Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1108: So what if I just bully you?

"Are you guys going too far in bullying me?"

Seeing this, Fan Xiuzhu stood up, clearly supported Jiang Tian, ​​and said loudly:

"On the stage of life and death, it is a fight to the death!"

"What's more, Feng Batian has already made it clear that he can win or lose, or live and die. If his skills are inferior to others, who can blame him!"

"Dad, he killed my future husband, please cure him quickly! I will make him pay with his life!" Mu Bilian was still sobbing, accusing Jiang Tian of atrocities.

"Idiot! Shut up!"

Mou Hongdie was annoyed by this, so she raised her hand and slapped her in the face, causing her to fall to the ground, her nose bleeding violently, and she was dizzy.

Mou Hongdie stood up, glanced at everyone with cold eyes, and said angrily: "If the person who died was Master Xingtu, would everyone uphold justice for him and blame Feng Batian? I'm afraid they will applaud, so let's raise a glass to celebrate!"

"Now that Senior Xingtu has killed his opponent, what qualifications do you have to point at him! You have such double standards and are so unfair. It's despicable and disgusting!"

As soon as this statement came out, many people laughed bitterly.

"Mou Hongdie is too naive! This competition has never been a fair contest."

A great sect leader pointed out the situation and said:

"For example, even if Princess Yujiao only has a Qi training level, if she comes on stage, whoever dares to challenge her will definitely be allowed to pass! She is not scary, but the Qishi Mansion of Yunlan Kingdom behind her is very scary!"

"Haha, this Star Slaughter Immortal Master is so bold that he actually killed Feng Batian. Now he is in big trouble. How can Fengblade City let him go?"

Someone smiled bitterly.

The Lord of Windblade City has always been ruthless, ruthless, powerful, and a master like a cloud.

Unless this star butcher has a chance to join the Immortality Sect, otherwise, he will have no choice but to be killed without any bones left!

"Even if you join the Immortality Sect, it will be very troublesome. I heard that Feng Batian's grandfather, Feng Juicheng, is the Keqing elder of the Immortality Sect!"

Someone shook his head.

"The wind destroys the city!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's pupils shrank and their hearts trembled, that was the peerless villain of the old Golden Pill!

"Bullying you?"

Jiang Tian's face was calm, as if he had just crushed an ant to death. His eyes were indifferent, but there was deep arrogance and unruly in his eyes. He said calmly:

"I'm just bullying you, so what can you do! In my eyes, your Yunlan country has no one, just a bunch of idiots!"

"Whoever is not convinced, come up!"

As soon as this word came out.

The whole audience was furious and excited!

This man is so crazy, he simply doesn’t take the heroes of the world seriously!

"This guy is a bit interesting!"

Even Hong Lian, Leng Jianfeng, and Wuxin Zen Master, who were staying away and drinking tea leisurely, looked at Jiang Tian with interest and no longer ignored his existence.

"You kid is looking for death!"


The six guards of Wind Blade City, their eyes about to burst, roared, their long knives swept across the sky, and the wind blades filled the sky. They ignored the rules and attacked Jiang Tian.

The cultivation levels of these people are all in the late stage of foundation building, and their strength is no less than that of Feng Batian.

At this time, they all took action, working in tacit understanding, and their power increased several times, as if they were going to destroy the world.


Jiang Tian looked calm and waved.

Countless Daogeng Gold Qi soldiers erupted, one after another, spreading out like a fan, dazzling and covering an area of ​​several hundred meters in radius.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Waves of blood spurted out.

The bodies of the six guards stood frozen on the spot, motionless.

Then they were all torn apart from the quilt, and the steaming internal organs and body parts fell to the ground, splashing with scarlet.

The whole place fell silent again.

Everyone was deeply shocked and dumbfounded.

With a single wave of his command, he killed six strong men in the late stage of foundation building. Could it be that this person had already completed the foundation building?

Jiang Tian stepped into a pool of blood, his face as calm as an ancient well.

Whether it was Prince Mo Yang, Beast Lei, or even Fairy Luomei, how could Jiang Tian have the slightest fear at this time.

At this time, he has four supreme divine bodies, as well as thunder-type magical powers. He can remove golden elixirs with his bare hands and kill foundations with a snap of his fingers. What's more, their highest level of cultivation, Fairy Luomei, is only in the early stage of golden elixirs?

"I told you, the Yunlan Kingdom is full of waste! Which waste will jump out first and let me sharpen the knife!"

Jiang Tian's face was indifferent, but his words were heartbreaking.

"Xing Tu, don't be so arrogant! Feng Batian is only at the bottom among us. Do you really think you can dominate the whole field!"

Beast Lei sneered ferociously.

As the eldest son of the Beast Control Sect, although he is not as talented as Prince Mo Yang, he has been practicing hard for forty years. Among them, he is the oldest, has profound cultivation, and has a solid foundation. He is especially proficient in the Divine Eyes of Thousand Beasts.

