Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1055: Overthrow the temple and dare to ask the sun and moon to replace the sky with a new on

Whoosh whoosh!

Huang Ling'er walked in the air, supported Jiang Tian, ​​and slowly landed on the Second Holy Mountain. He fed him a healing medicine, and used several magic formulas to create life and hit Jiang Tian's injury.

The entire heavenly world was in deathly silence.

All the strong men watching the battle were silent, unable to make even the slightest sound, and stood there motionless like clay sculptures.

I just saw the First Holy Mountain, the artificial sun with a diameter of ten kilometers, which was gradually dimming and collapsing, and the First Holy Mountain in a mess.

They instantly understood what all this meant!

The Holy Ancestor Chi Liao awakened, conquered the world, and activated the artificial sun, but he was still killed by Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian even simulated the meaning of the God Emperor and shot the sun with one arrow!

This means that Jiang Tian is already the largest creature in the world. Who dares to offend him?


Jiang Tian slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and cast a secret technique.

Immediately, the scars and wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the energy and blood also increased steadily.

At this time, Jiang Tian already has the three constitutions of whirling green wood, Geng metal, and Xuanshui. He can absorb the energy of many elements around him and turn it into true essence. His Dantian is a realm of its own. The three constitutions transform into each other and absorb the speed of refining. It is far beyond ordinary people.

Even if Jiang Tian forcibly evolves into the Ancient Gengjin God Emperor, even if Jiang Tian forcibly draws the Sky-Shaking Bow, the amount of real energy, spiritual consciousness, longevity, and blood consumed will reach an incredible level.

However, Jiang Tian still recovered with difficulty.

At this time, the Lords of the Holy Mountain, the Knights of Light, and the Elders fled to the distance one by one, their faces struggling and hesitant.

At this time, Jiang Tian's cultivation was lowered to the foundation level, which was their last and only chance.

After Jiang Tian recovered for another moment or three, they had no chance to kill Jiang Tian and could only be suppressed by Jiang Tian!

"Do you want to take action against the True God of Absolute Beginning? Go through our giant race first!"

Yi Ye mobilized his mount, soared into the sky, led his clansmen, and charged towards the remnants of the temple, roaring loudly.

"We protect the path of the True God of the First Age. Anyone who dares to invade will be shot to death!"

"Whoever dares to take a step forward, we will trample the horse on his holy mountain and kill him completely, cutting off the weeds and rooting them out!"

"Come up, come up! I've long wanted to fight with you, and today I just have the opportunity to learn from you!"

The giants are very fierce, roaring from all directions, fighting spirit boiling like a tide, morale high, soaring into the sky, wearing animal skins, riding giant beasts, waving weapons and shouting.

They regarded Jiang Tian as their savior and the hope for the tribe's revival. At this time, they would not hesitate to fight to the death to protect Jiang Tian, ​​and surrounded Jiang Tian in the center like an iron barrel.

The fallen angels also rushed over, blocking the remaining army in the temple like a human wall.

Lu Huasi's gray pupils turned, and he suddenly swung the death sickle, a terrifying aura erupted, and he chuckled:

"Holy Lords, why don't you come quickly and worship the new Lord of Heaven, the True God of the Beginning?"

"Kowtow slowly. If you are not sincere enough, don't blame my scythe for being ruthless!"

As soon as this word came out.

Like someone awakening from a dream, several Holy Masters immediately reacted.

I saw a ray of holy light coming from a distance and appeared in front of Jiang Tian. He bowed down deeply and said respectfully:

"The Lord of the Third Holy Mountain, pays homage to the True God of the First Age!"

This Holy Lord is the one who accompanied the Seven Holy Princes to deliver the war letter to Jiang Tian. He has already formed light crystals, which is equivalent to the strength of the fake elixir.

But at this moment, he knelt in front of Jiang Tian and worshiped him, just like a minister meeting the aloof emperor.

Whether it is Jiang Tian or Saint Ancestor Chi Liao, they are too far away from the true god.

But at this moment, Jiang Tian shot out the sun and struck the Holy Ancestor. The strength he displayed made him feel like a true god.

"Good!" Jiang Tian nodded slightly.

