Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1090: Powerful in the Western Land, the first batch of admirers

After Jiang Tian heard this, he glanced at the two girls with a dumbfounded smile, and through his spiritual consciousness, he explained eloquently:

"Tathagata does not necessarily refer to Sakyamuni! There is more than one Tathagata!"

"Tathagata is one of the ten titles of Buddha. It is also a realm and a job. By relying on the true path and through hard work, we continue to accumulate good causes and finally become a Buddha, hence the name Tathagata."

"According to Buddhist scriptures in the earth world, Sakyamuni is the only Tathagata in our wandering world!"

"But you have also seen that this Western World is a world of its own, and its Buddhist sect has a longer history than Buddhism on Earth. Moreover, this place is in troubled times and has rich cultivation resources, so other Tathagatas will naturally be born!"

The woman seemed to realize something and nodded.

For fear of frightening Li Wuji and the others, Jiang Tian didn't say anything shocking.

The Tathagata of Jinpeng Temple in the Western World is probably more powerful than the Buddha on Earth!

Follow Mou Hongdie's introduction.

There is no unified country here, but there are many states, many sects, and the situation is complicated.

It is more like a sect alliance system with Jinpeng Temple in Leiyin Mountain as the backbone, many other cultivation sects as branches, and states, giant cities, and families as branches and leaves.

The cultivation sect here has already surpassed the secular imperial power!

Take the northern border where Jiang Tian is currently located as an example. There are four countries, thirteen giant cities, thirty-two medium-sized cities like Maolin City, and there are also many small cities, villages, and small towns with a population of enough Hundreds of millions.

In addition, there are more than a dozen small sects, but they are all vassals of the Changsheng Cult Leader. They obey his orders and dare not make mistakes.

In the vast northern border, everyone from the king of a country to the lord of each city is canonized by him, listens to the orders of the Immortality Sect, and has to pay annual tribute.

If you want to become an immortal and join the major sects, you must first believe in the Immortality Religion and pay rent and annual tribute. Only then can you get the opportunity to take the examination of each major sect.

Or you can complete many tasks of the Immortality Sect and work for it, such as gathering, hunting, law enforcement, farming, rounding up, killing, etc., in order to get merit points, get rewarded skills, or have the opportunity to join the sect.

And they all come from the cultivating families in Maolin City, the Mou family, the Fan family, the Luo family, etc., all have a strong foundation builder sitting in charge, and they are full of talents.

They originally followed the family to hunt Wu Gongji, and were only a reserve force.

Unexpectedly, he fell into the trap of luring the enemy deeper. If Jiang Tian hadn't taken action, he would have been reduced to Wu Gong'er's food and hostage.

Among everyone present, except for Mou Hongdie, Fan Xiuzhu, who was wearing silver armor, had the highest status and cultivation.

He is the son of the Fan family, the second largest cultivating family in Maolin City. He has just stepped into the foundation building. His father is a city patrol garrison, and he also serves in the city patrol garrison.

This position is equivalent to the chief of police and the minister of armed forces of a city on earth, responsible for social security and some military work.

"I heard from them that each of the many cultivating families in Maolin City has a foundation. A giant city and a large sect even have a strong Golden Elixir in charge! For great sects like the Immortality Sect and Jinpeng Temple, the Golden Elixir is probably even more powerful. There are too many to count!”

"All in all, there are probably hundreds or even thousands of strong Jindan experts in the Western Earth World. This level of strength far exceeds that of the two dimensional worlds of Tianxing and Tianguo!"

Jiang Tian listened with a calm expression, but his heart was secretly moving.

"Fellow Taoist Taichu, we seem to have underestimated the strength of this place! The information you searched from Master Gaye is not very accurate!"

Li Wuji also thought of this, and was a little caught off guard. His heart was full of panic and nervousness. He frowned and communicated with Jiang Tian using his mental power:

"It's not that only the top great sects have golden elixirs as you said, but there are strong golden elixirs in many cities and mid-level sects! How many golden elixirs are there in the Immortality Sect we challenge!"

"After all, Jia Ye has not visited this world for two thousand years, and a lot of information is inaccurate!"

Jiang Tian smiled bitterly and said: "Don't be nervous, we can just act according to the situation!"

Gaye is the master of Taoism on earth, suppressing a country and a religion, and is famous in the world of strong men.

But in the Immortality Religion, he is just a low-ranking little guy!

Otherwise, why would we not be able to enjoy the rich spiritual energy and cultivation resources here and serve in the earth world where the spiritual energy is exhausted!

It's almost like being sent to a bitter cold place to serve as an army conscript!

In the world of cultivation, strength is respected, and there is a great religion with strict hierarchy.

Even if Jia Ye had the opportunity to communicate with the Immortality Sect of the Western Land Realm frequently, he would probably only be able to report unilaterally and would not dare to ask more about the situation in the Western Land. This resulted in a lot of his information being outdated and missing.

"Luo Ming, who invaded the earth world, claims to be the guardian elder of the Immortality Sect."

