Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1060 The destiny of mankind, different civilizations

However, the Messiah did not know this yet. He just knelt in the Holy Cemetery and prayed devoutly.

At this time, Alexander, the Moon Worshiping Wolf King, wearing an old military uniform with his hands behind his back, walked into the main hall of the Guangming Branch, looked around, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Messiah, this guy is very good at flattering! "

It turned out that in the previous battle on the Lancang River, he was seriously injured and was beaten badly by the great Brahmin protector.

But Jiang Tian and the Tianqing Sect were fighting all over the world, plundering and plundering everywhere, and there was no shortage of experts who made elixirs and made medicines. There were so many kinds of miraculous medicines, and he took the elixirs and was already cured!

The Messiah, who was praying in front of the space portal in the Holy Tomb, heard him coming and immediately rushed over to meet him. He bowed deeply and said, "Old man, Saint Allen, I have met my senior brother Alexander!"

Worshiping the Moon Wolf King, being treated with such courtesy by the former leader of the Taoist tradition, for a moment, he felt a little panicked and couldn't bear it.

He quickly returned the gift: "Senior Messiah, I don't dare to accept it! How can I afford such a great gift!"

The Moon Worshiping Wolf King began to become famous during World War I, and it was not until World War II that he became fully powerful. He once controlled the Russian Winter Soldiers and was able to talk to the Russian Emperor.

But compared with an old monster like the Messiah who has lived for more than two thousand years, compared with the founder of the first great tradition in the West, it is far, far away!

In the Middle Ages, even the royal families of European countries had to pay homage to him.

"No, no, I deserve it, I deserve it!"

Messiah’s face was full of joy, showing a bit of flattery, and smiled:

"Brother Alexander has been following Master Jiang since the battle on Sword Tomb Island. He has fought side by side with Master Jiang several times and has won his trust. I hope to say a few kind words to Master Jiang in the future!"

They all speak Chinese.

Nowadays, the official language of Sodoni and Tianqing Sect is Chinese, and even around the world, there is a climax of Chinese learning.

In Sordoni, if you speak English you will be looked down upon. If you can speak some classical Chinese and recite a few Tang poems and Song lyrics, you will be more popular.

Moon Worshiping Wolf King thought so too.

Leaving it in the past, how could the Moon Worshiping Wolf King make the Messiah respect his qualifications?

Even the Wolf Ancestors are not qualified to talk to the Messiah. Even the Messiah's servant, the Holy Lord Saint Augu, has a big gap.

At that time, many wolf ancestors were hunted down like lost dogs by powerful men such as Saint August under the Holy See. They were suppressed to the point of not catching a cold. They either lived in the bitter cold places in the far north or relied on the military of great powers to survive.

But the past is the past and the present is the present.

In the Tianqing Sect, although the Moon Worshiping Wolf King is inferior to the two guardians, the three giant disciples, several direct disciples, and the master of the weapon refining and alchemy halls, he is also in charge of the most elite werewolf special combat in the heavenly army. The brigade belongs to the second echelon, the inner sect boss!

Especially in the battle of Lancang River, he fought bravely to kill the enemy. He was highly regarded by Jiang Tian and his wife, and he was expected to be promoted to the hall master.

The Messiah is far away. According to Ye Tianren, he has not passed the inspection period yet!

"This is easy to say! Easy to say!"

Although he understood that the Messiah respected him so much because of Jiang Tian, ​​the Moon Worshiping Wolf King still felt pleased with himself. He puffed up his chest, smiled heartily, and accepted his salute calmly.

At this time, suddenly, the Moon Worshiping Wolf King's face changed slightly, he pressed the air headset, and said in a deep voice: "What did you say? Tianzhu (that is another word for India, in order to enhance the sense of the city, hereafter referred to as India) is dead Qiu erupts! Could this be the eruption of the Gate of Time and Space, the invasion of the Western Land?"

"Western soil invasion?"

Messiah's face also changed drastically, and he became uneasy.

Although the Holy See and Brahman cooperated to deal with Jiang Tian, ​​in fact, the two sides have always been wary of each other. There is a lot of information that Master Gaye will not tell you.

But the Messiah has lived for more than two thousand years, has seen a lot, and knows many ancient secrets. Naturally, he knows the horror of the Western Land.

I heard that it was a fragment of an ancient earth, and it was also a holy land for cultivation. Among them, there were many powerful foundation builders, including several golden elixirs.

