Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1104 I will take your mother as a maid, do you agree?

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jiang Tian with envy.

The Qishi Mansion is a powerful organization officially organized by the Yunlan Kingdom. It is supported by the whole country and has countless cultivation resources such as secret manuals, great medicines and spiritual stones, and magical weapons.

After hundreds of years of development, Qishi Mansion has more than a dozen golden elixir experts, each of whom has a distinguished background!

Once you join, getting their guidance will bring great inspiration, which will be of great benefit to your own cultivation and improvement.

Moreover, Prince Moyang was originally a powerful person in the Yunlan Kingdom, and was even famous throughout the Northern Territory.

As a Yanhuang tribesman with no status at all, after forming this good relationship, it can be said that he will have endless blessings and peace of mind in the future.

It's just a matter of giving up three maids. This deal is extremely cost-effective and not a fool would agree to it.

"Actually, I also have a quirk, I like to collect maids. The three in front of me are not enough! How about you give me your sister and your mother as maids?"

Jiang Tian took a sip of the immortal brew, without even looking at Prince Mo Yang, and chuckled:

"Besides, my favorite is the kind of big maid who warms her feet under the quilt. I think your sister has a plump figure and big breasts. It would be perfect to warm her feet for comfort!"

Jiang Tian's words were extremely embarrassing, like a shrew scolding the street.

But when he talked about it, he was extremely calm and calm, just like discussing mysteries and preaching scriptures, and he was elegant.

This statement made everyone present dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

How dare this person dare to humiliate Prince Moyang's own mother and sister? He is simply so crazy that he doesn't want to live anymore?

But in fact, this was extremely polite to Jiang Tian.

After all, he just coveted Ye Keren and the others. These people were separated from Jiang Tian by a layer, and they were still incomparable with Zhao Xueqing and Huang Ling'er.

If he dared to have any evil intentions towards Zhao Xueqing, Jiang Tian would have already gone on a killing spree and killed him with one sword!

"This man is so shameless!"

Luo Qi's face turned red and she covered her ears. Some thin-skinned female cultivators and young ladies complained:

"This is too vulgar! In such an elegant and noble occasion, he turned out to be so vulgar and evil!"

"You know nothing about life and death! It's your honor that Prince Moyang wants your maidservant. You still don't offer it with gratitude! How dare you refuse!"

Mou Bilian was so angry that she stamped her feet, but was slapped hard on the face by Mou Hongdie, causing blood to spurt from the corner of her mouth.

"You, how dare you say that to me!"

Princess Yujiao, on the other hand, was so shocked that her round eyes almost bulged out, and then her face turned red with embarrassment, and she bit her silver teeth secretly in anger.

"Xingshu Immortal Master, you have gone too far! This prince wants to discuss things with you. It's fine if you don't agree, but you are so humiliating!"

Prince Mo Yang was so angry that his handsome face turned red and his whole body trembled.

He opened his stance, his true energy exploded, and shouted: "Don't you want to provoke this prince! Then do it!"


Jiang Tian sneered and said:

"It's just a level of golden elixir, so what's the big deal? Forget it, I'll tear your bones apart today!"

As soon as these words came out, countless people present looked at each other in disbelief.

A son of Jucheng frowned and said, "Isn't this kid too crazy? Even Prince Mo Yang dares to provoke him. Doesn't he know what Prince Mo Yang is capable of?"

"A little character who doesn't know how to live or die!"

Beast Lei stood up and jumped out, exuding a monstrous aura of wild beasts. It was extremely savage and ferocious. It approached and said with a ferocious smile:

"With a small role like you, you are not worthy of Crown Prince Mo Yang taking action. Killing you is enough for me!"

"It's over! It's over!"

Li Wuji was shocked and frightened. He was trembling all over, with cold sweat rolling down his forehead. He wanted to cry but had no tears, so he muttered:

"You have offended so many people today! We will definitely die here! You are not qualified to lead the team! Keep a low profile, okay?"

Jiang Tian turned to look at him, calm and said with a smile: "What are you afraid of? Jin Dan, it's not like I haven't killed anyone before!"

Jiang Tian stood up, and suddenly the atmosphere became tense, and a battle was about to break out.

"Prince Moyang, what are you making a fuss about!"

Fan Xiuzhu suddenly appeared at this moment, raised his eyebrows and shouted coldly:

"Where do you put the Immortality Cult? My aunt is giving a lecture today, and you dare to disrupt the venue! Do you want to challenge the supreme majesty of the Immortality Cult and be suppressed by the Immortality Cult?"

"I never meant that!"

Prince Mo Yang was so angry that his face was livid, and his steel teeth were shattered. But when he saw this, he forced a smile, cupped his hands and said:

"I and Immortal Master Xingtu discussed the purchase and sale of maids, but we didn't reach a conclusion for a while!"

