Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1091 You are cheating and bragging

Biquge, the fastest update of the return of cultivation after ten thousand years!

"People from the Yanhuang tribe?"

Jiang Tian was surprised.

"Back then, the so-called Immortal Fall War broke out and many dimensional worlds were formed. Most of the powerful people in ancient China entered the Immortal Ruins and many other dimensional worlds."

Mou Hongdie explained:

"But the territory of ancient Tianzhu was already inhabited by powerful people from ancient China. They were also brought to this world and were collectively called the Yanhuang tribe! The flying sword technique is what they are good at!"

"Oh, that's it!"

Already aware that everyone was looking at him cautiously, Jiang Tian put his hands behind his back and said confidently:

"Yes, I am a descendant of Yan and Huang!"

Jiang Tian has always believed that Chinese traditional culture is a broad, profound and excellent culture!

Even in the world of cultivation, many of the top cultivation methods have many similarities with the mysteries of traditional Chinese classics.

Jiang Tian also believes that the Chinese nation is the best nation not only on earth, but even in the universe!

Even in the depths of the starry sky, many human races have yellow skin, black hair, and black eyes, which are very similar to the body structure and blood of the Chinese nation.

Therefore, no matter what attitude these people have towards the Yanhuang tribe, Jiang Tian will not deny this, even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire ahead.

Just like a big tree that grows to a thousand feet and covers the sky and the sun, one must not forget that it is the roots and the ground under his feet that give him nourishment and strength.


As soon as Jiang Tian said this, everyone's eyes suddenly turned cold, with a bit of disgust, sympathy and contempt.

Just like white people look at black people, city people look at country people, no, more like just and moral people look at criminal suspects.

Even Fan Xiuzhu, who had been quite enthusiastic about Jiang Tian before, suddenly turned cold when looking at Jiang Tian.

Luo Qi's face was full of disgust, she stayed away from Jiang Tian, ​​and never said a word to Jiang Tian again.

"People from the Yanhuang tribe are so unpopular with you?"

Seeing this, Li Wuji and others looked at each other, but Jiang Tian asked calmly with a calm expression.

Fan Xiuzhu looked embarrassed, coughed slightly, and explained:

"Senior Xingtu doesn't know that this area originally belonged to the territory of the ancient Tianzhu people. The Yanhuang tribe is an outsider, and they do not believe in the Immortality Religion and do not worship the Buddha Tathagata. Therefore, they have always been unpopular and can only stay in the If you survive in the cracks, you might as well survive."

He smiled bitterly and said:

"But recently, Luo Ming, a strong man from the Immortality Sect, set foot in the earth world, but was killed by the Tianqing Sect, which is dominated by the Yanhuang people on earth. This even made the Eternal Life Sect furious, and killed all the Yanhuang people in the heavenly world."

"Today, there are countless villages and towns where the annihilated Yanhuang people live. Tens of thousands of Yanhuang people have died and been displaced!"

Hearing this, Li Wuji's face was as calm as water.

Ye Keren and Wu Yaoniang both showed a bit of anger.

Tang Linglong, however, directly sneered: "What kind of ability does the Immortal Cult have? If you have the ability, go to the earth world!"

Mou Hongdie's face was gloomy, she sneered and said disdainfully: "The Immortality Cult, huh, bully the weak and fear the strong!"

"Of course I will go, but I won't be in a hurry!"

Fan Xiuzhu smiled awkwardly and said:

"The Dragon-Subduing Arhat from Leiyin Mountain came back from injury and said that although the cultivation level of the Earth Realm is low, he is good at ingenious and obscene skills. He created a cannon that can shoot out thunder and kill golden elixirs. The Immortality Sect does not dare to go there rashly. Now Now we are recruiting troops, collecting heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and casting magic weapons for lightning protection and body protection..."

Seeing Jiang Tian's unhappy expression, Fan Xiuzhu seemed to be wary of Jiang Tian's power, and quickly said with a smile:

"However, strong men like Senior Xingtu who have cultivated to the middle stage of foundation building, no matter where they are placed, are amazingly talented people. As soon as their cultivation level shines, someone will definitely recruit them, and there will always be no shortage of food. It's just that there is no shortage of food. , Senior, it’s best not to mention the identity of a member of the Yanhuang tribe, as it will only cause trouble!”

He said sincerely:

"The storm will eventually pass. When things calm down, Senior Xing Tu will have the opportunity to join a large sect and climb to the peak of cultivation!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and was noncommittal.

