Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1083 Jiang Taichu returns, covering the shadow of heaven and earth

Among the crowd, only Wu Yaoniang looked embarrassed and depressed, and seemed unhappy.

At this time, Cheng Lulu didn't quite understand, so she asked a friendly colleague next to her: "She has become the new Suzaku, why don't you go?"

The colleague said: "She made one mistake, one step at a time. She was too close to Jiang Taichu before, so she had no chance to enter the Kunlun Sect! Remember, the Chinese cultivation world will be very complicated in the future. It must be important Follow closely, the most powerful person will go!"

Cheng Lulu seemed to understand.

At this time, Ye Yuhui slipped his right hand, dropped his phone to the ground, and his face turned pale.

"Senior Sister Ye, even if you drop your phone, you don't have to feel so distressed, right?"

Zhu Xiaochen smiled.

"Ye Keren, she's not coming!" Ye Yuhui said tremblingly.

Ji Mingchuan's face darkened, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes, but he was well-controlled and did not explode.

Next to her, a beautiful junior sister comforted her in a sweet voice: "If she doesn't come, she won't come. Maybe we can get together in the evening!"

Ji Mingchuan asked: "Who is he with?"

"Why doesn't she come?" Ying Wu asked from the side.

"She has guests to accompany her! Let us eat by ourselves!" Ye Yuhui replied with dull eyes.

"What friend is more important than senior brother Ji Mingchuan!"

Ying Wu said half flatteringly, half dissatisfied:

"In China, among the younger generation, who else's status and strength can compare with our senior brother!"

Next to him, everyone laughed and echoed.

"Yes, it's Jiang, Jiang Taichu!" Ye Yuhui said in shock.

As soon as the name came out, it was like magic.

In an instant, the huge box was filled with silence. Many people's faces showed horror, shock, and horror.

"Who?" Ying Su asked in disbelief.

"Jiang Taichu!"

Ye Yuhui said in despair: "He just arrived at the station, but he concealed his identity and neither Cheng Lulu nor I recognized him!"

This time, no one spoke at all.

Everyone present had more or less connections with Jiang Tian.

"He actually came back alive! He won another secret realm!"

Zhu Xiaochen's smile was uglier than his cry.

"It can't be fake! How can it be so easy to win in the heavenly world!"

Li Guangzhe couldn't believe it either, so he said it by chance.

The strong men in the dimensional world are as high as gods. Once they step into it, they can sweep away the earth world.

Historically, even their ancestors were manipulated by many dimensional worlds, like puppets.

And the Kingdom of Heaven is said to be the legendary paradise, its full name is the Temple of Heaven!

The Holy See, which has been glorious for two thousand years, is nothing but their evangelist in the world.

They don't even dare to think about how powerful the heavenly dimensional world is, probably second only to the Immortal Ruins!

But now, he went and came back alive!

"Yes! Yes! Maybe Ye Keren is joking!"

Next to him, a female disciple said.

She felt that Jiang Taichu was like a huge shadow that could cover the sky.

The moment his name rang out, even the radiant Ji Mingchuan's face turned gloomy, and his eyes became gloomy.

"It should be him!"

At this time, Cheng Lulu said quietly: "He talked to me, said he knew Ye Keren, and asked about my sister. Oh, my sister's name is Cheng Tiantian, and she once served in Zhanlong! It's his anonymous name disciple!"

"It's really him!"

After a cry of surprise, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone shut up.

Even Ji Mingchuan didn't dare to say a word.

That man, Jiang Taichu, who defeated the two great branches of the Vatican and the Brahman hierarchy and crushed the hidden royal family of Europe, is back!

"I seem to understand why Ye Keren hasn't found a boyfriend. I'm afraid it's not as simple as being obsessed with practicing!" Wu Yaoniang suddenly said with a half-smile.

Ji Mingchuan's face was gloomy, but he drank the wine in the glass without saying a word.

Zhu Xiaochen was Ji Mingchuan's lackey and said with a ferocious smile: "Wu Yao Niang, you don't seem to be very good at talking! You are not even a disciple of Kunlun. You have no qualifications to participate in such a gathering. Get out!"

"I can leave. But please take back that word "Roll"!"

Wu Yaoniang stood up, her violent aura erupted, and she said in a cold voice.

"Hey, witch, you and I want to have a fight? This place is too small, get out!" Zhu Xiaochen also looked arrogantly. Now that he is a disciple of Kunlun, he thinks he has a backer, and he will not let Wu Yaoni go at all. In the eyes.

Wu Yaoniang was about to step out and fight with him.

Ye Yuhui immediately said: "Wu Yao Niang, Jiang Taichu invites you to Qingxi Tea House. It seems that he has a task for you!"

As soon as this word came out.

Zhu Xiaochen suddenly froze on the spot, sweating violently from shock, and his face turned pale. He didn't want to go out to fight, nor did he sit down. He wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart: "Damn it, Ye Yuhui, what do you have to say, can you finish it in one breath?" !”

"Zhu Xiaochen, do you still dare to fight me now?" Wu Yaoniang sneered.

How dare Zhu Xiaochen?

He wouldn't even dare to lend him a hundred courages!

Wu Yaoniang was the person Jiang Tian wanted by name. Even if Wu Yaoniang stood there motionless, Zhu Xiaochen would not dare to move a finger against her.

Otherwise, his fate will be the same as that of the Jin family, which will be wiped out and no one left alive!

"Zhu Xiaochen, please sit down. We are all the hidden royal family of China, why should we be unhappy?"

Ying Wu laughed and came to the rescue.

Zhu Xiaochen sat down and said with a forced smile: "Wu Yao Niang, I'm just kidding you. Why are you so excited? It's not easy to find a boyfriend with your hot temper!"

After Wu Yaoneng left.

Except for Cheng Lulu's secret joy and excitement.

This party suddenly became boring to everyone. Everyone's heart felt heavy, as if a big stone was weighing on them, and it was difficult to breathe.

Seeing this, Cheng Lulu was confused and asked boldly: "Isn't Jiang Taichu a strong man at the same level as you? Is he more powerful than you?"

"Jiang Taichu is much more powerful than us! He's not on the same level at all!"

Li Guangzhe drank a glass of wine, his eyes were blurry, he shook his head and smiled bitterly:

"He is the master of the three realms, just like the dragon in the sky. Compared with him, we are nothing more than a group of ants fighting for a few grains of rice!"

Hearing that Jiang Tian had returned, Zhu Xiaochen's blood turned cold faster than a pile of cow dung in winter. His face was full of depression and desolation, and he said sadly:

"He actually won another realm! I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up with him even if we chase him for another hundred or thousand years!"

"Ji Muxian once said that the Kunlun Sect will guide the spiritual energy to revive. By then, it will be a time of great chaos! I may not be able to catch up with Jiang Taichu!"

Among the many descendants of the royal family, only Ying Su had a resolute face, a hint of fighting spirit in his eyes, and thoughts in his heart.

The figure of Jiang Tian's back that passed through the Holy Light Gate and ascended to the sky was so dazzling that it blocked the sunshine of his world and caused a shadow to appear in his heart, covering the heaven and earth, leaving him in darkness.

"Only when I surpass Jiang Taichu one day, will the shadow in my heart fade away."

Although he knew that his hope was extremely slim!

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