Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1064 Devouring the Sun, Endless Power

The cultivation resources on earth are really scarce.

Even someone as talented as Ye Tianren can only stop at the second level of foundation building and cannot make any progress.

It was only when he was forced to use the sword that unites heaven and man, and when he reached the ultimate level of sublimation, that he could get a glimpse of the truth behind the third level of foundation building.

If Jiang Tian hadn't discovered the existence of the dimensional world, he might not have been able to cultivate a golden elixir in ten or twenty years, let alone a divine golden elixir.


Qing'er's pale face came to mind, and Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with a trace of eagerness and worry. He let out a low drink, pinched his fingers quickly, and cast a secret technique.

"All things are created with the essence of heaven and earth!"


The jade eye of the sun, which was originally the size of a basketball, quickly shrank and solidified, becoming the size of a pigeon egg.


Jiang Tian shouted, opened his mouth, and swallowed the sun crystal eye in one gulp.

If it were before, Jiang Tian would usually use the Great Sun Furnace to melt and decompose the substance outside his body, and then use the Chaos Creation Technique to slowly absorb it into his Dantian.

But this time, Jiang Tian swallowed it alive!

There is no other reason.

Just because Jiang Tian is now physically strong and can withstand it!

Moreover, the explosion of the sun's light and true fire is also a process of refining and tempering his physique, which can stabilize the foundation of the three divine bodies!


A surging energy exploded in Jiang Tian's body, making his aura rise seemingly endlessly.

"This sun crystal eye contains many magical formations and divine patterns, which are used to absorb and release fire energy and light. However, it does not belong to me. I need to erase the magical formations and divine patterns to release the fire energy and refine the whole body. Completely absorb it, re-condensate it into a small true fire sun, and build my own divine body!"

Jiang Tian thought in his mind, Xuan Gong was working.


In the dantian, Xuanshui flows across, Gengjin rubs against it, and green wood wraps around, wearing away the divine lines on the sun's jade eyes bit by bit.

As the traces of the original array pattern were worn away, the bright fire energy burst out uncontrollably and more crazily, seeming to completely burn and melt the Dantian.

At this point, you can see.

From Jiang Tian's Dantian, bright rays of light penetrated the body like sharp swords. Jiang Tian's internal organs, bones, meridians, and blood vessels were all clearly visible under the dazzling light.

In the dantian, the jade eye of the sun burned crazily. It was the essence of the true fire of the sun. A single wisp of it could burn a strong foundation-building expert into ashes.

Endless bright fire energy surged towards Jiang Tian's limbs, bones, and internal organs.

Unbearable pain came.

Even though Jiang Tian had three divine bodies and his consciousness was as stable as a rock, at this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore and let out a painful groan.

However, Jiang Tian did not resist at all, he just gritted his teeth and persisted.

Let the light of these flames refine the three divine bodies.

This process lasted for a full day and night.

Finally, at a subtle critical point, Jiang Tian opened his eyes and coldly snorted: "Lian!"


The super divine Nine Transformation Mysterious Skills are operating.

Jiang Tian began to crazily devour the pure energy emitted by the Sun's jade eyes, and the true energy reserves in his body continued to increase.

At this time, Jiang Tian's true essence gradually gained the attribute of fire, with bright light and great energy.

This jade eye of the sun has existed on the dome star chart for who knows how many years, absorbing endless brilliance and storing it inside.

Jiang Tian speculated.

It was probably because the original Youqiong tribe hoped to carry out ultra-distant interstellar travel across the solar system and enter the dark and lonely starry sky, so they used this artificial sun to shine and maintain a stable ecosystem.

Therefore, the fire attribute energy contained in this sun crystal eye at this time can be said to be inexhaustible, and its effect is so powerful that it surpasses the universe's fire.

Three days later, Jiang Tian devoured all the true fire energy contained in Sun Jade Eyes, and the fire energy in his body had reached an incredible height.

But he didn't stop yet and began to absorb the light and real fire energy of the artificial stars on the sky map.

An incomparably vast and huge fire energy light poured into the palace where Jiang Tian was located. This time, half of the heaven and earth felt this earth-shaking change.

