Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1107: Stepping on Explosive Wind Batian, the whole audience was stunned

"He actually went up there. He's really looking for death!"

Among the crowd, Luo Qi shook her head with disdain on her face.

This person is so stupid! You are only in the middle stage of foundation building, so who are your opponents?

If you can't beat it, just hold your nose and endure it! The weak should be conscious of being weak, just lie on the ground and endure it silently!

"Haha, come up here and let you see what my husband is capable of!" Mou Bilian's face was full of surprise.

"Why did you get up there!"

Fan Xiuzhu's face suddenly tightened, he stamped his feet, and secretly complained!

He said loudly: "This is a discussion of Tao and Dharma. Feng Batian, you have to wait until the point is reached. Don't hurt or kill anyone!"

"A battle of wits involves both victory and defeat, as well as life and death. Today, I will kill him!"

Feng Batian laughed and stared at Jiang Tian, ​​just like a giant beast staring at a little white rabbit.

"You talk too much!"

Jiang Tian's face was neither sad nor happy, and he waved his hand and clapped it with one palm.

This wave was light and airy, without a trace of fireworks, and seemed to have no lethality.

But Feng Batian's heart suddenly sank, and there were warning signs one after another.

An invisible palm force hit him, and he felt as if ten thousand mountains were colliding together. The terrible pressure made all his bones almost collapse.


Feng Batian roared angrily, and all the wind blades suddenly turned their heads, spun, and drove towards Jiang Tian's palm.

"Wrathful wind kills with ten thousand blades!"

This is the Feng family's secret skill. Ten thousand wind blades are like a thousand-meter-long giant dragon, killing Jiang Tian like a tornado.

"Use the wind blade in front of me, you are looking for abuse!"

Jiang Tian's face was calm, neither sad nor happy, and he did not send a second blow at all. Appears extremely calm and confident.



Ten thousand wind blades collided violently with Jiang Tian's invisible fist power.

Suddenly, all the wind blades did not hold on for even a second. They shattered into pieces like paper, and then exploded uncontrollably.

Then, this invisible palm force hit Feng Batian like a high-speed train.


In the midst of the exclamation, several of Feng Batian's protective magic weapons erupted in unison, filling the sky with light and strong wind, trying to block Jiang Tian's blow.

Bang bang bang!

But under Jiang Tian's vast palm power, everything was useless.


Feng Batian howled miserably and was thrown away from the stage of life and death. His clothes were torn and tattered, his body was stained with blood, his skin was torn, and he fell down the mountain like a kite with its strings cut off.

"how so?"

Countless people present exclaimed, their eyes nearly popped out, their faces full of disbelief.

He never expected that it would end like this. Feng Batian's furious wind and ten thousand blades were defeated by Jiang Tian's light palm.

"Oh my God, this is too strong!" Luo Qi was so frightened that her face turned pale and her face turned pale.


Mou Bilian's face changed wildly. She never expected that Jiang Tian was so powerful that he could defeat his Ruyihuangjun with one blow.

Her reaction was also dissatisfied. With a flick of her right hand, a flying magic weapon was shot out, holding Feng Batian in danger.

"Xingtu kid, I won't let you go! I will tear you into pieces!"

As a son of Jucheng and a genius of his generation, Feng Batian had never suffered such frustration and humiliation.

At this time, he was so angry that he couldn't bear it. He had forgotten that the strength Jiang Tian showed at this time far exceeded him.


He gathered his strength, stepped on his feet, and borrowed the power of the flying magic weapon to fly towards the stage of life and death.

"I've already given you a chance, but I didn't expect that you would still persevere in seeking death. Well, I'll give you a chance!"

Jiang Tian sneered and became murderous.

Before, he didn't use magic power at all, but relied on pure physical strength, and even only used one level of strength.

But Feng Batian still refused to let him go, shouting and killing. Jiang Tian was not a fool, so how could he let him go again?

As soon as Jiang Tian finished speaking, he raised his hand to grab it.


A giant Gengjin palm about ten meters long erupted, just like the Buddha pressing down on the Five Fingers Mountain, grabbing Feng Batian in his hand.

Feng Batian was caught before he could fly to the stage of life and death, and he couldn't help but be shocked out of his mind.

"Xing Tu, let me go! I swear, I will catch you and execute you with the wind blade Lingchi until your soul is destroyed!"

He roared, his fighting spirit surged, and his true energy burst out. Wind-attributed auras spurted out, turning into sharp swords, guns, swords, halberds, tigers and lions and other strange phenomena, and they violently collided, trying to break away from Jiang Tian's control.

"Haha! It turns out that your ability in the Wind Blade Giant City is weak, but your ability to talk is quite good!"

Jiang Tian sneered.

Gengjin's giant palm suddenly clenched.


Feng Batian was pinched until his true energy was annihilated, and the vision disappeared.

He had broken bones and muscles, blood spurted out from his seven orifices like arrows, fragments of internal organs spurted out from his mouth, and he couldn't even scream.

Jiang Tianyi raised his hand.


