Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1092 Arriving at Maolin City, the Immortal Sect confuses the public with its evil words

But Mou Xi was also very dignified, so he quickly covered it up and lowered his head and said: "Don't worry, City Lord! Let's all get in the car together!"

Jiang Tian and others got on the Bailuan chariot.

Along the way, Mou Hongdie pulled Jiang Tian to ask questions.

After all, in her eyes, it was like a fantasy that the Yanhuang people could achieve foundation building. It was so rare.

This kind of little girl was easy to deal with. Jiang Tian told a few lies and concealed everyone's identity.

Seeing that Mou Hongdie admired Jiang Tian very closely, Mou Xi, who was driving Bai Luan in the front row, didn't say anything, but frowned secretly.

Bai Luan's flying ability is extremely strong. Although it is less than the sound barrier, it is comparable to a high-speed train. Hundreds of miles can fly by in a flash.

Soon, Maolin City arrived.

Maolin City occupies a plain area. The city wall is more than a hundred meters high. It is majestic and has an area larger than that of a medium-sized city on the earth. It has a population of one million people.

Outside the city, there is no traffic, and large areas of spiritual valleys are planted on the spiritual fields.

This kind of grain contains rich spiritual energy. Even if ordinary people do not practice cultivation, they can reach the age of more than a hundred years if they eat it all year round.

When Bai Luan Bao's chariot arrived outside the city gate, Jiang Tian asked Mou Xi to get off the chariot, and the group got out of the car and walked to see the local customs.

In the city, there are many houses, convenient transportation, and prosperous commerce, including wine shops, magic weapon shops, elixir shops, and Goulan tile houses.

But Jiang Tian discovered that the beliefs here are rich and complex. Almost everyone believes in various strange gods. There are stone statues of gods at the entrances of every household and even shops and restaurants. It is often seen that people kneel and kowtow to the stone statues, burn incense and pray, showing unparalleled piety. .

In addition to worshiping gods, there are also statues of the successive leaders of the Immortality Sect, as well as a bronze statue of the Tathagata of Jinpeng Temple.

"The gods have appeared!"

Suddenly, shouts of surprise came from the crowd.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a statue of a god suddenly moving. There was a shadow condensing and speaking human words, instructing the people who were prostrating on which herbs to use and how to take them to cure a certain disease.

"Thank you to the gods of the Immortality Sect. If I believe in you, I will live forever!"

The believer kowtowed like a pound of garlic, showing gratitude, tears streaming down his face, and his whole body shaking with excitement.

People from half the street were moved by the wind and came one after another to worship devoutly, pray loudly, seek medical advice, and inquire about good or bad luck, as if they were seeing a true god.

If someone has lost an object or livestock, he only needs to tell the shape, time, and approximate range, and the phantom of the spirit will immediately point out the specific location or whose hands it is.

The person who asked the question immediately went to find them, found no mistakes or omissions, and found them all. Then he came back to bow down and thank him.

For a time, more and more people gathered, with thunderous applause, earth-shattering shouts, and the sound of kowtows could be heard throughout the street.

"Fellow Daoist Xing Tu, City Lord Mou, is this really a god?" When Wu Yaoniang and the others saw this, their eyes almost bulged out.

"What the gods say, if you believe it, there will be it; if you don't believe it, there will be nothing!"

Mu Bohu City Chief laughed, a trace of worry appearing deep in his eyes.

Jiang Tian smiled calmly and communicated with everyone's spiritual consciousness:

"Of course it's not a real god, it's just that the spiritual method of the Immortality Sect is so powerful that it can separate a soul and hide it in this statue!"

"And this statue has formations inside the seal, which can condense the souls and prevent them from dissipating. You can understand it as telemedicine!"

"But what about those lost things? Why did they search for them?" Wu Yaoniang suddenly understood and asked in confusion.

"Divine consciousness! Cultivators all have divine consciousness!"

Jiang Tian smiled slightly and said through his spiritual consciousness: "The souls hidden in these statues belong to strong foundation builders. A soul can search the whole city in a few snaps. What else can be hidden from them? ?”

"The evil words are misleading the people! The evil words are misleading the people!"

A hint of worry appeared on Li Wuji's face, and his spiritual consciousness said:

"These believers are so crazy! We want to destroy the Immortality Sect, but I'm afraid they will never agree!"

"These believers are just fools and women who have been deceived, but we want to kill them. They are also innocent!"

