Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1059 Death Hill Erupts, Western Invasion

The Seventh Holy Prince originally thought that the Holy Lord was here to rescue him.

But he immediately noticed that the other party had a sinister look in his eyes and a malicious smile, and he immediately screamed inwardly.

He was about to run away, but when he looked back, several more Holy Lord-level powerful men appeared like ghosts.

The Seven Saint Prince believed that he could escape and even have a chance to kill Jiang Tian!

After all, Jiang Tian was severely injured in the battle with Saint Ancestor Chi Liao, and he forced the Sky-Shaking Bow, which cost him countless blood and essence, and he would not be able to recover in a few years.

There are still many remnants of the Holy Church. If they are gathered together, they may not be able to make a comeback.

However, he never expected that these Holy Masters, who had received endless benefits from the Holy Church, would come to hunt him down for Jiang Tian.

You know, these Holy Lords are all very powerful, and each of them is at least in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. He is only in the early stage of Foundation Establishment, so how can he resist?

Thinking of this, the Seven Saint Prince's face turned pale, he knelt down and said with tears in his eyes:

"Everyone has been greatly favored by the Holy Church, how can you not miss the old relationship? If you follow me to kill the devil Jiang Taichu, restore the Holy Church, and complete the great cause of restoring the country, I will definitely be rich in rewards! You can all take it. senate!"

"If you don't say these words, maybe I can spare you. But if you dare to be disrespectful to God Jiang, I will cut you into pieces!" St. Kane's eyes suddenly became cold and stern.

"Jiang Taichu destroyed the artificial sun. This is equivalent to cutting off your qualifications for cultivation. How can you take refuge in him!"

The Seventh Holy Prince was very angry, his eyes were anxious and frightened, and he stumbled back. He felt that these people were simply unreasonable!

"The temple's skills are too backward! Jiang Zhenshen has taught us the method of absorbing the true power of the stars!"

Another Holy Lord-level powerhouse appeared and blocked his way.

"Jiang Zhenxian teaches his skills and solves doubts, and his blessings will last forever! You still want to kill him, you are not a human being!"

Another Holy Lord-level powerhouse also appeared, smiling ferociously.

A total of four Holy Lords surrounded him.

At this time, the Holy Prince was like a caged animal, full of fear, trembling, and his eyes were desperate.

No matter how strong the strong man is, he is afraid of death, or even more afraid of death. When faced with the threat of death, he can't maintain his usual nobility and pride, determination and indifference, like a frightened bird.

"Alright, let's get started together and send the Holy Prince on his way!"

The Third Holy Master suddenly smiled coldly and took the lead.

How could the Seven Saint Prince be an enemy? This Holy Master could kill him with one move, but he only beat him half to death.

Afterwards, several other powerful Holy Lords took a blow and killed the Holy Prince.

Some people cut off his head, some cut off his hands and feet, and finally cut him into pieces to facilitate his return to Jiang Tian.

This is not a simple murder, but a warrant.

Only if they kill the descendants of the Holy Ancestor will Jiang Tian truly trust them.

This kind of scene is still happening in the entire heavenly world. The descendants of various saint ancestors have been wiped out by these powerful people, leaving no one behind.

Jiang Tian just taught them the Great Evolution Star Gathering Technique and already showed vast divine power. If they were enemies with Jiang Tian, ​​their fate would be worse than that of the Holy Ancestor. However, there would be great benefits in surrendering to Jiang Tian.

Even if there were only three or two big cats and kittens left, Jiang Tian wouldn't care. They were already out of control and couldn't make big waves.

After receiving the report, he was still immersed in seclusion.

But, when Jiang Tian was in retreat.

Indeed, as he suspected, the Western Dimensional World has begun to invade the Earth World!

The former site of the Vatican.

This place, after less than a month, has been renovated.

However, on the tall lintel, there is a huge golden plaque with a few big words written on it: "Tianqing Sect, Guangming Branch".

The Messiah has surrendered and announced to the world that the Holy See has changed its teachings and rewritten the canon of scriptures. From now on, the Holy See believes in the only true God, the God of the Beginning! He is one of the staunch preachers of God in the beginning!

Countries were shocked.

This is a major event, involving the beliefs of more than a billion people around the world. At the same time, the power of the Tianqing Sect has also greatly increased. The world's well-deserved No. 1 sect, even the majesty of Kunlun, has been suppressed to death.

In fact, believers around the world have mixed reactions.

Some have broken beliefs and cannot accept it, so they choose to commit suicide. According to incomplete statistics, in just one month, thousands of people committed suicide.