"From now on, the Third Holy Mountain will be dominated by the True God of Taichu. I am willing to serve you for the rest of my life!"

He turned his head slightly, glanced around with a majestic and cold gaze, and said in a cold voice:

"I am now protecting the Dharma for the True God of the First Age. If anyone dares to disobey, get through me first!"

Frightened by his cold gaze, other holy masters, knights, and directors of the Angel Department, all with foundation-building and even fake elixir cultivation, also rushed over and kowtowed.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

At this time, a dozen strong men had surrendered. Even if the other three or two big cats and kittens tried to resist, they were unable to survive alone. They all realized in despair that the situation was over and came to pay their respects.

At this time, Lu Huaxi was very proud.

No matter whether they are willing or not, everyone has to surrender. From today on, the world of heaven will usher in a new master, and all the former strong men will be swept into the dust of history!

Huang Ling'er, who was supporting Jiang Tian, ​​felt distressed and happy at the same time. With tears in her beautiful eyes, she murmured: "Jiang Tian, ​​you won, you finally won! Great!"

"He actually accomplished the amazing feat of sweeping across the heavenly world and dominating the temple!"

At this time, Saint Joan of Arc, who was slender and graceful with a pretty and holy face, stood there blankly, unable to believe it.

Scenes of meeting Jiang Tian flashed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

Before every battle with Jiang Tian, ​​she thought it was impossible for Jiang Tian to win, but every time Jiang Tian turned the tide and created miracles.

However, she was too superstitious about the power of the temple.

In her mind, the Holy Ancestor and the Holy Emperor were as unshakable as the Wanjun Mountains, so that in the end, she still stood on the opposite side of Jiang Tian.

But at this time, when Jiang Tian overturned the temple, killed the Holy Ancestor and the Holy Emperor, and dominated a world, she felt extremely regretful and realized how stupid her choice was.

At this time, she was trembling, her face was as pale as paper, and she was so frightened that she almost peed on the spot. She followed the others to Jiang Tian, ​​kowtowed and apologized.

"You have no chance to believe in the true God of the beginning! You are a traitor to God! A blasphemer!"

After receiving a look from Jiang Tian, ​​Lu Huaxi swept his sickle and cut off the woman's head without mercy.

Blood splattered, and St. Joan of Arc's face was full of shock and regret before she died, as if she didn't dare to accept that she would die like this.

Meiji in the crowd was splashed with blood, and was so frightened that she kowtowed even more happily, but her heart felt inexplicable and full of mixed emotions.

Originally, she had been in contact with Jiang Tian and had a chance to be on Jiang Tian's side.

Even at that time, the fallen angels even sent an invitation to her to work together to overthrow the church.

But she doubted Jiang Tian's strength and refused.

If she chooses to fight side by side with Jiang Tian, ​​I am afraid that not only her status will be improved in the future, but the entire elves will benefit endlessly.

"Win! He actually shot Saint Ancestor Chi Liao to death with the Sky-Shaking Bow and exploded the sun! Is he really a true god, an ancient god?"

Yi Xiaoman looked at Jiang Tian with admiration, as if he was meeting Jiang Tian for the first time.

At the same time, Qiao Qiao's face turned red and white, feeling ashamed, remorseful and frustrated because of her rudeness and contempt towards Jiang Tian.

At this moment, she realized that Jiang Tian's strength was too strong, beyond what she could have imagined.

Just like an ant cannot guess the height of a mountain, her vision is too limited.

"The True God of the First, the holy church and the Second Holy Mountain have been damaged in the war. Please go to the Third Holy Mountain to rest for a while!"

The Third Holy Master invited with a flattering look on his face.

Jiang Tian was seriously injured and needed to repair for a few days, so he readily agreed and nodded.

Next to him, Lu Huaxi's gray eyes suddenly flashed with jealousy, and he cursed in his heart that this guy is so good at flattering, he actually stole my lead, and even claimed to be the protector, so shameless!

Jiang Tian walked towards the palace on the Third Holy Mountain, but said calmly: "Lu Huaxi, Yiye, you two will protect me!"


Lu Huaxi hurriedly followed, feeling very happy and overjoyed. The master has not forgotten me, an old minister!

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