Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1106 If you want to die, I will help you

"Feng Ba is so naive and shameless. The son of a majestic giant city actually challenges the guards attached to a small city lord! He is not afraid of embarrassment!"

Looking closely, among the crowd, there was a disciple from a great religion who sneered.

"Feng Batian will retaliate for his anger. He toasted the Star Slaughter Immortal Master before but didn't get up. Isn't he looking for death?"

"That's right! You know, how can Maolin City compare with Fengblade Giant City? Mou Bilian married him. It's already a high level! Even the lord of Maolin City, Mou Bohu, has to be polite to Feng Batian and doesn't dare to show off to his father-in-law. ! A little guard, a humble Yanhuang tribesman, dares to make mistakes and provoke wantonly! He deserves to be beaten to death!"

"This time, the Star Slaughter Immortal Master is dead! The blow he just made was clearly due to Feng Batian not being prepared and suffered a hidden loss. At this time, Feng Batian attacked with all his strength, why didn't he crush him with his bare hands?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Tian with ridicule, as if Jiang Tian was already dead.

Mou Hongdie looked nervous and sweated for Jiang Tian.

But Mou Bohu stood up, raised his hand to stop him and said: "My nephew Tyrant, please sit down, you are no match for fellow Daoist Xing Tu!"

But Mou Bilian's eyes widened and she chuckled:

"Father, are you kidding me? Ba Tian is in the late stage of foundation building, and his cultivation level is even stronger than yours! He is a sure winner!"

"My child, we are a family after all, and it's not good for anyone to suffer!"

Mou Bohu smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Dad, what kind of family is this? This Star Slaughter Immortal Master is just a guard!"

Mou Bilian has sharp teeth and a ruthless mouth:

"Besides, he is so rude and makes my future husband lose face! He deserves to be taught a lesson!"

Mou Bohu frowned, but did not explain.

Instead, he said loudly: "Batian, sit down, I advise you, it's for your own good! You will suffer a big loss!"

"Uncle Tiger, you are such a powerful guard. I must ask for advice today!"

Feng Batian Jie Jie smiled strangely, with murderous intent clearly visible in his eyes.

Although Jiang Tian knocked him back, he and many people present thought that Jiang Tian just shot quickly and was lucky!

At this time, he must get his place back!

Mou Bohu said a little annoyed: "Since you call me uncle, just listen to my advice! Don't you even listen to me?"

"Haha, if I respect you, I will call you uncle. If I don't respect you, you are nothing!"

Feng Batian snorted coldly, his voice low.

But everyone had a good level of cultivation, but many people couldn't help but shake their heads and smile bitterly when they heard it.

This guy is really good!

Although this world respects the strong and not many people care about seniority, you can't say this to your face.

"Xingtu boy, why don't you come on stage? Are you afraid of me? Come on, come on, kowtow and admit defeat, call me grandpa three times, and I won't kill you!"

Seeing Jiang Tian's delay in moving, Mou Bohu became even more proud and arrogant. He stood with his hands on his hips, his posture was arrogant and domineering, and he roared loudly, trying his best to ridicule.

"Haha, good words can't persuade you to die! Since you are so reckless, I don't care!"

Mou Bohu shook his head and smiled bitterly, sat down, and stopped persuading.

To be honest, I don't like this son-in-law. I even fear and hate him.

There is no other reason. Fengblade Giant City insists on entering into this marriage contract just to take the opportunity to seize Maolin City.

He only has two daughters and no children.

In the view of Fengblade City, if Mou Hongdie is sent to the Immortality Cult, or is blamed by the Immortality Cult for being disfigured, then Maolin City will be severely damaged and will have no support.

Feng Batian could wait until Mu Bohu died, or get rid of Mu Bohu directly, leaving only an idiot Mu Bilian. Getting to Maolin City was like picking out the treasure.

"Haha, come on, Ba Tian! Blow out the eyes of the Star Slayer Immortal Master!"

