Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1084 Jiang Tian’s warning, don’t be a lackey of the Immortal Market

While Ying Su and the others were still gathering, Wu Yaoniang had also arrived at Jiang Tian's side.

"Master Jiang Xian, I wonder why you call me such an idle guy?"

When Wu Yaoniang saw Jiang Tian, ​​she bowed respectfully, but still managed to make a joke.

Her character was originally free and easy, romantic and free-spirited.

However, when meeting Jiang Tian at this moment, he couldn't help but feel terrified. After all, the man in front of him was a big demon who killed thousands of people at every turn and used all possible methods.

"Idle people waiting" was what Jiang Tian called her when he first met her in Lancang River. She used it to tease Jiang Tian now because of her personality. However, I would never dare to call Jiang Tian little brother or sister again.

"We are going to the West!" Jiang Tian said, "I'll take you with me!"

"Going to the Western Land? Dimensional world!"

Wu Yaoniang's eyes were shocked and she said: "But, there is a dimensional passage there, do you have the method to open it?"

When Jiang Tian went to the Tianxing World, he took Tongtian Temple by surprise and captured the activating formation pestle.

The second time I went to the secret realm of heaven was because the so-called true god had opened the light portal.

But now, the dead hill has fallen silent. There has been no movement for several months, which means that the portal to the West has been closed.

Besides, that dead hill may also be a one-way portal, unable to reach the Western Land at all.

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Tian said calmly: "Of course I have the method to open it!"

As soon as Jiang Tian gave the order, Cao Shixiong immediately ordered a military helicopter to pick him up. Then the four of them took Jiang Tian's special plane and went straight to the death hill in India.

After boarding Jiang Tian's special plane, Wu Yaoniang couldn't help but sigh: "Master Jiang Xian is really good at enjoying!"

Her assets are also huge. The Sun and Moon Dangkong Group is one of the top ten invisible chaebols in China, but compared with Jiang Tian, ​​it pales in comparison.

At this time, Ye Keren interjected: "Master Jiang Xian, how is the situation in the West? Are you really confident that you can win the West?"

Ye Keren is already considered an elite disciple and has the opportunity to communicate directly with senior masters such as Li Wuji and Ji Muchian.

In their words, Xi Tu was extremely powerful, with strong men like clouds and unshakable. Ye Keren's ears were almost calloused. Even though she was naturally proud and proud, at this moment, she felt a little unsure.

There is no way, this simply belongs to another world!

"The Western World is a fragment of the ancient Earth from Southeast Asia. It covers an area equivalent to two Chinas. It has a population of more than one billion, more than ten countries, and hundreds of cities. It is an important place for Buddhism. The Immortality Sect standing behind the Brahmans is... It’s just good to be fifth there.”

"The most powerful ones in the Western World today are the Jinpeng Temple on Leiyin Mountain, the Zoroastrian Cult in Fentian Valley, the Tingyu Tower on Tianqing Mountain, the Hehuan Sect on Chonglou Mountain, and so on!"

Jiang Tian said calmly.

He had searched all this information from Master Gaye's mind. At this time, he did not hide anything.

"The powerhouse of Buddhism? There are very few top experts in Buddhism in China!"

Ye Keren exclaimed.

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and was noncommittal.

In fact, Buddhist cultivation, in the universe, is not as good as cultivation. It is also a great cultivation tradition.

There are also thousands of Buddhas located in this world, other worlds, and countless worlds in the ten directions, and their cultivation theories and paths are even more diverse. Especially in resisting disasters and temptations, it is even more unique and clever.

Those who practice Buddhism have great supernatural powers and have immeasurable merits. They can form relics through precepts, concentration and wisdom, which are completely different from the golden elixir transformed by the essence of cultivation. However, they have wisdom, energy, mind power and merits. They can also form a golden body of two feet and many dharma appearances. , can compete with the top experts in cultivation.

Suddenly, Jiang Tianyi smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Wuji. I used to think that many myths and legends in ancient times were all fabricated. But now I feel that many legends at least have prototypes, and they are not groundless!"

"Oh? Why did fellow Taoist Taichu say this?" Li Wuji said in surprise.

Jiang Tian sipped the red wine and said: "In the heavenly world, I saw the Youqiong clan and the descendants of the great witch Houyi!"


As soon as these words came out, both Wu Yaoniang and Ye Keren looked shocked.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, the legends of gods and immortals are all illusory. However, I believe that we should be down-to-earth, based on the earth, and work hard! Don't have any illusions."

Li Wuji smiled and said: "How do you conclude that they must be the descendants of the great witch Hou Yi? In short, if someone says that he is the descendant of the great witch, can it be inferred that Hou Yi and many ancient true gods exist?"