Feng Batian hit the ground hard like a dead dog, making a muffled sound, blood splashing, and air waves billowing!

Jiang Tian stepped on his chest and sneered: "The Yanhuang tribe is vulnerable, and you can kill me with just one hand? Get up!"

"He won!"

"So strong!"

Only then did everyone wake up, and looked at Jiang Tian as if they were a freak, and were extremely shocked.

Especially Mou Bilian's beauty turned pale and her heart was frightened.

She never expected that Jiang Tian's strength would be so powerful, overwhelming Feng Batian in the late stage of foundation building. With this strength alone, he would be able to leap over the dragon gate and stand shoulder to shoulder with many sons of city lords and successors of great religions.

"Master Star Slaughter, please be merciful. We are just squaring off and competing, there is no need to kill people and spill blood!"

Prince Moyang stood up and administered justice.

He doesn't like Feng Batian.

But after all, Wind Blade City is a huge city under the rule of Yunlan Kingdom, and the death of a master is also a great loss.

"Xing Tu Immortal Master, for my father's sake, please spare his life! The younger generation will definitely remember the kindness of Senior Xing Tu!"

Mou Bilian stood up, bowed her head, and begged for mercy.

She shed tears, like pear blossoms with rain, so pitiful that no man could hold her back.

Whoosh whoosh!

Six figures jumped out from the darkness, raised their arms, and landed on the high platform like big birds, surrounding Jiang Tian.

These are the personal bodyguards of the city lord of Windblade City. They all have cultivation in the late stage of foundation building. They are ordered by the city lord to protect the young master.

Feng Batian's cultivation level is not top-notch, and his personality is unruly. The reason why he is able to be unscrupulous in Yunlan Kingdom is because of the protection of these strong men. Otherwise, he would have been destroyed long ago!

The six strong men have stern demeanor, powerful true energy, gloomy faces, and murderous intentions.

One of them persuaded: "Xing Tu Immortal Master, my young city master has lost, please be more generous!"

Another man threatened in a deep voice: "If Star Slaughter Immortal Master is merciful, he will be my friend in Wind Blade City from now on. If you dare to hurt anyone again, Wind Blade City will cut you into pieces and leave you dead without a burial place!" "

"Are you threatening me? That's fine, I'll kill him and see what you can do to me!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold and ruthless, and then he stepped down suddenly amid everyone's exclamations.


Feng Batian's body exploded!

Blood surged like a tide, broken bones flew everywhere, internal organs fragments splashed, and crystal rain of flesh pushed in all directions like waves.

"He, he actually killed Feng Batian!"

There was deathly silence on the entire Golden Lotus Platform.

Even Prince Mo Yang's expression changed wildly. He didn't expect Jiang Tianzhen to dare to kill Feng Batian.

"This, how is this possible?"

Princess Yujiao's cute baby face turned pale, full of shock and fear, and her beautiful round eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"It's so scary! So cruel! So scary! Her heart is still beating!" Luo Qi was so frightened that she covered her cute little face with her hands, but she peeked through her fingers.

In their eyes, the former Jiang Tian was just an ordinary monk, a small guard, weak and easy to bully!

Now when he took action, it was a shocking move. He killed Feng Batian with two moves, and he did so easily and casually, just like crushing an ant. It was really unbelievable.

"What kind of strength is he? Has he already reached the late stage of foundation building?"

Many monks present had shocked faces, even those who were proud of heaven and among men were deeply shocked.

Previously, Feng Batian was arrogant and domineering, yelling and taunting, but Jiang Tian was like an old monk in trance, and did not respond.

Based on this, many people thought that Jiang Tian's cultivation was too low to dare to take action, but they didn't expect that he turned out to be a terrifying and powerful man.

The key is that despite the threats and persuasion from everyone in Jiang Tian, ​​they still killed Feng Batian without any sloppiness at all!

This kind of ruthlessness and determination is even more heart-stopping.

"Xingtu! You are so brave!"

Prince Moyang was suddenly startled, his face turned livid with anger.

He had obviously tried to persuade him with good words, but Jiang Tian had already killed him, which was completely disrespectful to him.

"Xing Tu, you are so cruel! You are so cruel! How could you kill someone? How could you kill my future husband!"

Mou Bilian's face was pale, her delicate body was trembling, her heart was filled with grief, she cried loudly, beat her chest and feet, and screamed hysterically.

"Fellow Taoist, he ignored the dissuasion and went on a killing spree. Could it be that he was trying to deceive me, Yunlan Country, that there is no one in the country?"

Beast Lei stood up, with a sinister expression on his face, and roared loudly like a wild beast from the wild, with a sound like rolling thunder.

This person may seem reckless, but he is actually quite scheming!

In one sentence, Jiang Tian and Yun Languo were pitted against each other.

Either Jiang Tian pinches his nose and admits his mistake and bows his head, or he will become the enemy of the entire Yunlan Kingdom's talented genius!

That's what is waiting for Jiang Tian.

Everyone gets it and kills it, the terrible wheel battle!

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