Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1075 The leader of the Kunlun Sect, Li Wuji, is born!

But Jiang Tian did not answer. Instead, his face changed slightly, he took a step forward, flew out the door, and reached the roof of the central hall of Tianqing Sect.

Here, you can overlook the entire Tianqing Sect Dojo, as well as the thousands of lights of San Juan, the capital city in the south, and the magnificent sunflowers.

Standing proudly in the void, a kind of strong and fierce pride, overlooking the world, suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Fellow Taoist, why don't you come out and see me?"

As soon as Jiang Tian touched his sleeves, an exquisite small table appeared on the roof of the hall, with wine glasses and jugs made of sapphire on it.

Jiang Tianxin made a move, and the wine pot flew over. The refreshing fairy wine brought from the Tianxing World was poured into the wine glass with incomparable precision. The aroma of the wine overflowed, and then he was slightly warmed with the fire of Suzaku. Suddenly, the fragrance floated ten miles away, intoxicating countless people. .

"Good wine! Seeing Master Jiang Xian's wine-making skills, the old Taoist has really lived in this world for nothing. He doesn't understand wine!"

Deep in the clouds, an old man in Taoist robes with wide robes and long sleeves stood in the sky, stepping on the clouds and mist, bathing in the clear moonlight, as if he was an immortal who had stepped on the moon.

"Haha, all the sages in ancient times were lonely, but only the drinkers left their names! This wine is called 'Drunken Immortal', and it is the collection of Li Longyuan, the Taoist of Qiankun in the Tianxing World! Sir, you are quite like an immortal, this wine is really good for entertaining distinguished guests! "

Jiang Tian made an inviting gesture.

The man came so fast, without even moving his legs. In a flash, he crossed several kilometers and came to sit in front of Jiang Tian.

He picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, then his eyes lit up and he praised: "It is indeed the wine of the immortal family, good wine and good wine!"

"The leader of the Kunlun Sect, Li Wuji!"

Jiang Tian also sat down opposite him, smiled casually and said:

"Among the many famous mountains in China, your Kunlun Sect is the ancestral home of Taoism and is respected by the world. And I defeated Zhang Qianlei of the Tianshi Sect of Longhu Mountain, killed Chen Ping'an of the ancient Wudang, and Hao Taichong of the Emei Sect... The Taoist lineage died in me There are countless in my hand! Did you come to me to have a fight, or just to drink?"

This person is none other than the leader of the Kunlun Sect, Li Wuji!

He has a high seniority, a long lifespan, and unfathomable cultivation. Even with Ye Tianren's strength, he had received his guidance back then. He was the leader of the Kunlun Sect, intervening in the secular world on behalf of the Kunlun Sect, and trying to turn the tide.

The Kunlun Sect is ethereal and mysterious, far away from the secular world. It is known as the true hidden door. It will never come out easily unless it is a real disaster of annihilation.

It is said that its dojo is hidden deep in the space formation, in a folded space. In essence, it can even be said to be the dimensional world closest to the earth.

Jiang Tian was killing many semi-hidden sects in China, causing bloody storms, but the Kunlun Sect had always stood aside and never intervened.

"I'm not old enough to be an old fool!"

Li Wuji played with the wine glass, his eyes were focused, and he smiled:

"Everyone in the world knows that you, Jiang Taichu, are a murderous maniac with blood-stained hands and raging flames. You kill people and exterminate clans at every turn. But I, Li Wuji, know that you, Jiang Taichu, never kill innocent people indiscriminately or bully the weak. Those you kill are all those who should be killed. Kill the person!"

"Haha, just by your words, it's obvious!"

Jiang Tian smiled heartily, picked up the wine glass, drank it down in one gulp, and added more wine to Li Wuji.

At this time, Ye Tianren reached the top of the building, bowed his head, showed deep gratitude and respect, and said: "Unworthy disciple Ye Tianren, pay homage to the master! Pay homage to the sect master!"

As for other people, they are not qualified to come up to see him. Only Huang Linger was helping pour the wine.

"Celestial being, get up!"

Li Wuji showed a hint of appreciation and smiled warmly.

Ye Tianren stood aside respectfully.

Li Wuji shook his head and said with a smile: "I am not qualified to be this master. Back then, I only gave you a few pointers, and there was no ceremony for accepting disciples. Sect master, I am not worthy of these two words either!"


Ye Tianren said in surprise.

"I have handed over the position of sect leader to Ji Muxian! Now, I am just an idler!" Li Wuji said with a smile.