Jiang Tiandao: "I was just thinking, if many myths and legends are true, then your Kunlun Sect is the legendary home of the gods and the dojo of Taishang Laojun, one of the Three Pure Ones. And the heaven of the Taoist sect is also rumored to be In the Immortal Ruins. You don’t have any connection with the Immortal Ruins and Heavenly Court, right?"

"Master Jiang Xian, you are joking!"

Li Wuji's face stiffened and he smiled:

"These myths and legends are all deduced by many Taoist sects. How can they be taken seriously? I only know that our Kunlun Sect was born in the pre-Qin Dynasty. It has experienced ups and downs in history, continuous wars, and intermittent inheritance. I can't even figure out who the ancestor is! Again! How do you get in touch with the Immortal Ruins?"

"So good!"

Jiang Tian chuckled and said meaningfully:

"Even if there is an immortal market in the background, it is inevitable to be controlled and driven by others. To put it harshly, it is like a running dog and a slave! To put it bluntly, what we as cultivators pursue is to control the world and seek great freedom, great liberation, and great perfection."

"Even if you are an ordinary person, you should follow your heart and do whatever you want, not be afraid of power, not afraid of the strong, and not be sluggish in things! It is better to be a mortal upright than to be a lackey in the Tianting Immortal Ruins, don't you think?"

"What Taoist Taoist Brother Taichu said makes sense!"

Li Wuji bowed his head slightly and looked very humble.

"Fellow Daoist Wuji, we have the honor to fight side by side today. It is also a matter of friendship!"

Jiang Tian smiled and said:

"Fellow Taoist, it's best not to associate with that Immortal Ruins. Otherwise, don't blame me for turning against you! I will kill every member of the Immortal Ruins on sight!"

"How is that possible!" Li Wuji said with a strong smile.

"I just like to say ugly things first!"

Jiang Tian laughed and just hit Li Wuji casually. He didn't admit it, and Jiang Tian didn't force it.

"There are so many powerful people in the West Earth World, and how powerful are they?" Wu Yaoniang asked worriedly.

Jiang Tian said calmly: "Almost every one of the above sects has many true immortals in charge!"

"True immortal? What kind of realm is it?" This is the first time Ye Keren has heard this statement.

"Golden elixir!"

Jiang Tiandao.

"Master Jiang Xian, are you confident? This is not a golden elixir..."

Ye Keren, on the other hand, had heard about the golden elixir from Ye Tianren in his sect. It was much more powerful than his grandfather and Li Wuji, and his face changed wildly.

"It doesn't matter!"

Jiang Tian smiled confidently: "In less than three months, we will be able to destroy the Immortality Sect and suppress the Western Land!"

As soon as this word came out.

Ye Keren and Wu Yaoniang both looked shocked, and even Li Wuji shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Jiang Tian's words were too full! In the dimensional world, where can we fight so well?

While talking.

Jiang Tian's special plane has already flown over Death Hill.

Jiang Tian asked the pilot to hover the plane hundreds of meters in the sky, then jumped down and landed floatingly.

Although Li Wuji, Wu Yaoniang and Ye Keren were far inferior to Jiang Tian in strength, this height was nothing to them, and they all followed suit.


Seeing Jiang Tian and the others arriving, Tang Linglong rushed out of the barracks, came to Jiang Tian, ​​and bowed respectfully.

Tang Linglong's skin was tanned to a wheat color, but she looked full of vitality.

Ever since the Death Hill erupted and three powerful men from the West invaded the Earth Realm, he has been leading an army of 300,000 soldiers to Death Hill, waiting for the strong men to arrive and immediately kill them.

At this time, Jiang Tian was dressed in white, with a radiant face and a somewhat upright air.

She was amazed in her heart. It seemed that Master had gained a lot of benefits from the battle in the heavenly world, and had made some progress.

"Well done in sniping at the strong men from the Western Land!"

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and glanced at Tang Linglong.

Although she is not a spirit body and cannot use many wood magical powers like Huang Ling'er, she has a good understanding and her cultivation has now reached the first level of foundation building.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to resist St. Augustus, the last judge of the Holy See, in the Shushan Emei ashram.

"Really, Master?! Hehe, the Kui Lian made by Master is so domineering. He can be killed with one shot!"

After receiving Jiang Tian's praise, Tang Linglong's heart felt sweeter than drinking honey, and she felt that all these years of hard work were worth it.

She puffed up her chest proudly and said proudly: "What kind of golden elixir or Nascent Soul powerhouse, just come. With Kuilian here, they will all be destroyed!"

Next to him, Li Wuji smiled enviously and said: "Fellow Taoist Taichu, a talented person in the Internet world, and a disciple and disciple, all have achieved success in their studies. It is really enviable!"

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