Returning after 10000 Years Cultivation

Chapter 1109: True fire burns the sky and kills beasts, thunder, one man fights the genius alone

"What kind of freak is this man? He's not even afraid of the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment. Could it be that he has stepped into the fake elixir!"

Luo Qi's beauty turned pale.

"This boy is so strong! Brother, you must be extremely careful with this Star Slayer Immortal Master!"

Princess Yujiao's delicate body trembled, she no longer dared to underestimate Jiang Tian, ​​and couldn't help but whisper to Prince Mo Yang.

"I understand! This kid is indeed evil!"

The dignified look on the handsome face of Prince Moyang was also more intense than ever before, and a strong sense of crisis hit his heart.

Mou Bilian was so shocked that her jaw dropped to the ground, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on her forehead, and she was dumbfounded.

Everyone was in a state of fear and silence.


There was a loud bang.

"Ho ho ho! You bastard, Xing Tu, I'm going to kill you, tear off your bones, rip off your tendons, and peel off your skin!"

On the secondary peak, the beast thunder jumped out, like a dragon, rising slowly and roaring angrily.

The roar of the beast moved the sky, and the sky trembled. He came through the air, using the Divine Eyes of Thousand Beasts to the extreme.

Immediately, the spirit of an alien beast, infused with rich true energy, rushed out of his roaring sea of ​​energy.

These beast souls can be said to be countless, densely packed, and swarmed in groups, carrying a frightening aura of beasts and killing Jiang Tian.

This scene is shocking.

In addition to common exotic beasts such as wolves, insects, tigers, leopards, eagles, falcons, and griffons, there are also some strange insects that spurt out from the beast-storing weapon at his waist.

These strange insects are not spirits, but real objects. They are numerous and densely packed, like gnats, forming a huge skull with a radius of 100 meters, opening its bloody mouth and biting Jiang Tian!

"Be careful of those black bugs, they are soul-eating bugs!"

Seeing this, Mou Hongdie's face changed in shock, and even Mou Bohu jumped up in fright.

"Soul-eating worm! This is the treasure at the bottom of the box of the Beast Control Sect, and it has been taken out!"

Everyone was terrified.

"Haha, it seems that the Beast Control Sect is very ambitious and is determined to win this battle!"

Even Prince Mo Yang showed a look of surprise, shook his head and sighed.

This soul-eating insect is a kind of alien species from heaven and earth. It is born to devour other people's souls and spirits for food. No one can resist it.

His cultivation strength was actually higher than that of Beast Thunder, but he thought to himself that if he encountered this soul-eating insect, he would have no chance of winning!

In his eyes, Jiang Tian is also in danger this time!

"Haha, this time, Xing Tu, no matter how powerful you are, you are dead!"

Mou Bilian regained her composure again, and a cold sneer appeared.

"Based on these, you want to kill me? That's just nonsense!"

Jiang Tian sneered, and in the depths of his eyes, the Vermillion Bird Divine Pupils shone brightly, flashing with sharp and blazing light.

Suddenly, the Suzaku True Fire spurted out, like two lampposts illuminating the sky, extending endlessly in the void, colliding with many beast souls and soul-eating insect skeletons.


Many soul-eating insects and soul beasts were burned by Suzaku's real fire until they crackled and exploded.

As soon as the Suzaku True Fire met many beast souls and insects, it exploded like a hungry wolf meeting food. The fire was like thunder, quickly burning along the line of beast souls, and rushed to the beast mine in one breath. .

"What's this?"

The two fire dragons in his eyes were getting bigger and bigger. Beast Lei was now terrified and wailing in despair, without even a chance to escape!

How could a person shoot out flames from his eyes? Even if he studied various secret techniques and magical powers, he had never seen such an evil way of fighting.

The next moment, he was deep in the sea of ​​fire, burned into pieces of ashes in the blink of an eye, and then exploded in the air with a bang.

There was dead silence.

Things happened so fast, everyone was stunned, unable to recover and couldn't believe it.

Jiang Tian didn't even take action!

Just using the pupil technique of the Suzaku divine body, with just one look, you can destroy the soul-eating insects, burn thousands of beasts, and kill the beasts with thunder!

Mou Bilian looked on with a sneer and gloated, but when she saw this scene, her smile froze on her face and her eyes almost bulged out, full of astonishment.

The expressions of young powerful people such as Mou Hongdie, Fan Xiuzhu, Princess Yujiao and Prince Moyang also changed wildly, as if they were seeing ghosts.

Even Fairy Luomei, whose face had always been calm, shrank her pupils, showing a look of shock, unable to remain calm.

