Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1063: Refining the Bright Suzaku Divine Body, a luxury

The Western World is coming!

When the news spread to the outside world.

Suddenly, the Tianqing Sect, the major powerful organizations, and many major powers in the world were all shocked.

At first, there were rumors that a powerful person had arrived in the Tianxing World, but no one witnessed it at that time, and the news only spread in a small area. Even if I heard about it, I didn't take it to heart. Just like the legend of the Loch Ness Monster or the flying saucer, I dismissed it as nothing and just ignored it.

But this time is different. After Jiang Tian entered the dimensional world of heaven through the Vatican, Ye Tianren has already communicated in depth with the powerful institutions and defense departments of various countries using the information he obtained from Jiang Tian.

The West Earth World is rumored to be a dimensional world from ancient Tianzhu to outer space. Its strength may be comparable to or surpass the Celestial World.

But no one knows exactly who will come or how many people will come. But everyone knows that this is the first large-scale contact between humans and the dimensional world, and a shocking war may even break out!

This battle will most likely affect the direction of the entire world!

"Why hasn't Jiang Tian come back yet?"

In Tianqing Sect, Zhang Wanqing's face was solemn and full of sorrow.

"It'll be okay. Heaven's auspicious people and heavenly ministers, everything will be fine!" Jiang Zhixing comforted him at the side.

"That little girl Ling'er went with her too! You're so confused!" Zhang Wanqing felt distressed and worried at the same time.

Now that Qing'er is pregnant, Jiang Tian's attitude is firm again, and the thoughts in her heart have been given up.

But Ling'er was kind and filial, not as aloof as Qing'er. Zhang Wanqing treated her as if she were his own daughter.

Ye Ziwei, Jiang Banxia and other girls were also distracted all day long, and they were very worried about Jiang Tian.

As for Qing'er, everyone deliberately concealed her and didn't know anything about her. She fell asleep all day long and was physically tired.

Precisely because she couldn't fight at this time, there was no need for anyone to tell her, which would only make her worried and upset. They only said that Jiang Tian was in seclusion in Europe for a period of time.

"Hey, why isn't Master Jiang back yet?"

Countless Chinese warriors had nervous eyes. My heart was clenched.

"Jiang Taichu, I'm afraid he has fallen into the heavenly world, right? A mere mortal who goes to challenge the true god really doesn't know how to live or die!"

"Now that the Western World is coming to the mortal world again, I wonder how the Tianqing Sect can resist it!"

"They will definitely be destroyed by the group! No chickens or dogs will be left behind!"

But countless enemies of Jiang Tian, ​​including Brahmins and fanatical followers of the Holy See, diehards from the European Union, Japan, and the United States who had been suppressed by Jiang Tian, ​​all took pleasure in his misfortune.

At this time, the underground forums in the dark web world were once again boiling.

Countless people are paying close attention to this battle. Now many big countries and powerful people have begun to study the dimensional world in depth. They know that they were once immigrants from the ancient earth. However, after a long time, they formed a cultivation civilization and regarded themselves as advanced beings. I am afraid They don't regard human beings as human beings at all.

For a time, India's death hill became the focus of the world's attention.

One day, two days, three days...

A few days passed, and Jiang Tian and Huang Ling'er still hadn't come back.

The vibrations of the thunder and lightning portal became more and more intense. The thunder and lightning that should have been fleeting lasted for a long time and became more and more solid.

For a moment, the entire world was shrouded in this huge shadow!

When the earth world is turbulent, countless people are looking forward to calling Jiang Tian's return.

In the secret realm of heaven, the palace on the third holy mountain.

Jiang Tian has repaired his physical body and restored his cultivation level, and has begun to condense his fire physique.

"The great medicinal spirit stone here is really good. It contains fire energy and endless light. It will be of great help to me in repairing my physical body!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and a hint of joy appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These days, he has been frantically devouring many powerful medicines, using extremely large spirit-gathering arrays to gather endless brilliance, reshape the Gengjin divine body, and repair it quickly.

Brilliant golden light emerged on the surface of Jiang Tian's body.

At this time, his physique has gained a trace of light attribute, showing a magnificent translucent shape, like gold. You can even see that many bones and organs in his body, which were originally damaged and broken, are gradually growing at this moment.

In fact, it only took a few days for Jiang Tian to completely recover, and his Gengjin Divine Body had also strengthened a bit, and there were even faint signs of reaching perfection.

Gengjin Divine Body is its first divine body, and it is also the foundation of the other two divine bodies. With a solid foundation, the other two divine bodies will quickly enter the realm of Dacheng.

Even if Jiang Tian has no breakthrough in cultivation now, the level of the three divine bodies has been improved and strengthened, and his combat power is ten times stronger than before.

"I don't know what happened to Qing'er and Greedy Baby! They must be transformed into fire-attributed physiques as soon as possible. I don't know which one to use..."

At this time, Jiang Tian had fully recovered. There was a trace of tenderness and longing in Jiang Tian's eyes, and he gradually became firm again.

The Sun Jade Eye is so special. It is made of a strange polycrystal that contains light.

This kind of crystal is called Qian Tianhuo Jade, which is very rare even in the universe.

Jiang Tian couldn't guarantee how long it would take for him to get the second piece. It may take ten years, a hundred years, or never get the chance to get the second piece...