Some believers were furious, believing that they had been deceived by the Holy See and that there was no omnipotent true God. They burned scriptures, blew up churches and monasteries, and broke out into conflicts with clergy.

But more believers, under the guidance of the Messiah, converted to Believe in the God of the Beginning, and they were even fanatical believers.

After all, even if countries are strictly guarded in order to maintain the existing order and government credibility, this is the era of mobile Internet after all, and many videos of the Vatican War are still being circulated through various hidden channels.

In the video, Jiang Tian's power was simply beyond the limits of their imagination. He could soar freely, float in the sky, and even have a huge clone hundreds of meters high that could destroy the world, sweep across all directions, and kill tens of thousands of people. It was even better than Hollywood special effects blockbusters. It also needs to be cool. If this is not the true God, what is the true God?

In fact, this has brought about a series of impacts. Many devout believers did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to obtain a visa from Sordoni, which immediately set off another wave of immigration.

Originally, Sordoni was very popular because of the original Shengyuan Immortal Healing Village and medical live broadcasts. Now, it has become the first choice for immigrants around the world!

As a result, Sordoni's population has also increased dramatically, and its economic, military, and cultural strength has been rising steadily, making it the envy of many European and American developed countries.

In addition to revealing his holy magic all day long, trying to persuade everyone to believe in God Taichu, and revising the canon of scriptures, the Messiah would go to the original location of the Holy Tomb to pray every day, praying that Jiang Tian would be victorious and return safely.

If Jiang Tian loses, the strong men of that kingdom will come down to earth and crush him to death!

In fact, he regretted it a bit.

At that time, Jiang Tian beat him to the point of death, and Saint Adam couldn't bear it. If he didn't surrender, he might be killed by Jiang Tian.

The situation is compelling!

However, thinking about it afterwards, Jiang Tian is invincible in the earth world, how can he be the opponent of those bright saints in the heaven world! If Jiang Taichu fails, then as a traitor to the Kingdom of Heaven, he will probably be thrown to Manggu Mountain and eaten alive by those fire-breathing poisonous dragons!

However, he had no choice at this time. The three major forces, the Holy See, the Brahmins, and the European Hidden Royal Family, were all beaten to death by Jiang Tian. Moreover, now that the Chinese Hidden Royal Family, under the guidance of the winner ancestor, has also followed Jiang Tian, ​​he has no qualifications to challenge.

Resistance leads to death.

The newly built Guangming Branch of Tianqing Sect is a combination of Chinese and Western architecture, or rather nondescript. From the outside, it looks like an ancient palace with red walls and green tiles, with brackets and cornices, but inside, there is a dome.

It's just that what's painted on the dome is not the story of the Holy See's canon, but the many deeds of Jiang Tian.

For example, Jiang Tian showed off his power on Mount Everest; he killed Wang Zhongyan, the president of the Xingzhou Chinese Association; for example, he overthrew Japan and fought against the original source of the palace; for example, he attacked the Dark Parliament and destroyed the prison-suppressing demon Lord Nie Mingyuan, the Blood Tribe and the Wolf Ancestor, etc.

In addition, there are some ancient stories from the Holy See's canon, such as the creation of the world in the beginning, the creation of humans in his own image, the creation of the Garden of Eden, etc.

In fact, these stories have nothing to do with Jiang Tianba and have nothing to do with him at all!

However, history is written for the victors, and half of the history books in this world must be false.

The Holy See insists that the God of the Beginning is the highest god, the God of creation, the omniscient and omnipotent God!

Endless years ago, he created that molecular cloud and used tremendous power to collapse it, forming the Big Bang, which then became our current universe.

And Jiang Tian is the reincarnation of Taichu, the god Taichu who came to the world.

In this regard, Tianqing Sect was also helpless.

Just ask them to communicate with Tang Shaoze and the Archbishop Dashiell of Sodoni when they are making up, so as to avoid conflicts.

Tang Shaoze originally believed in Buddhism and even studied it quite deeply. But later, he also changed his faith and only believed in God Taichu.

Moreover, he showed great talent in confusing people's hearts. His witty words were like pearls and his tongue was as bright as a lotus flower.

Today, he is the right-hand man of Archbishop Sodonidahir and may become the next Archbishop.

When the Messiah was praying, he never expected that a piece of news that frightened him would have broken out in the upper class society around the world, like a stone sending thousands of waves.

This news is even more terrifying than the invasion of the heavenly world!

On the Death Hill of Tianzhu, the ancient portal appears and explodes!

A strong man suspected to come from the Western Dimension world invades the earth!

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