"Talk slowly, there is always a way!"

Jiang Tian chuckled and didn't take it to heart. He admired the exotic scenery along the way and walked slowly until he arrived at the city lord's palace.

The City Lord's Mansion occupies a large area and is luxurious.

Mou Bohu arranged Jiang Tian to a guest room in a separate courtyard, left his daughter with him, and went to arrange a dinner and handle official duties.

"Sister, you're back! And you killed that big centipede monster?"

Jiang Tian and the others had just rested for a while when a girl with a graceful figure and a beautiful face walked into the other courtyard and pulled Mou Hongdie to ask questions with a beaming face.

"I didn't kill him, it was Xingshu Immortal Master and others who helped!"

But Mou Hongdie just said a few words casually and seemed less enthusiastic.

Jiang Tian's heart moved secretly.

This person should be Mou Bilian, the younger sister of Mou Hongdie's mother.

This Mou Bilian, like her sister, has a slender waist, high chest, and slender legs.

But her face was as smooth as grease, with a straight nose and bright red lips. It was not like her sister's face, which had scars like earthworms.

It can be seen that Mou Hongdie was also very beautiful before she was disfigured, even more beautiful!

Mou Bilian bowed to Jiang Tian and the others and said, "Junior Mou Bilian, I have met Immortal Master Xing Tu, I have met Immortal Master Wuji! I have met all fellow Taoists! Thank you all for saving my sister, Bi Lian would like to express my gratitude here!"

Jiang Tian just nodded slightly.

"I'm Taoist Master Wuji!"

But Li Wuji quickly bowed respectfully and clasped his fists in return, smiling and saying:

"I've met the second lady! It's an honor for us to be able to help the eldest lady. The second lady is so polite!"

"Fellow Taoist Wuji, no matter what, you are our benefactors!"

Seeing Jiang Tian's indifferent expression and indifference, Mou Bilian frowned secretly, feeling a little unhappy.

Jiang Tian seemed to have no cultivation, and Li Wuji seemed to have even higher cultivation. She couldn't even see Li Wuji's strength clearly, and he might have entered the middle stage of foundation building.

Even Li Wuji was polite to him, but Xing Tu didn't seem to care about his politeness, he was extremely arrogant!

Could it be that he, a member of the Yanhuang tribe, had the opportunity to enter the Immortality Sect and become an elite disciple?

She came here to invite Jiang Tian and the others to a dinner party. After expressing her intention, Jiang Tian and the others happily agreed.

The hall was brightly lit and the dinner was sumptuous.

Several guest elders, ministers, and elders of the Mou family were all present, and they drank and chatted with Jiang Tian and others.

However, the Luo family and the Fan family were not invited.

Obviously, Mou Bohu was unwilling to make too much publicity due to Jiang Tian's identity.

Several old experts from the Mou family have all reached the early stage of foundation building, and together with Mou Bohu, a young foundation builder, they are full of talents.

During the conversation, they called Mou Hongdie a genius girl and praised her a lot. Obviously, Mou Hongdie was highly valued by the family.

Although Mou Bilian is very beautiful, she seems to be slightly inferior in cultivation, only in the late stage of Qi training.

The guests were all enjoying themselves and were half drunk.

Mou Bilian suddenly looked at Jiang Tian, ​​with a look of inquiry on her face, and said with a smile: "I heard that Master Xing Tu killed the centipede spirit that had been harmful for hundreds of years. His sword skills are powerful. I wonder if Senior Xing Tu's cultivation has reached the middle stage of foundation building?"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and said truthfully: "Fourth level of foundation building!"

"It doesn't look like it to me. Could it be that Sister Hongdie likes you and deliberately brags for you in order to keep you in my Mou family?"

Mou Bilianyu covered her small mouth with her hand, smiled sweetly, her flower branches trembled, and teased:

"Sister, you are very discerning. I don't know what this little brother's cultivation is, but he is quite handsome! It would be suitable for him to marry into my family!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened.

He dominates the three realms, and is respected by billions of people. He is the head of a country, the master of a great religion, and even a strong man with golden elixir will bow his head when he sees him.

He had never been so slighted before.

"A blind thing!"

Tang Linglong suddenly felt unhappy, slapped the table, frowned and shouted:

"My master needs your sister's help in bragging? Are you kidding me! My master's strength is beyond what a yellow-haired girl like you can imagine!"

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