Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1058: Cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, the land is stained with blood for thousa

After they dispersed happily, Jiang Tian could finally start practicing in seclusion.

"Hey, I wonder how Qing'er and the child are doing now?"

Jiang Tian sat cross-legged in the temple of the Third Holy Mountain, his eyes longing, his face solemn and full of worry.

Although he was only gone for a few days, and although he had left a seed of recovery before leaving, he still couldn't help but worry.

He even has the urge to travel back through the space channel now.

"Jiang Tian, ​​don't be anxious. Sister Qing'er has her own destiny, so she will be fine!"

Huang Linger comforted her softly.

At this time, Jiang Tian's body was damaged in many places.

After all, even if he has three divine bodies, he can only defeat the powerful Jindan. He is far, far away from the holy ancestor of Jiying!

At that time, if Jiang Tian hadn't pulled out the Sky-Shaking Bow at the last moment, even at the risk of damaging his essence, blood, and longevity, he might have died an untimely death.

Jiang Tian was seriously injured!

If he were to forcibly travel through the teleportation array now, even with the protection provided by the Bright Saint Clan, he would suffer more serious injuries. Old injuries would be added to new ones, and his body would disappear if he was not careful.

Jiang Tian also understood this and nodded with a wry smile.

Even if I miss him in my heart, I can only suppress it, repair my physical body as soon as possible, condense the fourth divine body, and break through to another level.

"The Brahmans are broken, and the master behind it, the Western Earth World, is likely to invade the Earth World!"

Jiang Tian's eyes showed a hint of worry, and he thought to himself.

"However, before leaving the earth world, I have passed the memory and information in Master Gaye's soul to Ye Tianren with my spiritual consciousness, and taught him how to deal with it. I believe they can handle it on their own!"

Finally, he hugged Yuan Shouyi, got rid of all distracting thoughts, and began to practice in seclusion.

But in the heavenly world, the impact of this great change has just begun.

In fact, the lineage of the Saint Ancestors is the purest lineage of the Holy Clan of Light, just like the royal family! There are many descendants, tens of thousands of people.

These people are all diehards who took advantage of the chaos to flee to various parts of the heavenly world, hide themselves, and secretly accumulate strength to make a comeback.

"Jiang Taichu is an ant from the lower world. He is despicable and filthy. How can he be worthy of being our master?"

There are direct descendants of the Holy Ancestor clamoring like this.

They took the lead, fanned the flames, talked about blood, and inspired a large number of followers.

"We cannot surrender, we must fight to the death with Jiang Taichu!"

"The dignity of the Kingdom of Heaven must not be desecrated! We must reorganize the Exile Church and overthrow the tyranny of Jiang Taichu!"

I don’t know how many people roared like this, and some old people beat their chests and stamped their feet.

Not to mention the people of the Holy Church, random people in the Kingdom of Heaven think highly of themselves, think of themselves as gods, and regard the earth as a garbage dump and a cockroach nest.

At this time, they simply could not accept Jiang Tian's dominance over them.

But the wind gradually changed.

"The true god of the beginning is powerful and possesses three supreme divine bodies. He may be the reincarnation of the true god!"

"The True God of the First Beginning has a kind heart and great love for the world. This time, he came to solve the crisis in the earth world, and also came to preach and receive karma and resolve doubts. He teaches the supreme technique, which can enable us, the bright saint race, to realize the evolution of life! "

"Huang Ling'er opened a forum to give a sermon at the Third Holy Mountain. Many Holy Lords and Holy Knights were listening and benefited a lot."

"Jiang Taichu loves all living beings and issued a decree. From today on, the light saints, giants, elves, earth humans and other ethnic groups will be equal and united. Anyone can absorb the light power of the Holy Church!"

These news broke out one after another, and many important figures such as the Holy Lord City Lord made statements one after another.

Under the encouragement of many surrendered Holy Mountain Lords, Jiang Tian gradually transformed from an invader of heaven and a mortal ant into a peerless strong man, a true god, and a wise king among the people.

