Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1089 The Tathagata is sitting in the Jinpeng Temple in Leiyin Mountain!

Mou Hongdie often followed her father in fights. Although she was frightened in her heart, her reaction was not slow. She jumped into the air and flew out of the slanting stabs, barely dodging them.


Where she was originally, boulders the size of millstones collapsed. The black poisonous gas that Wu Gong'er sprayed filled the air and melted the gravel. It was extremely corrosive. If it sprayed on her body, it would immediately turn into a ball. Dry bones.

When Mou Hongdie saw this, cold sweat broke out like a stream, and she was afraid. If she hadn't escaped just now, she might have died or been disabled.

Wu Gong'er breathed out black air, and countless bone hooks and claws danced wildly. In an instant, three strong men were killed.

"You die!"

At this time, Fan Xiuzhu, who had missed two consecutive shots, came to the rescue. He jumped into the air and stabbed Wu Gong'er's neck with his kind-hearted silver spear.


The spear containing the vast true energy of a foundation-building expert was forcefully inserted into the back of Wu Gong'er's neck.

"not good!"

Everyone else looked happy, but Fan Xiuzhu's face changed wildly, and he couldn't help but feel miserable.

His spear only penetrated a few centimeters, but it got stuck in Wu Gong'er's joints, unable to penetrate or pull out.

"How is that possible! With one full blow, I can kill even a strong person in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. Why can't I penetrate it? How strong is its cultivation!"

He was sweating profusely and stunned.

Suddenly, the two whip-like tentacles above Wu Gong'er's head swept over with a strange whistling sound.

Fan Xiuzhu was frightened in his heart. He pinched his fingers repeatedly and recited the incantation quickly. Suddenly, his whole body shone brightly, and seven or eight kinds of magic weapons for body protection exploded in succession.

People also quickly retreated like meteors.

But she was still swept up to her waist by Wu Gong'er's tentacles.

Wu Gong'er's cultivation was not as simple as they imagined, but had reached the early stage of the Golden Core.

One blow can destroy mountains and shatter the earth. Fan Xiuzhu suddenly screamed miserably, and his waist made a crunching sound. He was afraid that his waist and abdominal organs would be shattered.

He flew hundreds of meters away like a rag doll and landed on the rocks. He screamed in pain, moaned in pain, and instantly lost his fighting ability.

"Fan Xiuzhu!"

Mou Hongdie's heart suddenly trembled.

He and the Fan Xiuzhu family have been friends for generations. They have been childhood sweethearts since they were young. They have a lot in common and are no longer as simple as a guard and a young lady.

"Sister Hongdie, leave quickly! Brother Xiuzhu can't hold it anymore!"

A pretty and cute girl in a green skirt pulled Mou Hongdie with an anxious look on her face.

Just a few minutes.

Most of the thirty or so guards were killed or injured. Even Fan Xiuzhu, the most cultivated man, could not withstand it. If he continued, there would be only death.

The other guards, seeing that they were outmatched, were frightened and began to escape. Although they are guards, they are not yet die-hard loyalists.

If the city lord blames them, they will just run away. Anyway, the Western World has a vast territory and there are always ways to survive.

"Luo Qi, there are still a few mortals!"

A trace of struggle flashed in Mou Hongdie's eyes. She backed away, looked at Jiang Tian and others, and shouted loudly: "You fool! Why don't you run away quickly!"

Luo Qi was so anxious that she stamped her feet and shouted: "Sister Hongdie, what do you care about their life and death? What does they have to do with us! My fireball talisman has been used up!"

"Why are you running? Doesn't this centipede spirit want to eat me? Then just kill it!"

Jiang Tian smiled calmly, facing the overwhelming evil aura, and walked towards Wu Gong'er.

Mou Hongdie was stunned for a moment, then stamped her feet angrily and shouted: "You are crazy, you will die!"

"Miss, why do you care about their life or death? It will be too late if you don't leave!"

Na Luo Qi's face turned pale and she screamed.

"It's too late!"

Suddenly, Mou Hongdie sighed, full of despair, and her legs became weak.

I saw Wu Gong'er running rampant through the mountains and forests, waving hundreds of bone-hook-like claws and feet in unison, knocking away one guard after another.

Even when Ye Keren Wu Yaoniang took action, she was instantly caught in the bone hook claws, spitting out black air, flying into the air, and arrived in front of Mou Hongdie in the blink of an eye, only ten meters away.

In the pupils, the dark shadow grew larger and larger, and Mou Hongdie's eyes were filled with fear and despair.

She could already see Wu Gong'er's ferocious and proud smile. Luo Qi was so frightened that she cried out.

Just when everyone is desperate and helpless.

Suddenly, he saw a canopy of bright light rising up, coming with lightning speed, and then the light became bigger and bigger, like a silver tide, overwhelming the sky and pouring down towards Wu Gong'er.

"Are you a strong person?"

Wu Gong'er looked back at Jiang Tian with frightened eyes. She only had time to let out a roar, but before she could dodge, she was pinned to the ground by hundreds of flying swords.

She had no strength to struggle at all, and died in an instant!

This centipede spirit, which had been wreaking havoc on the Golden Lotus Platform and Maolin City for hundreds of years, killing more than a dozen strong men as soon as it appeared on the scene, was actually killed by Jiang Tian with just one blow.

There was dead silence.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

When they saw those flying swords flying into Jiang Tian's Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd with fluffy blood mist, they realized that it was Jiang Tian who had rescued them.

"Master Jiang Xian, thank you for your help!"

Wu Yaoniang was still frightened, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, walked up to Jiang Tian, ​​smiled and thanked him.

