Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1076 The Law of Enemies and the First Law of the Universe

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"Fellow Taoist Wuji, have you ever read the article "Enemy's Precepts"?" Jiang Tian asked.

People like Li Wuji, who have already learned both Chinese and Western knowledge, are knowledgeable about the past and present, and have extraordinary knowledge, immediately nodded and said: "A short article by Liu Zongyuan of the Tang Dynasty!"

Jiang Tian stood up, stood with his hands behind his hands, overlooking the lights of San Juan in Sodoni and the villas in Xianhe Village, and said slowly:

"People have always regarded enemies as a scourge. The powerless should avoid them, and the powerful should eradicate them! Only Liu Zongyuan believes that having enemies is a good thing!"

"Back then, the Qin State had enemies from the six countries, so it worked hard to become stronger! In addition to the six countries, it unified the world, but because there was no threat from the enemy, it relaxed and fell into decadence! The existence of enemies made us neither arrogant nor impetuous, cautious, and unreasonable. As for being complacent! As the saying goes, if you punish illness, your life will be shortened, and if you are strong, you will die violently; if you indulge in lust and fail to restrain yourself, you will be a fool."

"On the European continent, since the Roman Empire, countries have been vying for supremacy, just like our Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. There are always endless wars. If a country wants to survive in such an environment, it must work hard to govern!"

"As for China, since the unification of Qin for two thousand years, it has almost always been a situation where one country is dominant. No country in the surrounding area has a population and economic strength that can match the size, power and strength of this central empire."

"Without strong enemies, without external pressure, the interior will naturally become corrupted. The horns of the frontiers are not heard, but singing and dancing are seen. Since the Qin Dynasty, the history of the dynasty has been worse than the last, and the spirit of the entire society is in degradation. It is precisely this This kind of historical environment has long-term effects, making people obsessed with peace and contentment, unwilling to make progress, cowardly, and insensitive. It is precisely because of this that there have been hundreds of years of suffering and humiliation in China's modern history!"

"This is true for a country, and so is a civilization!"

"The great tree of human civilization that has lasted for thousands of years is completely empty. After thousands of years, it has completely decayed."

Jiang Tian's words were shocking, and Li Wuji nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

Jiang Tian leisurely said: "Fellow Taoist Wuji should know the existence of the Immortal Ruins?"


Li Wuji's eyes lit up, he nodded and said:

"I heard that in ancient times, powerful people from outside the territory invaded, and many powerful people were defeated. Some powerful people began to flee, and used the fragments of the ancient earth to create many dimensional worlds!"

"The Kingdom of Heaven is the dimensional world of ancient Europe, while the Western Land should belong to the civilization of ancient India. The ancient Chinese continent has the most dimensional worlds born! Headed by Immortal Ruins, there are also many dimensional worlds such as Tianxing!"

"The Immortal Ruins, as well as many dimensional worlds, are hostile to the earth!"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly and looked long, and said:

"Once they invade, it will be a catastrophe! Because compared to those cultivation civilizations, the gap between human beings on earth is too far, and they are not in the same order of magnitude! It's like a mantis using its arms as a chariot. I'm afraid the entire human civilization on earth will not last a year! "

"And the revival of spiritual energy will realize the simultaneous evolution of humans and other creatures on earth."

"That's right, these common wolves, insects, tigers and leopards will evolve into monsters as powerful as mountains and start war against humans."

"But they are still on the same order of magnitude as humans on Earth. Humans on Earth can strengthen themselves and evolve their civilization by hunting them!"

"This is still just a trial. Our real enemy is the Immortal Ruins, and there may even be a greater threat deep in the starry sky!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were fixed and he sighed.

"A greater threat in the stars?"

Li Wuji's eyes were shocked: "What do you mean, fellow Taoist, is there really alien life and the existence of extraterrestrial civilization?"

"The universe looks empty and empty, but it's actually extremely crowded."

Jiang Tian looked up at the stars in the sky and did not answer directly, but smiled:

"It's like an ant on a leaf that feels empty, but for a caterpillar, the leaf seems too narrow."

"A caterpillar thinks a big tree is very vast, but to a monkey, a big tree seems narrow. There are more than ten monkeys in the same tree, and they have to fight!"

"The first law of the universe is that the higher the level of civilization, the more resources it will require and the most space it will occupy."

“On the surface, the resources of the universe seem to be inexhaustible, but in fact, with the advancement of civilization and the increase in power, a planet, a star field, or even a galaxy will be short of resources or even exhausted at any time! So, the threat is always there!”

"What Taoist Taoist Master Taichu said is so reasonable. It is like a wake-up call, an enlightenment, and a word that wakes up the dreamer!"

Li Wuji patted his thigh and praised, then smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Our Kunlun Sect's success lies in these four words, 'Quietness and Inaction', and our failure lies in these four words!"

"I don't know whether you came from the outer starry sky or the reincarnation of an old devil, but you have the ability to dominate this world, such a magnificent vision, and such profound insights! You are really not as good as me!"

Ye Tianren also agreed.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the most powerful beings on this star. Jiang Tian, ​​Gong Yuanyi, Blood Ancestor, Prison Suppressing Demon Lord Nie Mingyuan, Jia Ye and others once started fighting to the death!

The purpose is to compete for cultivation resources.

Because the earth's aura and natural treasures have been exhausted, if we don't rob or fight, we may stop forever.

It's like a few caterpillars on a leaf. The caterpillars look small, but these caterpillars already feel too crowded!

For ordinary people, in the past few thousand years, the exploitation of resources by humans on earth has been limited to the land beneath their feet.

But now many resources on the earth have not been exhausted, and humans have begun to reach out to other planets.

Just like in the Age of Discovery, Europe opened up and looked for new trade routes and partners, and even launched wars and colonized other countries, realizing the rise of capitalism and modern countries.

However, the Qing government, which prided itself on being a superior country, was arrogant about everything and closed itself off to the country. If it lost this opportunity, it would fall into backwardness and be beaten.

In the future, mankind will surely enter the era of interstellar navigation, start a new round of competition, and the territory of activities will greatly expand.

"Fellow Taoist Wuji is laughing at you."

Jiang Tian smiled and said:

"My little dojo, Mr. Jiang, only has a few huts and a small area. It is not as profound as your Kunlun Sect. The foundation left by the predecessors and sages is just a piece of rootless duckweed. I have no one to rely on. I have to fight with you." People are fighting for that tiny profit!"

"Alas, fellow Taoist Taichu is too modest!"

Li Wuji looked down at the aura-filled Tianqing Sect dojo, showing a hint of envy, shaking his head and sighing:

"Born in sorrow and dying in happiness, it is precisely because the Kunlun Sect believed that it had a foundation and foundation that it lost its courage and enterprising spirit, and now it is showing signs of decline."

"Unlike Daoyou Jiang, who worked hard to conquer the world, Tianqing Sect gathered strong men and skyrocketed to the top, making it impressive and full of vitality! The foundation now is no worse than Kunlun!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were half-closed, and he said with a half-smile:

"Tianqing Sect does have good things, and I, Jiang Taichu, even cherish supreme skills. Now the earth is lacking in spiritual energy and there are very few cultivation resources. If Fellow Daoist Li is determined to fight for it, he can give it a try!"

As soon as this word came out.

Ye Tianren suddenly looked nervous and his whole body tensed up.

Huang Ling'er, who was pouring wine for Jiang and Tian, ​​turned pale. Her right hand trembled, and the mutton-fat jade wine glass clattered to the ground.

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