Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1054: One arrow shoots out the sun, illuminating thousands of mountains and rivers

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!


Saint Ancestor Chi Liao showed extreme unwillingness in his eyes, and made a finger gesture with both hands.

Immediately, each of the angels and saints of light collapsed in shrill screams, turning into rivers of blood mixed with light and pouring into his body.

These are his descendants!

But at this moment, in order to survive, he didn't care at all!

In an instant, he absorbed the essence, blood, light and cultivation of thousands of descendants, forcibly condensed them into a physical body, and restored their cultivation.

Jiang Tian didn't answer, his eyes were cold and heartless.

He once again pulled the Sky-Shaking Bow like a full moon, and an arrow of holy light, no less powerful than before, condensed on it.

"Jiang Taichu! Why don't we shake hands and make peace? I will be your slave and look after this world for you! I can also give you the spiritual energy seeds! I won't leave any behind!"

Saint Ancestor Chi Liao put his hands on his chest and swung them rapidly, with a hint of pleading in his eyes.

Under Jiang Tian's terrifying sun-shooting arrows, he had no power to resist. If there were two more arrows, he would have to die!

"Haha, you're not that stupid! I won't be relieved until you're dead! Take another arrow from me! Go to hell!"

Jiang Tian was unyielding and shot the third arrow without hesitation!

Jiang Tian shot this arrow with great difficulty.

This bow consumes energy, blood, cultivation, vitality and lifespan very horribly.

Even if you have Nascent Soul cultivation, you may not be 100% sure to pull it off.

Jiang Tian was only building foundation cultivation at this time. If he didn't have three powerful divine bodies, it would be impossible to control them.

When the bowstring was fully drawn, strands of gray gradually appeared in his hair, and his skin quickly withered.

But Jiang Tian didn't care at all and still shot out an arrow.


Amidst the shrill screams, Saint Ancestor Chi Liao was hit by another arrow, and large groups of blood flowers bloomed in the air, almost completely shattering.

When he reassembled his body, he was already the size of an ordinary person, as thin as firewood, with withered hair, and a stooped waist, like an ordinary old man who was about to run out of wood and lamps.

In addition, his chest was stained with blood, his armor was broken, and his clothes were in tatters. How could he still have the strict laws that had previously dominated the world?

"Jiang Taichu, you forced me to do this! Let's perish together!"

Facing the threat of life and death, Saint Ancestor Chi Liao was furious, and all the light crystals in his body burned, turning into a blazing light that penetrated the heaven and earth and shot toward the artificial sun.

At the same time, he performed secret techniques and recited incantations.

Suddenly, the artificial sun seemed to be detonated, making a loud noise!

The endless light turned into blazing pillars of light and shot toward Jiang Tian.

"This is……"

Yi Ye's face was startled, remembering a terrible legend.

According to legend, back then, there was an artificial sky where the Qiong Clan had a round sky, with starry sky patterns that simulated the surrounding sky and were running endlessly.

However, nine strong men from the light race invaded and drove huge light magic weapons, as if the sky lasted for ten days.

Hou Yi shot eight of them, but left Chi Liao's father unkilled.

And this artificial sun may be the light weapon they used at that time. It was transformed into a magic weapon by Hou Yi and refined into the sky map!

Once activated by Saint Ancestor Chi Liao, it can kill hundreds of millions of people and destroy a world.

"Haha! I was about to get this sun. In this case, I will get it in advance!"

Jiang Tian sneered and drew the Sky-Shaking Bow to full capacity again.

But this time, no bright arrows condensed on the bowstring.

Just when everyone was confused.

Suddenly, a huge golden figure appeared out of thin air behind Jiang Tian.

This figure is so tall, thousands of feet long, with a crown and a broad belt, twelve crowns hanging down, big sleeves fluttering, armor inside, good at civil and martial arts, great talent and strategy, wisdom and courage.

His eyes were like lightning, and he stood behind Jiang Tian, ​​higher than the First Holy Mountain, as if he was trying to open up the world, with supreme majesty.

This is a shocking picture.

He picks up the stars and the moon, holds the sun in his hand, steps on the endless river of time, changes the color of the sky and the earth with one move of his hand, creates mountains and rivers with one move, breaks through an era with one step, and creates and destroys stars and all things with one word.


An extremely old and majestic aura exudes. He is like a divine emperor who dominates all things in the universe, commanding the entire heavenly world!