Especially when they heard that Jiang Tian was handsome, many saints began to covet Jiang Tian, ​​becoming his enthusiastic fans and praising his deeds.

After stabilizing the overall situation!

"Gather the troops! Take the heads of all the descendants of the Holy Ancestor! Leave no one behind!"

Immediately, many holy mountains, as well as fallen angels and giants, formed a conquest army and carried out the beheading plan.

They traveled through mountains and rivers, madly hunting down the descendants and remnants of the Holy Ancestor and the Holy Emperor, and eradicating the roots.

A desolate mountain range on the edge of heaven.

"Kill! Revenge!"

The cavalry flew across the sky and rushed past. Three thousand giant giants roared, their blood boiling in the sky, and surrounded a group of descendants of the saint ancestors.

The descendants of this holy ancestor are all riding noble unicorns. The leader is in his twenties, but he is so arrogant.

This person has a great background, he is the Seven Saint Prince.

When Jiang Tian fought against Saint Ancestor Chi Liao, he took advantage of the chaos to escape, and continued to gather strength to plan revenge.

Being stopped at this moment, he showed no fear, staring at the giants with stern and malicious eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"Yiye, you old fool, you still dare to chase me! You don't know whether to live or die!"

"Kill him! The anger of the giants will crush you into dust!"

"Cut him into pieces, let's see how arrogant he can be!"

"You once bloodbathed our homeland. Today, let us pay for it with blood!"

Without Yi Ye's orders at all, Yi Xiaoman had already rushed out and penetrated with his spear.

Suddenly, men, women, old and young all joined the battle, roaring with overwhelming fighting spirit and moving forward indomitably!

This holy prince has the most vicious and cruel thoughts. He once slaughtered giant tribes and cities, killing people like hemp.

Now, it is the enemy who is extremely jealous when they meet!

There are human figures all over the mountains and plains, people are shouting and beasts are roaring, and the crowd is excited.

The giants wielded their clubs and axes one by one, and they rushed towards the Holy Prince with great ferocity.

The war broke out immediately, and the strong men fell one after another. As the saying goes, the giants have been suppressed for too long, and now with Jiang Tian as their backer, they all broke out.

One after another, the bright saints were killed, pieces of holy light bloomed, bodies exploded, broken limbs flew around, and the flickering holy blood dyed the mountain range red.

"According to legend, in ancient times, this world belonged to the giant race, and somehow the inheritance was cut off. Now it seems that they are indeed very powerful!"

The surrounded Guangming royal family and die-hard loyalists were killed until they were frightened and their scalps exploded. They recalled many ancient legends and re-evaluated their combat power.

In fact, the Giant Clan has Kuafu's bloodline, and its individual combat effectiveness is no less than that of the Guangming Saint Clan. However, the Guangming Saint Clan relied on conspiracy and trickery to seize power and massacre the Guangming Saint Clan.


The millstone-like stone ax swept away, shaking the entire army. Immediately, several bright saints suffered fractures and broken bones.


The fanged club was swung, and a head was blown away like a baseball. The skull was thrown out, and white brains and red blood spurted into the air.

"Let me go! I surrender!"

"Ah! Spare my life!"

At this time, the Guangming Saint Clan had no numerical advantage and no cunning tactics to exploit. They were killed until their souls were frozen, and everyone began to flee and beg for mercy. woo woo woo woo!

The ancient horn blew, and the warriors of the giant tribe pushed forward. Each of them had a trace of Hou Yi's blood dormant in their bodies. This was the bloodline left to them by the ancestors of China. It was surging and burning, and the more they fought, the stronger they became.

"A bunch of idiots are following Jiang Taichu. How long do you think he can last? When I return to the country, I will definitely kill your entire family!"

The Seven Saint Prince roared with blood all over his body.

Originally, he wanted to kill all the giants and counterattack, but now, he had to avoid their edge.

The Seven Saint Princes led a group of black armored knights and fought their way out of the encirclement at a heavy price.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his expression immediately changed wildly.

Because he saw a Holy Lord-level figure, the Lord of the Third Holy Mountain, appearing in front.

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