Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1031 You are not worthy of being my mount, go to hell!

The Hellfire Winged Dragon King naturally knew that the leader of the guardian knights killed by Jiang Tian was in the late stage of foundation building.

But that was just the cultivation of holy magic. In terms of combat power, he was not weaker than the leader of the divine knights.

After all, monsters are known for their physical strength, indestructibility and surging strength. This advantage is enough to make up for their low cultivation and other shortcomings.

Otherwise, he would not have been wreaking havoc in Manggu Mountain for many years, and it was not until the Holy Emperor personally took action to suppress him.

But at this time, facing Jiang Tian's vast true energy, the Winged Dragon King felt like a particle of dust. Jiang Tian could blow him away as soon as he raised his hand.

His huge wings flapped, and he soared into the air at a speed that exceeded the sound barrier. He dashed left and right, trying to avoid the billowing Gengjin True Essence.

But, it's too late!

He was enveloped by the hurricane-like Gengjin True Essence, and flew backwards like a small plank blown away by huge waves, sinking and rising again, in a state of embarrassment.

It wasn't until he was pushed a kilometer away and smashed a mountain into pieces that the Winged Dragon King could barely stop.

"What? This Earthling is too powerful!"

The faces of many strange beasts changed wildly, their eyes were frightened, and they couldn't believe it.

At this time, the Gengjin True Yuan was pressing down like ten thousand mountains.

The bones all over their bodies creaked and they felt a terrible pressure. Some of them fell to their knees and made deep pits in the ground.

Even Saint Joan of Arc couldn't believe it, as if she saw a devil.

The Winged Dragon King guards Manggu Mountain and is very powerful.

He had even leapfrogged and killed a ninth-level Seraph before, which was equivalent to a ninth-level foundation-building combat power, but he was unable to defeat even Jiang Tian's moves.

Moreover, Jiang Tian just waved his sleeves and sprayed out his vast amount of true energy, knocking the pterodactyl away!

This is too terrible!

At this time, the Winged Dragon King was lying on the pile of rocks, covered in blood, and his skin and flesh were torn.

The wind and thunder wings actually split into big holes, as if they were shot through by rockets. The right leg was broken, and blood surged like a tide, revealing the white bones.

His fighting power has surpassed the immortals and saints of the earth, reaching the peak level of foundation building, but he was still beaten so miserably.

This is just a casual wave of Jiang Tian's sleeves!

If Jiang Tian used a finger to blow his head or heart, how could he survive?

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to roast you into skewers, sprinkle with pepper noodles, eat you until there's no residue left, and turn you into feces!"

But the Winged Dragon King was full of arrogance, but he was full of blood and madness. His vertical pupils shot out cold light, and his face was ferocious and filled with rage.

At first, he relied on his powerful body to dominate the heavenly world and was unrivaled.

Even if he is surrendered by the Holy Emperor, he is still favored and no one dares to offend him. He has never suffered such a big loss.

In particular, the one who defeated him was a mortal from the earth world. He had eaten so many such mortals!

In his eyes, Jiang Tian was just a plate of dessert, not even qualified to be a main meal!

At this time, his head was filled with anger, and he didn't even consider whether he could be Jiang Tian's opponent.


The Hellfire Winged Dragon King cast several holy spells to repair the wounds, then opened his mouth and spit out a dragon spear.

This dragon gun enlarges in the wind, has a simple shape, is filled with dazzling holy light, and looks like it has an extraordinary origin.

"The Holy Dragon Spear, this is a treasure that the Holy Emperor personally blessed, and it was actually given to him!"

When many strange beasts saw this, they all exclaimed with envy and admiration.

"Jiang Taichu, you are dead this time! This is a holy weapon, and there are not many in the Kingdom of Heaven. How can you carry it!"

A griffin beast was shaking its head there with a very vivid expression, looking at Jiang Tian with ridicule, as if Jiang Tian was already dead.

And Saint Joan of Arc couldn't help but shake her head slightly and sighed.

This is the difference between heaven and earth!

No matter how talented you are and how broad your magical powers are, I am uniquely blessed with resources and many magical weapons with profound knowledge and unknown origins. What can you use to challenge me?


This time, when the Winged Dragon King soared into the air and thrust out a spear, the power was completely different from before.

The space between heaven and earth was suddenly filled with blazing holy light, pure and flawless, yet powerful!

Pillars of light as thick as buckets fell from the sky, covering the pterodactyl's body and converging on the dragon spear in his hand.

Furthermore, his wings vibrated with wind and thunder, and thunder and lightning as thick as his arms rushed out. He breathed flames from his mouth and intertwined with them, all of which merged into the dragon spear and turned into endless holy light!