The Gengjin God Emperor from the ancient times of the universe!

The Geng-Gold Divine Body is initially an immortal golden body, and then the Geng-Gold Divine General is cultivated.

At its peak state, it can evolve into the Ancient Gengjin God Emperor!

"With the last arrow, I will shoot you and the artificial sun together!"

A crazy grin appeared at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth, and with a flick of his finger, an invisible arrow shot out.

And behind him, the Ancient Gengjin God Emperor also drew his bow like a full moon, and fired arrows like shooting stars!

The sharpness of this arrow cannot be described in words, as if it transcends time and space and can overwhelm everything.

It was the secret magic power of the ancient Gengjin God Emperor that shocked an era, the Galaxy Arrow!

When the arrow came, Saint Ancestor Chi Liao's face changed wildly, and he turned into a bright golden light and rushed towards the artificial sun. The speed was so fast that it could not be caught with his eyes and surpassed ten times the sound barrier.

The distance of a hundred kilometers is just a snap of a finger at his feet. As long as he gets into the artificial sun, he will bathe in the endless holy light, repair his body, and even use this treasure to kill Jiang Tian.

At this time, he was getting closer and closer to the artificial sun, only about one kilometer away.

Bathed in the rich endless holy light, the broken parts of the Holy Ancestor's body were quickly repaired, his body became taller, and his face became young again.

His momentum increased instead of decreasing, and he instantly returned to his peak state. But at this moment, his steps suddenly stopped.


The shadow of the ancient Gengjin God Emperor behind Jiang Tian had collapsed, turning into golden Gengjin True Essence and drilling into Jiang Tian's body.

At this time, Jiang Tian's figure was shaky, he kept coughing up blood, his face was as pale as paper, but he laughed happily.

"It's going to explode!"

Saint Ancestor Chi Liao's eyes were filled with fear as never before, and he wanted to retreat, but it was already too late.


The artificial sun exploded like hundreds of nuclear weapons exploding at once.

In the sky, an extremely huge flame flower bloomed, burning the void for hundreds of miles in radius, causing people to burst into tears.

On the first holy mountain, countless temples and peaks instantly turned into torrents of magma, and the angels and divine knights inside them instantly vaporized.

In an instant, a huge hole was torn open in the sky, revealing the deep starry sky outside. But in the blink of an eye, it recovered.

The endless rays of light erupting from the artificial sun are uncontrollable.

This is no longer the holy light, but the murderous true fire of the sun.

Saint Ancestor Chi Liao was only one kilometer away from the explosion point. His armor, which could withstand several nuclear weapons, instantly melted. Like a body made of glass and precious gold, it also cracked piece by piece, and then melted into a liquid like it was made of wax, rolling. shed.

In the end, with his unwilling roar, his soul and body were melted by the endless light, turned into steam, and completely disappeared from this world.

With one arrow from Jiang Tian, ​​the sun exploded and the baby was burned to death!

In the heavenly world, countless people raised their heads in horror and trembled all over.

In the air, a man in ragged clothes and covered in blood could be seen. His waist was hunched and swaying like a thin dead leaf in the wind. He blocked his mouth with his fist and kept coughing up blood.

Although his back was so miserable and miserable, at this moment, in this world, everyone saw nothing but him.

In the eyes of everyone, he is like an invincible demon god, crushing all things and standing in the sky forever.

Then, under the shocked gaze of countless people.

The artificial sun actually broke away from the sky and star map, carrying a bunch of flame fragments and falling on the First Holy Mountain, burning half of the First Holy Mountain into lava!

The sky suddenly dimmed, the sun and moon hung upside down, and the eternal day turned into an icy eternal night!


The earth trembled, and the ten holy mountains shook and collapsed, and the rolling boulders surged down like a torrent.

In fact, the entire heavenly world, every city and mountain peak, is shaking violently and beating restlessly, as if it is about to break out of the folded space and be revealed in the galaxy of the universe!

At this moment, countless people in the heavenly world were terrified, their souls were dying, and they were all extremely shocked, as if they had seen ghosts and gods!

At that moment, the sun fell, the stars dimmed, the sky and the earth became pale, and the rivers and mountains shook uneasily.

Jiang Tian is the only one left in this world!

He holds a huge bow and stands proudly in the void, shining like a sun god for eternity and illuminating thousands of mountains and rivers!

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