Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1068 The strong men from the Western Land are like gods

"Kill three million people? This man is so cruel!"

Everyone's expressions changed wildly, and even Keynes shouted.

This Luo Ming actually openly declared that he wanted to kill three million people.

"They regard themselves as immortals and are superior. They regard us as ants and think that their civilization is a crushing situation!"

However, Ye Tianren's eyes were as bright as a torch and he said in a cold voice:

"Just imagine, if we want to get rid of a nest of termites, will we say hello? Will we negotiate? Will we worry about the ants' reaction? We will just kill them. There is no reason to explain!"

"First, he can control metal. Second, he can explode with thunder!"

But Tang Linglong analyzed it calmly, and then ordered: "The robot comes forward to test its strength. All data receiving departments should be prepared!"

"Yes! The robot activates!"

A Heavenly Army general said.

Hoo ho ho!

Each robot jumped up from behind the bunker with great vigor, spanning a distance of hundreds of meters in one leap, and when it fell, it shook the ground!

These robots were several kilometers away from the three of them, but within a few breaths, a total of a dozen robots and robot beasts crossed over to the three of them.

The leader of robot No. 1 clenched his fists, chi chi chi, and sharp claws like Wolverine emerged from the top of his fists.

The second leader, holding a shield and a spear, is like a divine general standing tall on the sky and on the earth.

No. 3, with a bald head, a ring scar spray-painted on the top of his head, and a yellow outer armor spray-painted like a monk's robe. He held a titanium alloy long stick, vibrated slightly, and made a strange whistle.

Their movements are flexible, if they are intelligent, and their response speed is extremely fast, completely surpassing the products of any major international manufacturer today.

There was a hint of envy in Keynes's eyes.

This is not a mechanical exoskeleton, but a real robot. It is made of titanium alloy, extremely cold metal and biological materials. It is equipped with crystal energy batteries. Its endurance and impact power are beyond ordinary, and it has been mass-produced.

It's just that these robots were not developed in the United States, but were jointly developed by the Sodonian Academy of Sciences and the Space Force.

Previously, whether it was mechanical exoskeletons or robots, energy devices were a stumbling block that needed to be solved.

The original lithium batteries and graphene batteries had too small capacity, too large size, too heavy and poor endurance.

These aspects severely restrict the application of mechanical exoskeletons and robots.

But based on the theory of heavy fusion technology such as extreme flame crystals and explosive crystals, Sordoni has developed this advanced crystal energy battery.

A battery the size of a fingernail can currently provide them with energy for continuous movement for three days and nights.

Currently, the Chinese military has purchased these robots in batches.

In the application of military equipment, the United States is lagging behind.

After all, this thing is simply a killer weapon on the battlefield, a harvester of human life. If a robot is equipped with heavy firepower such as armor-piercing and incendiary bombs, it can rival an armored division and kill thousands of people.

"Haha, robot No. 3, the program I entered is Wulang Bagua stick! These robots are codenamed Guoshu Grandmaster! Behind them, there are also shooting masters and robot beasts!"

Zhang Chengen's face was full of happiness and his smile was bright, like a child looking at his beloved toy.

He was responsible for the research and development of these crystal energy robots.

"Puppet Man, Puppet Beast!"

Seeing this, Luo Ming showed a bit of interest.

"The development of strange and obscene skills on the earth is really rapid! If we occupy it, there is no need to kill them, let them be our slaves, that's good!"

Jianglong and Ailian were also a little surprised, as if they couldn't believe that there was a puppet beast here.

In the world of cultivation, puppet beasts can generally only be made by masters of weapon refining, and they must also be proficient in formations, talismans and other knowledge.

Even in the Western World, to own a puppet beast, you must be a leader-level expert. Most of them raise slightly psychic beasts as pets, mounts or slaves.


As the order is issued.

Robot No. 3 was the first to rush out, with a speed comparable to the sound barrier, and the long stick made of titanium alloy swept towards the three of them.

Suddenly, the sky was dark and the ground was filled with flying sand and rocks. This blow could smash a tank.

"Hmph! You want to kill me, but you're not even close!"

Luo Ming snorted coldly, with contemptuous eyes, slapped the back of his head, opened his mouth and spit out a small sword.

The sword grew larger in the wind and turned into a three-foot green blade. He held the sword in his hand and with a sneer, the sword swept across.

Suddenly, the long titanium alloy stick of Robot No. 3 broke, was cut in half by the sword light, and fell to the ground.

"Strength test data...speed data...strike temperature data..."

Suddenly, a lot of data flashed on the command headquarters' computer like a waterfall, and everyone was shocked.

Tang Linglong was very calm.

Because she had no intention of relying on these robots to deal with three people.

The three people's cultivation should be in the late stage of foundation building. Jiang Tian and Ye Tianren had seen the data of these robots and thought that they were only comparable to those in the early stage of foundation building. They would have a hard time facing the strong ones in the middle stage of foundation building.

However, this is not easy anymore!

Nowadays, the Immortal Ruins and many dimensional worlds may invade at any time. Who can resist?

As for the crystal energy robots, they have been mass-produced. Now the Heavenly Army is equipped with more than 3,000 of them and China is equipped with tens of thousands. They can at least withstand the attacks of the foundation-building experts. At the critical moment, I don’t know how many people can be saved.

Moreover, more can be cast, and there is room for improvement in performance, so Jiang Tian supports this project at all costs.

"The second wave of attacks, continue, hit that bald monk and that witch. Pay attention to collecting data!"

Tang Linglong gave the second order.

Immediately, crystal energy robots No. 1 and 2, leading the other robots, swarmed up and attacked the three of them.

The two sides fought together.

It was obvious that the three strong men from the West and Tu had an overwhelming advantage.


The No. 1 robot's sharp steel knife like a Wolverine's claw quickly slashed down.

On one side of Ailian's body, the steel knife cut into the stone wall. The stone wall fell into pieces like it was made of tofu.

Robot No. 1 had just turned around, but before the second movement could be made, Ailian Yubai's palm had already been shot out as fast as lightning, imprinting it on the chest of Robot No. 1.

The special metal that could withstand artillery fire had a shallow palm print dented in it, but it was not damaged.


Robot No. 1 stepped back as its feet scraped against the granite floor.

His feet made two deep marks on the hard ground, and fire shadows flew everywhere, smashing through sections of broken walls and sending up billowing smoke. He didn't stop until he was more than half a kilometer away and fell into a slope. .

"This delicate woman has a palm force of fifty tons, which can blow up a state-of-the-art tank!"

Keynes looked at the transmitted data and was frightened.

"Is this still a human being?"

Many scientists and military experts present were stunned and exclaimed.

"I wonder if No. 1 can handle it!"

Everyone's eyes were concerned, and Zhang Chengen also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Visible through the screen.

Robot No. 1 climbed out of the slope and took a few staggering steps. However, it froze and froze on the spot.

Black smoke billowed out from the gap in his chest, there was a loud crackling sound, and sparks exploded, and he fell to the ground.

"The outer casing was not seriously damaged, but the strong tremors caused the formation chip and electrical energy conduction system to collapse! It seems that this part needs to be strengthened!"

Zhang Chengen borrowed a computer to remotely analyze the damage to robot No. 1, with a hint of worry on his face.

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