Mou Bilian also kept waving her pink fists to cheer for Ruyi Langjun.

She pointed at Jiang Tian and shouted: "Xing Tu, are you a waste? What kind of bullshit guard you are, you don't dare to fight my husband!"

Jiang Tian was still sitting there, his eyes slightly closed, breathing calmly, as if he didn't hear the crowd's shouting at all.

In fact, he was using his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Mou Bohu.

After all, his visit here was too short, and the forces here were complicated. Mou Bohu did not talk about this valuable son-in-law. Jiang Tian wanted to decide whether this person should be killed.

Jiang Tian was ruthless to his enemies, killing people and exterminating clans at every turn, but he always valued love and loyalty towards his friends.

If Mou Bohu really regards Feng Batian as his son-in-law, even if this guy is a scumbag and makes no excuses, Jiang Tian will hold back his disgust.

"Don't want to be called grandpa? That's right. How can you, a loser like you, be worthy of being my grandson? Well, you can learn how to bark like a dog and climb down from the Golden Lotus Platform, and I will be extraordinarily merciful and not kill you!"

Seeing that Jiang Tian didn't say a word, Mou Bohu became even more confident, his eyes were contemptuous, he stood with his hands on his hips and laughed wildly.

At this time, one after another eyes fell on Jiang Tian, ​​with questions and regrets, but more of them were gloating and ridiculing contempt.

"Wasn't this person very domineering just now? He even fought off Feng Batian. Why is he so humiliated now and yet he doesn't take action? Is he really a person of low cultivation?"

"The Yanhuang people have always been useless. They have no decent inheritance or orthodoxy. He just made a sneak attack and took the lead. In terms of strength, he is far behind!"

"Oh, you're an idiot! If you have brain problems and no strength, don't be arrogant! I don't know who has the bigger fist and who is right?"

Everyone was talking a lot and looking at Jiang Tian as if they were laughing.

"Yes, that's how it should be. Fellow Daoist Jiang, please bear with the calm for a while and let him scream!"

Li Wuji silently gave a thumbs up and praised.

"Master, take action! How can I accept the humiliation of this bastard!"

Tang Linglong was so angry that her beautiful eyes were about to cry, and she urged in a low voice.

"Xing Tu, according to the past rules, you cannot refuse the challenge on the Golden Lotus Platform. If you refuse, you will admit defeat. You should exit the Golden Lotus Platform now!"

Beast Lei stared at Jiang Tian and said with a ferocious smile.

He had a wishful thinking that as long as Jiang Tian exited the Golden Lotus Platform, he would be out of the grand ceremony and he would be able to take revenge and kill someone.

"Auntie, you must seek justice."

Fan Xiuzhu's expression changed drastically, he stood up and shouted loudly:

"Master Xing Tu is a guard of the Mou family. To participate in the organization and reception of this grand ceremony, there is no need to participate in the competition or go down the mountain!"

Fan Luomei looked at Jiang Tian with a half-smile, as if she didn't hear her nephew's words.

At this time, Jiang Tian had found out the truth between the Mou family and the Feng family. He finally opened his eyes, turned around, looked directly at Feng Batian on the stage, and said in a cold voice:

"Are you looking for death? Do you really think I can't kill you?"

"Haha, Master Xingshu has such a strong tone! If you kill me, I will beat you with just one hand until you are full of teeth!"

Feng Batian put his left hand behind his back and stood proudly, his energy bursting out.


The strong wind roared all around, and the strong wind actually formed a tornado, which was a thousand meters high, reaching the sky and the earth, and the momentum was overwhelming!

These winds are not ordinary winds, but wind blades condensed from vitality. They are condensed and sharp, and can easily kill strong Qi practitioners with one stroke.

However, the wind roared, thousands of wind blades rotated, and they rubbed against the ground, making a sharp sound and bursting out sparks.

"You are on the verge of death and are testing like crazy, okay, I will help you!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he took one step in the air, crossing the distance of a thousand meters and arriving on the stage.

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