the spiritual energy contained is extraordinary! With a few from the West Earth World, I am afraid that we can create the Nine Dragons Spiritual Induction Array! Qing'er and the greedy stinky girl, basically It’s safe! This time is really not in vain!”

He didn't want to waste a minute, he just wanted to get the spiritual energy revival seeds.

"Let's go!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, but in the end he didn't take action.

Seeing Jiang Tian's terrifying smile, Saint Joan couldn't help but tremble all over, her heart beat suddenly, and she cursed inwardly:

"Why hasn't a strong man appeared yet? Such a big word 'Demon' is floating above your head. Can't you see it? Kill him quickly, otherwise he will bring me to the Holy Church. If he doesn't kill me, Holy The boss will kill me too!"

This woman is praying.

Suddenly, the air roared and the earth shook.

There was a flash of golden light in the jungle on the horizon, like a golden rainbow piercing through the sun.

At the same time, streaks of colorful brilliance rose from the mountains and forests, chasing and intercepting Jiang Tian from all directions.

On the ground, a beast wave broke out.

Huge snow leopards, rhinoceroses, black bears, giant apes and many other strange beasts came one after another, trampling through mountains and rivers, breaking down trees surrounded by people, and gathering in a steady stream.

In the sky, many brilliance paused.

The leader turned out to be a huge winged pterosaur with a back of three hundred meters long. Judging from its size, it was extremely huge, like clouds hanging from the sky, with dense red scales and flames, which was shocking.

This dragon has evolved into a human face, arms and feet, and its face is as beautiful as a knife or an axe.

It's just that the golden pupils are vertical, and the dragon claws and wings have not faded. The dragon claws are located under the arms, which looks very weird.

Behind him, there were griffins, peacocks, parrots, etc., more than a dozen of them, all half human and half beast, flowing with bright light like mercury pouring down the ground. They were very mysterious and powerful.

The unicorn under Jiang Tian's seat was so frightened that he knelt down in surrender, wailed miserably, and trembled. No matter how Jiang Tian tried, he did not dare to move at all.

Jiang Tian had no choice but to get off the Unicorn with Ling'er and looked coldly at the pterosaur in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Saint Joan of Arc's face lit up with joy.

This pterosaur has a good origin!

It is said that he was born in the era when the ancient gods existed. He lived for an unknown number of years and reached the middle stage of foundation building. He once occupied this Manggu Mountain and killed many strong men of the Bright Saint Clan.

Later, the Holy Emperor became furious and personally suppressed him before subduing him.

However, the Holy Emperor thought that his cultivation was strong and difficult, but he did not kill him. He took him as a mount and kept him in Manggu Mountain on weekdays.

"Greetings to the Hellfire Winged Dragon King!"

"Congratulations to the Hellfire Winged Dragon King for slaying the devil, gaining the grace of the Holy Emperor, and achieving unparalleled fame!"

"The Hellfire Winged Dragon King is so mighty and powerful that we all respect and admire him greatly!"

Many strange beasts on the earth and in the sky all kowtowed to the Holy Fire Winged Dragon, uttering human words and flattering words.

The facial expressions are lifelike, the eyes are flattering, the flattery is very skillful, and the level of intelligence is not low.

"Okay, just watch the battle. This Dragon King alone can suppress the demon of this earth world!"

The Hellfire Winged Dragon King held his shoulders and spoke, with a very cold and proud look on his face, a look that looked down on the world.


These aliens dispersed for several miles and surrounded Jiang Tian from a distance, leaving only the Hellfire Winged Dragon King facing Jiang Tian.

"You want to stop me?"

Jiang Tian frowned and mocked: "It's just a beast. You are too weak. Go away and let your master come to see me!"

"Jiang Taichu, you are seeking death!"

The Hellfire Winged Dragon King was so proud that he didn't expect Jiang Tian to be so strong, so he couldn't help but shouted angrily:

"Don't think it's great that you killed Saint Adam. When I was the king of this world, he was still a little kid playing in the mud, and I chased him and beat him!"