Li Wuji felt hairy in his heart, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "He has such a high status, but he is only at the late stage of Foundation Establishment. His strength does not match his status!"

"Luo Ming's situation is not surprising! Their Immortality Sect often takes bodies to extend their lives. They probably just took the bodies and have not recovered to their peak combat power!" Jiang Tian gave a possible explanation.

"Hey, hey, bastard, this person really misled me!"

Li Wuji was furious, he wanted to quit, and he complained:

"Pindao thought that he could serve as a protector elder at the foundation level. I am afraid that the Immortality Sect only has one or two golden elixirs in the sky, so we can still give it a try. Now it seems... Taoist Taoist Brother Taichu, let's go back!" "

"Go back? You can't go back! At least you can't go back from the teleportation array on Jinliantai Mountain! This is a one-way teleportation array!"

Jiang Tian had a smile on his lips and said through his spiritual consciousness.

"One-way teleportation array! Fellow Taoist Taichu, didn't you notice it before you came here? You are too reckless!"

Li Wuji howled and transmitted the sound, his legs became weak, and he complained. He felt that the Western World was extremely dangerous and difficult to move forward.

"Xing Tu Immortal Master, it turns out that you are a casual cultivator. Why don't you join our city patrol army and serve as a general instructor or something like that? There are tens of thousands of troops under your command at your disposal. My father is a man who loves talents, and he will never vague!"

The next day, after using a lot of miraculous medicines, Fan Xiuzhu recovered. After learning that Jiang Tian had no family, no sect, and no family, he became even more enthusiastic.

This person upholds the attitude of respecting the strong.

It turned out that Jiang Tian was a mortal, so he didn't even look at him. When Jiang Tian showed his cultivation, he became extremely respectful.

He talked a lot and promised many benefits.

He is arrogant in front and respectful in back, but he is polite and polite, and does not give people the feeling of hypocrisy. He is worthy of experience.

Jiang Tian smiled and said nothing, making no comment.

Not only him, but also the children of several other cultivating families all extended their olive branches to Jiang Tian, ​​offering favorable conditions, status, beauties, or crystal stones, the great medicine of the martial arts, and promising huge profits and good inducements.

"Xing Tu Immortal Master, if you come to my Luo family, the Luo family will definitely treat you like a god. The slave family is not married yet, there are no brothers, they are all sisters. My father has always wanted to find a tall and powerful man to marry into my family!"

The pretty girl named Luo Qi even made secret glances and begged softly, seeming to betray her lustful appearance.

This scene shocked Wu Yaoniang and Ye Keren.

Tang Linglong, on the other hand, had a proud look on her face, standing behind Jiang Tian in an air of pretense, humming a little tune. However, he didn't forget to glare at Luo Qi fiercely and cursed inwardly, little coquettish hoof, you are so mean!

In the eyes of many powerful people in the earth world, whether it is the Kingdom of Heaven, the World of Stars, or the World of Western Earth, they are all places where gods live.

The strong men here are like true gods, aloof and untouchable. To challenge them is to seek death.

But as soon as Jiang Tian came here, he only made one move and immediately gained a group of admirers, who favored Jiang Tian.

"Fan Xiuzhu, you guys must not be so shameless!"

In the end, Mou Hongdie shouted loudly:

"Xing Tu Immortal Master is a distinguished guest of my family. If you want to stay here, you will also be our family's worshiper and guest. Where will it be your turn?"

As soon as she said this, everyone suddenly became dumbfounded.

Although their family is good, their status is not as high as that of the city lord's daughter.

"You can't refuse the huge temptation of joining the Immortality Sect!"

Among the crowd, only Fan Xiuzhu remained silent, but smiled lightly, showing some confidence.

Fan Xiuzhu's aunt Fan Luomei, known as the Fairy Luomei, is the patrol envoy representing the Immortality Sect in Yunlan Kingdom. She is a true disciple of the inner sect and has the opportunity to talk directly with the senior officials of the Immortality Sect.

He promised Jiang Tian.

As long as Jiang Tian serves as a tutor for the city patrol garrison for three years, he will be recommended by Fan Luomei and have the opportunity to join the Immortality Sect.

In his opinion, even if Jiang Tian is a strong man in the middle stage of foundation building, he is still a casual cultivator. He has no roots and no foundation. What he lacks most is a backer!

After walking for a while, Mou Hongdie's face changed, and she suddenly asked: "Xingshu Immortal Master seems to be using a flying sword. Are you from the Yanhuang tribe?"

As soon as this word came out.

Everyone suddenly remembered this, their expressions suddenly changed, and they looked at Jiang Tian in surprise and caution.

"People from the Yanhuang tribe!"

Luo Qi's beauty turned pale, and she even took a few steps back, keeping a long distance away from Jiang Tian, ​​avoiding Jiang Tian like a snake and a scorpion.

It seems that Jiang Tian is scarier than Wu Gong'er, or...disgusting.

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