Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1105: Life and death on the Immortal Killing Platform!

Wrapped in clouds and mist, shrouded in soft moonlight, she emerges from the ethereal world, with a graceful and graceful figure, and an otherworldly aura like a banished fairy coming to earth, like a Gushe fairy.

At this time, the refreshing air came slowly, and visions abounded. The moonlight poured out like milk, fallen flowers were in full bloom, the flowers were as crystal clear as jade, shimmering with rays of light, and golden lotuses surged under their feet, condensing the vitality of heaven and earth.

Getting closer, the true appearance of Fairy Luomei is finally visible!

Her jade face is radiant, too beautiful to be described in words, her black hair is like a waterfall, her breasts are high, her waist is slender, if she is one point thin, she is too thin, and if she is half an inch, she is too plump. The skin color of the legs and feet is crystal clear and sparkles with an alluring luster. Compared with the rain of flowers in the sky, they are even more magnificent and moving.

Her eyes were very cold, like an ancient well without waves, clear and deep, and extremely calm.

The only shortcoming is that she lacks a little vitality and vividness.

She seemed to be like a goddess, nothing in this world could move her in the slightest.

Behind him, there were more than a dozen powerful men, each of them with extraordinary magnanimity, no less impressive than Prince Moyang.

There are masters of the Immortality Cult in black robes, Hong Lian, an elite disciple of the Zoroastrian Cult in the West, Leng Jianfeng, the chief disciple of the Southern Sword Palace, Zen Master Wuxin, an eminent monk of the Demonic Rock Temple, and so on!

These strong men do not belong to Yunlan country, so naturally they are not here to participate in the selection.

They are quite famous and have a good relationship with Fairy Luomei. They are here not only to observe the ceremony, but also to help the sect recruit some talents.

"I'll wait and see Fairy Luomei!"

When Fairy Luomei descended on the high stone platform for preaching.

Suddenly, countless people knelt on the ground and worshiped. Everyone was fascinated by it, but they were also in awe and excitement.

Even Prince Moyang, a man with an unscrupulous mind, had a stern look on his face, bowed and saluted, and had the intention to only watch from a distance and not to play with.

Even the daughter of the city lord like Mou Hongdie, and the golden branches and leaves like Princess Yujiao, still feel ashamed.

As for a lady from a well-known family like Na Luo Qi, she wished she could hit her head to death. She felt ashamed and was so shocked that she was like a chicken meeting a phoenix.

They are all considered to be the proud daughters of heaven. Regardless of their birth status, talents or cultivation abilities, there is no need to belittle themselves, they are proud of others.

But when they saw the Luomei Fairy, they couldn't help but sigh softly, feeling embarrassed.

"Fellow Taoists, please stand up!"

Fairy Luomei sat down, with her hands stretched out slightly to hold her up, as if she were a high-ranking queen.

Everyone thanked him and returned to their seats.

"It is not easy to trouble all the gentlemen to take care of and train the saints and saints, and to work hard to cultivate them."

Fairy Luomei said calmly:

"Luomei would like to thank you all on behalf of the leader, the elders, and the church leaders. The three-year period has come, and this time there are thirty-eight saints and saints in Yunlan Kingdom coming of age. Let me inspect them! Invite them to come up!"


Mou Hongdie and many other saints and saints came out, with name tags hanging on their chests, with their names, ages, origins, etc. written on them.

"The saint selected by Xilong City has lost her virginity and her vitality has been released! Take her out and kill everyone!"

Fairy Luomei swept her consciousness, her face sank slightly, and she said in a cold voice:

"Lord of Xilong City, you have a heavy responsibility and your crime is unforgivable. Do you think I am a fool? Are you trying to hide your hymen repair from me?"

"I was defiled by a thief, don't blame me! Don't blame me! Please spare my life, fairy!"

The saint girl from Xilongcheng was so frightened that she burst into tears. She shivered and knelt on the ground, kowtowing until her head bled.

"Fairy Luomei, give me a chance! This matter was caused by my negligence! In the past hundred years, I have never made any mistakes!"

The lord of Xilong City also knelt on the ground and kept begging.

He also has the cultivation level in the early stage of foundation building, and can control millions of ordinary people. He can be called a powerful force, but facing Fairy Luomei, how can he dare to resist even half a cent?