This kind of magical power can absorb the souls of strange beasts, simulate strange artistic conceptions, and form its own attacks.

Once it breaks out, it will be like a sea of ​​beasts and monsters, making people irresistible!

"Whose crotch is not closed tightly, allowing you, a bird, to be exposed! You open your mouth and you don't accept it? Then come up and die!"

Jiang Tian didn't even look at Beast Lei, he was full of mockery.

"You little beast, you don't know who you've provoked!"

New and old grudges came into his heart, Beast Lei was furious, his expression turned extremely ugly, he suddenly roared wildly and jumped onto the stage of life and death.

Suddenly the sea of ​​​​qi roared and spurted, and true energy exploded!

The surrounding real energy, which was so thick that it could not be dissolved, turned into a hundred-meter-long golden bull, emerging in front of his chest.

The golden ox has big copper bell eyes, and its curved horns are as sharp and majestic as a scimitar. It is like casting of gold, unusually solid, as if it has substance, and is very powerful.

Shrouded in the dazzling brilliance of the golden bull, Beast Lei's whole body seemed to be wearing golden armor, standing proudly like a god of war.


An earth-shattering cow roar came out.

The bull's nose spurted out two waves of white air. Immediately, the bull's aura was emptied like a huge wave, suppressing it towards Jiang Tian.

At this moment, the terrible pressure is like ten thousand bulls galloping, the bullish energy is soaring to the sky, the torrent bursts the embankment, and destroys the dry and dry.

"Golden Bull Spirit!"

Countless people screamed.

Even Prince Moyang nodded slightly, his eyes were focused, showing a hint of admiration, and commented:

"The Beast Control Sect is indeed extraordinary. The beast thunder has captured the spirit of the ancient monster beast Barbarian Bull, and infused it with supreme true energy, just like a clone outside of the body! Feng Batian once fought with him, but three of his ribs were broken!"

"What? So Feng Batian was once defeated by Beast Lei? No wonder he is so obedient!"

Everyone suddenly looked slightly awe-inspiring.

This was the first time they had heard of this secret!

It can be seen how powerful the golden bull of beast thunder is, and how terrifying the power of the divine eye Thousand Beasts Way is!

Many people suddenly thought that Jiang Tian was defeated.

Especially Mou Bilian.

At this moment, he was biting his silver teeth into pieces, showing a look of gloating about his misfortune. He wished that Jiang Tian would be beheaded immediately, with blood splattering on the spot!

"Master, be careful!"

Even though they were far apart, she could still feel the terrifying aura of the bull, and Tang Linglong suddenly became uneasy.

Ye Keren and Wu Yaoniang also showed fear.

"You have said it yourself that you can kill the golden elixir. This cultivation level is the foundation building perfection. You must hold on!"

Li Wuji kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, wishing he could turn around and run away, muttering to himself to cheer himself up.

"It's a trivial skill, but you have the nerve to show it off and embarrass yourself!"

Facing the torrential aura of the golden bull, Jiang Tian felt like a breeze blowing on his face, feeling at ease and at ease, not taking the beast's thunder seriously at all.

"what did he say?"

After hearing this, everyone's faces changed wildly, their eyes were dull, and they felt that this guy was so crazy that he didn't know whether to live or die!

At this moment, the Golden Bull raised its hoof and rushed towards Jiang Tian. The golden hoof stepped down with great force, and the entire stage of life and death shook violently, as if it could step through mountains and rivers.

The golden bull's two sharp horns, curved like knives, were thrust towards Jiang Tian's chest, as fast as lightning, and seemed to be able to cut through the mountains.


Jiang Tian didn't even raise his eyelids, but slapped his right hand.

Suddenly, the millstone-like Zhuque True Fire Giant Palm condensed, and the light was so bright that it made people shed tears.

The Bright Suzaku divine body is invincible, its true energy spurts out, and it has the power to shake mountains.

And the high temperature of ten thousand degrees is comparable to the true fire of the sun, the cosmic fire, burning gold and turning iron, burning nothing, and smelting everything.


The huge golden bull was slapped by Jiang Tian and its hooves flew into the air, flying backwards.

Under the endless burning of Suzaku's true fire, the barbarian bull screamed and roared, its pieces cracked and shattered, its vitality exploded, and the gold melted into liquid and flowed across the sky.

Beast Lei's whole body was shot so hard that he spat out a mouthful of blood, and shot out quickly backwards like a cannonball, hitting the Golden Lotus Platform.


A large human-shaped hole appeared in the wall of a palace.

Then, there were loud bangs and bangs, and the beast thunder crashed through more than a dozen halls without stopping. Finally, a mushroom cloud rose up from the secondary peak several kilometers away. I don’t know what the beast thunder hit, but I was able to stabilize my body. .

The whole place fell silent.

When everyone saw this, their eyes almost popped out.

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