"How can he be so strong?"

Mou Bilian felt that she was seeing Jiang Tianban for the first time, so strange and unbelievable.

Before Jiang Tian killed Feng Batian with a snap of his fingers, they could still think that Jiang Tian was just out of character and just unlucky!

But at this time, Jiang Tian killed the beast thunder with just one glance, but he truly showed his strength comparable to the golden elixir!

"This person must be using despicable magic! It's unsustainable!"

And Yun Yi, a young and powerful man from Qishi Mansion under Prince Mo Yang, has already stood up, jumped on the stage, and challenged Jiang Tian.

He also has perfect foundation building skills, and majors in swordsmanship, unlike the Beast Control Sect.

But after a snap of the fingers.

Jiang Tian swept out a Vermillion Bird True Fire Sword, cutting the man in half and turning him into ashes.

Yun Yi had just been defeated and died.

"Okay, I want to see if your evil fire is more powerful or my earth fire gangsha is more powerful!"

In the Western Region, above the Flame Desert, in the Burning Sky Valley, the elite disciple of the Zoroastrian Cult, Hong Lian, jumped onto the stage to challenge Jiang Tian.

"Did this guy make a mistake? This is the Changsheng Sect's selection of strong men in the Yunlan Kingdom. When will it be your turn to jump out, get out of here!"

Seeing him come out, Fan Xiuzhu broke out in cold sweat and became furious. He asked Fairy Luomei to seek justice and drive this man down.

This disciple of the Zoroastrian Cult, Red Lotus, is famous for having a strange fire called the Red Lotus Earth Flame.

Legend has it that this fire was obtained from the depths of the earth three thousand miles deep. When driven, everything will burn, and it is extremely terrifying and powerful.

With this flame, the Zoroastrian Cult dominates the entire Western Land and dominates the entire Flame Desert.

Of course, what Honglian holds is only one of the many flames, but it is enough to kill the powerful golden elixir.

"Xiuzhu, step back, you don't know what Master Xingshu is capable of! I think he will be fine!"

Fairy Luomei smiled playfully, and did not stop Honglian from provoking Jiang Tian, ​​but actually wanted to support him.

The war breaks out.

After three snaps of fingers.

Jiang Tian condensed the claws of the Suzaku, snatched away his Red Lotus Flame, and turned his head into ashes. The headless body was kicked off the stage of life and death by Jiang Tian.

With a snap of his fingers, a disciple of Huangfeng Valley who was also dissatisfied with Jiang Tian, ​​a strong man in the late stage of foundation building, was slapped into a pulp by Jiang Tian.

This time!

No one dared to speak provocatively anymore.

Counting Feng Batian and Beast Lei, Jiang Tian only used half a stick of incense to kill five foundation-building geniuses.

Moreover, that Fire Worship Cult disciple still possesses the strange fire of heaven and earth, and his strength is no less than that of Feng Batian and Beast Lei!

The strength displayed by Jiang Tian can be said to be very terrifying.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, he could crush strong men with just a snap of his fingers and a wave of his hand, which was even more frightening!

"It's really just a matter of silence, it's a blockbuster! This Star Slaughter is so awesome!"

At this time, Princess Yujiao was deeply shocked. She had forgotten Jiang Tian’s previous ridicule and that her brother regarded Jiang Tian as a rival and enemy. However, her beautiful eyes were blooming, her plump breasts were rising and falling violently, and she was filled with admiration for Jiang Tian. .

"Sister, what do you mean?" Prince Moyang suddenly looked bitter and depressed.

Seeing how young you are, do you really want to be the slave of the Yanhuang people? It’s a good idea to figure out where you stand!

And Mou Hongdie was also trembling with ecstasy.

Originally, she had high regard and reliance on Jiang Tian, ​​but she did not expect that Jiang Tian's strength exceeded her imagination.

"Amitabha, the young monk is here to meet Master Xingtu!"

Suddenly, Master Wuxin, the eminent monk of Demonic Rock Temple, stood up, took one step, and easily crossed the distance of a thousand meters to the stage of life and death.

Then, another strong man with a dragon-like figure rose up and landed on the stage, Leng Jianfeng, the great disciple of the Southern Sword Palace.

"Fellow Taoist Xingtu, I, the prince, are here to learn your secret method of Xuan Gong!"

Finally, Prince Mo Yang gritted his teeth slightly, and amidst the exclamations of everyone, he fell on the stage and faced Jiang Tian directly.

The whole place was in an uproar.

Finally, a top genius takes action!

Moreover, there are three of them in one shot!

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