At the end, the pterosaur held guns in both hands, as if it were controlling a real sun, and penetrated towards Jiang Tian.

"I'm going to burn you to ashes!"

The Winged Dragon King roared ferociously, and swung the spear in his hand. The endless bright holy light turned into a phantom of a spear about a hundred feet long, and stabbed Jiang Tian like a high-speed train.

This shot, comparable to a strike from a powerful Jindan warrior, could penetrate an aircraft carrier.

"Haha, the holy weapon is born, Jiang Taichu is dead this time!"

"The endless blessings and holy light of the ancient gods contained in the fatwa belong to Lord Winged Dragon King this time!"

"We can eat Jiang Taichu. This kid's bloodline is so strong, he will definitely be a great source of nourishment!"

"Bake it medium rare! Sprinkle more cumin!"

Many strange beasts looked at the sky excitedly, with saliva gurgling from their mouths like small streams.

Just when everyone thought Jiang Tian was bound to die.

Jiang Tianyubai stretched out his right hand and flicked his fingers:

"It's just a little lizard, but he dares to call himself a god. Go to hell!"

In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the sun and moon hung upside down, and the space seemed to be torn into pieces by Jiang Tian's finger.

This one finger can hold the sky and tear the earth apart.

Jiang Tian's Gengjin divine body has been completed and is the most powerful existence among the three divine bodies.

Therefore, Geng Jinzhimang can fully show Jiang Tian's best state.

Jiang Tian's finger popped out, and many strange beasts felt that the world was shaking, and the space was unstable.

The finger shines brightly and is golden, like a sun rolling out. There is nothing between heaven and earth but one finger.

Although Jiang Tian's finger is extremely simple, it contains too much power, enough to kill Jindan.

"not good!"

Seeing this finger, the Winged Dragon King's strange vertical pupils instantly showed a look of deep fear, and he flapped his wings, wanting to fly into the air.

But it's over!

The finger shined like a missile across the sky, drawing a straight golden line, instantly cutting through the shadow of the Holy Light, just like a knife cutting through tofu, and then struck the Holy Ancestor Dragon Spear with one finger.

This dragon spear was personally refined and blessed by the Holy Emperor. It is extremely powerful and indestructible.

If the pterosaur holds this spear and goes rampant in the lower world, it will be enough to overwhelm the armies of the great powers of the world, overwhelming Ye Tianren and Saint Paul.

This is the power of the sacred weapon.

However, under Jiang Tian's finger.

Shocking cracks suddenly appeared on the Holy Dragon Spear, and then the pieces cracked and flew like shrapnel.


On Manggu Mountain, it was as if hundreds of bombs had exploded. Air waves were rolling, flames were rising into the sky, and dazzling flames were erupting!

The earth-shattering noise caused many small alien beasts to twitch and fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

Some even had their eardrums ruptured, their heads exploded, their internal organs damaged, and their orifices bleeding.

Even if the person is strong and can bear it, it is still very uncomfortable. He stumbles back, falls on his back, and vomits.

With Jiang Tian and Pterodactyl as the center, the terrifying shock wave rippled out into a ring of clouds, spreading across a three-kilometer radius and yet to dissipate.

The violent pressure hit the ground hundreds of meters below the feet, creating a pit several meters deep, and the mountains collapsed.

The pterosaur was once again knocked hundreds of meters away and embedded in a mountain peak, unable to climb out for a long time.

The power of one finger is so terrifying!

Is this still a mortal?

Many strange beasts were so frightened that their saliva turned into cold sweat, flowing crazily like a stream, and their whole bodies trembled.

"I'm afraid, it will only work if the archangel appears. No, even the archangels can't do it, but not the Seraphim. Only with the help of the Lord of the Holy Mountain or the elders can we win!"

Many of the strange beasts are very intelligent, with rich and vivid expressions. Their eyes show deep fear and shock. They prostrate themselves to the ground, crawling there, trembling.

At this time, the Winged Dragon King was suffering from fractures and tendons all over his body, and he was vomiting blood. Especially when he saw that the dragon spear blessed by the Holy Emperor was broken into pieces with only half of the handle left, he was even more shocked to the point of death.

The Winged Dragon King is not a reckless man. In fact, his lifespan is several thousand years, and he has already become a spirit. He immediately bowed his head and kowtowed in submission. His face was full of flattery and he said:

"Jiang Taichu, you are so strong. I am willing to surrender to you and be your mount! I will lead these monsters and help you conquer the temple together!"

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