Moreover, the strong man on Leiyin Mountain is extremely powerful and special. He belongs to the Golden Clan and has an extraordinary origin. He is said to be immortal and immortal. Even the heavenly world dare not provoke him easily.

"I'll rush over immediately!"

The Moon Worshiping Wolf King's face became more solemn than ever before. After ending the call, he immediately said: "Messiah, you are here waiting for Master Jiang to return. Once Master Jiang comes back, you immediately inform him that the powerful men from the Western World have invaded!"

"Is he really a strong man from the West?"

The Messiah was troubled.

Jiang Tian faces the world of heaven, his life or death is uncertain, and now there are strong men from the West attacking, this is a disaster that will destroy the world!

"That's right! There are already clues now!"

The Moon Worshiping Wolf King nodded solemnly.

Jiang Tian had speculated before that the Death Hill was most likely the transmission point between Brahman and the Western World, and it should be guarded against it.

When Jiang Tian captured the soul of Master Jia Ye, he got a lot of news and passed the news to Ye Tianren.

After the Vatican War.

Ye Tianren immediately worked with Cao Shixiong to convene the world's major powers to share the news.

Many major countries around the world, facing a formidable enemy, have formed a special organization, the Global Defense Alliance, with the Five Permanent Members as the core, to meet the challenges that may come in the dimensional world!

After all, everyone has seen the strength of the Holy See and the powerful Brahmins.

But they are nothing more than puppets in the two dimensional worlds of Heaven and Western Earth, in the Earth Realm!

Sodoni and Tianqing Sect dispatched Tang Linglong as the deputy leader of the Tianxi Earth World Emergency Response Team and the deputy commander of the Sodoni Heavenly Army. They joined forces with the Chinese, Indian, American, and European Union militaries to deploy an army of 300,000 people. Monitor dead hills.

This is also the arrangement for Jiang Tian to go to the heavenly dimension world in order to train Tang Linglong.

Nowadays, the fluctuations in that area are becoming more and more intense.

Everyone speculates that it is very likely that the powerful man from the Western World will come.

"As far as I know, this kind of space passage cannot be opened at will. Just like the passage in the heavenly world, it takes decades, or even hundreds of years to open it once every year!"

"According to what Gaye said before, it will take at least three years before the Western World comes!"

Messiah, pale and nervous, offers some information.

After hearing this, the Moon Worshiping Wolf King shook his head and said with a slightly awe-inspiring expression: "As things change, things will change. Before the Battle of the Vatican, Master had instructed us that after the Brahmins were destroyed, the Western World might take action one step ahead. Use a special space treasure to forcefully open the space portal. So, after the Vatican War, we immediately rushed to Tianzhu, which is India! "

"I see……"

Messiah hesitated for a moment, then suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "I might as well go and help Tianqing Sect!"

He knew that Tianqing Sect had a strict promotion and incentive system and always rewarded people based on their merits.

He had just submitted to the Tianqing Sect and had to make some achievements to gain Jiang Tian's approval and recognition.

In addition, the portal to the heavenly world is right above the Holy Tomb.

If the heavenly world defeats Jiang Tian and comes to the mortal world, he will definitely bear the brunt. Staying far away will make it easier to escape.

"No! You are here to guard the space portal. This is also a big deal, and no mistakes can be allowed! This is not only my intention, but also the intention of the mistress and the guardians on the left and right!"

Alexander said earnestly.

"Please tell the mistress, Ms. Zhao, and the guardians on the left and right, Xiaoke Messiah will definitely fulfill his mission!"

Messiah bowed deeply and said solemnly.

The Moon Worshiping Wolf King nodded.

Afterwards, they left the old site of the Holy See, took a military helicopter and rushed towards the airport.

"This world is really going to be in chaos!"

Sitting on the special plane, Worshiping the Moon Wolf King, even though he has experienced hundreds of battles, is uneasy at the moment, with cold sweat breaking out on his face, as if he is facing a formidable enemy.

He had experienced World War I and World War II, and later served as the leader and chief instructor of the Russian Winter Soldiers, suppressing many powerful organizations in Russia. He can be described as a well-informed person.

But even if there was World War I and World War II, it was just a war of human civilization, a war of countries, a war of classes and doctrines.

And this time.

But it is a war between the earth world and the dimensional world, a war between two completely different civilization systems!

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