"City Lord Mou, Prince Moyang, please help me with a word..."

Seeing the unkind look on Fairy Luomei's face, the Lord of Xilong City shivered in fear, and big beads of sweat broke out.

City Lord Mou shook his head with a bitter expression and sighed secretly.

How can I help you? If it weren't for Jiang Taichu's help, my daughter would definitely die!

Prince Mo Yang turned a deaf ear, looked up at the sky, and said to Princess Yujiao beside him: "The moonlight is pretty good today!"

"You have no reason to say that you don't deserve forgiveness! It's my mercy to leave your body intact!"

Fairy Luomei's face was as calm as water and she said coldly.

Eight black-clothed and face-covered law enforcement officials from the Immortality Cult flew out from a secluded place, sweeping across with long knives.

The city lord also wanted to fly backwards to dodge, but he couldn't dodge at all. His head flew out, and the bloody corpse rolled to the ground.


The long knife was rolled again, and the virginal saint was cut into eight pieces.

At the same time, the Changsheng Cult Corps was stationed at the foot of the mountain.

A thousand cavalrymen galloped out, all of them were in the early stage of foundation building. Their swords flashed and they rushed towards Xilong City.

At this time, many city lords, heroes, handsome men, and geniuses in the audience could not help but be shocked.

This is the authority of the special envoy of the Immortality Sect. He can determine the life and death of the city lord with one word, and destroy powerful families with one word. He is worthy of being the representative of the unparalleled sect.

"Mou Hongdie, I heard that your face was ruined and your lifespan was depleted. Now you have recovered. Show me!"

Immediately, servants came out to collect the corpses and wash the floor. Fairy Luomei's face remained unchanged as she looked at Mou Hongdie.

"Yes, fairy!"

Mou Hongdie quickly lifted the veil of the magic weapon.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes lit up.

At this time, although Mou Hongdie's appearance was still inferior to that of Luomei Fairy, she was far beyond ordinary women and could be said to be one in a million.

"very good!"

Fairy Luomei showed a smile for the first time, but she still gave people a feeling of coldness and inviolability.

"I heard that you were infected with the poison of the earth fire spider. Who has such superb medical skills that not only completely detoxified you, but also improved your ability to practice?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Whose medical skills are so amazing!

At this time, Fan Xiuzhu grandly pushed Jiang Tian out and said loudly: "Aunt, it's this Xingshu Immortal Master! He also saved me before and killed Wu Gong'er!"

Beast Lei's face suddenly darkened.


Fan Xiuzhu clearly wanted Fairy Luomei to speak out so that he could not pursue the murder of Wu Gong'er and the three elders!

"Oh, Master Xing Tu's medical skills are so advanced? Luo Mei is so impressed!"

Fairy Luomei looked at Jiang Tian and praised: "You have done a great job in curing Mou Hongdie. I will definitely give you a reward afterward!"

As soon as these words came out, Beast Lei and Feng Batian were immediately depressed, and their steel teeth kept rubbing. Prince Mo Yang also snorted coldly.

This Star Slayer Immortal Master is so lucky. With Fairy Luomei’s amulet, how can we kill him!

"It's just a little bit of bad behavior, not worth mentioning!"

Jiang Tian nodded slightly, but did not stand up to say thanks.

"Is this kid a lunatic? Fairy Luomei praised him and rewarded him, but he didn't even bow down and salute. How rude!"

Mou Bilian complained in her heart.

"Okay, although there are some mistakes in the introduction of the holy boy and saint this time, this special envoy is quite satisfied. Next, before I show my shame, I will first talk about a section of "The Sutra of Saving People in the Rebirth". If there is anything inappropriate, I hope you will correct me!"

Fairy Luomei just took a deep look at Jiang Tian without any dissatisfaction. She sat on the futon like a goddess, with a graceful and unparalleled appearance.

"Immortal life is precious and immeasurable. The secret of immortality comes from the heart..."

Fairy Luomei lectures on scriptures in simple and profound terms, from simple to complex. When she talks about the wonderful points, orchids surge up around her, golden towers emerge, clouds steam and clouds bloom, and the Dharma appears in various forms.