"There is no reason to buy or sell by force! Private fights are strictly prohibited here. If you have any grudges, you can go outside and deal with them after the lecture ceremony is over!"

Originally, Fan Xiuzhu and Prince Moyang were incomparable in status and cultivation, and they were subjects under the rule of Yunlan Kingdom.

But with the golden sign of his aunt Fan Luomei, not even Prince Mo Yang dared to offend him.

As soon as he had the power in his hand, he carried out the order. He stood with his hands behind his back, high above the sky, his eyes were stern, he scanned the whole place, and said majestically:

"Fairy Luomei will be here in a quarter of an hour. Please take your place, don't move around randomly, and stay quiet, solemn, and respectful!"

"Okay, okay! I'll give you Fan Xiuzhu face, I won't do anything now."

Prince Mo Yang's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he snorted coldly: "But it's not his turn to run wild in Yunlan Kingdom yet. I always have a chance to take action. If he seeks his own death, I will definitely help him and tear him into pieces with my own hands."

"act wildly?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were contemptuous, and he smiled softly and said:

"Looking at the entire four realms of the Western Territory, thousands of cities, and many famous mountains and great sects, there is no place where I dare not act wildly! If you want to make yourself uncomfortable, I will definitely give you a chance!"

Prince Mo Yang was too lazy to argue with Jiang Tian. He smiled slightly and returned to his seat with Beast Lei, but he whispered and looked at Jiang Tian from time to time.

Fan Xiuzhu's face was solemn, he came to Jiang Tian's seat and said in a deep voice: "Xing Tu Immortal Master, when my aunt comes over later, she will first inspect the saint, then lecture on scriptures, and finally it will be a competition and challenge between the major geniuses!"

"Feng Batian, Beast Lei, and Prince Moyang have already regarded you as a thorn in their flesh. They will definitely challenge you in the last step, but you don't accept the challenge."

"You are not a disciple to be chosen, they can't force you! My aunt is here, and they don't dare to violate the rules!"

Jiang Tian chuckled and was noncommittal.

At this time, Mou Bilian also came over and said anxiously: "Xing Tu Immortal Master, you have brought great disaster to my family. I beg you, keep a low profile! Otherwise, our Mou family will also be brought to a place of eternal destruction by you!"

She didn't care about Jiang Tian's life or death, she even hoped that Jiang Tian would die quickly.

But the current development situation has exceeded her imagination and has affected the Mou family. This is beyond her control.

Fan Xiuzhu was also very worried and persuaded: "After this matter is over, you should leave Maolin City as soon as possible. You can't even stay in the entire Western Region! Go to the Southern Region. It is said that there are more Yanhuang tribes there!"

Jiang Tian smiled lightly and said:

"Okay, Xiuzhu, I appreciate your kindness. But I'm not afraid of these bastards!"


Mou Bilian turned pale with anger and almost jumped up. Why is this person so ungrateful and unable to get in?

"Okay, okay, drink some wine to calm down!" Fan Xiuzhu didn't persuade him anymore. He smiled and persuaded Jiang Tian to drink, and then he dismissed it.

All monks love saving face!

How could the Star Slaughter Immortal Master show his cowardice to them?

But it is expected that with his wisdom, he will make the wisest choice, avoid the sharp edges and hold back.

"Everyone has gathered together to discuss the secrets of the Great Dao. I hope that today everyone will know everything and talk about it!"

At this time, a sound like fairy music sounded, and suddenly the whole place fell into silence.

Everyone felt enlightened and felt refreshed, like the spring breeze blowing on their faces, like the intense heat meeting the cold. Even the murderous intention in the hearts of Prince Mo Yang and others suddenly dissipated.

When this voice fell, the hostility and murderous intentions in many people's hearts were swept away. It was like a fairy voice above the nine heavens, misty and ethereal, and could linger around for three days.

Even those who were decisive and ruthless like Beast Lei Feng Batian couldn't help but become calm.

Hearing this voice, Jiang Tian couldn't help but nodded secretly.

This method is very similar to the Great Pure Heart Mantra of Buddhism in the world of cultivation. It is also somewhat similar to the Taoist Song of Selflessness and Inaction. It is a magical method that interferes with the other party's spirit through sound.

Listeners will be able to cut off the dust, become a bodhi tree, and have a mind like a mirror. There is nothing in the beginning, no matter how dusty it is, you will naturally feel at ease!

"Fairy Luomei!"

"She's finally here!"

At this time, countless people showed reverence and yearning, and followed the sound as if they were seeing a goddess.

I saw a woman dressed in white, her green hair flying in the wind, covered with soft moonlight, and her bare feet stepping on the curling clouds.

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