Jiang Tian condensed the fire-type divine body and had to do it in one go without allowing any mistakes.

Therefore, in addition to using the jade eye of the sun, you also need the light of other stars on the star map of the sky in this world.

This sky star map is a natural formation that gathers light from the sky and draws fire from the stars. It has been in existence for who knows how many years. It may even have existed before Hou Yi. The brilliance and fire energy contained in it are simply immense!

Coupled with the sky star map, Jiang Tian's probability of successfully condensing a fire-type divine body greatly increased.

"We have all the resources now, but what kind of divine body we need to condense requires careful consideration."

The first thing Jiang Tian thought of was the Sun Hengtian Immortal Body, one of the Five Elements Immortal Bodies.

This is also one of the twelve most powerful immortal bodies in the universe.

Historically, in the central galaxy of the universe, there were several strong men who aspired to the position of Immortal Emperor, established a great reputation, and suppressed the world of cultivation.

"It's too wasteful to use the Sun Crystal Eyes to condense the Sun Eternal Immortal Body!"

But in the end, Jiang Tian still shook his head.

Although Jiang Tian's Gengjin divine body is called a divine body, its essence is still an immortal body among the five elements.

There is only a certain probability of surpassing the Immortal Emperor and ascending to the God Realm.

It's not that Jiang Tian didn't want to directly refine a metallic divine body, but that at that time, the earth world's cultivation resources were too scarce. Jiang Tian was extremely lucky to be able to find the golden and wood spiritual core in Xingzhou Chinese Association, and he no longer dared to ask for too much. Immediately use this as a resource to condense the Gengjin Divine Body!

And Jiang Tian condensed two divine bodies, Xuanshui Qinglong and Whirling Green Wood, in the Heavenly Star Realm, which are the true supreme divine bodies, far superior to ordinary immortal bodies, holy bodies, etc.

Only when many divine bodies are in place can a divine golden elixir be produced in the end!

The divine golden elixir can lay a solid foundation for Jiang Tian's future cultivation. His combat power is unparalleled and he can easily kill strong men of the same cultivation level at any level!

In the end, it will even support Jiang Tian to transcend the immortal world, successfully ascend to the divine world, achieve the highest realm of controlling time, and open up Hongmeng.


When Jiang Tian condensed the whirling green wood divine body and planned to transform the wood divine body into the fire element, he thought carefully about it.

At that time, his best choice was this immortal body.

But he didn't expect that when he came to the heavenly world, there would be a dome, a starry sky map, and an artificial sun!

Jiang Tian now has the jade eyes of the sun and the blessing of the sky and starry sky map. If he continues to practice these methods, it is simply a waste of natural resources and peonies.

not to mention.

The so-called Great Sun Eternal Sky Divine Body, when deployed, is nothing more than a simulation of the true fire of the sun and the artistic conception of the great sun rising across the sky. It is powerful but not agile enough.

Moreover, it is very similar to the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Technique and the Great Sun Furnace practiced by Jiang Tian, ​​which is superfluous!

"It must be a true divine body. The glorious Golden Crow divine body?"

"An ancient Immortal Emperor once practiced this technique. But I studied it carefully in my previous life. I must reach the state of becoming a god, have a solid foundation, cross the void, and collect the true fire of the sun. The requirements are too high!"

Jiang Tian thought for a while and shook his head again.

This divine body is very strong.

But the requirements for Jiang Tian's cultivation were too high, which conflicted with his plan to condense the divine golden elixir and the chaotic divine body.

He must now use a fire divine body to lay the foundation, and continue to transform other divine bodies at the foundation level, so that many divine bodies are ready, and then train into a chaotic divine body and condense the divine golden elixir.

Where can I wait!


Jiang Tian's eyes flashed sharply, and he sighed: "It seems that we can only cultivate the Bright Vermillion Bird Body, which is slightly inferior to the Glorious Golden Crow Divine Body, but does not have high requirements for true energy cultivation!"


After the rise of Taoism in the earth realm, it was one of the seven stars and four images in the south of Taoism. The seven southern constellations of the twenty-eight constellations belong to fire and are red in color. They are collectively called Zhuque, also known as "Suzaku".

There are also records such as "The Southern Suzaku, the leader of all birds, transformed from the elixir hole, with the sound of blue thunder, five colors, and six sacred images, came to guide me."

In fact, Suzaku is not only a mythical beast in myths and legends, nor a fantasy of star worship. It is even the top mythical beast in the universe.

It is as famous as True Dragon, Golden Crow, Tianhuang, etc.

Legend has it that the top-notch Suzaku can travel across the universe and can rival a strong Hedao master. A trace of his breath can crush the golden elixir and kill a strong foundation-building master.

Legend has it that the famous Bright Suzaku Divine Body in the world of cultivation was created by working backwards when a monster with the innate Suzaku bloodline transformed into a human form.

This divine body is also a kind of skill. When practiced to the extreme, it can emit sparks from the sky, shine brightly, and create the appearance of the Suzaku. It is infinitely powerful and is one of the supreme divine bodies.

"It has been five years since my rebirth, and I am finally able to have a luxury!"

"This jade eye of the sun, which is probably tens of thousands of years old, can be used to condense this divine body!"

Jiang Tian rubbed the sun's jade eyes and sighed in his heart, his eyes flashing with determination.

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