This woman's tongue is as bright as a lotus flower, and her mouth is like a river. If she speaks the sutra once, the hearts of devout believers will be enlightened; if she speaks the sutra twice, worries will go away, and the eyes and ears will be clear; if she speaks the sutra three times, everyone will bow their heads and their minds will be clear; if she recites the sutra four times, the hidden diseases will be removed and the fetal bones will become lighter. Recite the sutra five times and the teeth will be regenerated.

"Immeasurable thoughts. The sea of ​​​​Tao generates waves. The Dharma and its meaning are the same trickle. They are planted into beautiful seedlings. Used to save the hungry and poor..."

The vision surrounding the woman gradually became one with her physical body.

Her precious appearance is majestic, like a female Bodhisattva sitting high in the ninth heaven, chanting the mysterious yellow inscriptions of heaven and earth, and the auspiciousness pours out from the sky, falling down, completely covering the Golden Lotus Terrace Mountain.

For a time, I don’t know how many people around me were fascinated by it. Many people had obstacles in cultivation and inner demons. At this moment, it was like an enlightenment, a sudden enlightenment, and a sudden enlightenment.

Everyone's hearts were trembling with excitement, as if they were in a trance, and they were praising and praising the whole world. Even a talented person like Prince Mo Yang was fascinated by what he heard.

Jiang Tian sat in the corner, motionless.

The Purana that this woman taught to save people is still too simple. It is essentially a way to confuse people's hearts and establish faith.

However, this woman's brow bone is indeed an immortal bone, with astonishing understanding, and can master all kinds of methods. Combining her own understanding, she can infinitely sublimate this simple method, which makes people sound extraordinary and makes people feel revered.

Fairy Luomei's sermon only lasted for half an hour, but to everyone, it was a precious word, a small statement of great meaning, and of infinite use.

Many people's reverence for her and their longing for the Immortality Cult were ten times stronger. When she announced the end of her lecture, many people were still unfinished and asked her to speak another paragraph.

"Luomei can understand your feelings, but it is destined that fate will come together and fate will break up. Today's lecture is already our fate. At this point, this fate has been broken up!"

Fairy Luomei declined politely, then smiled and changed the subject:

"However, there is still another part of this grand ceremony. Luo Mei will choose a direct disciple on behalf of the Changsheng Sect."

"I haven't seen you for three years. I believe that all of you fellow Taoists have made great progress in their cultivation and have achieved success in their studies. Why don't we learn from each other and let Luomei look up to us?"

With a wave of her hand, a stone the size of a palm flew out of her sleeve.

The stone flew higher and higher, getting bigger and bigger, and turned into a huge arena with a radius of several thousand meters, floating in the air in front of Jinliantai Mountain.

"The Life and Death Platform of the Immortality Sect! It is also called the Immortal Killing Platform! Countless immortal masters have died on it, even some true immortals with golden elixir cultivation!"

Everyone moved slightly, exclaimed and murmured.

I saw that this Immortal Killing Platform was densely covered with Dao patterns and bloomed with thousands of golden lights. It could withstand tens of thousands of critical strikes from strong foundation builders without cracking or destroying.

On it, there was a thick layer of blood stains, forming a deep red pulp, exuding a pungent smell of blood. The blood of countless strong men was poured into it.

"I hope you can show your cultivation to your heart's content without fear or concern! Those with the best qualifications can follow me to join the Immortality Sect. From now on, you and I will be fellow Taoists. We can sit and discuss the Tao and climb the path to immortality together. Isn't that right? Beautiful?"

Fairy Luomei said warmly.

This is said politely.

But in fact, everyone understands what she means. In this battle of skills, there is only one winner! The competition is fierce!

Prince Mo Yang smiled proudly, his eyes were stern, and he was determined to win.

Among the many young talents present, his cultivation is ranked first, and it is a certainty that he will join the Immortality Sect.

Precisely because they understood this, no one came to power rashly, because once they came to power, they would eventually be tortured to death by powerful men such as Prince Moyang.

"Master Xingshu, I will challenge you!"

At this time, suddenly.

There was a loud roar of thunder, and a man stood up, jumped out, crossed a thousand meters distance, landed on the Immortal Killing Platform, and raised his hand to point at Jiang Tiandao.

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