Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1065 Breakthrough, Suzaku completes and returns to Earth


In the dantian, the gigantic sun in the sky suddenly disintegrated into dots of light like divine radiance, rushing out of Jiang Tian's body with great radiance.

At this time, Jiang Tian was like a burning sun, with extremely dazzling rays of light emitting from his whole body, one ray pierced the sky, and one ray could crush the mountain peak.

Afterwards, those light spots formed a radiant Suzaku bird in the sky behind Jiang Tian, ​​with huge wings spanning the sky, covering everything, and exuding strong light and fire energy.

An ancient and vast atmosphere filled the entire hall.

Even the hall couldn't bear it, and the many formation patterns engraved on it cracked and melted one after another.

In the end, countless shield-shaped arrays were opened to protect the hall from damage, which was enough to block the violent energy emitted by Jiang Tian.


It is a very powerful beast in the universe. The ancient Chinese people even used it to refer to the southern stars, which shows that it is extraordinary.


At this time, the divine body of the Bright Suzaku had been completed, but Jiang Tian didn't stop, instead, he operated the Super God Nine Transformations Mysterious Art again.

The entire Bright Suzaku suddenly turned into a beam of light that seemed to have substance, and shot into Jiang Tian's dantian.

In Jiang Tian's limbs, every bone, every blood vessel, every acupuncture point, even every nerve ending, and every cell, there is a mark of Suzaku.

At this time, if you look at it with an instrument that surpasses technology, you will find that Jiang Tian's entire body is composed of bright light spots, and these light spots impressively form a vermilion bird that is about to fly.

Not only in the body, Jiang Tian himself also rose into the air, posing a posture like a giant wing spanning the sky, and an eagle hitting the sky, suspended in the air.

Just like this, without any mana power, it just floats out of thin air, as if it has turned into a Suzaku, able to roam freely and travel the universe.

And the phantom of the Suzaku in the sky is also getting bigger and bigger, rising higher and higher.

In the end, beyond this palace, it emerged in the sky above the first holy mountain, stretching for hundreds of miles, oppressing the entire heavenly world.

Everyone saw the huge phantom of the Suzaku.

It gushes out real fire, lingers in flames, sweeps the heavens and dust, and its terrifying coercion makes all the people in the kingdom of heaven tremble.

At this time, huge white bones, each tens of meters long, floated out of the hall, bathed in the flames of Suzaku.

These bones are all the remains of the ancestor Chi Liao, and they have not been burned by the artificial sun before.

There is still a vast bloodline of the infant strongman.

Adhering to the principle of waste utilization, Jiang Tian took twenty-four ribs and a section of spine, and used them for two purposes. He refined them into Lingbao-level flying swords and sword boxes, and gave them to his disciples.

"Is this another divine body of Jiang Zhenxian? It turned out to be an ancient beast, Suzaku!"

Yi Ye was startled.

He felt that the power of this Suzaku was too strong, like the sun rising across the sky, it seemed to be able to burn the sky.

Around it, many stars and constellations on the celestial map seemed to come to life, and they avoided it in fear, not daring to approach it at all.

"It's too strong. I'm afraid ten ancestors will attack together, and none of them will be Jiang Taichu's opponent!"

Lu Huaxi's eyes widened, Jiang Tian's background was beyond his imagination.

At this time, only the radiance emitted by Suzaku's divine body was able to overwhelm the previous man-made sun, and many luminous saints bathed in the radiance, and they felt that their spirit, body, and power were growing rapidly.

"This is the light of Jiang Taichu's divine body, which is of great benefit to our cultivation! Absorb and refine it immediately!"

The holy master of the third holy mountain was the first to react.

He immediately began to meditate with his legs crossed, with five pointing to the sky, and performed the Da Yan Gathering Star Jue method to absorb the holy light.

"The Light of the True God? My God, quickly absorb it, it will be of great benefit to us!"

Beside them, Yi Xiaoman, Meiji and the others looked at the phantom of the Suzaku in the sky with reverence, and began to meditate and refine.

At this moment, Jiang Tian is like a true god in their eyes, and bathing in his grace at this time will have endless benefits.


after a day.

After Jiang Tian fully felt the artistic conception and charm of the Suzaku's bright divine body, he gradually gathered his body and sat cross-legged on the ground.


The phantom of the Suzaku, like a tired bird returning to its nest, kept shrinking, and finally penetrated into Jiang Tian's body like a swallow falling into the forest.


clang clang clang!

The twenty-four Lingbao-level flying swords made from the ribs of the holy ancestor were also inserted into the sword case made of the spine, flew into the hall, and landed in front of Jiang Tian.

"The Divine Body of the Bright Suzaku is finally done!"

Jiang Tian slowly opened his eyes, outside the dark pupils, and outside the purple thunder ring, formed a halo of light, shooting out sharp and blazing light.

If you magnify it a hundred times, you will find that the aura is completely composed of the real fire of the sun, the fire of the universe, and the overlapping marks of the Suzaku. It can burn the sky with one glance, and the sky with fire with one glance.