"Master Jiang Xian, this junior was just blind and didn't see through the true appearance of Wu Gong'er! I'm sorry!"

But Ye Keren's face was full of shame, his face turned red with embarrassment, he walked up to Jiang Tian and solemnly apologized.

At this moment, she just felt Jiang Tian's monstrous strength and understood that Jiang Tian's eyes were vicious and unmatched by anyone!

Jiang Tian didn't take action because he had already seen through Wu Gong'er's true appearance!

If Jiang Tian hadn't stopped her, she, Ye Keren, might have already started a war with Mou Hongdie and others. The fight resulted in both losing and losing, and was then eaten as dessert by Wu Gong'er, who was sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers!

"Why are you so polite? If we act together, can I just watch you being killed?"

Jiang Tian chuckled, not taking it to heart at all.

Ye Keren is just a junior. Her grandfather is still Jiang Tian's disciple, why would Jiang Tian argue with her!

How could you just sit back and watch and let them suffer!

"Middle stage of foundation building?"

The young men and women in Maolin City headed by Mou Hongdie looked at Jiang Tian. The previous contempt and disdain on their faces were no longer seen, replaced by looks of fear and admiration.

Wu Gong'er's cultivation level was at least in the early stage of foundation building, and could even be higher.

Jiang Tian could kill her, at least in the middle stage of foundation building.

Mou Hongdie also looked shocked, finally understanding that Jiang Tian was not stupid and ignorant of life and death, but had 100% confidence.

At this time, she was very surprised.

At Jiang Tian's age, being able to enter the middle stage of foundation building is very rare even in large sects like the Changsheng Sect.

However, she is the daughter of the city lord after all, and she is well-informed. Although she was frightened, she still stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted gracefully:

"Mou Hongdie from Maolin City, pay homage to senior and thank him for his life-saving grace. This junior and his family will be deeply grateful!"

Others also came forward to pay homage, with humble attitudes and fearful eyes.

This is the universal law of the world of cultivation.

The strong are respected, the weak are like ants!

Even if there is a certain order, but the fist is the last word, this iron rule remains unchanged.

In fact, although Jiang Tian searched many memories from Master Jiaye's mind, Jiaye had not visited this world for thousands of years, so some of the information was still not detailed enough or inconsistent with reality.

Jiang Tian still needed to get familiar with the situation, so he got off the donkey along the slope and nodded: "My Taoist name is Xingtu. I am leading several old friends and disciples to retreat here. I wonder what kind of place this is and who is in charge of the overall situation?"

This name of Star Slaughter is clearly the abbreviation of Jiang Tianqian's infamous "Star Butcher" in his previous life.

However, Jiang Tian has recently broken through two dimensional worlds, swept across the three realms, and shocked the starry sky, so he deserves this title.

Everyone looked surprised, thinking to themselves, no wonder their clothes and appearance were so weird, they turned out to be outsiders.

Although Mou Hongdie was ugly, she treated people well and politely. She immediately said respectfully:

"Master Qi Xingxian Slayer, this is the Jinliantai Mountains outside Maolin City in the Yunlan Kingdom in the northern part of the Western Earth World. The nearest Maolin City is about three hundred miles away from us. If you don't mind, senior, you can follow me. Let’s go to Maolin City together, my family will definitely be very grateful to our seniors!”

"I wonder how far away the famous Immortality Sect is from here?"

Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"The Immortality Cult?"

Mentioning these three words, Mou Hongdie's face showed a complex expression of boredom, fear and resentment.

Then he took a deep breath and said:

"The Immortality Sect is the fifth-ranked sect in the Western World and suppresses the Northern Territory!"

"In the northern region, the Yunlan Kingdom and other four countries with a radius of thousands of miles, thirteen giant cities, and hundreds of small and medium-sized cities are all their territory. From here, we go a thousand miles east to the Long Live Mountain in the Tianlang Kingdom. That’s it!”

Jiang Tian's eyes were as bright as fire, and he immediately noticed Mou Hongdie's complicated attitude towards the sect.

"This girl is good, knows how to repay kindness, and knows right from wrong. After a test, if she is suitable, let her be my agent here!"

Jiang Tian thought to himself.

Afterwards, Jiang Tian smiled and said: "Okay, we just left the customs and went to Maolin City to wash away the dust! Sorry for bothering you!"

"Don't bother me, it's our honor!"

When Mou Hongdie heard this, she was immediately delighted, and her beautiful clear eyes shone with splendor.

This woman acted resolutely and immediately ordered everyone to pack their bags, split Wu Gong'er into four pieces, carried them separately, and started to return.

On the way, I learned from the exchanges.

The world of Xitu has a radius of thousands of miles, and even a strong foundation-builder has to fly for several days without sleep if he wants to cross the continent.

In the world of Xitu, there are many sects, strong men gathered, and many immortal cultivating families.

But the one with the highest status is the current Tathagata of Jinpeng Temple in Leiyin Mountain.

Even the leader of the Changsheng Cult was far behind him. Seeing that he had to perform discipleship rituals, he was cautious in his words and actions and did not dare to offend.

This Tathagata has the power to participate in creation, has an immortal golden body, and is good at the art of controlling thunder. He also has many other magical powers that can master all kinds of magic. His power is supreme and ghosts and gods are unpredictable.

The Tathagata has been at Jinpeng Temple in Leiyin Mountain for five hundred years and has been unrivaled.

"Tathagata? There is actually a Tathagata in Jinpeng Temple!"

Ye Keren and Wu Yaoniang heard this, her beauty turned pale, and her mind was shaken wildly.

Could it be that Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism in the earth world and the only Tathagata Buddha in heaven and earth, did not pass away but came to this world!

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