"Beast, how can you call me by my name?" Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold and murderous intent was revealed.

"The ants in the earth realm are still jumping around! Do you know that we often eat people in the lower realm?"

"Huh, in the Middle Ages, those heretics executed by the Holy See were actually eaten by us!"

"I don't know how many weak and delicious insects you have eaten!"

"Roast him! I want it medium rare!"

"Compared to my Manggu Mountain master, you are just a weak little insect! Kneel down and surrender!"

Other beasts also pointed at Jiang Tian, ​​yelled, yelled, and praised the Hellfire Winged Dragon King crazily.

"Haha, the Holy See's scriptures say that there are dragons in hell that eat fire and eat people. It turns out that hell and heaven are originally one family!"

Jiang Tian turned his head and glanced at Joan of Arc, full of disappointment, and shook his head slightly, mockingly.

Saint Joan's face turned red and she sighed in her heart, but she didn't know how to explain it to Jiang Tian.

In other words, she couldn't explain it at all.

That's right!

Manggu Mountain is also called Hell Mountain, which is actually the source of the legend of hell in the teachings of the Holy See.

In the Middle Ages when the Holy See was popular, pagans were executed and sacrificed to the Winged Dragon King and others through the altar as food.

Even the pterosaurs once opened space channels to capture living people, raise and breed them as human animals.

It is said that there are tens of thousands of such human animals, imprisoned in cages, and eaten as they please.

In addition, there are some servants of the Kingdom of Heaven who were sent to Manggu Mountain as human sacrifices because they did not fulfill their duties and were ineffective in doing things, and were eaten as food by the Winged Dragon King and others.

There is no hell in this world, it is heaven.

But because some people do not believe in the Holy See and do not yearn for the Kingdom of Heaven, the Kingdom of Heaven opened up hell.

"It's not as good as our Chinese spirit of 'the unevenness of things reflects the emotions of things', 'the world has the same goal but takes different paths, the same but has a hundred worries'!"

Jiang Tian shook his head in his heart, secretly despising the Holy See and the Holy Church.

The Chinese nation has always recognized the diversity and difference of things. Even if they end up with the same destination, they still recognize "different paths" and allow others to have completely different paths and forms.

The Chinese people have always adhered to the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences, and living in harmony without differences.

I will never force you to believe in me or worship me. You can have your own path of belief!

China dares to affirm others and affirm a different world!

This kind of inclusiveness, openness, diversity and harmony, this kind of openness and magnanimity are definitely not comparable to the Western Holy See or even the Holy Church of Heaven!

"Aren't you going to surrender? Let me die!"

The Winged Dragon King roared, and the sound waves turned into substance, piercing the clouds and splitting the air, bombarding the nine heavens and ten places, stirring up the wind and clouds, and bombarding Jiang Tian.

The sound waves are rolling, shrill and harsh, and contain great power.

Suddenly, the rocks exploded, large tracts of trees were burned and broken, turned into powder, and the bones that had been lying on the ground for decades were crushed.

At the same time, the sound wave has not yet arrived.

He opened his mouth again and spit out a flame that was more than three hundred meters long, intending to burn Jiang Tian into ashes.

The sea of ​​​​fire burned the sky, the temperature was extremely high, and suddenly the rocks melted into magma within a radius of one kilometer!

"You're a stinky lizard. I'm being merciful by not killing you, but you don't know what's good and you dare to make mistakes!"

Jiang Tian raised his sword eyebrows and showed a bit of anger, but he just waved his sleeves.


The extremely vast and surging Gengjin True Yuan was pushed out like rocks across the sky, like countless meteorites being shot out.

If the Winged Dragon King's sonic and flame attacks were like a vast ocean.

Jiang Tianna's Gengjin True Yuan, which had solidified like a solid state, could not be resisted by meteorites or missiles flying across the sky.

In just one breath, bang bang bang, the flames and sound waves shattered and exploded.

"not good!"

Feeling the vast amount of true energy coming in, the Winged Dragon King felt warning signs in his heart. The pride and contempt on his face disappeared in an instant, replaced by deep fear and surprise.

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