Suzaku Fire Eyes!

And this supernatural power is just an insignificant supernatural power of the Bright Suzaku Divine Body!

Suzaku, the most powerful fire-type beast in the universe, and the divine body derived from it is also one of the best divine bodies in the fire nature. It sprays Suzaku's divine fire and has infinite magical uses!

Martial fire can kill people and destroy cities, but when it is small, it burns gold and iron, everything is inflammable, and a ray of flame can kill a golden core. If practiced to the extreme, it can burn the sky and annihilate the stars.

Slow fire can make alchemy and build formations.

In the realm of comprehension, there are twelve kinds of heavenly fires, twelve earthly fires, and twelve kinds of human fires. They are very miraculous, and they are known as thirty-six kinds of strange fires. To be like a baby.

But these different fires, compared with Jiang Tian's Suzaku fire, no matter in terms of function or supernatural power, they are like a joke, not worth mentioning.

At this moment, in Jiang Tian's dantian, there appeared a round of flames and a radiant sun.

In the depths, there was a divine vermilion bird soaring. At this time, Jiang Tian's originally extremely violent, vast and surging true energy was also compressed and condensed, and slowly fell back to the fourth floor of the foundation.

In fact, Jiang Tian even wanted to forcibly suppress the true essence to the level of the third foundation building!

It's not that he wants to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, pretending to be forceful and slapping his face!

But if he is not satisfied with condensing a certain divine body in the future, he can smash the divine body and have one more chance to reshape.

But there is no way, his real essence is too thick and violent, comparable to several middle-grade golden core powerhouses, it cannot be compressed at all.

It was suppressed to the fourth floor of the foundation building, and it was the result that he had four divine bodies to share the true essence.

"Fourth floor of the foundation, condensed into the strongest divine body with fire attributes, this trip to the heaven has achieved a lot!"

A happy smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

At this time, he was full of confidence. He was not afraid of the Western Land World or the Immortal Market.

But immediately, deep thoughts and worries enveloped his heart.

He can't wait to return to Earth, see Qing'er, see his parents, relatives and friends.

"The bone of this Chi Liao old thief is very hard, and the sword he made is also very good!"

Jiang Tian looked at the bone sword, and threw all the treasures of heaven and earth into the Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd.

Then, taking a deep breath, under the expectant and shocking eyes of everyone, he stepped out of the palace and came to the door.

"Wait, I wish Jiang Zhenxian the best of cultivation, the depth of mana, and the cultivation of the supreme and immortal body!"

Seeing Jiang Tian coming out, everyone knelt down on the ground one after another, their eyes were shocked and reverent, and they worshiped.

At this time, although Jiang Tian seemed to be in the middle stage of foundation establishment, in fact, his combat power instantly killed the foundation establishment of the same level, overwhelming all Jindan powerhouses, and even formed babies.

The holy ancestor is like a resurrection, and he is not a general at all.

The current Jiang Tian, ​​even in the world of heaven, can be called an immortal strongman. How can they not worship, not fear?

Jiang Tian nodded slightly.

"Jiang Zhenxian, the pursuit of the descendants of the ancestor..."

The third Holy Master hurriedly stepped forward to report, his face full of fear, flattery, and begging for mercy, just like a believer facing a true god.

"Okay! I'm not interested in listening."

Jiang Tian impatiently listened, waved his hand and said:

"Keep hunting. In short, I don't want any descendants of the holy ancestors to live in this world! In the future, I will come back!"

"Yes!" Many holy masters kowtowed quickly.

Everyone's expression changed.

Yi Xiaoman looked reluctantly and said: "Jiang Zhenxian, are you going back?"

"That's right!"

Jiang Tian nodded, and walked towards a space portal on the third holy mountain.

Almost every holy mountain has a space portal directly to the earth world, but there is only one from the earth world to the heavenly world.

"Jiang Zhenxian, this place is tentatively decided, why don't you hang around for a few more days?"

Yiye pleaded.

Jiang Tian has been in retreat these days.

But the destruction of the holy hall is a big deal, and the authority has been shut down. After all, there are billions of creatures here, there are holy mountains, there are cities, and there are thousands of clues, all of which need to be decided by Jiang Tian.

"Yes! Jiang Zhenxian, please stay for a while longer! You can even live here for a long time! After all, this place is a dimensional world, and the aura is always better than that of the earth!"

Many holy masters are enthusiastic to stay, reluctant to part.

These days, they are all practicing the Dayan Juxing Jue taught by Jiang Tian, ​​and their cultivation is improving day by day, which is several times faster than when there was an artificial sun before.

This made them realize how profound Jiang Tian's background is, and it is an inexhaustible treasure. Jiang Tian only needs to mention a few words to them, and they can be sublimated endlessly. go.

"The earth will always be my homeland, my foundation! I must go back!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly, his eyes long.

But gradually, waves of murderous aura surged into the sky, making everyone else feel a chill in their hearts.

"Western Earth, I'm afraid I can't sit still!"

"It's best if Tang Linglong and the others have already taken care of them, don't

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