Although this person also despises the Yanhuang people in his heart, this concept is probably deeply ingrained in the hearts of every Tianzhu people.

At least he was polite to Jiang Tian and had good intentions. Jiang Tian couldn't attack him casually.

Seeing that everyone ignored Jiang Tian, ​​Mou Hongdie glanced at everyone and sneered:

"I won't talk about anything else! Senior Xingtu is our savior. Everyone must repay the kindness and be more strict with your mouth. You are not allowed to talk nonsense outside and cause trouble for Senior Xingtu. If I find out, you will If you spread random information, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

"I don't care what you do, and I can't control it! But I, the Mou family, will treat Senior Xingtu as a distinguished guest and will definitely protect him!"

At this time, Jiang Tian felt a little more fond of this girl.

It’s good to repay kindness and take responsibility!

After hearing this, everyone felt that Mou Hongdie's move was inappropriate, but they did not dare to persuade him and they all nodded in agreement.

Jiang Tian was about to ask them about the situation of the Longevity Sect's pursuit of the Yanhuang people. Suddenly, bright rainbows pierced through the sky.

"It's the family members who are here!"

Luo Qi immediately jumped up and cheered.

The major cultivating families in Maolin City have extraordinary momentum.

In the sky, hundreds of white luan, falcons, and cranes with wings a hundred meters long covered the sky and the sun. On the ground, thousands of dragon horses and elephant cavalry rushed through the mountains and rivers.

Bai Luan and the warriors on the cavalry have distinct armors, sharp swords and halberds, and strict laws. They are almost all in the middle and late stages of Qi training.

There are also cultivators, dressed in different styles and with different temperaments, coming on strange flying magic weapons, many of them strong foundation builders.

The leader was a bearded man with a tall body and the strength of a mid-stage foundation-builder. He jumped from a flying chariot and came at the pace of a dragon and a tiger.


Mou Hongdie immediately went up to him and whispered something.

Mou Hongdie's father looked at Jiang Tian with a flash of wonder in his eyes, and hurriedly came over and thanked him:

"Fellow Taoist Xing Tu, I am here to be your friend. I heard that you saved my little girl. I am very grateful. I have prepared a small amount of wine in my humble abode. Please come to me!"

At this time, Mou Hongdie took a step forward and said softly: "Father, please withdraw everyone, Immortal Master Xingtu is from the Yanhuang tribe!"

Mou Bohu's expression froze, but he immediately regained his composure and commanded loudly and calmly:

"Master Xing Tu is an expert outside the world and doesn't like to be disturbed. You guys, carry the body of the centipede spirit back to the city first!"


Many family heads, cultivators, generals, and soldiers all responded, took the centipede spirit's body from Mou Hongdie and the others, and left quickly.

The other children who were rescued by Jiang Tian saluted Jiang Tian, ​​then found their parents and left in a hurry.

Luo Qi turned around and left without even looking at Jiang Tian.

Fan Xiuzhu hesitated to speak, but in the end, he sighed with regret and left Jiang Tian and Mou Hongdie.

After everyone leaves.

"Lower the Bailuan chariot!"

Mou Bohu shouted to Bai Luan in the air.

The chariot on Bai Luan's back is engraved with forbidden lines, which can block the detection of mental power in the Golden Core stage.

The person driving the chariot is a young man wearing black armor, who is very powerful and has a fierce momentum.

Already with the advanced level of Qi training, if placed on the earth, he would be able to control a country and a religion and shock a whole country.

The young man lowered the Bailuan chariot and came with dragon and tiger steps. He bowed and said respectfully: "Lord City Lord, eldest lady! Please get in the car!"

"Xingshu Immortal Master, this is Mou Xi, the chief guard of my city lord's palace, an outstanding disciple of the same clan!"

Mou Bohu introduced:

"Mou Xi, this is Xingshu Immortal Master, the savior of Hongdie's children, a foundation-builder, a hero! You have to be responsible for his daily life these days, don't neglect it!"

"He is a strong foundation builder? He is a liar!"

Mou Xi looked up and down at Jiang Tian with disdain, feeling suspicious in his heart.

Jiang Tian doesn't have any aura fluctuations that a strong person should have. He is just ordinary. The key is that he is a member of the Yanhuang tribe.

You know, the Yanhuang tribe doesn’t have any decent sect at all, just a few ordinary small cities and scattered villages, which is nothing!

In the Western World, among all the Yanhuang tribesmen, there are no decent strong men at all. Their fate is miserable, being hunted down and trampled like ants!

This guy is bragging!

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