Ye Tianren was stunned for a moment.

Suddenly I remembered that it was said that Li Wuji was five hundred years old, and since he only had the third level of foundation building, his longevity was probably approaching.

You know, the earth's spiritual energy is severely depleted.

At the level of foundation building, strong cultivation does not mean that one will live longer.

Because without the nourishment of external spiritual energy, the body will dry up and collapse at some point. This is just like a strong man who needs more nourishment from food. The greater the strength, the greater the consumption.

According to Jiang Tian, ​​unless the golden elixir is condensed and the true essence is endlessly condensed, only the inner true essence can be slowly released to maintain a longer life span.

So, he changed the topic, nodded and praised: "Junior Brother Mu Xian has brilliant talent, amazing understanding, and great wisdom and perseverance. From now on, he will definitely carry forward the Kunlun Sect!"

Ye Tianren is a man of iron bones. He is not weaker than others in his life. He dares to draw his sword to the sky and fight against immortals.

If he could say he admired anyone in this life, there were only two of them. One was Jiang Tian, ​​and the other was Ji Muchian.

When Ye Tianren worshiped Kunlun, Ji Muxian was only a teenager, but he had already reached the divine realm. Now, after decades of hard training, he may have reached the foundation level.

Of course, Kunlun Sect is a blessed land full of spiritual energy and uniquely blessed by nature.

Moreover, there are many techniques inherited from the pre-Qin period, which are also the conditions for his rapid progress.

However, Jiang Tian has also traveled in space, has a lifespan of ten thousand years, and has an advantage over Ji Muxian in terms of skill experience.

Therefore, from this aspect, Ji Muxian may even surpass Jiang Tian in terms of talent and physical strength.

"Haha, what is there to carry forward! The Kunlun Sect is far away from the secular world and does not care about worldly affairs. It is not like Master Jiang who has great talents and great strategies for managing the world and benefiting the people."

"We are just pursuing the truth of life and looking for our own authenticity!"

Li Wuji smiled indifferently and shook his head slightly, his attitude was humble and aloof.

"Let fellow Taoist Wuji laugh!"

Jiang Tian said politely:

"I am the person who looks away from me. I am obsessed with fame and wealth, toiling in the world of mortals, and addicted to love. I am not as indifferent as Taoist friend Wuji, so I am lofty and admirable!"

Although Jiang Tianhua said this, he did not mean the slightest respect.

Li Wuji just agreed casually and took a few sips of wine with Jiang Tian.

"Master Jiang Xian, you once killed both the Heavenly Kingdom and the Heavenly Star Realm. Could it be that you have reached the golden elixir realm?"

Suddenly, Li Wuji asked with hope.

"No! I only built the fourth level of foundation!"

Jiang Tian didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "It's just that I have developed a special physique so that I can exert super strong combat power and defeat the golden elixir!"

"Special physique?"

Li Wuji's eyes lit up with a hint of envy, and he praised:

"In the field of martial arts and magic in China, there is no one who can rely on body training to improve combat power to a level that can challenge the Golden Pill."

"Forcibly refining the body like a foreign master, can only stop at the divine realm, and will damage longevity, so it often needs tiger and wolf medicine to nourish!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly and said: "My body refining technique is also nourished by the supreme treasure medicine, which will not damage longevity!"

In fact, he still had reservations.

These divine bodies are made from the most precious treasures of heaven and earth. Not only will they not damage lifespan, but they will actually extend it.

After hearing this, the look of envy on Li Wuji's face became even stronger, he shook his head and sighed:

"Oh, Immortal Jiang, you have stepped into the fourth level of foundation building at a young age, and you are one step ahead of the old man. The old man has been practicing hard all these years, but his training has been in vain!"

"I'm afraid there is no hope for the golden elixir in this old man's life! Fellow Daoist Jiang has hope for the golden elixir, which transcends this world!"

Sensing the desolation in this man's words, Jiang Tian felt sad, and Ye Tianren also looked sad.

Although Jiang Tian adheres to the principle of teaching without distinction, he will never teach Li Wuji's supreme skills easily.

Even if he can pass it on, he must be loyal and reliable.

Jiang Tian changed the subject and said seriously: "Fellow Taoist Wuji, why are you looking for me?"

Li Wuji's face was slightly solemn, he glanced at Huang Ling'er and said:

"Master Jiang Xian, this girl was worried that the revival of spiritual energy would cause chaos in the world. In fact, I am also worried about this! Master Jiang Xian, be careful about this matter, you have to think twice before you act!"

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