Countless people were dumbfounded and looked up, their eyes suddenly twitching violently.

The palace where Jiang Tian retreats, the angry bullfighting, has a mysterious connection with the sky and star map.

Then, infinite star light and true fire energy fell from the sky, turning into a pillar of light and a rolling torrent of flames, rushing towards the retreat palace, shrouding Jiang Tian in it.

Jiang Tian was like a whale swallowing a cow, frantically absorbing the endless light and true fire energy, pulling the sky star map inward to create a huge funnel with a radius of dozens of kilometers, as if it was about to collapse.

"This, this is too scary! Is the sky and star map going to collapse?"

Everyone in the Kingdom of Heaven saw this scene, whether they were the peerless experts in the city of the Holy Mountain Province or the traffickers and pawns in the mortal cities, their hearts trembled.

"Oh my god! Is Jiang Zhenxian about to break through?"

On the Third Holy Mountain, Lu Huaxi looked in reverence.

At this time, the curse on him had been lifted by Jiang Tian, ​​but he had committed too many crimes before, so his evil temperament still remained.

"This is simply a power that will destroy the world!"

"I wonder what level Jiang Zhenxian will reach!"

Everyone was shocked and envious.

At this time, they all felt a huge momentum, no less powerful than the resurrected Saint Ancestor, which could destroy the world.

A few days later, the true energy reserves in Jiang Tian's body reached an unparalleled level, at least ten times or even a hundred times more than before.

Jiang Tian had an obvious feeling of swelling, and there was endless strength in his whole body. It seemed that he could move mountains and fill the sea, draw land into rivers, and even Jiang Tian seemed to explode and die.

"The true energy reserves in the body at this time are enough to condense four middle-grade golden elixirs!"

Jiang Tian's face was slightly awe-inspiring, and he sighed happily in his heart:

"The Qiantian Fire Jade contains too much true sun fire! If someone else directly swallows the sun jade eye, even an immortal body will not be able to withstand it and will have to explode and die!"

"It's just that I already have three divine bodies that can withstand and store that vast amount of true energy. It's not something ordinary people can imagine!"

Jiang Tian's three divine bodies are very miraculous, and the super-divine Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique is the most powerful technique in the universe.

Just like ink can exist in clear water, and gases and liquids can enter solid containers, the three divine bodies and the mortal body intersect with each other, can be separated or combined, and can run together without conflict.

Although they all exist in Jiang Tian's physical body, in fact, Jiang Tian and his mortal body are actually equivalent to having four bodies. Therefore, they can each bear the true energy that other monks dare not even think about.

At this time, even if Jiang Tian has not transformed into the Divine Body of the Bright Vermillion Bird, just with these unrivaled and vast surging true energy, he can kill the strong Jindan, even the late Jindan and Jiying.

If he met the Holy Ancestor again at this time, Jiang Tian would not need to use any sky-shaking bow to shoot sun arrows, nor would he need to use any magical powers. He could beat him alive into a pulp by just raising his hands and feet.

This is the result of the skyrocketing true energy and powerful cultivation, breaking through all laws and shaking everything with one force!

"We have enough fire attribute essence. We need to take the first step to condense it to the fullest and refine the bright Suzaku!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were stern, and in the Nine Transformations of the Super Divine Art, the magical power that built the divine body began to operate.


Jiang Tian's Dantian trembled.

Gradually, groups of flames rose up, and the vast plains, towering mountains, and lakes composed of Geng gold nuggets caught fire one after another.

Especially the huge whirling green wood, the fire was soaring into the sky, burning with crackling sounds.

But every time it burns to the main trunk, Gengjin and Xuanshui True Essence immediately breed green wood, so that this whirling sacred tree cannot be burned out at all.

This is not simply burning!

Instead, under the control of Jiang Tianchao's Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, the wood element's true essence was transformed into the bright Suzaku true essence in a regular and planned manner.

The flames in the sky do not disperse.

Instead, it gradually condensed into a ball of flame, getting bigger and bigger, constantly solidifying, and shining for thousands of miles, just like the sun across the sky.


When almost all the true energy in his body was transformed into the bright Suzaku true energy, Jiang Tian let out a loud roar.

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